/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.mapred; import java.io.IOException; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.hadoop.examples.SleepJob; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class TestJobTrackerInstrumentation extends TestCase { public void testSlots() throws IOException { MiniMRCluster mr = null; try { JobConf jtConf = new JobConf(); jtConf.set("mapred.jobtracker.instrumentation", MyJobTrackerMetricsInst.class.getName()); mr = new MiniMRCluster(2, "file:///", 3, null, null, jtConf); MyJobTrackerMetricsInst instr = (MyJobTrackerMetricsInst) mr.getJobTrackerRunner().getJobTracker().getInstrumentation(); JobConf conf = mr.createJobConf(); SleepJob job = new SleepJob(); job.setConf(conf); int numMapTasks = 3; int numReduceTasks = 2; job.run(numMapTasks, numReduceTasks, 10000, 1, 10000, 1); synchronized (instr) { //after the job completes, incr and decr should be equal assertEquals(instr.incrOccupiedMapSlots, instr.decrOccupiedMapSlots); assertEquals(instr.incrOccupiedReduceSlots, instr.decrOccupiedReduceSlots); assertEquals(instr.incrRunningMaps, instr.decrRunningMaps); assertEquals(instr.incrRunningReduces, instr.decrRunningReduces); assertEquals(instr.incrReservedMapSlots, instr.decrReservedMapSlots); assertEquals(instr.incrReservedReduceSlots, instr.decrReservedReduceSlots); //validate that atleast once the callbacks happened assertTrue(instr.incrOccupiedMapSlots > 0); assertTrue(instr.incrOccupiedReduceSlots > 0); assertTrue(instr.incrRunningMaps > 0); assertTrue(instr.incrRunningReduces > 0); } } finally { if (mr != null) { mr.shutdown(); } } } static class MyJobTrackerMetricsInst extends JobTrackerInstrumentation { public MyJobTrackerMetricsInst(JobTracker tracker, JobConf conf) { super(tracker, conf); } private int incrReservedMapSlots = 0; private int decrReservedMapSlots = 0; private int incrReservedReduceSlots = 0; private int decrReservedReduceSlots = 0; private int incrOccupiedMapSlots = 0; private int decrOccupiedMapSlots = 0; private int incrOccupiedReduceSlots = 0; private int decrOccupiedReduceSlots = 0; private int incrRunningMaps = 0; private int decrRunningMaps = 0; private int incrRunningReduces = 0; private int decrRunningReduces = 0; @Override public synchronized void addReservedMapSlots(int slots) { incrReservedMapSlots += slots; } @Override public synchronized void decReservedMapSlots(int slots) { decrReservedMapSlots += slots; } @Override public synchronized void addReservedReduceSlots(int slots) { incrReservedReduceSlots += slots; } @Override public synchronized void decReservedReduceSlots(int slots) { decrReservedReduceSlots += slots; } @Override public synchronized void addOccupiedMapSlots(int slots) { incrOccupiedMapSlots += slots; } @Override public synchronized void decOccupiedMapSlots(int slots) { decrOccupiedMapSlots += slots; } @Override public synchronized void addOccupiedReduceSlots(int slots) { incrOccupiedReduceSlots += slots; } @Override public synchronized void decOccupiedReduceSlots(int slots) { decrOccupiedReduceSlots += slots; } @Override public synchronized void addRunningMaps(int task) { incrRunningMaps += task; } @Override public synchronized void decRunningMaps(int task) { decrRunningMaps += task; } @Override public synchronized void addRunningReduces(int task) { incrRunningReduces += task; } @Override public synchronized void decRunningReduces(int task) { decrRunningReduces += task; } } }