/* * Copyright 2012-2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ package com.amazonaws.services.cloudfront; import javax.annotation.Generated; import com.amazonaws.*; import com.amazonaws.regions.*; import com.amazonaws.services.cloudfront.model.*; import com.amazonaws.services.cloudfront.waiters.AmazonCloudFrontWaiters; /** * Interface for accessing CloudFront. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> Do not directly implement this interface, new methods are added to it regularly. Extend from * {@link com.amazonaws.services.cloudfront.AbstractAmazonCloudFront} instead. * </p> * <p> * <fullname>Amazon CloudFront</fullname> * <p> * This is the <i>Amazon CloudFront API Reference</i>. This guide is for developers who need detailed information about * the CloudFront API actions, data types, and errors. For detailed information about CloudFront features and their * associated API calls, see the <i>Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide</i>. * </p> */ @Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public interface AmazonCloudFront { /** * The region metadata service name for computing region endpoints. You can use this value to retrieve metadata * (such as supported regions) of the service. * * @see RegionUtils#getRegionsForService(String) */ String ENDPOINT_PREFIX = "cloudfront"; /** * Overrides the default endpoint for this client ("https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/"). Callers can use this method * to control which AWS region they want to work with. * <p> * Callers can pass in just the endpoint (ex: "cloudfront.amazonaws.com/") or a full URL, including the protocol * (ex: "https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/"). If the protocol is not specified here, the default protocol from this * client's {@link ClientConfiguration} will be used, which by default is HTTPS. * <p> * For more information on using AWS regions with the AWS SDK for Java, and a complete list of all available * endpoints for all AWS services, see: <a * href="http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=3912"> * http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=3912</a> * <p> * <b>This method is not threadsafe. An endpoint should be configured when the client is created and before any * service requests are made. Changing it afterwards creates inevitable race conditions for any service requests in * transit or retrying.</b> * * @param endpoint * The endpoint (ex: "cloudfront.amazonaws.com/") or a full URL, including the protocol (ex: * "https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/") of the region specific AWS endpoint this client will communicate * with. * @deprecated use {@link AwsClientBuilder#setEndpointConfiguration(AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration)} for * example: * {@code builder.setEndpointConfiguration(new EndpointConfiguration(endpoint, signingRegion));} */ @Deprecated void setEndpoint(String endpoint); /** * An alternative to {@link AmazonCloudFront#setEndpoint(String)}, sets the regional endpoint for this client's * service calls. Callers can use this method to control which AWS region they want to work with. * <p> * By default, all service endpoints in all regions use the https protocol. To use http instead, specify it in the * {@link ClientConfiguration} supplied at construction. * <p> * <b>This method is not threadsafe. A region should be configured when the client is created and before any service * requests are made. Changing it afterwards creates inevitable race conditions for any service requests in transit * or retrying.</b> * * @param region * The region this client will communicate with. See {@link Region#getRegion(com.amazonaws.regions.Regions)} * for accessing a given region. Must not be null and must be a region where the service is available. * * @see Region#getRegion(com.amazonaws.regions.Regions) * @see Region#createClient(Class, com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration) * @see Region#isServiceSupported(String) * @deprecated use {@link AwsClientBuilder#setRegion(String)} */ @Deprecated void setRegion(Region region); /** * <p> * Creates a new origin access identity. If you're using Amazon S3 for your origin, you can use an origin access * identity to require users to access your content using a CloudFront URL instead of the Amazon S3 URL. For more * information about how to use origin access identities, see <a * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/PrivateContent.html">Serving Private * Content through CloudFront</a> in the <i>Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide</i>. * </p> * * @param createCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest * The request to create a new origin access identity. * @return Result of the CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity operation returned by the service. * @throws CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityAlreadyExistsException * If the <code>CallerReference</code> is a value you already sent in a previous request to create an * identity but the content of the <code>CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig</code> is different from the * original request, CloudFront returns a <code>CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityAlreadyExists</code> error. * @throws MissingBodyException * This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present and the Content-Type header is set. * @throws TooManyCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesException * Processing your request would cause you to exceed the maximum number of origin access identities allowed. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InconsistentQuantitiesException * The value of <code>Quantity</code> and the size of <code>Items</code> do not match. