package; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONObject; import acme.dataapp.AirportCodes; import acme.dataapp.FlightController; import acme.dataapp.Flights; import acme.dataapp.MOTD; import acme.dataapp.MyFlights; import acme.interfaces.Operation; /** * Class that mediates the in-memory requests to various Acme Services */ //@WebServlet({ "/DataServlet", "/RestServlet", "/rest/*" }) public class DataServlet extends HttpServlet { private static Logger log = java.util.logging.Logger.getAnonymousLogger(); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /* * holds the map to the services objects */ private static HashMap<String, Operation> servicesMap = new HashMap<String, Operation>(); /** * Populates the Services list */ public DataServlet() { super(); } /** * Maps to the Operations For Get/Read */ protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // Logs out the URL log.log(Level.INFO, "Component of the URL is " + request.getPathInfo()); /* * sets the response type */ response.setContentType("application/json"); JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); // Processes the Get Methods try { String path = request.getPathInfo().toLowerCase(); if (path.contains("/api/airportcodes")) { // Outputs the airport codes AirportCodes ac = AirportCodes.getInstance(); res = ac.getCodes(); } else if (path.contains("/api/airportcodebycity/")) { // Gets Airport by City int x = path.lastIndexOf("bycity/") + 7; String p = path.substring(x);"Get Airport Code by City : " + p); AirportCodes ac = AirportCodes.getInstance(); String code = ac.getCodeByCity(p); res.put("code", code); } else if (path.contains("/api/airportcodebycityandsate/")) { // Gets Airport Code by City and State int x = path.lastIndexOf("/api/airportcodebycityandsate/") + "/api/airportcodebycityandsate/".length(); String p = path.substring(x); String[] par = p.split("/");"Get Airport Code by City and State : " + par[0] + " " + par[1]); AirportCodes ac = AirportCodes.getInstance(); String code = ac.getCode(par[0], par[1]); res.put("code", code); } else if (path.contains("/api/flights/all")) { // Gets the details of all flights Flights fs = Flights.getInstance(); res = fs.getFlights(); } else if (path.contains("/api/flight/")) { // Gets the details of a flight Flights fs = Flights.getInstance(); int idx = path.indexOf("/api/flight/") + "/api/flight/".length(); String flightId = path.substring(idx); res = fs.getFlightsByID(flightId); } else if (path.contains("/api/logout")) { // Logs out the user HttpSession cur = request.getSession(false); if (cur != null) { cur.invalidate(); // request.logout(); } res.put("result", "loggedout"); } else if (path.contains("/api/messageofday/")) { // Returns the message of the day for Acme Airlines MOTD motd = MOTD.getInstance(); res = motd.getRandomMessageOfTheDay(); } else if (path.contains("/api/fc/all")) { FlightController fc = FlightController.getInstance(); res = fc.getAllFlightStatus(); } else if (path.contains("/api/fc/")) { int idx = path.indexOf("/api/fc/") + "/api/fc/".length(); String flightId = path.substring(idx); FlightController fc = FlightController.getInstance(); String status = fc.getFlightStatus(flightId); res.put("status", status); } else if (path.contains("/api/myflights/")) { //- // gets flights for users Principal prin = request.getUserPrincipal(); if (prin != null) { String userId = prin.getName(); MyFlights mf = MyFlights.getInstance(); res = mf.getMyFlights(userId); res.put("result", "success"); } else { res.put("result", "notloggedin"); } } else if (path.contains("/api/allflightrequests")) { // gets all flight requests Principal prin = request.getUserPrincipal(); if (prin != null) { String flightId = request.getParameter("flightId"); if (flightId != null) { MyFlights mf = MyFlights.getInstance(); res = mf.getCustomersByFlight(flightId); } else { if (request.isUserInRole("admin")) { MyFlights mf = MyFlights.getInstance(); res = mf.getAll(); } else { res.put("result", "not in admin role"); } } } else { res.put("result", "notloggedin"); } } else if (path.contains("/api/myflightreason")) { // gets the reason for travel for a selected user and flight Principal prin = request.getUserPrincipal(); if (prin != null) { String flightId = request.getParameter("flightId"); String userId = request.getParameter("userId"); if (flightId != null && userId != null) { MyFlights mf = MyFlights.getInstance(); res = mf.getReasonForTravel(userId, flightId); } else { res.put("result", "no parameters"); } } else { res.put("result", "notloggedin"); } } res.write(response.getWriter()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Maps to the Operations for Post/Create */ protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String path = request.getPathInfo(); log.log(Level.INFO, "Component of the URL is " + path); /* * sets the response type */ response.setContentType("application/json"); JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); try { if (path.contains("/api/flight")) { // adds a new flight to the flights controller JSONObject flightObj = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); FlightController fc = FlightController.getInstance(); String flightId = (String) flightObj.get("flightId"); String state = (String) flightObj.get("state"); fc.addFlight(flightId, state); res.put("result", "added"); } else if (path.contains("/api/flights")) { // adds a flight status Flights fs = Flights.getInstance(); JSONObject o = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String flight = (String) o.get("flight"); String depart = (String) o.get("depart"); String arrive = (String) o.get("arrive"); String time = (String) o.get("time"); String flightTime = (String) o.get("flighttime"); fs.add(flight, depart, arrive, time, flightTime); res.put("result", "added"); } else if (path.contains("/api/addmyflight")) { } else if (path.contains("/api/login")) { // Manages the Login without the ugly basic popup window JSONObject loginObj = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String user = (String) loginObj.get("username"); String pass = (String) loginObj.get("password"); // Logs in the user // request.login(user, pass); if (request.getUserPrincipal().getName().compareTo(user) == 0) { res.put("status", "loggedin"); } else { res.put("status", "error in login"); } } else if (path.contains("/api/fc/")) { // Creates a new flight status JSONObject o = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String flightId = o.getString("flightId"); String state = o.getString("state"); FlightController fc = FlightController.getInstance(); fc.addFlight(flightId, state); res.put("result", "added"); } else if (path.contains("/api/myflights/")) { // Adds a flight Principal prin = request.getUserPrincipal(); if (prin != null) { String userId = prin.getName(); JSONObject o = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String flightId = o.getString("FlightId"); String approverId = o.getString("ApproverId"); String reason = o.getString("Reason"); MyFlights mf = MyFlights.getInstance(); mf.addMyFlight(flightId, userId, approverId, reason); res.put("result", "success"); } else { res.put("result", "notloggedin"); } } else if (path.contains("/api/approveflight/")) { // approves a flight Principal prin = request.getUserPrincipal(); if (prin != null) { String approverId = prin.getName(); JSONObject o = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String userId = o.getString("userId"); String flightId = o.getString("flightId"); MyFlights mf = MyFlights.getInstance(); mf.approveMyFlight(userId, flightId, approverId); res.put("result", "success"); } else { res.put("result", "notloggedin"); } } res.write(response.getWriter()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Maps to the Operations for Delete/Delete */ protected void doDelete(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String path = request.getPathInfo(); log.log(Level.INFO, "Component of the URL is " + path); /* * sets the response type */ response.setContentType("application/json"); JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); try { if (path.contains("/api/flights")) { // deletes a flight status Flights fs = Flights.getInstance(); JSONObject o = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String flight = (String) o.get("flight"); fs.removeFlight(flight); } else if (path.contains("/api/fc/")) { // deletes a new flight status JSONObject o = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String flightId = o.getString("flightId"); FlightController fc = FlightController.getInstance(); fc.removeFlightStatus(flightId); res.put("result", "deleted"); } else if (path.contains("/api/myflights/")) { // gets all flight requests Principal prin = request.getUserPrincipal(); if (prin != null) { MyFlights mf = MyFlights.getInstance(); JSONObject o = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String userId = o.getString("userId"); String flightId = o.getString("flightId"); mf.removeMyFlights(userId, flightId); res.put("result", "flightremoved"); } else { res.put("result", "notloggedin"); } } res.write(response.getWriter()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Maps to Operations for Put/Update */ protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String path = request.getPathInfo(); log.log(Level.INFO, "Component of the URL is " + path); /* * sets the response type */ response.setContentType("application/json"); JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); try { if (path.contains("/api/flightstatus")) { // updates a flight status Flights fs = Flights.getInstance(); JSONObject o = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String flight = (String) o.get("flight"); String depart = (String) o.get("depart"); String arrive = (String) o.get("arrive"); String time = (String) o.get("time"); String flightTime = (String) o.get("flighttime"); fs.update(flight, depart, arrive, time, flightTime); } else if (path.contains("/api/fc/")) { // Creates a new flight status JSONObject o = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String flightId = o.getString("flightId"); String state = o.getString("state"); FlightController fc = FlightController.getInstance(); fc.updateFlightStatus(flightId, state); res.put("result", "updated"); } else if (path.contains("/api/myflights/")) { // updates a flight Principal prin = request.getUserPrincipal(); if (prin != null) { String userId = prin.getName(); JSONObject o = new JSONObject(request.getInputStream()); String flightId = o.getString("FlightId"); String approverId = o.getString("ApproverId"); String reason = o.getString("Reason"); String state = o.getString("state"); MyFlights mf = MyFlights.getInstance(); mf.updateMyFlight(userId, flightId, approverId, reason, state); res.put("result", "success"); } else { res.put("result", "notloggedin"); } } res.write(response.getWriter()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }