package nsf.playground.beans; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import; import; import; /** * Options for the documentation editor. * * This might be merged with the generic Options bean class. * * @author priand */ public abstract class DocOptionsBean { private String playgroundUrl; public DocOptionsBean() { } public String getPlaygroundUrl() { return playgroundUrl; } public void setPlaygroundUrl(String playgroundUrl) { this.playgroundUrl = playgroundUrl; } public String getPlaygroundUrl(String snippet) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); String baseUrl = playgroundUrl; if(StringUtil.isEmpty(baseUrl)) { // If the documentation id enabled in this DB, then use the DB if(OptionsBean.get().isApiDocumentationEnabled()) { baseUrl = FacesUtil.makeUrlAbsolute(context, context.getApplication().getViewHandler().getResourceURL(context, "")); } else { // Get the current server and use a default database name baseUrl = FacesUtil.makeUrlAbsolute(context, "/sbtplayground.nsf"); } } b.append(baseUrl); b.append("/Playground.xsp"); if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(snippet)) { b.append("#snippet="); b.append(encodeUnid(snippet)); } String url = b.toString(); return url; } public String getAPIExplorerUrl(String api) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); String baseUrl = playgroundUrl; if(StringUtil.isEmpty(baseUrl)) { // Get the current server and use a default database name baseUrl = FacesUtil.makeUrlAbsolute(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), "/sbtplayground.nsf"); } b.append(baseUrl); b.append("/Explorer.xsp"); if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(api)) { b.append("#api="); int pos = api.indexOf('#'); if(pos>=0) { api = api.substring(0,pos); } b.append(encodeUnid(api)); } String url = b.toString(); // TEMP FIX FOR DEMO // Make sure it is HTTP else the iframe might fail if(url.startsWith("https:")) { url = "http:"+url.substring("https:".length()); } return url; } public String getAPIExplorerMiniUrl(String products, String api, String title, int idx) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); String baseUrl = playgroundUrl; if(StringUtil.isEmpty(baseUrl)) { // Get the current server and use a default database name baseUrl = FacesUtil.makeUrlAbsolute(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), "/sbtplayground.nsf"); } else { // Make sure it is absolute baseUrl = FacesUtil.makeUrlAbsolute(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), baseUrl); } b.append(baseUrl); b.append("/ExplorerMini.xsp"); b.append("?rand="); b.append("123456789"); b.append("#api="); int pos = api.indexOf('#'); if(pos>=0) { api = api.substring(0,pos); } /* if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(products)) { if(StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(products,"domino")>=0) { api = PathUtil.concat("Domino",api,'/'); } else if(StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(products,"connections")>=0) { api = PathUtil.concat("Connections",api,'/'); } else if(StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(products,"smartcloud")>=0) { api = PathUtil.concat("SmartCloud",api,'/'); } } */ b.append(encodeUnid(api)); if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(title)) { String unid=encodeUnid(title); if(idx>1) { unid += "_"+idx; } b.append("&unid="); b.append(unid); } String url = b.toString(); // TEMP FIX FOR DEMO // Make sure it is HTTP else the iframe might fail // if(url.startsWith("https:")) { // url = "http:"+url.substring("https:".length()); // } System.out.println("URL="+url); return url; } // Borrowed from the playground plug-in to avoid the dependency public static String encodeUnid(String s) { if(s.startsWith("/")) { s = s.substring(1); } StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for(int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if(Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { b.append(c); } else if(c=='_'||c=='-'||c=='.'||c=='@'||c=='$'||c=='('||c==')') { b.append(c); } else { b.append('_'); } } return b.toString(); } }