/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import static org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.impl.ConfigUtil.*; /** * Test metrics configuration */ public class TestMetricsConfig { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestMetricsConfig.class); /** * Common use cases * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCommon() throws Exception { String filename = getTestFilename("test-metrics2"); new ConfigBuilder() .add("*.foo", "default foo") .add("p1.*.bar", "p1 default bar") .add("p1.t1.*.bar", "p1.t1 default bar") .add("p1.t1.i1.name", "p1.t1.i1.name") .add("p1.t1.42.bar", "p1.t1.42.bar") .add("p1.t2.i1.foo", "p1.t2.i1.foo") .add("p2.*.foo", "p2 default foo") .save(filename); MetricsConfig mc = MetricsConfig.create("p1", filename); dump("mc:", mc); Configuration expected = new ConfigBuilder() .add("*.bar", "p1 default bar") .add("t1.*.bar", "p1.t1 default bar") .add("t1.i1.name", "p1.t1.i1.name") .add("t1.42.bar", "p1.t1.42.bar") .add("t2.i1.foo", "p1.t2.i1.foo") .config; assertEq(expected, mc); testInstances(mc); } private void testInstances(MetricsConfig c) throws Exception { Map<String, MetricsConfig> map = c.getInstanceConfigs("t1"); Map<String, MetricsConfig> map2 = c.getInstanceConfigs("t2"); assertEquals("number of t1 instances", 2, map.size()); assertEquals("number of t2 instances", 1, map2.size()); assertTrue("contains t1 instance i1", map.containsKey("i1")); assertTrue("contains t1 instance 42", map.containsKey("42")); assertTrue("contains t2 instance i1", map2.containsKey("i1")); MetricsConfig t1i1 = map.get("i1"); MetricsConfig t1i42 = map.get("42"); MetricsConfig t2i1 = map2.get("i1"); dump("--- t1 instance i1:", t1i1); dump("--- t1 instance 42:", t1i42); dump("--- t2 instance i1:", t2i1); Configuration t1expected1 = new ConfigBuilder() .add("name", "p1.t1.i1.name").config; Configuration t1expected42 = new ConfigBuilder() .add("bar", "p1.t1.42.bar").config; Configuration t2expected1 = new ConfigBuilder() .add("foo", "p1.t2.i1.foo").config; assertEq(t1expected1, t1i1); assertEq(t1expected42, t1i42); assertEq(t2expected1, t2i1); LOG.debug("asserting foo == default foo"); // Check default lookups assertEquals("value of foo in t1 instance i1", "default foo", t1i1.getString("foo")); assertEquals("value of bar in t1 instance i1", "p1.t1 default bar", t1i1.getString("bar")); assertEquals("value of foo in t1 instance 42", "default foo", t1i42.getString("foo")); assertEquals("value of foo in t2 instance i1", "p1.t2.i1.foo", t2i1.getString("foo")); assertEquals("value of bar in t2 instance i1", "p1 default bar", t2i1.getString("bar")); } /** * Test the config file load order * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testLoadFirst() throws Exception { String filename = getTestFilename("hadoop-metrics2-p1"); new ConfigBuilder().add("p1.foo", "p1foo").save(filename); MetricsConfig mc = MetricsConfig.create("p1"); MetricsConfig mc2 = MetricsConfig.create("p1", "na1", "na2", filename); Configuration expected = new ConfigBuilder().add("foo", "p1foo").config; assertEq(expected, mc); assertEq(expected, mc2); } /** * Return a test filename in the class path * @param basename * @return the filename */ public static String getTestFilename(String basename) { return "build/classes/"+ basename +".properties"; } }