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult createCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity( CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest createCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest); /** * <p> * Creates a new web distribution. Send a <code>POST</code> request to the * <code>/<i>CloudFront API version</i>/distribution</code>/<code>distribution ID</code> resource. * </p> * * @param createDistributionRequest * The request to create a new distribution. * @return Result of the CreateDistribution operation returned by the service. * @throws CNAMEAlreadyExistsException * @throws DistributionAlreadyExistsException * The caller reference you attempted to create the distribution with is associated with another * distribution. * @throws InvalidOriginException * The Amazon S3 origin server specified does not refer to a valid Amazon S3 bucket. * @throws InvalidOriginAccessIdentityException * The origin access identity is not valid or doesn't exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws TooManyTrustedSignersException * Your request contains more trusted signers than are allowed per distribution. * @throws TrustedSignerDoesNotExistException * One or more of your trusted signers do not exist. * @throws InvalidViewerCertificateException * @throws InvalidMinimumProtocolVersionException * @throws MissingBodyException * This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present and the Content-Type header is set. * @throws TooManyDistributionCNAMEsException * Your request contains more CNAMEs than are allowed per distribution. * @throws TooManyDistributionsException * Processing your request would cause you to exceed the maximum number of distributions allowed. * @throws InvalidDefaultRootObjectException * The default root object file name is too big or contains an invalid character. * @throws InvalidRelativePathException * The relative path is too big, is not URL-encoded, or does not begin with a slash (/). * @throws InvalidErrorCodeException * @throws InvalidResponseCodeException * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InvalidRequiredProtocolException * This operation requires the HTTPS protocol. Ensure that you specify the HTTPS protocol in your request, * or omit the <code>RequiredProtocols</code> element from your distribution configuration. * @throws NoSuchOriginException * No origin exists with the specified <code>Origin Id</code>. * @throws TooManyOriginsException * You cannot create more origins for the distribution. * @throws TooManyCacheBehaviorsException * You cannot create more cache behaviors for the distribution. * @throws TooManyCookieNamesInWhiteListException * Your request contains more cookie names in the whitelist than are allowed per cache behavior. * @throws InvalidForwardCookiesException * Your request contains forward cookies option which doesn't match with the expectation for the * <code>whitelisted</code> list of cookie names. Either list of cookie names has been specified when not * allowed or list of cookie names is missing when expected. * @throws TooManyHeadersInForwardedValuesException * @throws InvalidHeadersForS3OriginException * @throws InconsistentQuantitiesException * The value of <code>Quantity</code> and the size of <code>Items</code> do not match. * @throws TooManyCertificatesException * You cannot create anymore custom SSL/TLS certificates. * @throws InvalidLocationCodeException * @throws InvalidGeoRestrictionParameterException * @throws InvalidProtocolSettingsException * You cannot specify SSLv3 as the minimum protocol version if you only want to support only clients that * support Server Name Indication (SNI). * @throws InvalidTTLOrderException * @throws InvalidWebACLIdException * @throws TooManyOriginCustomHeadersException * @throws TooManyQueryStringParametersException * @throws InvalidQueryStringParametersException * @throws TooManyDistributionsWithLambdaAssociationsException * Processing your request would cause the maximum number of distributions with Lambda function associations * per owner to be exceeded. * @throws TooManyLambdaFunctionAssociationsException * Your request contains more Lambda function associations than are allowed per distribution. * @throws InvalidLambdaFunctionAssociationException * The specified Lambda function association is invalid. * @throws InvalidOriginReadTimeoutException * @throws InvalidOriginKeepaliveTimeoutException * @sample AmazonCloudFront.CreateDistribution * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/CreateDistribution" target="_top">AWS * API Documentation</a> */ CreateDistributionResult createDistribution(CreateDistributionRequest createDistributionRequest); /** * <p> * Create a new distribution with tags. * </p> * * @param createDistributionWithTagsRequest * The request to create a new distribution with tags. * @return Result of the CreateDistributionWithTags operation returned by the service. * @throws CNAMEAlreadyExistsException * @throws DistributionAlreadyExistsException * The caller reference you attempted to create the distribution with is associated with another * distribution. * @throws InvalidOriginException * The Amazon S3 origin server specified does not refer to a valid Amazon S3 bucket. * @throws InvalidOriginAccessIdentityException * The origin access identity is not valid or doesn't exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws TooManyTrustedSignersException * Your request contains more trusted signers than are allowed per distribution. * @throws TrustedSignerDoesNotExistException * One or more of your trusted signers do not exist. * @throws InvalidViewerCertificateException * @throws InvalidMinimumProtocolVersionException * @throws MissingBodyException * This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present and the Content-Type header is set. * @throws TooManyDistributionCNAMEsException * Your request contains more CNAMEs than are allowed per distribution. * @throws