/* * Copyright (c) 2016. Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.amazonaws.codegen.internal; import com.amazonaws.codegen.model.intermediate.Metadata; import com.amazonaws.codegen.model.intermediate.ShapeModel; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import static com.amazonaws.codegen.internal.Constants.AWS_DOCS_HOST; import static com.amazonaws.codegen.model.intermediate.ShapeType.Model; import static com.amazonaws.codegen.model.intermediate.ShapeType.Request; import static com.amazonaws.codegen.model.intermediate.ShapeType.Response; public class DocumentationUtils { public static final String DEFAULT_ASYNC_RETURN = "A Java Future containing the result of the %s operation returned by the service."; public static final String DEFAULT_SYNC_RETURN = "Result of the %s operation returned by the service."; public static final String DEFAULT_SETTER = "Sets the value of the %s property for this object."; public static final String DEFAULT_SETTER_PARAM = "The new value for the %s property for this object."; public static final String DEFAULT_GETTER = "Returns the value of the %s property for this object."; public static final String DEFAULT_GETTER_PARAM = "The value of the %s property for this object."; public static final String DEFAULT_FLUENT_RETURN = "Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together."; public static final String CONSTRUCTOR_DOC = "Constructs a new %s object. Callers should use the setter or fluent setter (with...) methods to initialize any additional object members."; public static final String LIST_VARARG_ADDITIONAL_DOC = "<p><b>NOTE:</b> This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #set%s(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #with%s(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.</p>"; //TODO kylthoms@: probably should move this to a custom config in each service private static final Set<String> SERVICES_EXCLUDED_FROM_CROSS_LINKING = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList( "apigateway", "budgets", "cloudsearch", "cloudsearchdomain", "discovery", "elastictranscoder", "es", "glacier", "importexport", "iot", "data.iot", "machinelearning", "rekognition", "s3", "sdb", "swf" )); public static String generateSetterDocumentation() { return null; } public static String generateGetterDocumentation() { return null; } public static String generateWitherDocumentation() { return null; } /** * Returns a documentation with HTML tags prefixed and suffixed removed, or * returns empty string if the input is empty or null. This method is to be * used when constructing documentation for method parameters. * * @param documentation * unprocessed input documentation * @return HTML tag stripped documentation or empty string if input was * null. */ public static String stripHTMLTags(String documentation) { if (documentation == null) { return ""; } if (documentation.startsWith("<")) { int startTagIndex = documentation.indexOf(">"); final int closingTagIndex = documentation.lastIndexOf("<"); if (closingTagIndex > startTagIndex) { documentation = stripHTMLTags(documentation.substring (startTagIndex + 1, closingTagIndex)); } else { documentation = stripHTMLTags(documentation.substring (startTagIndex + 1)); } } return documentation.trim(); } /** * Escapes Java comment breaking illegal character sequences. * * @param documentation * unprocessed input documentation * @return escaped documentation, or empty string if input was null */ public static String escapeIllegalCharacters(String documentation) { if (documentation == null) { return ""; } /* * this specifically handles a case where a '* /' sequence may * be present in documentation and inadvertently terminate that Java * comment line, resulting in broken code. */ documentation = documentation.replaceAll("\\*\\/", "*/"); return documentation; } /** * Create the HTML for a link to the operation/shape core AWS docs site * * @param metadata the UID for the service from that services metadata * @param name the name of the shape/request/operation * * @return a '@see also' HTML link to the doc */ public static String createLinkToServiceDocumentation(Metadata metadata, String name) { if (isCrossLinkingEnabledForService(metadata)) { return String.format("@see <a href=\"http://%s/goto/WebAPI/%s/%s\" target=\"_top\">AWS API Documentation</a>", AWS_DOCS_HOST, metadata.getUid(), name); } return ""; } /** * Create the HTML for a link to the operation/shape core AWS docs site * * @param metadata the UID for the service from that services metadata * @param shapeModel the model of the shape * * @return a '@see also' HTML link to the doc */ public static String createLinkToServiceDocumentation(Metadata metadata, ShapeModel shapeModel) { return isRequestResponseOrModel(shapeModel) ? createLinkToServiceDocumentation(metadata, shapeModel.getDocumentationShapeName()) : ""; } public static String removeFromEnd(String string, String stringToRemove) { return string.endsWith(stringToRemove) ? string.substring(0, string.length() - stringToRemove.length()) : string; } private static boolean isRequestResponseOrModel(ShapeModel shapeModel) { return shapeModel.getShapeType() == Model || shapeModel.getShapeType() == Request || shapeModel.getShapeType() == Response; } private static boolean isCrossLinkingEnabledForService(Metadata metadata) { return metadata.getUid() != null && metadata.getEndpointPrefix() != null && !SERVICES_EXCLUDED_FROM_CROSS_LINKING.contains(metadata.getEndpointPrefix()); } }