/* * Copyright 2012-2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ package com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime; import org.w3c.dom.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import javax.annotation.Generated; import org.apache.commons.logging.*; import com.amazonaws.*; import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; import com.amazonaws.auth.*; import com.amazonaws.handlers.*; import com.amazonaws.http.*; import com.amazonaws.internal.*; import com.amazonaws.internal.auth.*; import com.amazonaws.metrics.*; import com.amazonaws.regions.*; import com.amazonaws.transform.*; import com.amazonaws.util.*; import com.amazonaws.protocol.json.*; import com.amazonaws.util.AWSRequestMetrics.Field; import com.amazonaws.annotation.ThreadSafe; import com.amazonaws.client.AwsSyncClientParams; import com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.AmazonLexRuntimeClientBuilder; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.*; import com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.transform.*; /** * Client for accessing Amazon Lex Runtime Service. All service calls made using this client are blocking, and will not * return until the service call completes. * <p> * <p> * Amazon Lex provides both build and runtime endpoints. Each endpoint provides a set of operations (API). Your * conversational bot uses the runtime API to understand user utterances (user input text or voice). For example, * suppose a user says "I want pizza", your bot sends this input to Amazon Lex using the runtime API. Amazon Lex * recognizes that the user request is for the OrderPizza intent (one of the intents defined in the bot). Then Amazon * Lex engages in user conversation on behalf of the bot to elicit required information (slot values, such as pizza size * and crust type), and then performs fulfillment activity (that you configured when you created the bot). You use the * build-time API to create and manage your Amazon Lex bot. For a list of build-time operations, see the build-time API, * . * </p> */ @ThreadSafe @Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public class AmazonLexRuntimeClient extends AmazonWebServiceClient implements AmazonLexRuntime { /** Provider for AWS credentials. */ private final AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AmazonLexRuntime.class); /** Default signing name for the service. */ private static final String DEFAULT_SIGNING_NAME = "lex"; /** Client configuration factory providing ClientConfigurations tailored to this client */ protected static final ClientConfigurationFactory configFactory = new ClientConfigurationFactory(); private final com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory = new com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory( new JsonClientMetadata() .withProtocolVersion("1.1") .withSupportsCbor(false) .withSupportsIon(false) .withContentTypeOverride("") .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("DependencyFailedException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.DependencyFailedException.class)) .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("ConflictException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.ConflictException.class)) .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("NotFoundException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.NotFoundException.class)) .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("InternalFailureException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.InternalFailureException.class)) .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("RequestTimeoutException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.RequestTimeoutException.class)) .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("UnsupportedMediaTypeException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.UnsupportedMediaTypeException.class)) .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("NotAcceptableException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.NotAcceptableException.class)) .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("BadRequestException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.BadRequestException.class)) .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("LimitExceededException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.LimitExceededException.class)) .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("BadGatewayException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.BadGatewayException.class)) .addErrorMetadata( new JsonErrorShapeMetadata().withErrorCode("LoopDetectedException").withModeledClass( com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.LoopDetectedException.class)) .withBaseServiceExceptionClass(com.amazonaws.services.lexruntime.model.AmazonLexRuntimeException.class)); public static AmazonLexRuntimeClientBuilder builder() { return AmazonLexRuntimeClientBuilder.standard(); } /** * Constructs a new client to invoke service methods on Amazon Lex Runtime Service using the specified parameters. * * <p> * All service calls made using this new client object are blocking, and will not return until the service call * completes. * * @param clientParams * Object providing client parameters. */ AmazonLexRuntimeClient(AwsSyncClientParams clientParams) { super(clientParams); this.awsCredentialsProvider = clientParams.getCredentialsProvider(); init(); } private void init() { setServiceNameIntern(DEFAULT_SIGNING_NAME); setEndpointPrefix(ENDPOINT_PREFIX); // calling this.setEndPoint(...) will also modify the signer accordingly setEndpoint("runtime.lex.