/* * © Copyright IBM Corp. 2013 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.ibm.sbt.sample.web.util; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import com.ibm.commons.runtime.Application; import com.ibm.commons.runtime.Context; import com.ibm.commons.runtime.util.UrlUtil; import com.ibm.commons.util.PathUtil; import com.ibm.commons.util.StringUtil; import com.ibm.sbt.services.endpoints.EndpointFactory; /** * @author Mark Wallace * @date 16 Jan 2013 */ public class Util { public static String[][] JS_LIBS = new String[][] { // title, id, jsLibPath, jsLibParams, libraryUrl { "Dojo Toolkit 1.8.0", "dojo180", "includes/dojo180.jsp", "/library?lib=dojo&ver=1.8.0" }, { "Dojo Toolkit 1.8.0 CDN", "dojo180cdn", "includes/dojo180cdn.jsp", "/library?lib=dojo&ver=1.8.0" }, { "Dojo Toolkit 1.8.0 CDN Async", "dojo180cdnasync", "includes/dojo180cdnasync.jsp", "/library?lib=dojo&ver=1.8.0" }, { "Dojo Toolkit 1.7.0 CDN", "dojo170cdn", "includes/dojo170cdn.jsp", "/library?lib=dojo&ver=1.7.0" }, { "Dojo Toolkit 1.7.0 CDN Async", "dojo170cdnasync", "includes/dojo170cdnasync.jsp", "/library?lib=dojo&ver=1.7.0" }, { "Dojo Toolkit 1.4.3", "dojo143", "includes/dojo143.jsp", "/library?lib=dojo&ver=1.4.3" }, { "jQuery 1.8.2", "jquery182", "includes/jquery182.jsp", "/library?lib=jquery&ver=1.8.2" }, { "jQuery 1.8.2 ScriptTag", "jquery182ST", "includes/jquery182ScriptTag.jsp", "/library?lib=jquery&ver=1.8.2" }, //{ "jQuery 1.8.2 Debug", "jquery182debug", "includes/jquery182debug.jsp", "/library?lib=jquery&ver=1.8.2" }, { "jQuery 1.9.1 CDN", "jquery191cdn", "includes/jquery191cdn.jsp", "/library?lib=jquery&ver=1.9.1" }, { "jQuery 1.9.1 CDN Debug", "jquery191cdndebug", "includes/jquery191cdndebug.jsp", "/library?lib=jquery&ver=1.9.1" } }; public static String[][] THEMES = new String[][] { // title, id { "Dojo Claro", "dojo" }, { "Bootstrap", "bootstrap" }, { "One UI", "oneui" } }; public static final String defaultEnvironment = "defaultEnvironment"; public static String[][] ENVIRONMENTS = new String[][] { // title, id { "Default", "defaultEnvironment"}, { "Connections", "connectionsEnvironment"}, { "SmartCloud", "smartcloudEnvironment"}, { "Third Party APIs", "thirdPartyAPIsEnvironment"}, { "Domino", "dominoEnvironment"}, { "OpenSocial", "openSocial"} }; public static String[] BOOTSTRAP_STYLES = { "/sbt.bootstrap211/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css", "/sbt.bootstrap211/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css" }; public static String[] DOJO_STYLES = new String[0]; public static String[] ONE_UI_STYLES = { // "/sbt.oneui303/css/base/core.css", // this theme doesn't seem to be used in connections. "/connections/resources/web/_style?include=com.ibm.lconn.core.styles.oneui3/base/package3.css", "/connections/resources/web/_style?include=com.ibm.lconn.core.styles.oneui3/sprites.css", "/connections/resources/web/_lconntheme/default.css?version=oneui3&rtl=false", "/connections/resources/web/_lconnappstyles/default/search.css?version=oneui3&rtl=false" }; private static Map<String, String[]> _styleMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); static { _styleMap.put("bootstrap", BOOTSTRAP_STYLES); _styleMap.put("dojo", DOJO_STYLES); _styleMap.put("oneui", ONE_UI_STYLES); } public static String[] combineStyleArrays(){ int allStylesLength = 0; for(String[] array : _styleMap.values()){ allStylesLength += array.length; } String[] allStyles = new String[allStylesLength]; int offset = 0; for(String[] array : _styleMap.values()){ System.arraycopy(array, 0, allStyles, offset, array.length); offset+=array.length; } return allStyles; } public static String[] ALL_STYLES = combineStyleArrays(); static{ _styleMap.put("all", ALL_STYLES); }; private static Map<String, String> _bodyClassMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { _bodyClassMap.put("bootstrap", "claro"); _bodyClassMap.put("dojo", "claro"); _bodyClassMap.put("oneui", "lotusui30_body lotusui30_fonts lotusui30"); _bodyClassMap.put("all", "lotusui30_body lotusui30_fonts lotusui30"); } private static String[][] _environments = null; public static String[][] getJavaScriptLibs(HttpServletRequest request) { return JS_LIBS; } public static String getSelectedLibrary(HttpServletRequest request) { String id = request.getParameter("jsLibId"); return (StringUtil.isEmpty(id)) ? JS_LIBS[0][1] : id; } public static String getLibraryInclude(HttpServletRequest request) { String id = request.getParameter("jsLibId"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(id)) { id = JS_LIBS[0][1]; } String libraryInclude = null; for (int i=0; i<JS_LIBS.length; i++) { if (JS_LIBS[i][1].equals(id)) { libraryInclude = JS_LIBS[i][2]; break; } } return libraryInclude; } public static String getLibraryUrl(HttpServletRequest request) { String id = request.getParameter("jsLibId"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(id)) { id = JS_LIBS[0][1]; } String libraryUrl = null; for (int i=0; i<JS_LIBS.length; i++) { if (JS_LIBS[i][1].equals(id)) { libraryUrl = JS_LIBS[i][3]; break; } } String transport = request.getParameter("transport"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(transport)) { libraryUrl += "&transport=" + transport; } String environment = request.getParameter("env"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(environment)) { libraryUrl += "&env=" + environment; } String debug = request.getParameter("debug"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(debug)) { libraryUrl += "&debug=" + debug; } String debugTransport = request.getParameter("debugTransport"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(debugTransport)) { libraryUrl += "&debugTransport=" + debugTransport; } String mockTransport = request.getParameter("mockTransport"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(mockTransport)) { libraryUrl += "&mockTransport=" + mockTransport; } String baseUrl = UrlUtil.getBaseUrl(request); return PathUtil.concat(baseUrl, libraryUrl,'/'); } public static String getJsLibId(HttpServletRequest request) { String id = request.getParameter("jsLibId"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(id)) { id = JS_LIBS[0][1]; } return id; } public static String[][] getThemes(HttpServletRequest request) { return THEMES; } public static String getThemeId(HttpServletRequest request) { String id = request.getParameter("themeId"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(id)) { id = THEMES[0][1]; } return id; } public static String getSelectedTheme(HttpServletRequest request) { String id = request.getParameter("themeId"); return (StringUtil.isEmpty(id)) ? THEMES[0][1] : id; } public static String[] getStyles(HttpServletRequest request, String themeId) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(themeId)) { themeId = getThemeId(request); } String jsLibId = getJsLibId(request); String environment = request.getParameter("env"); String endpointName = "connections"; String baseUrl = EndpointFactory.getEndpointFromEnvironment(endpointName, environment).getUrl(); String[] result; if (_styleMap.containsKey(themeId)) { result = _styleMap.get(themeId); if(StringUtil.equals(themeId, "oneui")) result = addBaseUrls(baseUrl, result); } else if (_styleMap.containsKey(jsLibId + themeId)) { result = _styleMap.get(jsLibId + themeId); if(StringUtil.equals(themeId, "oneui")) result = addBaseUrls(baseUrl, result); } else { result = new String[0]; } return result; } /** * Returns the paths array where every String has been replaced by the same String with baseUrl in front. * @param base * @param paths * @return */ private static String[] addBaseUrls(String baseUrl, String[] paths){ String[] result = new String[paths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++){ result[i] = baseUrl + paths[i]; } return result; } public static String getBodyClass(HttpServletRequest request, String themeId) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(themeId)) { themeId = getThemeId(request); } return _bodyClassMap.get(themeId); } public static String getPageUrl(HttpServletRequest request, String jsLibId, String themeId) { return getPageUrl(request, jsLibId, themeId, null); } public static String getPageUrl(HttpServletRequest request, String jsLibId, String themeId, String envId) { String url = request.getRequestURL().toString(); if (url.indexOf('?') != -1) { url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('?')); } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(jsLibId)) { jsLibId = getJsLibId(request); } url += "?jsLibId=" + jsLibId; if (StringUtil.isEmpty(themeId)) { themeId = getThemeId(request); } url += "&themeId=" + themeId; if (StringUtil.isEmpty(envId)) { envId = getEnvironmentId(request); } url += "&env=" + envId; String snippet = request.getParameter("snippet"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(snippet)) { url += "&snippet=" + snippet; } return url; } public static String getJavaScriptPreview(HttpServletRequest request) { String url = "javascriptPreview.jsp"; String jsLibId = getJsLibId(request); url += "?jsLibId=" + jsLibId; String themeId = getThemeId(request); url += "&themeId=" + themeId; String snippet = request.getParameter("snippet"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(snippet)) { url += "&snippet=" + snippet; } return url; } public static String[][] getEnvironments(HttpServletRequest request) { if (_environments == null) { String environments = getProperty("environments"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(environments)) { _environments = ENVIRONMENTS; } else { String[] pairs = StringUtil.splitString(environments, ','); _environments = new String[pairs.length][]; for (int i=0; i<pairs.length; i++) { _environments[i] = StringUtil.splitString(pairs[i], ':'); } } } return _environments; } public static String getEnvironmentId(HttpServletRequest request) { String id = request.getParameter("env"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(id)) { id = ENVIRONMENTS[0][1]; } return id; } public static String getHomeBodyClass(HttpServletRequest request) { String showSmartCloudNavbar = getProperty("showSmartCloudNavbar"); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(showSmartCloudNavbar)) { return "lotusui30_body"; } return ""; } public static String getHomeTheme(HttpServletRequest request) { String showSmartCloudNavbar = getProperty("showSmartCloudNavbar"); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(showSmartCloudNavbar)) { String url = getProperty("smartcloud.url"); return "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" + url + "/theming/theme/css/3\" type=\"text/css\" />"; } return ""; } public static String getNavbar(HttpServletRequest request) { String showSmartCloudNavbar = getProperty("showSmartCloudNavbar"); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(showSmartCloudNavbar)) { String url = getProperty("smartcloud.url"); return "<div class=\"lotusui30 lotusui30_fonts scloud3\" style=\"font-size: 12px\"><script src=\"" + url + "/manage/navbar/banner/smartcloudExt?oneui=3\"></script></div>"; } return ""; } public static boolean isShowNavbar(HttpServletRequest request) { String showSmartCloudNavbar = getProperty("showSmartCloudNavbar"); return ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(showSmartCloudNavbar)); } public static String getProperty(String name) { String value = Context.get().getProperty(name); if (value != null) { return value; } return Application.get().getProperty(name); } // // Internals // }