package nsf.playground.snippets; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import lotus.domino.Database; import lotus.domino.Document; import nsf.playground.beans.APIBean; import nsf.playground.extension.ImportOptions; import nsf.playground.extension.PlaygroundExtensionFactory; import; import nsf.playground.json.JsonJavaObjectI; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Class for importing API Descriptions. * * @author priand * */ public class APIImporter extends AssetImporter { public static final String TYPE = "api"; public static final String FORM = APIBean.FORM; public APIImporter(Database db) { super(db); } protected String getAssetType() { return TYPE; } protected String getAssetForm() { return FORM; } protected NodeFactory getNodeFactory() { return new APINodeFactory(); } @Override protected void saveAsset(ImportSource source, VFSFile root, AssetNode node, Asset asset) throws Exception { APIDescription snippet = (APIDescription)asset; String[] products = StringUtil.splitString(snippet.getProperty("runtimes"),','); saveAsset(node.getUnid(), node.getCategory(), node.getName(), source.getName(), snippet.getJson(), products, snippet.getPropertiesAsString()); } protected void saveAsset(String id, String category, String name, String source, String json, String[] products, String properties) throws Exception { Document doc = getDatabase().createDocument(); try { setItemValue(doc,"Form", FORM); setItemValue(doc,"Author", doc.getParentDatabase().getParent().getEffectiveUserName()); // Should we make this private (reader field)? setItemValue(doc,"Id", id); setItemValue(doc,"Category", category); setItemValue(doc,"Name", name); setItemValue(doc,"ImportSource", source); setItemValueRichText(doc,"Json", json); setItemValueRichText(doc,"Properties", properties); if(products!=null && products.length>0) { setItemValue(doc,"FilterRuntimes", StringUtil.concatStrings(products, ',', true)); }; } finally { doc.recycle(); } } @Override protected int importAssets(ImportSource source, final AsyncAction action) throws Exception { if(StringUtil.equals(source.getSource(), "apidoc")) { String location=source.getLocation().trim(); return importAssetsNSF(source, location, action); } else { return super.importAssets(source, action); } } protected int importAssetsNSF(ImportSource source, String location, AsyncAction action) throws Exception { Map<String,APIDocument> apiDocs = new HashMap<String, APIImporter.APIDocument>(); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(location)) { location = PathUtil.concat("",getDatabase().getFilePath(),'/'); } RestClient client = createDominoClient(location,source.getUserName(),source.getPassword()); List<DocEntry> list = loadEntries(client,source); if(action!=null&&action.isCancelled()) { return 0; } for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { if(action!=null&&action.isCancelled()) { return 0; } importAssetsNSF(client, source, apiDocs, list.get(i),action); } // Get the import options for all the platforms List<ImportOptions> options = PlaygroundExtensionFactory.getExtensions(ImportOptions.class); for(Map.Entry<String, APIDocument> ed: apiDocs.entrySet()) { String[] products = ed.getValue().products; String path = adjustPath(options,products,ed.getValue().path); String id = Node.encodeUnid(path); String category = trimSeparator(extractCategory(path)); String name = trimSeparator(extractName(path)); String json = JsonGenerator.toJson(JsonJavaFactory.instanceEx, ed.getValue().content); String properties = createPropertiesAsString(options,products,path); saveAsset(id, category, name, source.getName(), json, products, properties); } return apiDocs.size(); } private String adjustPath(List<ImportOptions> options, String[] products, String path) throws IOException { for(int i=0; i<options.size(); i++) { String adjustedPath = options.get(i).adjustExplorerPath(products, path); if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(adjustedPath)) { return adjustedPath; } } return path; } private String createPropertiesAsString(List<ImportOptions> options, String[] products, String path) throws IOException { Properties properties = new Properties(); for(int i=0; i<options.size(); i++) { options.get(i).createProperties(properties, products, path); } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();, null); return sw.toString(); } private String extractCategory(String path) { int pos = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if(pos>=0) { return path.substring(0,pos); } return ""; } private String extractName(String path) { int pos = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if(pos>=0) { return path.substring(pos+1); } return path; } private String trimSeparator(String path) { if(path!