package; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class implements additional services to manage widgets inside a Connections Community. * This code should become part of CommunityService, like management services for Bookmarks, Subcommunities etc. * The Community Widget itself is modeled by Widget, WidgetXPath etc. * * @author Christian Gosch, inovex GmbH, based on code my Carlos Manias */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class WidgetCommunityService extends CommunityService { private static final String COMMUNITY_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER = "communityUuid"; public static final String COMMUNITYTYPE_PUBLIC = "public"; public static final String COMMUNITYTYPE_RESTRICTED = "publicInviteOnly"; public static final String COMMUNITYTYPE_PRIVATE = "private"; public static final String WidgetsException = "Problem occurred while fetching Widgets of Community with id : {0}"; public static final String WidgetDefIdException = "Missing Widget type definition"; public static final String WIDGET_DEF_ID = "widgetDefId"; /** * Wrapper method to get a "Widget enabled" Community * <p> * fetches community content from server and populates the data member of {@link Community} with the fetched content * @see CommunityService#getCommunity(String) * * @param communityUuid * id of community * @return A Community * @throws ClientServicesException */ @Override public WidgetCommunity getCommunity(String communityUuid) throws ClientServicesException { Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put(COMMUNITY_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER, communityUuid); String url = CommunityUrls.COMMUNITY_INSTANCE.format(this, CommunityUrls.getCommunityUuid(communityUuid)); WidgetCommunity widgetCommunity; try { widgetCommunity = (WidgetCommunity)getEntity(url, parameters, getWidgetCommunityFeedHandler()); } catch (ClientServicesException e) { throw new ClientServicesException(e, Messages.CommunityException, communityUuid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ClientServicesException(e, Messages.CommunityException, communityUuid); } return widgetCommunity; } /** * Create sub community for given parent community. * <br><b>ATTN:</>Sub communities are not allowed to have sub communities themselves! * @param parentCommunity * @param title * @param tags * @param content * @param type * @return {WidgetCommunity} */ public WidgetCommunity createSubCommunity(Community parentCommunity, String title, Collection<String> tags, String content, String type) throws ClientServicesException { WidgetCommunity subCommunity = null; // set up new community object Community community = prepareCommunityEntity(title, tags, content, type, null, null); // create sub community String uuid = super.createSubCommunity(community, parentCommunity); // load community object immediately after creation to reflect automatic extensions subCommunity = this.getCommunity(uuid); return subCommunity; } private Community prepareCommunityEntity(String title, Collection<String> tags, String content, String type, String uuid, Community parentCommunity) { // set up new community object Community community = new Community(); if (null != uuid) { // for update only: "id" is required! community.setCommunityUuid(uuid); community.setAsString(CommunityXPath.communityUuid, uuid); community.setAsString(, uuid); } if (null != parentCommunity && null != parentCommunity.getCommunityUuid()) { community.setParentCommunityUrl(parentCommunity.getSelfUrl()); } community.setTitle(title); // required // prepare tags HashSet<String> interim = new HashSet<String>(); for (Iterator<String> iterator = tags.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String tag = (String); interim.add(tag.toLowerCase()); } tags = interim; community.setTags(new ArrayList<String>(tags)); community.setContent(content); // set type: // - public (view:all, edit:all, membership:self/invite) // - private (view:members, edit:members, membership:invite) // - publicInviteOnly (view:all, edit:?, membership:invite) if (COMMUNITYTYPE_PUBLIC.equals(type) || COMMUNITYTYPE_PRIVATE.equals(type) || COMMUNITYTYPE_RESTRICTED.equals(type)) { community.setCommunityType(type); } else { community.setCommunityType(COMMUNITYTYPE_PUBLIC); } return community; } /** Create widget of given type at given community * @param community (required) * @param widgetDefId (required) * @return Widget created */ public Widget createCommunityWidget(Community community, WidgetDefId widgetDefId) throws ClientServicesException { if (null == community) { throw new ClientServicesException(null, Messages.NullCommunityIdException); } if (null == widgetDefId) { throw new ClientServicesException(null, WidgetDefIdException); } Widget communityWidget = null; Widget widget = new Widget(); widget.setWidgetDefId(widgetDefId.toString()); widget.setWidgetLocation("col2"); // required unless hidden is not true widget.setWidgetHidden(Boolean.FALSE); // optional, default: false Object widgetPayload = widget.constructCreateRequestBody(); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put(COMMUNITY_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER, community.getCommunityUuid()); // CommunityService.COMMUNITY_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER Map<String, String> requestheaders = new HashMap<String, String>(); requestheaders.put("Content-Type", "application/atom+xml"); StringBuilder comBaseUrl = new StringBuilder(WidgetCommunityUrls.COMMUNITY_WIDGETS_FEED.format(this)); // "{communities}/service/atom/{authType}/community/widgets" // Add required parameters if (null != params && params.size() > 0) { comBaseUrl.append('?'); boolean setSeparator = false; for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : params.entrySet()) { String key = param.getKey(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(key)) continue; String value = EntityUtil.encodeURLParam(param.getValue()); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(value)) continue; if (setSeparator) { comBaseUrl.append('&'); } else { setSeparator = true; } comBaseUrl.append(key).append('=').append(value); } } String widgetPostUrl = comBaseUrl.toString(); // execute request Response result = createData(widgetPostUrl, null, requestheaders, widgetPayload); // read response data IFeedHandler<Widget> feedHandler = getWidgetFeedHandler(); widget = feedHandler.createEntity(result); EntityList<Widget> widgetList = getCommunityWidgets(community.getCommunityUuid(), widgetDefId); if (null != widgetList && widgetList.size() > 0) { communityWidget = widgetList.get(0); // TODO Check if an EntityList<Widget> entry is complete (or if fields are missing). CommunityList does NOT contain all entry data! } return communityWidget; } /** * Wrapper method to get Widgets of a community * * @param communityUuid * community Id of which Widgets are to be fetched * @return A list of widgets * @throws ClientServicesException */ public EntityList<Widget> getCommunityWidgets(String communityUuid) throws ClientServicesException { return getCommunityWidgets(communityUuid, null, null); } /** * Wrapper method to get Widgets of a community * * @param communityUuid * community Id of which Widgets are to be fetched * @param widgetDefId * @return A list of widgets * @throws ClientServicesException */ public EntityList<Widget> getCommunityWidgets(String communityUuid, WidgetDefId widgetDefId) throws ClientServicesException { return getCommunityWidgets(communityUuid, widgetDefId, null); } /** * Wrapper method to get Widgets of a community * * @param communityUuid * community Id of which Widgets are to be fetched * @param parameters * @return A list of widgets * @throws ClientServicesException */ public EntityList<Widget> getCommunityWidgets(String communityUuid, Map<String, String> parameters) throws ClientServicesException { return getCommunityWidgets(communityUuid, null, parameters); } /** * Wrapper method to get Widgets of a community * * @param communityUuid * community Id of which Widgets are to be fetched * @param widgetDefId * @param parameters * @return A list of widgets * @throws ClientServicesException */ public EntityList<Widget> getCommunityWidgets(String communityUuid, WidgetDefId widgetDefId, Map<String, String> parameters) throws ClientServicesException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(communityUuid)){ throw new ClientServicesException(null, Messages.NullCommunityIdException); } if(null == parameters){ parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); } parameters.put(COMMUNITY_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER, communityUuid); if (null != widgetDefId) { parameters.put(WIDGET_DEF_ID, widgetDefId.toString()); } String requestUrl = WidgetCommunityUrls.COMMUNITY_WIDGETS_FEED.format(this); EntityList<Widget> widgets = null; try { widgets = (EntityList<Widget>) getEntities(requestUrl, parameters, getWidgetFeedHandler()); } catch (ClientServicesException e) { throw new ClientServicesException(e, WidgetsException, communityUuid); } return widgets; } public EntityList<Invite> getInvitesList(String requestUrl, Map<String, String> parameters) throws ClientServicesException { return super.getInviteEntityList(requestUrl, parameters); } /*************************************************************** * FeedHandlers for each entity type ****************************************************************/ /** * Factory method to instantiate a FeedHandler for WidgetCommunities * @return IFeedHandler<WidgetCommunity> */ protected IFeedHandler<WidgetCommunity> getWidgetCommunityFeedHandler() { return new AtomFeedHandler<WidgetCommunity>(this, false) { @Override protected WidgetCommunity entityInstance(BaseService service, Node node, XPathExpression xpath) { return new WidgetCommunity(service, node, nameSpaceCtx, xpath); } }; } /** * Factory method to instantiate a FeedHandler for Widgets * @return IFeedHandler<Widget> */ protected IFeedHandler<Widget> getWidgetFeedHandler() { return new AtomFeedHandler<Widget>(this, false) { @Override protected Widget entityInstance(BaseService service, Node node, XPathExpression xpath) { return new Widget(service, node, nameSpaceCtx, xpath); } }; } }