/* * Copyright 2014-2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.quickstart; import org.junit.Test; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.Item; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.Table; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.spec.GetItemSpec; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.spec.UpdateItemSpec; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.utils.AbstractQuickStart; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.utils.ValueMap; public class B_PutItemJacksonTest extends AbstractQuickStart { @Test public void howToPutItems_withJSONDoc() { String json = "{" + "\"person_id\" : 123 ," + "\"last_name\" : \"Barr\" ," + "\"first_name\" : \"Jeff\" ," + "\"current_city\" : \"Tokyo\" ," + "\"next_haircut\" : {" + "\"year\" : 2014 ," + "\"month\" : 10 ," + "\"day\" : 30" + "} ," + "\"children\" :" + "[ \"SJB\" , \"ASB\" , \"CGB\" , \"BGB\" , \"GTB\" ]" + "}" ; Table table = dynamo.getTable(TABLE_NAME); Item item = new Item() .withPrimaryKey(HASH_KEY_NAME, "howToPutItems_withJSONDoc", RANGE_KEY_NAME, 1) // Store JSON document .withJSON("document", json); table.putItem(item); // Retrieve the entire document and the entire document only Item documentItem = table.getItem(new GetItemSpec() .withPrimaryKey(HASH_KEY_NAME, "howToPutItems_withJSONDoc", RANGE_KEY_NAME, 1) .withAttributesToGet("document")); System.out.println(documentItem.getJSON("document")); // Output: {"last_name":"Barr","children":["SJB","ASB","CGB","BGB","GTB"],"first_name":"Jeff","person_id":123,"current_city":"Tokyo","next_haircut":{"month":10,"year":2014,"day":30}} System.out.println(documentItem.getJSONPretty("document")); // Output: // { // "last_name" : "Barr", // "children" : [ "SJB", "ASB", "CGB", "BGB", "GTB" ], // "first_name" : "Jeff", // "person_id" : 123, // "current_city" : "Tokyo", // "next_haircut" : { // "month" : 10, // "year" : 2014, // "day" : 30 // } // } // Retrieve part of a document. Perhaps I need the next_haircut and nothing else Item partialDocItem = table.getItem(new GetItemSpec() .withPrimaryKey(HASH_KEY_NAME, "howToPutItems_withJSONDoc", RANGE_KEY_NAME, 1) .withProjectionExpression("document.next_haircut")) ; System.out.println(partialDocItem); // Output: { Item: {document={next_haircut={month=10, year=2014, day=30}}} } // I can update part of a document. Here's how I would change my current_city back to Seattle: table.updateItem(new UpdateItemSpec() .withPrimaryKey(HASH_KEY_NAME, "howToPutItems_withJSONDoc", RANGE_KEY_NAME, 1) .withUpdateExpression("SET document.current_city = :city") .withValueMap(new ValueMap().withString(":city", "Seattle")) ); // Retrieve the entire item Item itemUpdated = table.getItem(HASH_KEY_NAME, "howToPutItems_withJSONDoc", RANGE_KEY_NAME, 1); System.out.println(itemUpdated); // Output: { Item: {document={last_name=Bar, children=[SJB, ASB, CGB, BGB, GTB], first_name=Jeff, current_city=Seattle, next_haircut={month=10, year=2014, day=30}}, myRangeKey=1, myHashKey=B_PutItemJsonTest} } System.out.println(itemUpdated.getJSONPretty("document")); // Output: // { // "last_name" : "Barr", // "children" : [ "SJB", "ASB", "CGB", "BGB", "GTB" ], // "first_name" : "Jeff", // "current_city" : "Seattle", // "person_id" : 123, // "next_haircut" : { // "month" : 10, // "year" : 2014, // "day" : 30 // } // } } @Test public void howToPut_TopLevelJSON() { String json = "{" + "\"person_id\" : 123 ," + "\"last_name\" : \"Barr\" ," + "\"first_name\" : \"Jeff\" ," + "\"current_city\" : \"Tokyo\" ," + "\"next_haircut\" : {" + "\"year\" : 2014 ," + "\"month\" : 10 ," + "\"day\" : 30" + "} ," + "\"children\" :" + "[ \"SJB\" , \"ASB\" , \"CGB\" , \"BGB\" , \"GTB\" ]" + "}" ; Table table = dynamo.getTable(TABLE_NAME); Item item = Item.fromJSON(json) // We don't even need to set the primary key if it's already included in the JSON document .withPrimaryKey(HASH_KEY_NAME, "howToPut_TopLevelJSON", RANGE_KEY_NAME, 1); table.putItem(item); // Retrieve the entire document and the entire document only Item documentItem = table.getItem(new GetItemSpec() .withPrimaryKey(HASH_KEY_NAME, "howToPut_TopLevelJSON", RANGE_KEY_NAME, 1)); System.out.println(documentItem.toJSON()); // Output: {"first_name":"Jeff","myRangeKey":1,"person_id":123,"current_city":"Tokyo","next_haircut":{"month":10,"year":2014,"day":30},"last_name":"Barr","children":["SJB","ASB","CGB","BGB","GTB"],"myHashKey":"howToPut_TopLevelJSON"} System.out.println(documentItem.toJSONPretty()); // Output: // { // "first_name" : "Jeff", // "myRangeKey" : 1, // "person_id" : 123, // "current_city" : "Tokyo", // "next_haircut" : { // "month" : 10, // "year" : 2014, // "day" : 30 // }, // "last_name" : "Barr", // "children" : [ "SJB", "ASB", "CGB", "BGB", "GTB" ], // "myHashKey" : "howToPut_TopLevelJSON" // } // Retrieve part of a document. Perhaps I need the next_haircut and nothing else Item partialDocItem = table.getItem(new GetItemSpec() .withPrimaryKey(HASH_KEY_NAME, "howToPut_TopLevelJSON", RANGE_KEY_NAME, 1) .withProjectionExpression("next_haircut")) ; System.out.println(partialDocItem); // Output: { Item: {next_haircut={month=10, year=2014, day=30}} } // I can update part of a document. Here's how I would change my current_city back to Seattle: table.updateItem(new UpdateItemSpec() .withPrimaryKey(HASH_KEY_NAME, "howToPut_TopLevelJSON", RANGE_KEY_NAME, 1) .withUpdateExpression("SET current_city = :city") .withValueMap(new ValueMap().withString(":city", "Seattle")) ); // Retrieve the entire item Item itemUpdated = table.getItem(HASH_KEY_NAME, "howToPut_TopLevelJSON", RANGE_KEY_NAME, 1); System.out.println(itemUpdated); // Output: { Item: {first_name=Jeff, myRangeKey=1, person_id=123, current_city=Seattle, next_haircut={month=10, year=2014, day=30}, last_name=Barr, children=[SJB, ASB, CGB, BGB, GTB], myHashKey=howToPut_TopLevelJSON} } System.out.println(itemUpdated.toJSONPretty()); // Output: // { // "first_name" : "Jeff", // "myRangeKey" : 1, // "person_id" : 123, // "current_city" : "Seattle", // "next_haircut" : { // "month" : 10, // "year" : 2014, // "day" : 30 // }, // "last_name" : "Barr", // "children" : [ "SJB", "ASB", "CGB", "BGB", "GTB" ], // "myHashKey" : "howToPut_TopLevelJSON" // } } }