TooManyDistributionsException * Processing your request would cause you to exceed the maximum number of distributions allowed. * @throws InvalidDefaultRootObjectException * The default root object file name is too big or contains an invalid character. * @throws InvalidRelativePathException * The relative path is too big, is not URL-encoded, or does not begin with a slash (/). * @throws InvalidErrorCodeException * @throws InvalidResponseCodeException * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InvalidRequiredProtocolException * This operation requires the HTTPS protocol. Ensure that you specify the HTTPS protocol in your request, * or omit the <code>RequiredProtocols</code> element from your distribution configuration. * @throws NoSuchOriginException * No origin exists with the specified <code>Origin Id</code>. * @throws TooManyOriginsException * You cannot create more origins for the distribution. * @throws TooManyCacheBehaviorsException * You cannot create more cache behaviors for the distribution. * @throws TooManyCookieNamesInWhiteListException * Your request contains more cookie names in the whitelist than are allowed per cache behavior. * @throws InvalidForwardCookiesException * Your request contains forward cookies option which doesn't match with the expectation for the * <code>whitelisted</code> list of cookie names. Either list of cookie names has been specified when not * allowed or list of cookie names is missing when expected. * @throws TooManyHeadersInForwardedValuesException * @throws InvalidHeadersForS3OriginException * @throws InconsistentQuantitiesException * The value of <code>Quantity</code> and the size of <code>Items</code> do not match. * @throws TooManyCertificatesException * You cannot create anymore custom SSL/TLS certificates. * @throws InvalidLocationCodeException * @throws InvalidGeoRestrictionParameterException * @throws InvalidProtocolSettingsException * You cannot specify SSLv3 as the minimum protocol version if you only want to support only clients that * support Server Name Indication (SNI). * @throws InvalidTTLOrderException * @throws InvalidWebACLIdException * @throws TooManyOriginCustomHeadersException * @throws InvalidTaggingException * @throws TooManyQueryStringParametersException * @throws InvalidQueryStringParametersException * @throws TooManyDistributionsWithLambdaAssociationsException * Processing your request would cause the maximum number of distributions with Lambda function associations * per owner to be exceeded. * @throws TooManyLambdaFunctionAssociationsException * Your request contains more Lambda function associations than are allowed per distribution. * @throws InvalidLambdaFunctionAssociationException * The specified Lambda function association is invalid. * @throws InvalidOriginReadTimeoutException * @throws InvalidOriginKeepaliveTimeoutException * @sample AmazonCloudFront.CreateDistributionWithTags * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/CreateDistributionWithTags" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ CreateDistributionWithTagsResult createDistributionWithTags(CreateDistributionWithTagsRequest createDistributionWithTagsRequest); /** * <p> * Create a new invalidation. * </p> * * @param createInvalidationRequest * The request to create an invalidation. * @return Result of the CreateInvalidation operation returned by the service. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws MissingBodyException * This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present and the Content-Type header is set. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws NoSuchDistributionException * The specified distribution does not exist. * @throws BatchTooLargeException * @throws TooManyInvalidationsInProgressException * You have exceeded the maximum number of allowable InProgress invalidation batch requests, or invalidation * objects. * @throws InconsistentQuantitiesException * The value of <code>Quantity</code> and the size of <code>Items</code> do not match. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.CreateInvalidation * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/CreateInvalidation" target="_top">AWS * API Documentation</a> */ CreateInvalidationResult createInvalidation(CreateInvalidationRequest createInvalidationRequest); /** * <p> * Creates a new RMTP distribution. An RTMP distribution is similar to a web distribution, but an RTMP distribution * streams media files using the Adobe Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) instead of serving files using HTTP. * </p> * <p> * To create a new web distribution, submit a <code>POST</code> request to the <i>CloudFront API * version</i>/distribution resource. The request body must include a document with a * <i>StreamingDistributionConfig</i> element. The response echoes the <code>StreamingDistributionConfig</code> * element and returns other information about the RTMP distribution. * </p> * <p> * To get the status of your request, use the <i>GET StreamingDistribution</i> API action. When the value of * <code>Enabled</code> is <code>true</code> and the value of <code>Status</code> is <code>Deployed</code>, your * distribution is ready. A distribution usually deploys in less than 15 minutes. * </p> * <p> * For more information about web distributions, see <a * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/distribution-rtmp.html">Working with RTMP * Distributions</a> in the <i>Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide</i>. * </p> * <important> * <p> * Beginning with the 2012-05-05 version of the CloudFront API, we made substantial changes to the format of the XML * document that you include in the request body when you create or update a web distribution or an RTMP * distribution, and when you invalidate objects. With previous versions of the API, we discovered that it was too * easy to accidentally delete one or more values for an element