package nsf.playground.beans; import; import java.util.List; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import lotus.domino.Database; import lotus.domino.Document; import lotus.domino.Item; import lotus.domino.MIMEEntity; import lotus.domino.NotesException; import lotus.domino.View; import lotus.domino.ViewEntry; import lotus.domino.ViewNavigator; import nsf.playground.extension.ImportOptions; import nsf.playground.extension.PlaygroundExtensionFactory; import nsf.playground.util.JsonTreeFromDominoView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Classes that encapsulates the business logic for the API documentation editor. * * @author priand */ public abstract class DocBean { public static class DocTreeModel implements nsf.playground.util.JsonTreeFromDominoView.TreeModel { public boolean isLeaf(ViewEntry ve) throws NotesException { String form = (String)ve.getColumnValues().get(1); return StringUtil.endsWithIgnoreCase(form, "API"); } } public String getEntriesAsJson() throws Exception { JsonTreeFromDominoView tree = new JsonTreeFromDominoView(); return tree.generateAsStringHier(new DocTreeModel(), "AllDocumentation", true); } public String getProducts() throws Exception { List<ImportOptions> opt = PlaygroundExtensionFactory.getExtensions(ImportOptions.class); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for(int i=0; i<opt.size(); i++) { String[] prd = opt.get(i).getProducts(); if(prd!=null) { for(int j=0; j<prd.length; j++) { if(b.length()>0) { b.append(','); } b.append(prd[j]); } } } return b.toString(); } public void moveUp(String noteID) throws Exception { swap(noteID,true); } public void moveDown(String noteID) throws Exception { swap(noteID,false); } private boolean swap(String noteID, boolean previous) throws Exception { // Is there a faster way? View view = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase().getView("AllDocumentation"); //view.setAutoUpdate(false); ViewNavigator vn = view.createViewNav(); try { for(ViewEntry ve=vn.getFirst(); ve!=null; ve=vn.getNext(ve)) { if(ve.getNoteID().equals(noteID)) { int docIndent = ve.getIndentLevel(); Document doc = ve.getDocument(); ve = previous ? vn.getPrev(ve) : vn.getNext(ve); if(ve!=null) { Document other = ve.getDocument(); if(ve.getIndentLevel()==docIndent) { Object ts = other.getItemValue("OrderTS"); other.replaceItemValue("OrderTS",doc.getItemValue("OrderTS")); doc.replaceItemValue("OrderTS",ts);;; view.refresh(); return true; } } return false; } } } finally { vn.recycle(); } return false; } public String changeParent(String noteID, String newParentID) throws Exception { Database db = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase(); Document doc = db.getDocumentByID(noteID); Document newParent = db.getDocumentByID(newParentID); doc.makeResponse(newParent); return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void remove(DominoDocument doc, String fieldName, int idx) throws Exception { String json = doc.getItemValueString(fieldName); if(!StringUtil.isSpace(json)) { List<Object> array = (List<Object>)JsonParser.fromJson(JsonJavaFactory.instance,json); if(idx<array.size()) { array.remove(idx); doc.replaceItemValue(fieldName, JsonGenerator.toJson(JsonJavaFactory.instance,array)); } } } public boolean isEmpty(DominoDocument doc, String fieldName) throws Exception { if(doc!=null) { Item item = doc.getDocument().getFirstItem(fieldName); if(item!=null) { String content; MIMEEntity e = item.getMIMEEntity(); if(e!=null) { content = e.getContentAsText(); } else { content = item.getText(); } if(!StringUtil.isSpace(content)) { // Should handle empty json objects/arrays as well content = content.trim(); return content.equals("[]") || content.equals("{}"); } } } return true; } public String generateValueList(String list) { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(list)) { return ""; } StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("<ul>"); String[] values = StringUtil.splitString(list, '\n'); for(int i=0; i<values.length; i++) { String s = values[i]; if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(s)) { String name = s; String desc = null; int pos = s.indexOf('|'); if(pos>=0) { name = s.substring(0,pos); desc = s.substring(pos+1); } b.append("<li>"); b.append("<b>"); b.append(TextUtil.toXMLString(name)); b.append("</b>"); if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(desc)) { b.append(": "); b.append(TextUtil.toXMLString(desc)); } b.append("</li>"); } } b.append("</ul>"); return b.toString(); } public void prettify(UIInputEx c) { String value = c.getValueAsString(); value = prettify(value,false); if(value!=null) { c.setValue(value); } else { FacesContextEx ctx = FacesContextEx.getCurrentInstance(); String msg = "Invalid file content"; FacesMessage m = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, msg, msg); ctx.addMessage(c != null ? c.getClientId(ctx) : null, m); } } public void compact(UIInputEx c) { String value = c.getValueAsString(); value = prettify(value,true); if(value!=null) { c.setValue(value); } else { FacesContextEx ctx = FacesContextEx.getCurrentInstance(); String msg = "Invalid file content"; FacesMessage m = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, msg, msg); ctx.addMessage(c != null ? c.getClientId(ctx) : null, m); } } public String prettify(String source,boolean compact) { try { source = source.trim(); if(source.startsWith("[") || source.startsWith("{")) { return prettifyJSON(source,compact); } else if(source.startsWith("<")) { return prettifyXML(source,compact); } return source; } catch(Exception e) { return null; } } private String prettifyJSON(String source,boolean compact) throws Exception{ Object o = JsonParser.fromJson(JsonJavaFactory.instance,new StringReader(source)); return JsonGenerator.toJson(JsonJavaFactory.instance, o, compact); } private String prettifyXML(String source,boolean compact) throws Exception{ org.w3c.dom.Document d = DOMUtil.createDocument(source); return DOMUtil.getXMLString(d,compact); } }