/* * Copyright 2014-2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.internal; import java.util.Map; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.AmazonDynamoDB; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.Expected; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.Item; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.PutItemOutcome; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.Table; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.api.PutItemApi; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.spec.PutItemSpec; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.AttributeValue; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.ExpectedAttributeValue; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.PutItemRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.PutItemResult; /** * The implementation for <code>PutItemApi</code>. */ public class PutItemImpl extends AbstractImpl implements PutItemApi { public PutItemImpl(AmazonDynamoDB client, Table table) { super(client, table); } @Override public PutItemOutcome putItem(Item item) { return doPutItem(new PutItemSpec().withItem(item)); } @Override public PutItemOutcome putItem(Item item, Expected ... expected) { return doPutItem(new PutItemSpec() .withItem(item) .withExpected(expected)); } @Override public PutItemOutcome putItem(Item item, String conditionExpression, Map<String, String> nameMap, Map<String, Object> valueMap) { return doPutItem(new PutItemSpec() .withItem(item) .withConditionExpression(conditionExpression) .withNameMap(nameMap) .withValueMap(valueMap)); } @Override public PutItemOutcome putItem(PutItemSpec spec) { return doPutItem(spec); } private PutItemOutcome doPutItem(PutItemSpec spec) { // set the table name String tableName = getTable().getTableName(); PutItemRequest req = spec.getRequest().withTableName(tableName); // set up the item Item item = spec.getItem(); final Map<String,AttributeValue> attributes = InternalUtils.toAttributeValues(item); // set up the expected attribute map, if any final Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> expectedMap = InternalUtils.toExpectedAttributeValueMap(spec.getExpected()); // set up the value map, if any (when expression API is used) final Map<String,AttributeValue> attrValMap = InternalUtils.fromSimpleMap(spec.getValueMap()); // set up the request req.withItem(attributes) .withExpected(expectedMap) .withExpressionAttributeNames(spec.getNameMap()) .withExpressionAttributeValues(attrValMap) ; PutItemResult result = getClient().putItem(req); return new PutItemOutcome(result); } }