that accepts multiple values, for example, CNAMEs * and trusted signers. Our changes for the 2012-05-05 release are intended to prevent these accidental deletions * and to notify you when there's a mismatch between the number of values you say you're specifying in the * <code>Quantity</code> element and the number of values specified. * </p> * </important> * * @param createStreamingDistributionRequest * The request to create a new streaming distribution. * @return Result of the CreateStreamingDistribution operation returned by the service. * @throws CNAMEAlreadyExistsException * @throws StreamingDistributionAlreadyExistsException * @throws InvalidOriginException * The Amazon S3 origin server specified does not refer to a valid Amazon S3 bucket. * @throws InvalidOriginAccessIdentityException * The origin access identity is not valid or doesn't exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws TooManyTrustedSignersException * Your request contains more trusted signers than are allowed per distribution. * @throws TrustedSignerDoesNotExistException * One or more of your trusted signers do not exist. * @throws MissingBodyException * This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present and the Content-Type header is set. * @throws TooManyStreamingDistributionCNAMEsException * @throws TooManyStreamingDistributionsException * Processing your request would cause you to exceed the maximum number of streaming distributions allowed. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InconsistentQuantitiesException * The value of <code>Quantity</code> and the size of <code>Items</code> do not match. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.CreateStreamingDistribution * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/CreateStreamingDistribution" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ CreateStreamingDistributionResult createStreamingDistribution(CreateStreamingDistributionRequest createStreamingDistributionRequest); /** * <p> * Create a new streaming distribution with tags. * </p> * * @param createStreamingDistributionWithTagsRequest * The request to create a new streaming distribution with tags. * @return Result of the CreateStreamingDistributionWithTags operation returned by the service. * @throws CNAMEAlreadyExistsException * @throws StreamingDistributionAlreadyExistsException * @throws InvalidOriginException * The Amazon S3 origin server specified does not refer to a valid Amazon S3 bucket. * @throws InvalidOriginAccessIdentityException * The origin access identity is not valid or doesn't exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws TooManyTrustedSignersException * Your request contains more trusted signers than are allowed per distribution. * @throws TrustedSignerDoesNotExistException * One or more of your trusted signers do not exist. * @throws MissingBodyException * This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present and the Content-Type header is set. * @throws TooManyStreamingDistributionCNAMEsException * @throws TooManyStreamingDistributionsException * Processing your request would cause you to exceed the maximum number of streaming distributions allowed. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InconsistentQuantitiesException * The value of <code>Quantity</code> and the size of <code>Items</code> do not match. * @throws InvalidTaggingException * @sample AmazonCloudFront.CreateStreamingDistributionWithTags * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/CreateStreamingDistributionWithTags" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ CreateStreamingDistributionWithTagsResult createStreamingDistributionWithTags( CreateStreamingDistributionWithTagsRequest createStreamingDistributionWithTagsRequest); /** * <p> * Delete an origin access identity. * </p> * * @param deleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest * Deletes a origin access identity. * @return Result of the DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity operation returned by the service. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws InvalidIfMatchVersionException * The <code>If-Match</code> version is missing or not valid for the distribution. * @throws NoSuchCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityException * The specified origin access identity does not exist. * @throws PreconditionFailedException * The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to <code>false</code>. * @throws CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityInUseException * @sample AmazonCloudFront.DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult deleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity( DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest deleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest); /** * <p> * Delete a distribution. * </p> * * @param deleteDistributionRequest * This action deletes a web distribution. To delete a web distribution using the CloudFront API, perform the * following steps.</p> * <p> * <b>To delete a web distribution using the CloudFront API:</b> * </p> * <ol> * <li> * <p> * Disable the web distribution * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Submit a <code>GET Distribution Config</code> request to get the current configuration and the * <code>Etag</code> header for the distribution. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Update the XML document that was returned in the response to your <code>GET Distribution Config</code> * request to change the value of <code>Enabled</code> to <code>false</code>. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Submit a <code>PUT Distribution Config</code> request to update the configuration for your distribution. * In the request body, include the XML document that you updated in Step 3. Set the value of the HTTP * <code>If-Match</code> header to the value of the <code>ETag</code> header that CloudFront returned when * you submitted the <code>GET Distribution Config</code> request in Step 2. