package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.shindig.auth.SecurityToken; import org.apache.shindig.common.crypto.BlobCrypter; import org.apache.shindig.common.servlet.Authority; import org.apache.shindig.common.uri.Uri; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.GadgetContext; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.GadgetException; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.GadgetException.Code; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.GadgetSpecFactory; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth2.OAuth2Accessor; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth2.OAuth2Arguments; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth2.OAuth2Error; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth2.OAuth2GadgetContext; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth2.OAuth2RequestException; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth2.OAuth2Token; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth2.persistence.OAuth2Encrypter; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.oauth2.persistence.OAuth2TokenPersistence; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.spec.BaseOAuthService.EndPoint; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.spec.GadgetSpec; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.spec.OAuth2Service; import org.apache.shindig.gadgets.spec.OAuth2Spec; import; import; import; import; /** * Stores OAuth2 information. * */ //TODO Right now every container is forced to let every gadget share OAuth tokens. Some containers may not want that. We should allow //containers to specify that in their configuration and handle that here. public class DominoOAuth2TokenStore { private static final String CLASS = DominoOAuth2TokenStore.class.getName(); private Map<String, DominoOAuth2Accessor> accessorStore = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, DominoOAuth2Accessor>()); private Map<String, OAuth2Token> accessTokenStore = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, OAuth2Token>()); private Map<String, OAuth2Token> refreshTokenStore = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, OAuth2Token>()); private static class OAuth2SpecInfo { private final String authorizationUrl; private final String scope; private final String tokenUrl; public OAuth2SpecInfo(final String authorizationUrl, final String tokenUrl, final String scope) { this.authorizationUrl = authorizationUrl; this.tokenUrl = tokenUrl; this.scope = scope; } public String getAuthorizationUrl() { return this.authorizationUrl; } public String getScope() { return this.scope; } public String getTokenUrl() { return this.tokenUrl; } } private ContainerExtPointManager manager; private Logger log; private GadgetSpecFactory specFactory; private OAuth2Encrypter encrypter; private Authority authority; private String contextRoot; private BlobCrypter stateCrypter; private String globalRedirectUri; /** * Creates a new DominoOAuth2TokenStore. * @param specFactory The spec factory containing the gadget specs. * @param manager The container extension point manager. * @param log The logger. * @param encrypter The OAuth 2.0 encyrpter. * @param authority The authority information. * @param contextRoot The servers context root. * @param stateCrypter The encrypter to use for state information. * @param globalRedirectUri The OAuth 2 callback URI. */ public DominoOAuth2TokenStore(GadgetSpecFactory specFactory, ContainerExtPointManager manager, Logger log, OAuth2Encrypter encrypter, Authority authority, String contextRoot, BlobCrypter stateCrypter, String globalRedirectUri) { this.specFactory = specFactory; this.manager = manager; this.encrypter = encrypter; this.authority = authority; this.contextRoot = contextRoot; this.stateCrypter = stateCrypter; this.globalRedirectUri = globalRedirectUri; this.log = log; } /** * Gets an OAuth 2 accessor. This method will actually merge OAuth 2 information from the gadget spec * if it is present and the OAuth 2 client allows it. * @param securityToken The security token containing information to lookup the accessor by. * @param arguments The OAuth 2 arguments. * @param gadgetUri The gadget URI. * @return An OAuth 2 accessor if one exists in the store. */ public DominoOAuth2Accessor getOAuth2Accessor(SecurityToken securityToken, OAuth2Arguments arguments, Uri gadgetUri) { final String method = "getOAuth2Accessor"; log.entering(CLASS, method, new Object[] { securityToken, arguments, gadgetUri }); DominoOAuth2Accessor ret = null; if ((gadgetUri == null) || (securityToken == null)) { ret = new BasicDominoOAuth2Accessor(); ret.setErrorResponse(null, OAuth2Error.GET_OAUTH2_ACCESSOR_PROBLEM, "OAuth2Accessor missing a param --- gadgetUri = " + gadgetUri + " , securityToken = " + securityToken, ""); } else { final String serviceName = StringUtils.defaultString(arguments.getServiceName()); try { ret = getOAuth2Accessor(gadgetUri, serviceName, securityToken, arguments); storeOAuth2Accessor(ret); } catch (Exception e) { log.logp(Level.WARNING, CLASS, method, "Error while getting OAuth 2 accessor.", e); ret = new BasicDominoOAuth2Accessor(); ret.setErrorResponse(e, OAuth2Error.GET_OAUTH2_ACCESSOR_PROBLEM, "Error while getting OAuth 2 accessor", ""); } } log.exiting(CLASS, method, ret); return ret; } /** * Gets the scope the OAuth2Arguments. If the OAuth2Arguments does not have scope information than we will try and get it * from the gadget spec. If the gadget spec does not have scope information than return the empty string. * @param arguments OAuth 2 arguments. * @param specInfo Gadget spec. * @return The OAuth 2 scope. */ private String getScope(OAuth2Arguments arguments, OAuth2SpecInfo specInfo) { return StringUtils.isBlank(arguments.getScope()) ? StringUtils.isBlank(specInfo.getScope()) ? "" : specInfo.getScope() : arguments.getScope(); } private DominoOAuth2Accessor getOAuth2Accessor(Uri gadgetUri, String serviceName, SecurityToken securityToken, OAuth2Arguments arguments) throws GadgetException, OAuth2RequestException { OAuth2SpecInfo specInfo = this.lookupSpecInfo(securityToken, arguments, gadgetUri); String scope = getScope(arguments, specInfo); String container = securityToken.getContainer(); DominoOAuth2Accessor persistedAccessor = getOAuth2Accessor(gadgetUri.toString(), serviceName, securityToken.getViewerId(), scope, container); return addModuleOverrides(persistedAccessor, securityToken, arguments, gadgetUri, specInfo); } private DominoOAuth2Accessor addModuleOverrides(DominoOAuth2Accessor accessor, SecurityToken securityToken, OAuth2Arguments arguments, Uri gadgetUri, OAuth2SpecInfo specInfo) throws OAuth2RequestException { DominoOAuth2Accessor mergedAccessor = new BasicDominoOAuth2Accessor(accessor); mergedAccessor.setContainer(securityToken.getContainer()); if (accessor.isAllowModuleOverrides()) { final String specAuthorizationUrl = specInfo.getAuthorizationUrl(); final String specTokenUrl = specInfo.getTokenUrl(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(specAuthorizationUrl)) { mergedAccessor.setAuthorizationUrl(specAuthorizationUrl); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(specTokenUrl)) { mergedAccessor.setTokenUrl(specTokenUrl); } } return mergedAccessor; } private OAuth2SpecInfo lookupSpecInfo(final SecurityToken securityToken, final OAuth2Arguments arguments, final Uri gadgetUri) throws OAuth2RequestException { log.entering(CLASS, "lookupSpecInfo", new Object[] { securityToken, arguments, gadgetUri }); final GadgetSpec spec = this.findSpec(securityToken, arguments, gadgetUri); final OAuth2Spec oauthSpec = spec.getModulePrefs().getOAuth2Spec(); if (oauthSpec == null) { throw new OAuth2RequestException(OAuth2Error.LOOKUP_SPEC_PROBLEM, "Failed to retrieve OAuth URLs, spec for gadget " + securityToken.getAppUrl() + " does not contain OAuth element.", null); } final OAuth2Service service = oauthSpec.getServices().get(arguments.getServiceName()); if (service == null) { throw new OAuth2RequestException(OAuth2Error.LOOKUP_SPEC_PROBLEM, "Failed to retrieve OAuth URLs, spec for gadget does not contain OAuth service " + arguments.getServiceName() + ". Known services: " + Joiner.on(',').join(oauthSpec.getServices().keySet()) + '.', null); } String authorizationUrl = null; final EndPoint authorizationUrlEndpoint = service.getAuthorizationUrl(); if (authorizationUrlEndpoint != null) { authorizationUrl = authorizationUrlEndpoint.url.toString(); } String tokenUrl = null; final EndPoint tokenUrlEndpoint = service.getTokenUrl(); if (tokenUrlEndpoint != null) { tokenUrl = tokenUrlEndpoint.url.toString(); } final OAuth2SpecInfo ret = new OAuth2SpecInfo(authorizationUrl, tokenUrl, service.getScope()); log.exiting(CLASS, "lookupSpecInfo", ret); return ret; } private GadgetSpec findSpec(final SecurityToken securityToken, final OAuth2Arguments arguments, final Uri gadgetUri) throws OAuth2RequestException { final String method = "findSpec"; log.entering(CLASS, method, new Object[] { arguments, gadgetUri }); GadgetSpec ret; try { final GadgetContext context = new OAuth2GadgetContext(securityToken, arguments, gadgetUri); ret = this.specFactory.getGadgetSpec(context); } catch (final GadgetException e) { log.logp(Level.WARNING, CLASS, method, "Error finding GadgetContext " + gadgetUri.toString(), e); throw new OAuth2RequestException(OAuth2Error.GADGET_SPEC_PROBLEM, gadgetUri.toString(), e); } // this is cumbersome in the logs, just return whether or not it's null if (ret == null) { log.exiting(CLASS, method, null); } else { log.exiting(CLASS, method, "non-null