package; import android.opengl.GLES20; /** * Created by edward_chiang on 13/10/16. */ public class GPUImageColorBalanceFilter extends GPUImageFilter { public static final String GPU_IMAGE_COLOR_BALANCE_FRAGMENT_SHADER = "" + "varying highp vec2 textureCoordinate;\n" + "uniform sampler2D inputImageTexture;\n" + "uniform lowp vec3 shadowsShift;\n" + "uniform lowp vec3 midtonesShift;\n" + "uniform lowp vec3 highlightsShift;\n" + "uniform int preserveLuminosity;\n" + "lowp vec3 RGBToHSL(lowp vec3 color)\n" + "{\n" + "lowp vec3 hsl; // init to 0 to avoid warnings ? (and reverse if + remove first part)\n" + "lowp float fmin = min(min(color.r, color.g), color.b); //Min. value of RGB\n" + "lowp float fmax = max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b); //Max. value of RGB\n" + "lowp float delta = fmax - fmin; //Delta RGB value\n" + "hsl.z = (fmax + fmin) / 2.0; // Luminance\n" + "if (delta == 0.0) //This is a gray, no chroma...\n" + "{\n" + " hsl.x = 0.0; // Hue\n" + " hsl.y = 0.0; // Saturation\n" + "}\n" + "else //Chromatic data...\n" + "{\n" + " if (hsl.z < 0.5)\n" + " hsl.y = delta / (fmax + fmin); // Saturation\n" + " else\n"+ " hsl.y = delta / (2.0 - fmax - fmin); // Saturation\n" + "\n" + " lowp float deltaR = (((fmax - color.r) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;\n" + " lowp float deltaG = (((fmax - color.g) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;\n" + " lowp float deltaB = (((fmax - color.b) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;\n" + "\n" + " if (color.r == fmax )\n" + " hsl.x = deltaB - deltaG; // Hue\n" + " else if (color.g == fmax)\n" + " hsl.x = (1.0 / 3.0) + deltaR - deltaB; // Hue\n" + " else if (color.b == fmax)\n" + " hsl.x = (2.0 / 3.0) + deltaG - deltaR; // Hue\n" + " if (hsl.x < 0.0)\n" + " hsl.x += 1.0; // Hue\n" + " else if (hsl.x > 1.0)\n" + " hsl.x -= 1.0; // Hue\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "return hsl;\n" + "}\n" + "lowp float HueToRGB(lowp float f1, lowp float f2, lowp float hue)\n" + "{\n"+ " if (hue < 0.0)\n"+ " hue += 1.0;\n"+ " else if (hue > 1.0)\n"+ " hue -= 1.0;\n"+ " lowp float res;\n"+ " if ((6.0 * hue) < 1.0)\n"+ " res = f1 + (f2 - f1) * 6.0 * hue;\n"+ " else if ((2.0 * hue) < 1.0)\n"+ " res = f2;\n"+ " else if ((3.0 * hue) < 2.0)\n"+ " res = f1 + (f2 - f1) * ((2.0 / 3.0) - hue) * 6.0;\n"+ " else\n"+ " res = f1;\n"+ " return res;\n"+ "}\n"+ "lowp vec3 HSLToRGB(lowp vec3 hsl)\n"+ "{\n" + " lowp vec3 rgb;\n" + " if (hsl.y == 0.0)\n" + " rgb = vec3(hsl.z); // Luminance\n" + " else\n" + " {\n" + " lowp float f2;\n" + " if (hsl.z < 0.5)\n" + " f2 = hsl.z * (1.0 + hsl.y);\n" + " else\n" + " f2 = (hsl.z + hsl.y) - (hsl.y * hsl.z);\n" + " lowp float f1 = 2.0 * hsl.z - f2;\n" + " rgb.r = HueToRGB(f1, f2, hsl.x + (1.0/3.0));\n" + " rgb.g = HueToRGB(f1, f2, hsl.x);\n" + " rgb.b= HueToRGB(f1, f2, hsl.x - (1.0/3.0));\n" + " }\n" + " return rgb;\n "+ "}\n" + "lowp float RGBToL(lowp vec3 color)\n" + "{\n" + " lowp float fmin = min(min(color.r, color.g), color.b); //Min. value of RGB\n" + " lowp float fmax = max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b); //Max. value of RGB\n" + " return (fmax + fmin) / 2.0; // Luminance\n" + "}\n" + "void main()\n"+ "{\n"+ " lowp vec4 textureColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, textureCoordinate);\n" + " // Alternative way:\n" + " //lowp vec3 lightness = RGBToL(textureColor.rgb);\n" + " lowp vec3 lightness = textureColor.rgb;\n" + " const lowp float a = 0.25;\n" + " const lowp float b = 0.333;\n" + " const lowp float scale = 0.7;\n" + " lowp vec3 shadows = shadowsShift * (clamp((lightness - b) / -a + 0.5, 0.0, 1.0) * scale);\n" + " lowp vec3 midtones = midtonesShift * (clamp((lightness - b) / a + 0.5, 0.0, 1.0) *\n" + " clamp((lightness + b - 1.0) / -a + 0.5, 0.0, 1.0) * scale);\n" + " lowp vec3 highlights = highlightsShift * (clamp((lightness + b - 1.0) / a + 0.5, 0.0, 1.0) * scale);\n" + " mediump vec3 newColor = textureColor.rgb + shadows + midtones + highlights;\n"+ " newColor = clamp(newColor, 0.0, 1.0);\n "+ " if (preserveLuminosity != 0) {\n "+ " lowp vec3 newHSL = RGBToHSL(newColor);\n" + " lowp float oldLum = RGBToL(textureColor.rgb);\n" + " textureColor.rgb = HSLToRGB(vec3(newHSL.x, newHSL.y, oldLum));\n" + " gl_FragColor = textureColor;\n" + " } else {\n" + " gl_FragColor = vec4(newColor.rgb, textureColor.w);\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"; private int mShadowsLocation; private int mMidtonesLocation; private int mHighlightsLocation; private int mPreserveLuminosityLocation; private float[] showdows; private float[] midtones; private float[] highlights; private boolean preserveLuminosity; public GPUImageColorBalanceFilter() { super(NO_FILTER_VERTEX_SHADER, GPU_IMAGE_COLOR_BALANCE_FRAGMENT_SHADER); this.showdows = new float[]{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; this.midtones = new float[]{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; this.highlights = new float[]{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; this.preserveLuminosity = true; } @Override public void onInit() { super.onInit(); mShadowsLocation = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(getProgram(), "shadowsShift"); mMidtonesLocation = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(getProgram(), "midtonesShift"); mHighlightsLocation = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(getProgram(), "highlightsShift"); mPreserveLuminosityLocation = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(getProgram(), "preserveLuminosity"); } @Override public void onInitialized() { super.onInitialized(); setMidtones(this.midtones); setShowdows(this.showdows); setHighlights(this.highlights); setPreserveLuminosity(this.preserveLuminosity); } public void setShowdows(float[] showdows) { this.showdows = showdows; setFloatVec3(mShadowsLocation, showdows); } public void setMidtones(float[] midtones) { this.midtones = midtones; setFloatVec3(mMidtonesLocation, midtones); } public void setHighlights(float[] highlights) { this.highlights = highlights; setFloatVec3(mHighlightsLocation, highlights); } public void setPreserveLuminosity(boolean preserveLuminosity) { this.preserveLuminosity = preserveLuminosity; setInteger(mPreserveLuminosityLocation, preserveLuminosity ? 1: 0); } }