/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.DataOutput; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable; /** Interface that represents the client side information for a file. */ public class FileStatus implements Writable, Comparable { private Path path; private long length; private boolean isdir; private short block_replication; private long blocksize; private long modification_time; private long access_time; private FsPermission permission; private String owner; private String group; public FileStatus() { this(0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, null); } //We should deprecate this soon? public FileStatus(long length, boolean isdir, int block_replication, long blocksize, long modification_time, Path path) { this(length, isdir, block_replication, blocksize, modification_time, 0, null, null, null, path); } public FileStatus(long length, boolean isdir, int block_replication, long blocksize, long modification_time, long access_time, FsPermission permission, String owner, String group, Path path) { this.length = length; this.isdir = isdir; this.block_replication = (short)block_replication; this.blocksize = blocksize; this.modification_time = modification_time; this.access_time = access_time; this.permission = (permission == null) ? FsPermission.getDefault() : permission; this.owner = (owner == null) ? "" : owner; this.group = (group == null) ? "" : group; this.path = path; } /* * @return the length of this file, in blocks */ public long getLen() { return length; } /** * Is this a directory? * @return true if this is a directory */ public boolean isDir() { return isdir; } /** * Get the block size of the file. * @return the number of bytes */ public long getBlockSize() { return blocksize; } /** * Get the replication factor of a file. * @return the replication factor of a file. */ public short getReplication() { return block_replication; } /** * Get the modification time of the file. * @return the modification time of file in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC. */ public long getModificationTime() { return modification_time; } /** * Get the access time of the file. * @return the access time of file in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC. */ public long getAccessTime() { return access_time; } /** * Get FsPermission associated with the file. * @return permssion. If a filesystem does not have a notion of permissions * or if permissions could not be determined, then default * permissions equivalent of "rwxrwxrwx" is returned. */ public FsPermission getPermission() { return permission; } /** * Get the owner of the file. * @return owner of the file. The string could be empty if there is no * notion of owner of a file in a filesystem or if it could not * be determined (rare). */ public String getOwner() { return owner; } /** * Get the group associated with the file. * @return group for the file. The string could be empty if there is no * notion of group of a file in a filesystem or if it could not * be determined (rare). */ public String getGroup() { return group; } public Path getPath() { return path; } /* These are provided so that these values could be loaded lazily * by a filesystem (e.g. local file system). */ /** * Sets permission. * @param permission if permission is null, default value is set */ protected void setPermission(FsPermission permission) { this.permission = (permission == null) ? FsPermission.getDefault() : permission; } /** * Sets owner. * @param owner if it is null, default value is set */ protected void setOwner(String owner) { this.owner = (owner == null) ? "" : owner; } /** * Sets group. * @param group if it is null, default value is set */ protected void setGroup(String group) { this.group = (group == null) ? "" : group; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Writable ////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { Text.writeString(out, getPath().toString()); out.writeLong(length); out.writeBoolean(isdir); out.writeShort(block_replication); out.writeLong(blocksize); out.writeLong(modification_time); out.writeLong(access_time); permission.write(out); Text.writeString(out, owner); Text.writeString(out, group); } public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { String strPath = Text.readString(in); this.path = new Path(strPath); this.length = in.readLong(); this.isdir = in.readBoolean(); this.block_replication = in.readShort(); blocksize = in.readLong(); modification_time = in.readLong(); access_time = in.readLong(); permission.readFields(in); owner = Text.readString(in); group = Text.readString(in); } /** * Compare this object to another object * * @param o the object to be compared. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object * is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object. * * @throws ClassCastException if the specified object's is not of * type FileStatus */ public int compareTo(Object o) { FileStatus other = (FileStatus)o; return this.getPath().compareTo(other.getPath()); } /** Compare if this object is equal to another object * @param o the object to be compared. * @return true if two file status has the same path name; false if not. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null) { return false; } if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof FileStatus)) { return false; } FileStatus other = (FileStatus)o; return this.getPath().equals(other.getPath()); } /** * Returns a hash code value for the object, which is defined as * the hash code of the path name. * * @return a hash code value for the path name. */ public int hashCode() { return getPath().hashCode(); } }