spec omitted from logs"); } return ret; } private DominoOAuth2Store getOAuth2Store(String container) throws GadgetException { final String method = "getOAuth2Store"; ContainerExtPoint extPoint = manager.getExtPoint(container); if(extPoint != null) { try { return extPoint.getContainerOAuth2Store(); } catch (ContainerExtPointException e) { log.logp(Level.WARNING, CLASS, method, "There was an error getting the OAuth2Store for container " + container, e); throw new GadgetException(GadgetException.Code.OAUTH_STORAGE_ERROR, "There was an error getting the OAuth2Store for container " + container, e); } } else { log.logp(Level.WARNING, CLASS, method, "There was no ContainerExtPoint for container {0}.", new Object[] {container}); throw new GadgetException(GadgetException.Code.OAUTH_STORAGE_ERROR, "No ContainerExtPoint for container " + container); } } /** * Removes an OAuth 2 accessor from the store. * @param accessor The accessor to remove. * @throws GadgetException Thrown if there is an issue removing the accessor. */ public void removeOAuth2Accessor(DominoOAuth2Accessor accessor) throws GadgetException { synchronized (accessorStore) { accessorStore.remove(generateKey(accessor)); } } /** * Stores an OAuth 2 accessor in the store. * @param accessor The accessor to store. * @throws GadgetException Thrown if there is an issue storing the accessor. */ public void storeOAuth2Accessor(DominoOAuth2Accessor accessor) throws GadgetException { synchronized (accessorStore) { accessorStore.put(generateKey(accessor), accessor); } } /** * Removes an OAuth 2 accessor from the store. * @param accessor The accessor to remove. * @throws GadgetException Thrown if there is an issue removing the accessor. */ public void removeAccessToken(DominoOAuth2Accessor accessor) throws GadgetException { synchronized (accessTokenStore) { accessTokenStore.remove(generateKey(accessor)); } } /** * Removes an OAuth 2 refresh token from the store. * @param accessor The accessor containing the refresh token to remove. * @throws GadgetException Thrown is there is an issue removing the refresh token. */ public void removeRefreshToken(DominoOAuth2Accessor accessor) throws GadgetException { synchronized (refreshTokenStore) { refreshTokenStore.remove(generateKey(accessor)); } } private String generateKey(DominoOAuth2Accessor accessor) throws GadgetException { return generateKey(accessor.getContainer(), accessor.getServiceName(), accessor.getScope(), accessor.getUser()); } private String generateKey(DominoOAuth2CallbackState state) throws GadgetException { return generateKey(state.getContainer(), state.getServiceName(), state.getScope(), state.getUser()); } private String generateKey(String container, OAuth2Token token) throws GadgetException { return generateKey(container, token.getServiceName(), token.getScope(), token.getUser()); } private String generateKey(String container, String serviceName, String scope, String user) throws GadgetException { if(container == null || serviceName == null || user == null) { throw new GadgetException(GadgetException.Code.OAUTH_STORAGE_ERROR, "Invalid key parameters, container: " + container + " user: " + user + " service name: " + serviceName); } return container + ":" + serviceName + ":" + scope + ":" + user; } /** * Creates a new OAuth 2 token that can be used as a refresh or access token. * @return A new OAuth 2 token. */ public OAuth2Token createToken() { return new OAuth2TokenPersistence(this.encrypter); } /** * Stores an OAuth 2 refresh token in the store. * @param container The container the refresh token belongs to. * @param token The token to store. * @throws GadgetException Thrown if there is an issue storing the refresh token. */ public void storeRefreshToken(String container, OAuth2Token token) throws GadgetException { synchronized (refreshTokenStore) { refreshTokenStore.put(generateKey(container, token), token); } } /** * Stores an OAuth 2 access token in the store. * @param container The container the access token belongs to. * @param token The token to store. * @throws GadgetException Thrown if there is an issue storing the access token. */ public void storeAccessToken(String container, OAuth2Token token) throws GadgetException { synchronized (accessTokenStore) { accessTokenStore.put(generateKey(container, token), token); } } /** * Gets an OAuth 2 accessor. This method should only be called if you are sure the token is already in the store. * It will not consider any OAuth2 information from within the gadget. * @param state The OAuth 2 callback state information. * @return An OAuth 2 accessor. * @throws GadgetException Thrown if there is a problem retrieving the accessor. */ public DominoOAuth2Accessor getOAuth2Accessor(DominoOAuth2CallbackState state) throws GadgetException { DominoOAuth2Accessor