/* * © Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.ibm.sbt.services.client.connections.files.util; /** * Class used to retrieve translatable message values from the associated properties file. * * @author Vimal Dhupar */ public class Messages { public static String Invalid_FileEntry = "Invalid Input parameter : FileEntry"; public static String Invalid_FileId = "Invalid Input parameter : FileId"; public static String Invalid_LibraryId = "Invalid Input parameter : LibraryId"; public static String Invalid_UserId = "Input parameter UserId is Empty"; public static String Invalid_CollectionId = "Invalid Input parameter : CollectionId"; public static String Invalid_File = "Invalid Argument : File to be uploaded"; public static String Invalid_CommentId = "Invalid Input parameter : CommentId"; public static String Invalid_CommunityId = "Invalid Input parameter : CommunityId"; public static String Invalid_CommunityLibraryId = "Invalid Input parameter : CommunityLibraryId"; public static String MyCommunityFilesException = "Problem occurred while fetching community files"; public static String MyCommunitySharedFilesException = "Problem occurred while fetching community shared files"; public static String Invalid_ContentId = "Invalid Input parameter : ContentId"; public static String Invalid_VersionId = "Invalid Input parameter : versionId."; public static String Message_RetrievalError = "Retrieving Atom Entry document of the original File."; public static String InvalidArgument_VersionLabel = "Invalid Input parameter : versionLabel."; public static String InvalidArgument_FlagWhat = "Invalid Input parameter : flagWhat. Mention what needs to be flagged. Possible values : {file/comment}"; public static String InvalidArgument_Generic = "Invalid Parameter"; public static String MessageNoFileNameGiven = "No File name specified. Checking for request Body."; public static String MessageNoRequestBody = "No Request Body. Invalid call to upload."; public static String MessageGenericException = "Exception occurred in method"; public static String MessageNonceValue = "Nonce returned from Server : "; public static String MessageEmptyPayload = "Empty Payload Map provided."; public static String Invalid_SubscriberId = "Invalid Value : SubscriberId"; public static String MessageExceptionInReadingObject = "Exception occurred in method while fetching object"; public static String MessageNullProfileData = "Profile Object : Data is null"; public static String MessageGenericError = "Error in method"; public static String MessageCacheHit = "Cache Hit - Object found in Cache : "; public static String MessageCacheMiss = "Cache Miss - Object not found in Cache : "; public static String MessageCacheAdded = "Adding fetched Object to Cache"; public static String MessagePutDataInObject = "Setting the fetched Json Data to the Entry Object"; public static String MessageGetResult = "get method, returning the result : "; public static String MessageExceptionInUpload = "Error uploading the file"; public static String MessageExceptionInUpdate = "Error updating the file"; public static String Invalid_Name = "A null name was passed"; public static String Invalid_Stream = "A null stream was passed"; public static String MessageCannotReadFile = "Cannot open the file {0}"; public static String MessageExceptionInRestoreFile = "Error sending restore data"; public static String MessageExceptionInPinningFolder = "Error pinning the folder"; public static String MessageExceptionInPinningFile = "Error pinning the file"; public static String MessageExceptionInLockingFile = "Error locking the file"; public static String MessageExceptionInGettingNonce = "Error getting the nonce"; public static String MessageExceptionInFetchingServiceDocument = "Error obtaining the service document"; public static String MessageExceptionInFlaggingInappropriate = "Error flagging the item as inappropriate"; public static String MessageExceptionInDeleteFolder = "Error deleting the folder"; public static String MessageExceptionInDeletingFileShare = "Error removing the sharing"; public static String MessageExceptionInDeletingComment = "Error deleting the comment"; public static String MessageExceptionInUpdatingComment = "Error updating the comment"; public static String MessageExceptionInDeletingFile = "Error deleting the file"; public static String MessageExceptionInDownloadingFile = "Error downloading the file"; public static String MessageExceptionInCreatingFolder = "Error creating the folder"; public static String MessageExceptionInCreatingComment = "Error creating the comment"; public static String MesssageExceptionInFlaggingFile = "Error flagging the file"; public static String MessageExceptionInFlaggingComment = "Error flagging the comment"; public static String MessageExceptionInStatusChange = "Error changing the approval status"; private Messages() { } }