=null) { if(path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1); } if(path.endsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(0,path.length()-1); } } return path; } protected void importAssetsNSF(RestClient client, ImportSource source, Map<String,APIDocument> apiDocs, DocEntry entry, AsyncAction action) throws Exception { JsonJavaObject doc = loadAPIDocument(client, entry); if(doc!=null) { //JsonDump.dumpObject(JsonJavaFactory.instanceEx2, doc); if(action!=null) { String title = (String)doc.get("vtitle"); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(title)) { title = "Documentation..."; } action.updateTask("Importing: {0}", title); } String apiExplorerPath = trimSeparator(doc.getString("APIExplorerPath")); int pos = apiExplorerPath.indexOf('#'); if(pos>=0) { apiExplorerPath = apiExplorerPath.substring(0,pos); } String[] products = StringUtil.splitString(doc.getString("Products"),','); fixProducts(products); if(!containsRuntime(source, products)) { return; } String s = doc.toString(); List mt = (List)doc.get("RequestsDetails"); if(mt!=null) { for(int i=0; i<mt.size(); i++) { APIDocument apiDoc = apiDocs.get(apiExplorerPath); if(apiDoc==null) { apiDoc = new APIDocument(products,apiExplorerPath); apiDocs.put(apiExplorerPath, apiDoc); } JsonJavaObject je = createAPIEntry(client, doc, i, entry.unid, action); apiDoc.content.add(je); } } } } protected void fixProducts(String[] products) { // Fix the product labels coming from the Wikis if(products!=null) { for(int i=0; i<products.length; i++) { String p = products[i]; if(StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(p, "domino")>=0) { products[i] = "domino"; } else if(StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(p, "connections")>=0) { products[i] = "connections"; } else if(StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(p, "smartcloud")>=0) { products[i] = "smartcloud"; } } } } protected boolean containsRuntime(ImportSource source, String[] products) { String[] filters = source.getRuntimes(); if(filters==null || filters.length==0) { // No filters... return true; } for(int i=0; i<filters.length; i++) { String filter = filters[i]; for(int j=0; j<products.length; j++) { String product = products[j]; if(StringUtil.equals(filter,product)) { return true; } } } return false; } protected JsonJavaObject createAPIEntry(RestClient client, JsonJavaObject e, int method, String notesId, AsyncAction action) throws Exception { JsonJavaObject je = new JsonJavaObject(); // IBM Doc Wiki String name = (String)e.get("displaysubject"); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) { // Regular Playground Wiki name = (String)e.get("Title"); } put(je,"name", name); put(je,"description", e.get("Abstract")); // UNID for the documentation entry String unid=Node.encodeUnid(name); if(method>1) { unid = unid + "_" + Integer.toString(method); } put(je,"unid", unid); JsonJavaObject rd = (JsonJavaObject)((List)e.get("RequestsDetails")).get(method); if(rd!=null) { put(je,"http_method", rd.get("method") ); put(je,"post_content_type", e.get("RequestContentType") ); put(je,"post_content", e.get("RequestSample") ); String uri = rd.getString("uri"); put(je,"uri",uri); // Make sure that the URI parameters are all in the uri // Remove the one that are not in the URI if(e.get("URLParameters")!