ret = accessorStore.get(generateKey(state)); if (ret == null || !ret.isValid()) { final DominoOAuth2Client client = getClient(state); if (client == null) { throw new GadgetException(Code.OAUTH_STORAGE_ERROR, "Could not find OAuth2 client information where container = " + state.getContainer() + ", user = " + state.getUser() + ", serviceName = " + state.getServiceName() + ", and scope = " + state.getScope() + "."); } else { ret = createAccessor(state, client); this.storeOAuth2Accessor(ret); } } return ret; } private DominoOAuth2Client getClient(DominoOAuth2CallbackState state) throws GadgetException { return getClient(state.getUser(), state.getServiceName(), state.getContainer(), state.getScope(), state.getGadgetUri()); } private DominoOAuth2Client getClient(String user, String serviceName, String container, String scope, String gadgetUri) throws GadgetException { final String method = "getClient"; DominoOAuth2Store store = getOAuth2Store(container); if(store == null) { log.logp(Level.WARNING, CLASS, method, "Could not find an OAuth2 store for the container {0}, returning an error accessor.", new Object[]{container}); return null; } final DominoOAuth2Client client = store.getClient(user, serviceName, container, scope, gadgetUri); if (client == null) { log.logp(Level.WARNING, CLASS, method, "Could not find OAuth2 client information where container = {0}, user = {1}, serviceName = {2}, and scope = {3}.", new Object[]{container, user, serviceName, scope}); return null; } return client; } private DominoOAuth2Accessor createAccessor(DominoOAuth2CallbackState state, DominoOAuth2Client client) throws GadgetException { return createAccessor(state.getGadgetUri(), state.getServiceName(), state.getUser(), state.getScope(), state.getContainer(), client); } private DominoOAuth2Accessor createAccessor(String gadgetUri, String serviceName, String user, String scope, String container, DominoOAuth2Client client) throws GadgetException { final OAuth2Token accessToken = this.getAccessToken(gadgetUri, serviceName, user, scope, container); final OAuth2Token refreshToken = this.getRefreshToken(gadgetUri, serviceName, user, scope, container); String authType = client.getClientAuthenticationType() == null ? null : client.getClientAuthenticationType().toString(); final BasicDominoOAuth2Accessor newAccessor = new BasicDominoOAuth2Accessor(gadgetUri, serviceName, user, scope, client.isAllowModuleOverride(), this.stateCrypter, this.globalRedirectUri, this.authority, this.contextRoot, container); newAccessor.setAccessToken(accessToken); newAccessor.setAuthorizationUrl(client.getAuthorizationUrl()); newAccessor.setClientAuthenticationType(authType); newAccessor.setAuthorizationHeader(client.useAuthorizationHeader()); newAccessor.setUrlParameter(client.useUrlParameter()); newAccessor.setClientId(client.getClientId()); newAccessor.setClientSecret(client.getClientSecret().getBytes()); newAccessor.setGrantType(client.getGrantType().toString()); newAccessor.setRefreshToken(refreshToken); newAccessor.setTokenUrl(client.getTokenUrl()); //TODO do we want to support other types? newAccessor.setType(OAuth2Accessor.Type.CONFIDENTIAL); newAccessor.setAllowedDomains(new String[0]); return newAccessor; } /** * Gets an OAuth 2 access token. * @param gadgetUri The gadget URI. * @param serviceName The OAuth 2 service name. * @param user The user. * @param scope The OAuth 2 scope for the service. * @param container The container. * @return An OAuth 2 access token. * @throws GadgetException Thrown if there is a problem retrieving the access token. */ public OAuth2Token getAccessToken(String gadgetUri, String serviceName, String user, String scope, String container) throws GadgetException { return accessTokenStore.get(generateKey(container, serviceName, scope, user)); } /** * Gets an OAuth 2 refresh token. * @param gadgetUri The gadget URI. * @param serviceName The OAuth 2 service name. * @param user The user. * @param scope The OAuth 2 scope for the service. * @param container The container. * @return An OAuth 2 refresh token. * @throws GadgetException Thrown if there is a problem retrieving the refresh token. */ public OAuth2Token getRefreshToken(String gadgetUri, String serviceName, String user, String scope, String container) throws GadgetException { return refreshTokenStore.get(generateKey(container, serviceName, scope, user)); } private DominoOAuth2Accessor getOAuth2Accessor(String gadgetUri, String serviceName, String user, String scope, String container) throws GadgetException { final DominoOAuth2CallbackState state = new DominoOAuth2CallbackState(this.stateCrypter); state.setGadgetUri(gadgetUri); state.setServiceName(serviceName); state.setUser(user); state.setScope(scope); state.setContainer(container); return getOAuth2Accessor(state); } }