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Review the response to the <code>PUT Distribution Config</code> request to confirm that the distribution * was successfully disabled. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Submit a <code>GET Distribution</code> request to confirm that your changes have propagated. When * propagation is complete, the value of <code>Status</code> is <code>Deployed</code>. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Submit a <code>DELETE Distribution</code> request. Set the value of the HTTP <code>If-Match</code> header * to the value of the <code>ETag</code> header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the * <code>GET Distribution Config</code> request in Step 6. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Review the response to your <code>DELETE Distribution</code> request to confirm that the distribution was * successfully deleted. * </p> * </li> * </ol> * <p> * For information about deleting a distribution using the CloudFront console, see <a * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/HowToDeleteDistribution.html" * >Deleting a Distribution</a> in the <i>Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide</i>. * @return Result of the DeleteDistribution operation returned by the service. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws DistributionNotDisabledException * @throws InvalidIfMatchVersionException * The <code>If-Match</code> version is missing or not valid for the distribution. * @throws NoSuchDistributionException * The specified distribution does not exist. * @throws PreconditionFailedException * The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to <code>false</code>. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.DeleteDistribution * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/DeleteDistribution" target="_top">AWS * API Documentation</a> */ DeleteDistributionResult deleteDistribution(DeleteDistributionRequest deleteDistributionRequest); /** * <p> * Delete a streaming distribution. To delete an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API, perform the following * steps. * </p> * <p> * <b>To delete an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API</b>: * </p> * <ol> * <li> * <p> * Disable the RTMP distribution. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Submit a <code>GET Streaming Distribution Config</code> request to get the current configuration and the * <code>Etag</code> header for the distribution. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Update the XML document that was returned in the response to your <code>GET Streaming Distribution Config</code> * request to change the value of <code>Enabled</code> to <code>false</code>. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Submit a <code>PUT Streaming Distribution Config</code> request to update the configuration for your * distribution. In the request body, include the XML document that you updated in Step 3. Then set the value of the * HTTP <code>If-Match</code> header to the value of the <code>ETag</code> header that CloudFront returned when you * submitted the <code>GET Streaming Distribution Config</code> request in Step 2. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Review the response to the <code>PUT Streaming Distribution Config</code> request to confirm that the * distribution was successfully disabled. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Submit a <code>GET Streaming Distribution Config</code> request to confirm that your changes have propagated. * When propagation is complete, the value of <code>Status</code> is <code>Deployed</code>. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Submit a <code>DELETE Streaming Distribution</code> request. Set the value of the HTTP <code>If-Match</code> * header to the value of the <code>ETag</code> header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the * <code>GET Streaming Distribution Config</code> request in Step 2. * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * Review the response to your <code>DELETE Streaming Distribution</code> request to confirm that the distribution * was successfully deleted. * </p> * </li> * </ol> * <p> * For information about deleting a distribution using the CloudFront console, see <a * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/HowToDeleteDistribution.html">Deleting a * Distribution</a> in the <i>Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide</i>. * </p> * * @param deleteStreamingDistributionRequest * The request to delete a streaming distribution. * @return Result of the DeleteStreamingDistribution operation returned by the service. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws StreamingDistributionNotDisabledException * @throws InvalidIfMatchVersionException * The <code>If-Match</code> version is missing or not valid for the distribution. * @throws NoSuchStreamingDistributionException * The specified streaming distribution does not exist. * @throws PreconditionFailedException * The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to <code>false</code>. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.DeleteStreamingDistribution * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/DeleteStreamingDistribution" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ DeleteStreamingDistributionResult deleteStreamingDistribution(DeleteStreamingDistributionRequest deleteStreamingDistributionRequest); /** * <p> * Get the information about an origin access identity. * </p> * * @param getCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest * The request to get an origin access identity's information. * @return Result of the GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity operation returned by the service. * @throws NoSuchCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityException * The specified origin access identity does not exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult getCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity(GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest getCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest); /** * <p> * Get the configuration information about an origin access identity. * </p> * * @param getCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigRequest * The origin access identity's configuration information. For more information, see * <a>CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigComplexType</a>. * @return Result of the GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig operation returned by the service. * @throws NoSuchCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityException * The specified origin access identity does not exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig * @see <a * href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigResult getCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig( GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigRequest getCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfigRequest); /** * <p> * Get the information about a distribution. * </p> * * @param getDistributionRequest * The request to get a distribution's information. * @return Result of the GetDistribution operation returned by the service. * @throws NoSuchDistributionException * The specified distribution does not exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.GetDistribution * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/GetDistribution" target="_top">AWS API * Documentation</a> */ GetDistributionResult getDistribution(GetDistributionRequest getDistributionRequest); /** * <p> * Get the configuration information about a distribution. * </p> * * @param getDistributionConfigRequest * The request to get a distribution configuration. * @return Result of the GetDistributionConfig operation returned by the service. * @throws NoSuchDistributionException * The specified distribution does not exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.GetDistributionConfig * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/GetDistributionConfig" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ GetDistributionConfigResult getDistributionConfig(GetDistributionConfigRequest getDistributionConfigRequest); /** * <p> * Get the information about an invalidation. * </p> * * @param getInvalidationRequest * The request to get an invalidation's information. * @return Result of the GetInvalidation operation returned by the service. * @throws NoSuchInvalidationException * The specified invalidation does not exist. * @throws NoSuchDistributionException * The specified distribution does not exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.GetInvalidation * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/GetInvalidation" target="_top">AWS API * Documentation</a> */ GetInvalidationResult getInvalidation(GetInvalidationRequest getInvalidationRequest); /** * <p> * Gets information about a specified RTMP distribution, including the distribution configuration. * </p> * * @param getStreamingDistributionRequest * The request to get a streaming distribution's information. * @return Result of the GetStreamingDistribution operation returned by the service. * @throws NoSuchStreamingDistributionException * The specified streaming distribution does not exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.GetStreamingDistribution * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/GetStreamingDistribution" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ GetStreamingDistributionResult getStreamingDistribution(GetStreamingDistributionRequest getStreamingDistributionRequest); /** * <p> * Get the configuration information about a streaming distribution. * </p> * * @param getStreamingDistributionConfigRequest * To request to get a streaming distribution configuration. * @return Result of the GetStreamingDistributionConfig operation returned by the service. * @throws NoSuchStreamingDistributionException * The specified streaming distribution does not exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.GetStreamingDistributionConfig * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/GetStreamingDistributionConfig" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ GetStreamingDistributionConfigResult getStreamingDistributionConfig(GetStreamingDistributionConfigRequest getStreamingDistributionConfigRequest); /** * <p> * Lists origin access identities. * </p> * * @param listCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesRequest * The request to list origin access identities. * @return Result of the ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities operation returned by the service. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesResult listCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities( ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesRequest listCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentitiesRequest); /** * <p> * List distributions. * </p> * * @param listDistributionsRequest * The request to list your distributions. * @return Result of the ListDistributions operation returned by the service. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.ListDistributions * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/ListDistributions" target="_top">AWS * API Documentation</a> */ ListDistributionsResult listDistributions(ListDistributionsRequest listDistributionsRequest); /** * <p> * List the distributions that are associated with a specified AWS WAF web ACL. * </p> * * @param listDistributionsByWebACLIdRequest * The request to list distributions that are associated with a specified AWS WAF web ACL. * @return Result of the ListDistributionsByWebACLId operation returned by the service. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InvalidWebACLIdException * @sample AmazonCloudFront.ListDistributionsByWebACLId * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/ListDistributionsByWebACLId" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ ListDistributionsByWebACLIdResult listDistributionsByWebACLId(ListDistributionsByWebACLIdRequest listDistributionsByWebACLIdRequest); /** * <p> * Lists invalidation batches. * </p> * * @param listInvalidationsRequest * The request to list invalidations. * @return Result of the ListInvalidations operation returned by the service. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws NoSuchDistributionException * The specified distribution does not exist. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.ListInvalidations * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/ListInvalidations" target="_top">AWS * API Documentation</a> */ ListInvalidationsResult listInvalidations(ListInvalidationsRequest listInvalidationsRequest); /** * <p> * List streaming distributions. * </p> * * @param listStreamingDistributionsRequest * The request to list your streaming distributions. * @return Result of the ListStreamingDistributions operation returned by the service. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.ListStreamingDistributions * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/ListStreamingDistributions" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ ListStreamingDistributionsResult listStreamingDistributions(ListStreamingDistributionsRequest listStreamingDistributionsRequest); /** * <p> * List tags for a CloudFront resource. * </p> * * @param listTagsForResourceRequest * The request to list tags for a CloudFront resource. * @return Result of the ListTagsForResource operation returned by the service. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InvalidTaggingException * @throws NoSuchResourceException * @sample AmazonCloudFront.ListTagsForResource * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/ListTagsForResource" target="_top">AWS * API Documentation</a> */ ListTagsForResourceResult listTagsForResource(ListTagsForResourceRequest listTagsForResourceRequest); /** * <p> * Add tags to a CloudFront resource. * </p> * * @param tagResourceRequest * The request to add tags to a CloudFront resource. * @return Result of the TagResource operation returned by the service. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InvalidTaggingException * @throws NoSuchResourceException * @sample AmazonCloudFront.TagResource * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/TagResource" target="_top">AWS API * Documentation</a> */ TagResourceResult tagResource(TagResourceRequest tagResourceRequest); /** * <p> * Remove tags from a CloudFront resource. * </p> * * @param untagResourceRequest * The request to remove tags from a CloudFront resource. * @return Result of the UntagResource operation returned by the service. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InvalidTaggingException * @throws NoSuchResourceException * @sample AmazonCloudFront.UntagResource * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/UntagResource" target="_top">AWS API * Documentation</a> */ UntagResourceResult untagResource(UntagResourceRequest untagResourceRequest); /** * <p> * Update an origin access identity. * </p> * * @param updateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest * The request to update an origin access identity. * @return Result of the UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity operation returned by the service. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws IllegalUpdateException * Origin and <code>CallerReference</code> cannot be updated. * @throws InvalidIfMatchVersionException * The <code>If-Match</code> version is missing or not valid for the distribution. * @throws MissingBodyException * This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present and the Content-Type header is set. * @throws NoSuchCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityException * The specified origin access identity does not exist. * @throws PreconditionFailedException * The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to <code>false</code>. * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InconsistentQuantitiesException * The value of <code>Quantity</code> and the size of <code>Items</code> do not match. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityResult updateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity( UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest updateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityRequest); /** * <p> * Update a distribution. * </p> * * @param updateDistributionRequest * The request to update a distribution. * @return Result of the UpdateDistribution operation returned by the service. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws CNAMEAlreadyExistsException * @throws IllegalUpdateException * Origin and <code>CallerReference</code> cannot be updated. * @throws InvalidIfMatchVersionException * The <code>If-Match</code> version is missing or not valid for the distribution. * @throws MissingBodyException * This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present and the Content-Type header is set. * @throws NoSuchDistributionException * The specified distribution does not exist. * @throws PreconditionFailedException * The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to <code>false</code>. * @throws TooManyDistributionCNAMEsException * Your request contains more CNAMEs than are allowed per distribution. * @throws InvalidDefaultRootObjectException * The default root object file name is too big or contains an invalid character. * @throws InvalidRelativePathException * The relative path is too big, is not URL-encoded, or does not