=null) { List p = (List)e.get("URLParameters"); List r = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i<p.size(); i++) { JsonJavaObject o = (JsonJavaObject)p.get(i); String n = o.getString("name"); if(uri.contains("{"+n+"}")) { r.add(o); } } if(!r.isEmpty()) { put(je,"uriParameters", r); } } put(je,"queryParameters", e.get("QueryParameters") ); put(je,"headers", e.get("Headers") ); // res_title is from the IBM documentation wiki only String resId = e.getString("res_title"); if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(resId)) { String docUrl = PathUtil.concat(client.getBaseUrl(), "/dx/"+resId, '/'); // Fix when it comes from the staging server // ex: // // if(docUrl.startsWith("")) { docUrl = ""+docUrl.substring("".length()); // } else if(docUrl.startsWith("")) { // docUrl = ""+docUrl.substring("".length()); } put(je,"doc_url",docUrl); } else { // Regular documentation path // The Playground should be accessed as HTTPS so we force it here String docUrl = PathUtil.concat(client.getBaseUrl(), "/ApiDocumentation.xsp#content=API&action=editDocument&documentId="+notesId, '/'); if(docUrl.startsWith("http://")) { docUrl = "https://"+docUrl.substring(7); } put(je,"doc_url",docUrl); } } return je; } protected void put(JsonJavaObject o, String name, Object value) { if(value==null) { return; } if((value instanceof String) && StringUtil.isEmpty((String)value)) { return; } o.putObject(name, value); } private static class APIDocument { String[] products; String path; List<Object> content; public APIDocument(String[] products, String path) { this.products = products; this.path = path; this.content = new ArrayList<Object>(); } } private static class DocEntry { String unid; String exPath; String title; public DocEntry(String unid, String exPath, String title) { this.unid = unid; this.exPath = exPath; this.title = title; } public String toString() { return StringUtil.format("Unid: {0}, path: {1}, title: {2}",unid,exPath,title); } } protected List<DocEntry> loadEntries(RestClient client, ImportSource source) throws IOException { // To use when the view will be categorized... String[] runtimes = source.getRuntimes(); ArrayList<DocEntry> list = new ArrayList<APIImporter.DocEntry>(); try { String path = URLEncoding.encodeURIString("/api/data/collections/name/AllAPIExplorer?ps=99999","utf-8",0,false); Object json = client.get(path,new RestClient.HandlerJson(JsonJavaObjectI.instanceExI)).getData(); if(json instanceof List) { for(Object entry: (List)json) { if(entry instanceof Map) { Map m = (Map)entry; String unid = (String)m.get("@unid"); String exPath = trimSeparator((String)m.get("APIExplorerPath")); if(exPath.indexOf('#')>=0) { exPath = exPath.substring(0,exPath.indexOf('#')); } String title = (String)m.get("Title"); list.add(new DocEntry(unid,exPath,title)); } } } return list; } catch(ClientServicesException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } protected JsonJavaObject loadAPIDocument(RestClient client, DocEntry entry) throws IOException { try { String path = URLEncoding.encodeURIString("/api/data/documents/unid/"+entry.unid,"utf-8",0,false); Object json = client.get(path,new RestClient.HandlerJson(JsonJavaObjectI.instanceExI)).getData(); if(json instanceof JsonJavaObject) { // Parse the fields that have to be parsed, as they are stored as strings JsonJavaObject o = (JsonJavaObject)json; parse(o,"URLParameters"); parse(o,"QueryParameters"); parse(o,"Headers"); parse(o,"RequestsDetails"); return o; } return null; } catch(ClientServicesException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } protected void parse(JsonJavaObject o, String fieldName) throws IOException { // The conversion here is temp until D9 fieldName = JsonJavaObjectI.convertKey(fieldName); Object f = o.get(fieldName); if(f instanceof String) { try { Object parsed = JsonParser.fromJson(JsonJavaFactory.instanceEx, (String)f); o.putObject(fieldName,parsed); } catch(JsonException jex) { o.remove(fieldName); } } else { //System.out.println("OK?"); } } protected DominoClient createDominoClient(String baseUrl, String userName, String password) { return new DominoClient(baseUrl,userName,password); } public static class DominoClient extends RestClient { public DominoClient(String baseUrl, String userName, String password) { super(baseUrl); setAuthenticator(new BasicAuthenticator(userName,password)); } // Allow HTTPS, regardless of the certificates @Override protected boolean isForceTrustSSLCertificate() throws ClientServicesException { return true; } } }