package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.shindig.common.uri.Uri; import org.apache.shindig.common.uri.Uri.UriException; import org.apache.shindig.config.ContainerConfigException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtension; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionDelta; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionRegistry; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IRegistryChangeEvent; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IRegistryChangeListener; import; import; import; import; /** * Class that manages container extension points. If an application wishes to add a container to the * OpenSocial implementation they first need to implement link * Applications can contribute information about their containers via two mechanisms. * * <ol> * <li>Via the OSGi extension point</li> * <li>Via link #registerContainer(ContainerExtPoint). When using link #registerContainer(ContainerExtPoint) * make sure you also call link #unregisterContainer(ContainerExtPoint) when the app is terminated.</li> * </ol> * */ @Singleton public class ContainerExtPointManager { private static final String EXT_PT_ID = ""; private static final String CLASS_ATR = "class"; private static final String CLASS = ContainerExtPointManager.class.getName(); private static Map<String, ContainerExtPoint> containers = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private static List<ContainerExtPointListener> listeners = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<ContainerExtPointListener>()); private IExtensionRegistry registry; private Logger log; private IRegistryChangeListener registryChangeListener = new IRegistryChangeListener() { @Override public void registryChanged(IRegistryChangeEvent event) { IExtensionDelta[] deltas = event.getExtensionDeltas(OpenSocialPlugin.ID, EXT_PT_ID); for(int i = 0; i < deltas.length; i++) { IExtensionDelta delta = deltas[i]; IExtension ext = delta.getExtension(); modifyContainers(ext.getConfigurationElements(), delta.getKind() == IExtensionDelta.ADDED); } } }; /** * Creates a new container extension point manager. */ public ContainerExtPointManager(IExtensionRegistry registry, Logger logger) { this.registry = registry; this.log = logger; loadOSGiExtPoints(); } private void loadOSGiExtPoints() { registry.addRegistryChangeListener(registryChangeListener, OpenSocialPlugin.ID); IConfigurationElement[] elements = registry.getConfigurationElementsFor(EXT_PT_ID); modifyContainers(elements, true); } private void modifyContainers(IConfigurationElement[] elements, boolean add) { final String method = "modifyContainers"; List<ContainerExtPoint> containers = Lists.newArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { IConfigurationElement element = elements[i]; try { Object containerObject = element.createExecutableExtension(CLASS_ATR); if(containerObject instanceof ContainerExtPoint) { containers.add((ContainerExtPoint)containerObject); } } catch (CoreException e) { log.logp(Level.WARNING, CLASS, method, "Error adding container extension point from OSGi extension point.", e); } } if(add) { try { registerContainers(containers); } catch (ContainerConfigException e) { log.logp(Level.WARNING, CLASS, method, "Error registering containers from extension point.", e); } } else { try { unregisterContainers(containers); } catch (ContainerConfigException e) { log.logp(Level.WARNING, CLASS, method, "Error un-registering containers from extension point.", e); } } } /** * Gets a unmodifiable copy of all the container extension points. * @return All the container extension points. The key to the map is the container name. */ public Map<String, ContainerExtPoint> getExtPoints() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(containers); } /** * Gets a container extension point. * @param container The container name. * @return A container extension point. */ public ContainerExtPoint getExtPoint(String container) { return containers.get(container); } /** * Registers containers with the OpenSocial implementation. * @param containers The container to register. * @throws ContainerConfigException Thrown if there is a container extension point that is not valid. */ public static void registerContainers(Collection<ContainerExtPoint> containers) throws ContainerConfigException { for(ContainerExtPoint extPoint : containers) { try { validateContainerId(extPoint.getId()); ContainerExtPointManager.containers.put(extPoint.getId(), extPoint); } catch (ContainerExtPointException e) { throw new ContainerConfigException(e); } } synchronized(listeners) { for(ContainerExtPointListener listener : listeners) { listener.added(containers); } } } /** * Validates that the container IDs. Container IDs MUST * <ul> * <li>be URL encoded</li> * <li>NOT contain a colon</li> * </ul> * This is due to limitations in Shindig. We enforce this here to make sure consumers * do not harm themselves and then be left scratching their heads when things go wrong. * Container IDs are part of the security token in Shindig and there are places in Shindig where * the assumption is made that the security token is safe to place in a URL. So if the container ID * has a space in it for example we will get errors because Shindig does not try to URL encoded the * security token. Container IDs cannot container colons because Shindig uses colons as separators * for the different parts of the security token. If a container ID contains a colon then the code * in Shindig that parses the security token will be confused by the extra colons. * @param id The container ID to validate. * @throws ContainerConfigException Thrown when the container ID is not valid. */ private static void validateContainerId(String id) throws ContainerConfigException { try{ //This is an easy way to make sure the id is URL encoded, if parse throws an error //than there is a problem. Uri.parse("http://foo/" + id); } catch(UriException e) { throw new ContainerConfigException("Container IDs must be URL encoded. ID: " + id, e); } if(id.contains(":")) { throw new ContainerConfigException("Container IDs cannot contain colons. ID: " + id); } } /** * Unregisters containers with the OpenSocial implementation. * @param containers The container to unregister. * @throws ContainerConfigException Thrown if there is an error un-registering the containers. */ public static void unregisterContainers(Collection<ContainerExtPoint> containers) throws ContainerConfigException { for(ContainerExtPoint extPoint : containers) { try { ContainerExtPointManager.containers.remove(extPoint.getId()); } catch (ContainerExtPointException e) { throw new ContainerConfigException(e); } } synchronized(listeners) { for(ContainerExtPointListener listener : listeners) { listener.removed(containers); } } } /** * Adds an extension point listener to be notified when new extension points are added and removed. * @param listener The listener to be notified. */ public void addExtensionPointListener(ContainerExtPointListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes an extension point listener. * @param listener The listener to be removed. */ public void removeExtensionPointListener(ContainerExtPointListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } /** * Listener to be notified when new container extension points are added or removed. * */ public interface ContainerExtPointListener { /** * Called when new container extension points are added. * @param extPoints The new extension points that were added. */ public void added(Collection<ContainerExtPoint> extPoints); /** * Called when container extension points are removed. * @param extPoints The extension points that were removed. */ public void removed(Collection<ContainerExtPoint> extPoints); } }