begin with a slash (/). * @throws InvalidErrorCodeException * @throws InvalidResponseCodeException * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InvalidOriginAccessIdentityException * The origin access identity is not valid or doesn't exist. * @throws TooManyTrustedSignersException * Your request contains more trusted signers than are allowed per distribution. * @throws TrustedSignerDoesNotExistException * One or more of your trusted signers do not exist. * @throws InvalidViewerCertificateException * @throws InvalidMinimumProtocolVersionException * @throws InvalidRequiredProtocolException * This operation requires the HTTPS protocol. Ensure that you specify the HTTPS protocol in your request, * or omit the <code>RequiredProtocols</code> element from your distribution configuration. * @throws NoSuchOriginException * No origin exists with the specified <code>Origin Id</code>. * @throws TooManyOriginsException * You cannot create more origins for the distribution. * @throws TooManyCacheBehaviorsException * You cannot create more cache behaviors for the distribution. * @throws TooManyCookieNamesInWhiteListException * Your request contains more cookie names in the whitelist than are allowed per cache behavior. * @throws InvalidForwardCookiesException * Your request contains forward cookies option which doesn't match with the expectation for the * <code>whitelisted</code> list of cookie names. Either list of cookie names has been specified when not * allowed or list of cookie names is missing when expected. * @throws TooManyHeadersInForwardedValuesException * @throws InvalidHeadersForS3OriginException * @throws InconsistentQuantitiesException * The value of <code>Quantity</code> and the size of <code>Items</code> do not match. * @throws TooManyCertificatesException * You cannot create anymore custom SSL/TLS certificates. * @throws InvalidLocationCodeException * @throws InvalidGeoRestrictionParameterException * @throws InvalidTTLOrderException * @throws InvalidWebACLIdException * @throws TooManyOriginCustomHeadersException * @throws TooManyQueryStringParametersException * @throws InvalidQueryStringParametersException * @throws TooManyDistributionsWithLambdaAssociationsException * Processing your request would cause the maximum number of distributions with Lambda function associations * per owner to be exceeded. * @throws TooManyLambdaFunctionAssociationsException * Your request contains more Lambda function associations than are allowed per distribution. * @throws InvalidLambdaFunctionAssociationException * The specified Lambda function association is invalid. * @throws InvalidOriginReadTimeoutException * @throws InvalidOriginKeepaliveTimeoutException * @sample AmazonCloudFront.UpdateDistribution * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/UpdateDistribution" target="_top">AWS * API Documentation</a> */ UpdateDistributionResult updateDistribution(UpdateDistributionRequest updateDistributionRequest); /** * <p> * Update a streaming distribution. * </p> * * @param updateStreamingDistributionRequest * The request to update a streaming distribution. * @return Result of the UpdateStreamingDistribution operation returned by the service. * @throws AccessDeniedException * Access denied. * @throws CNAMEAlreadyExistsException * @throws IllegalUpdateException * Origin and <code>CallerReference</code> cannot be updated. * @throws InvalidIfMatchVersionException * The <code>If-Match</code> version is missing or not valid for the distribution. * @throws MissingBodyException * This operation requires a body. Ensure that the body is present and the Content-Type header is set. * @throws NoSuchStreamingDistributionException * The specified streaming distribution does not exist. * @throws PreconditionFailedException * The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to <code>false</code>. * @throws TooManyStreamingDistributionCNAMEsException * @throws InvalidArgumentException * The argument is invalid. * @throws InvalidOriginAccessIdentityException * The origin access identity is not valid or doesn't exist. * @throws TooManyTrustedSignersException * Your request contains more trusted signers than are allowed per distribution. * @throws TrustedSignerDoesNotExistException * One or more of your trusted signers do not exist. * @throws InconsistentQuantitiesException * The value of <code>Quantity</code> and the size of <code>Items</code> do not match. * @sample AmazonCloudFront.UpdateStreamingDistribution * @see <a href="http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/cloudfront-2017-03-25/UpdateStreamingDistribution" * target="_top">AWS API Documentation</a> */ UpdateStreamingDistributionResult updateStreamingDistribution(UpdateStreamingDistributionRequest updateStreamingDistributionRequest); /** * Shuts down this client object, releasing any resources that might be held open. This is an optional method, and * callers are not expected to call it, but can if they want to explicitly release any open resources. Once a client * has been shutdown, it should not be used to make any more requests. */ void shutdown(); /** * Returns additional metadata for a previously executed successful request, typically used for debugging issues * where a service isn't acting as expected. This data isn't considered part of the result data returned by an * operation, so it's available through this separate, diagnostic interface. * <p> * Response metadata is only cached for a limited period of time, so if you need to access this extra diagnostic * information for an executed request, you should use this method to retrieve it as soon as possible after * executing a request. * * @param request * The originally executed request. * * @return The response metadata for the specified request, or null if none is available. */ ResponseMetadata getCachedResponseMetadata(AmazonWebServiceRequest request); AmazonCloudFrontWaiters waiters(); }