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"); HandlerChainFactory chainFactory = new HandlerChainFactory(); requestHandler2s.addAll(chainFactory.newRequestHandlerChain("/com/amazonaws/services/lexruntime/request.handlers")); requestHandler2s.addAll(chainFactory.newRequestHandler2Chain("/com/amazonaws/services/lexruntime/request.handler2s")); requestHandler2s.addAll(chainFactory.getGlobalHandlers()); } /** * <p> * Sends user input (text or speech) to Amazon Lex. Clients use this API to send requests to Amazon Lex at runtime. * Amazon Lex interprets the user input using the machine learning model that it built for the bot. * </p> * <p> * In response, Amazon Lex returns the next message to convey to the user. Consider the following example messages: * </p> * <ul> * <li> * <p> * For a user input "I would like a pizza," Amazon Lex might return a response with a message eliciting slot data * (for example, <code>PizzaSize</code>): "What size pizza would you like?". * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * After the user provides all of the pizza order information, Amazon Lex might return a response with a message to * get user confirmation: "Order the pizza?". * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * After the user replies "Yes" to the confirmation prompt, Amazon Lex might return a conclusion statement: * "Thank you, your cheese pizza has been ordered.". * </p> * </li> * </ul> * <p> * Not all Amazon Lex messages require a response from the user. For example, conclusion statements do not require a * response. Some messages require only a yes or no response. In addition to the <code>message</code>, Amazon Lex * provides additional context about the message in the response that you can use to enhance client behavior, such * as displaying the appropriate client user interface. Consider the following examples: * </p> * <ul> * <li> * <p> * If the message is to elicit slot data, Amazon Lex returns the following context information: * </p> * <ul> * <li> * <p> * <code>x-amz-lex-dialog-state</code> header set to <code>ElicitSlot</code> * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * <code>x-amz-lex-intent-name</code> header set to the intent name in the current context * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * <code>x-amz-lex-slot-to-elicit</code> header set to the slot name for which the <code>message</code> is eliciting * information * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * <code>x-amz-lex-slots</code> header set to a map of slots configured for the intent with their current values * </p> * </li> * </ul> * </li> * <li> * <p> * If the message is a confirmation prompt, the <code>x-amz-lex-dialog-state</code> header is set to * <code>Confirmation</code> and the <code>x-amz-lex-slot-to-elicit</code> header is omitted. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * If the message is a clarification prompt configured for the intent, indicating that the user intent is not * understood, the <code>x-amz-dialog-state</code> header is set to <code>ElicitIntent</code> and the * <code>x-amz-slot-to-elicit</code> header is omitted. * </p> * </li> * </ul> * <p> * In addition, Amazon Lex also returns your application-specific <code>sessionAttributes</code>. For more * information, see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/context-mgmt.html">Managing Conversation * Context</a>. * </p> * * @param postContentRequest * @return Result of the PostContent operation returned by the service. * @throws NotFoundException * The resource (such as the Amazon Lex bot or an alias) that is referred to is not found. * @throws BadRequestException * Request validation failed, there is no usable message in the context, or the bot build failed. * @throws LimitExceededException * Exceeded a limit. * @throws InternalFailureException * Internal service error. Retry the call. * @throws ConflictException * Two clients are using the same AWS account, Amazon Lex bot, and user ID. * @throws UnsupportedMediaTypeException * The Content-Type header (<code>PostContent</code> API) has an invalid value. * @throws NotAcceptableException * The accept header in the request does not have a valid value. * @throws RequestTimeoutException * The input speech is too long. * @throws DependencyFailedException * One of the downstream dependencies, such as AWS Lambda or Amazon Polly, threw an exception. For example, * if Amazon Lex does not have sufficient permissions to call a Lambda function, it results in Lambda * throwing an exception. * @throws BadGatewayException * Either the Amazon Lex bot is still building, or one of the dependent services (Amazon Polly, AWS Lambda) * failed with an internal service error. * @throws LoopDetectedException * Lambda fulfilment function returned <code>DelegateDialogAction</code> to Amazon Lex without changing any * slot values. * @sample AmazonLexRuntime.PostContent * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/runtime.lex-2016-11-28/PostContent" target="_top">AWS API * Documentation</a> */ @Override public PostContentResult postContent(PostContentRequest request) { request = beforeClientExecution(request); return executePostContent(request); } @SdkInternalApi final PostContentResult executePostContent(PostContentRequest postContentRequest) { ExecutionContext executionContext = createExecutionContext(postContentRequest); AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics = executionContext.getAwsRequestMetrics(); awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.ClientExecuteTime); Request<PostContentRequest> request = null; Response<PostContentResult> response = null; try { awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); try { request = new PostContentRequestProtocolMarshaller(protocolFactory).marshall(super.beforeMarshalling(postContentRequest)); // Binds the request metrics to the current request. request.setAWSRequestMetrics(awsRequestMetrics); } finally { awsRequestMetrics.endEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); } HttpResponseHandler<AmazonWebServiceResponse<PostContentResult>> responseHandler = protocolFactory.createResponseHandler( new JsonOperationMetadata().withPayloadJson(false).withHasStreamingSuccessResponse(true), new PostContentResultJsonUnmarshaller()); response = invoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); return response.getAwsResponse(); } finally { endClientExecution(awsRequestMetrics, request, response); } } /** * <p> * Sends user input (text-only) to Amazon Lex. Client applications can use this API to send requests to Amazon Lex * at runtime. Amazon Lex then interprets the user input using the machine learning model it built for the bot. * </p> * <p> * In response, Amazon Lex returns the next <code>message</code> to convey to the user an optional * <code>responseCard</code> to display. Consider the following example messages: * </p> * <ul> * <li> * <p> * For a user input "I would like a pizza", Amazon Lex might return a response with a message eliciting slot data * (for example, PizzaSize): "What size pizza would you like?" * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * After the user provides all of the pizza order information, Amazon Lex might return a response with a message to * obtain user confirmation "Proceed with the pizza order?". * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * After the user replies to a confirmation prompt with a "yes", Amazon Lex might return a conclusion statement: * "Thank you, your cheese pizza has been ordered.". * </p> * </li> * </ul> * <p> * Not all Amazon Lex messages require a user response. For example, a conclusion statement does not require a * response. Some messages require only a "yes" or "no" user response. In addition to the <code>message</code>, * Amazon Lex provides additional context about the message in the response that you might use to enhance client * behavior, for example, to display the appropriate client user interface. These are the <code>slotToElicit</code>, * <code>dialogState</code>, <code>intentName</code>, and <code>slots</code> fields in the response. Consider the * following examples: * </p> * <ul> * <li> * <p> * If the message is to elicit slot data, Amazon Lex returns the following context information: * </p> * <ul> * <li> * <p> * <code>dialogState</code> set to ElicitSlot * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * <code>intentName</code> set to the intent name in the current context * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * <code>slotToElicit</code> set to the slot name for which the <code>message</code> is eliciting information * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * <code>slots</code> set to a map of slots, configured for the intent, with currently known values * </p> * </li> * </ul> * </li> * <li> * <p> * If the message is a confirmation prompt, the <code>dialogState</code> is set to ConfirmIntent and * <code>SlotToElicit</code> is set to null. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * If the message is a clarification prompt (configured for the intent) that indicates that user intent is not * understood, the <code>dialogState</code> is set to ElicitIntent and <code>slotToElicit</code> is set to null. * </p> * </li> * </ul> * <p> * In addition, Amazon Lex also returns your application-specific <code>sessionAttributes</code>. For more * information, see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lex/latest/dg/context-mgmt.html">Managing Conversation * Context</a>. * </p> * * @param postTextRequest * @return Result of the PostText operation returned by the service. * @throws NotFoundException * The resource (such as the Amazon Lex bot or an alias) that is referred to is not found. * @throws BadRequestException * Request validation failed, there is no usable message in the context, or the bot build failed. * @throws LimitExceededException * Exceeded a limit. * @throws InternalFailureException * Internal service error. Retry the call. * @throws ConflictException * Two clients are using the same AWS account, Amazon Lex bot, and user ID. * @throws DependencyFailedException * One of the downstream dependencies, such as AWS Lambda or Amazon Polly, threw an exception. For example, * if Amazon Lex does not have sufficient permissions to call a Lambda function, it results in Lambda * throwing an exception. * @throws BadGatewayException * Either the Amazon Lex bot is still building, or one of the dependent services (Amazon Polly, AWS Lambda) * failed with an internal service error. * @throws LoopDetectedException * Lambda fulfilment function returned <code>DelegateDialogAction</code> to Amazon Lex without changing any * slot values. * @sample AmazonLexRuntime.PostText * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/runtime.lex-2016-11-28/PostText" target="_top">AWS API * Documentation</a> */ @Override public PostTextResult postText(PostTextRequest request) { request = beforeClientExecution(request); return executePostText(request); } @SdkInternalApi final PostTextResult executePostText(PostTextRequest postTextRequest) { ExecutionContext executionContext = createExecutionContext(postTextRequest); AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics = executionContext.getAwsRequestMetrics(); awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.ClientExecuteTime); Request<PostTextRequest> request = null; Response<PostTextResult> response = null; try { awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); try { request = new PostTextRequestProtocolMarshaller(protocolFactory).marshall(super.beforeMarshalling(postTextRequest)); // Binds the request metrics to the current request. request.setAWSRequestMetrics(awsRequestMetrics); } finally { awsRequestMetrics.endEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); } HttpResponseHandler<AmazonWebServiceResponse<PostTextResult>> responseHandler = protocolFactory.createResponseHandler(new JsonOperationMetadata() .withPayloadJson(true).withHasStreamingSuccessResponse(false), new PostTextResultJsonUnmarshaller()); response = invoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); return response.getAwsResponse(); } finally { endClientExecution(awsRequestMetrics, request, response); } } /** * Returns additional metadata for a previously executed successful, request, typically used for debugging issues * where a service isn't acting as expected. This data isn't considered part of the result data returned by an * operation, so it's available through this separate, diagnostic interface. * <p> * Response metadata is only cached for a limited period of time, so if you need to access this extra diagnostic * information for an executed request, you should use this method to retrieve it as soon as possible after * executing the request. * * @param request * The originally executed request * * @return The response metadata for the specified request, or null if none is available. */ public ResponseMetadata getCachedResponseMetadata(AmazonWebServiceRequest request) { return client.getResponseMetadataForRequest(request); } /** * Normal invoke with authentication. Credentials are required and may be overriden at the request level. **/ private <X, Y extends AmazonWebServiceRequest> Response<X> invoke(Request<Y> request, HttpResponseHandler<AmazonWebServiceResponse<X>> responseHandler, ExecutionContext executionContext) { executionContext.setCredentialsProvider(CredentialUtils.getCredentialsProvider(request.getOriginalRequest(), awsCredentialsProvider)); return doInvoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); } /** * Invoke with no authentication. Credentials are not required and any credentials set on the client or request will * be ignored for this operation. **/ private <X, Y extends AmazonWebServiceRequest> Response<X> anonymousInvoke(Request<Y> request, HttpResponseHandler<AmazonWebServiceResponse<X>> responseHandler, ExecutionContext executionContext) { return doInvoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); } /** * Invoke the request using the http client. Assumes credentials (or lack thereof) have been configured in the * ExecutionContext beforehand. **/ private <X, Y extends AmazonWebServiceRequest> Response<X> doInvoke(Request<Y> request, HttpResponseHandler<AmazonWebServiceResponse<X>> responseHandler, ExecutionContext executionContext) { request.setEndpoint(endpoint); request.setTimeOffset(timeOffset); HttpResponseHandler<AmazonServiceException> errorResponseHandler = protocolFactory.createErrorResponseHandler(new JsonErrorResponseMetadata()); return client.execute(request, responseHandler, errorResponseHandler, executionContext); } }