package; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.hardware.GeomagneticField; import android.os.BatteryManager; import android.text.format.DateFormat; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import net.osmand.Location; import net.osmand.binary.RouteDataObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.router.RouteResultPreparation; import net.osmand.router.TurnType; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class RouteInfoWidgetsFactory { public NextTurnInfoWidget createNextInfoControl(final Activity activity, final OsmandApplication app, boolean horisontalMini) { final OsmandSettings settings = app.getSettings(); final RoutingHelper routingHelper = app.getRoutingHelper(); final NextTurnInfoWidget nextTurnInfo = new NextTurnInfoWidget(activity, app, horisontalMini) { NextDirectionInfo calc1 = new NextDirectionInfo(); @Override public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { boolean followingMode = routingHelper.isFollowingMode() || app.getLocationProvider().getLocationSimulation().isRouteAnimating(); TurnType turnType = null; boolean deviatedFromRoute = false; int turnImminent = 0; int nextTurnDistance = 0; if (routingHelper != null && routingHelper.isRouteCalculated() && followingMode) { deviatedFromRoute = routingHelper.isDeviatedFromRoute(); if (deviatedFromRoute) { turnImminent = 0; turnType = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.OFFR, settings.DRIVING_REGION.get().leftHandDriving); setDeviatePath((int) routingHelper.getRouteDeviation()); } else { NextDirectionInfo r = routingHelper.getNextRouteDirectionInfo(calc1, true); if (r != null && r.distanceTo > 0 && r.directionInfo != null) { turnType = r.directionInfo.getTurnType(); nextTurnDistance = r.distanceTo; turnImminent = r.imminent; } } } setTurnType(turnType); setTurnImminent(turnImminent, deviatedFromRoute); setTurnDistance(nextTurnDistance); return true; } }; nextTurnInfo.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { // int i = 0; // boolean leftSide = false; @Override public void onClick(View v) { // for test rendering purposes // final int l = TurnType.predefinedTypes.length; // final int exits = 5; // i++; // if (i % (l + exits) >= l ) { // nextTurnInfo.turnType = TurnType.valueOf("EXIT" + (i % (l + exits) - l + 1), leftSide); // float a = leftSide? -180 + (i % (l + exits) - l + 1) * 50: 180 - (i % (l + exits) - l + 1) * 50; // nextTurnInfo.turnType.setTurnAngle(a < 0 ? a + 360 : a); // nextTurnInfo.exitOut = (i % (l + exits) - l + 1)+""; // } else { // nextTurnInfo.turnType = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.predefinedTypes[i % (TurnType.predefinedTypes.length + exits)], leftSide); // nextTurnInfo.exitOut = ""; // } // nextTurnInfo.turnImminent = (nextTurnInfo.turnImminent + 1) % 3; // nextTurnInfo.nextTurnDirection = 580; // TurnPathHelper.calcTurnPath(nextTurnInfo.pathForTurn, nextTurnInfo.turnType,nextTurnInfo.pathTransform); if(routingHelper.isRouteCalculated() && !routingHelper.isDeviatedFromRoute()) { routingHelper.getVoiceRouter().announceCurrentDirection(null); } } }); // initial state return nextTurnInfo; } public NextTurnInfoWidget createNextNextInfoControl(final Activity activity, final OsmandApplication app, boolean horisontalMini) { final RoutingHelper routingHelper = app.getRoutingHelper(); final NextTurnInfoWidget nextTurnInfo = new NextTurnInfoWidget(activity, app, horisontalMini) { NextDirectionInfo calc1 = new NextDirectionInfo(); @Override public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { boolean followingMode = routingHelper.isFollowingMode() || app.getLocationProvider().getLocationSimulation().isRouteAnimating(); TurnType turnType = null; boolean deviatedFromRoute = false; int turnImminent = 0; int nextTurnDistance = 0; if (routingHelper != null && routingHelper.isRouteCalculated() && followingMode) { deviatedFromRoute = routingHelper.isDeviatedFromRoute() ; NextDirectionInfo r = routingHelper.getNextRouteDirectionInfo(calc1, true); if (!deviatedFromRoute) { if (r != null) { r = routingHelper.getNextRouteDirectionInfoAfter(r, calc1, true); } } if (r != null && r.distanceTo > 0 && r.directionInfo != null) { turnType = r.directionInfo.getTurnType(); turnImminent = r.imminent; nextTurnDistance = r.distanceTo; } } setTurnType(turnType); setTurnImminent(turnImminent, deviatedFromRoute); setTurnDistance(nextTurnDistance); return true; } }; nextTurnInfo.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { // int i = 0; @Override public void onClick(View v) { // uncomment to test turn info rendering // final int l = TurnType.predefinedTypes.length; // final int exits = 5; // i++; // if (i % (l + exits) >= l ) { // nextTurnInfo.turnType = TurnType.valueOf("EXIT" + (i % (l + exits) - l + 1), true); // nextTurnInfo.exitOut = (i % (l + exits) - l + 1)+""; // float a = 180 - (i % (l + exits) - l + 1) * 50; // nextTurnInfo.turnType.setTurnAngle(a < 0 ? a + 360 : a); // } else { // nextTurnInfo.turnType = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.predefinedTypes[i % (TurnType.predefinedTypes.length + exits)], true); // nextTurnInfo.exitOut = ""; // } // nextTurnInfo.turnImminent = (nextTurnInfo.turnImminent + 1) % 3; // nextTurnInfo.nextTurnDirection = 580; // TurnPathHelper.calcTurnPath(nextTurnInfo.pathForTurn, nexsweepAngletTurnInfo.turnType,nextTurnInfo.pathTransform); // showMiniMap = true; } }); // initial state return nextTurnInfo; } public static class TimeControlWidgetState extends WidgetState { public static final int TIME_CONTROL_WIDGET_STATE_ARRIVAL_TIME =; public static final int TIME_CONTROL_WIDGET_STATE_TIME_TO_GO =; private final OsmandPreference<Boolean> showArrival; public TimeControlWidgetState(OsmandApplication ctx) { super(ctx); showArrival = ctx.getSettings().SHOW_ARRIVAL_TIME_OTHERWISE_EXPECTED_TIME; } @Override public int getMenuTitleId() { return showArrival.get() ? R.string.access_arrival_time : R.string.map_widget_time; } @Override public int getMenuIconId() { return showArrival.get() ? R.drawable.ic_action_time : R.drawable.ic_action_time_to_distance; } @Override public int getMenuItemId() { return showArrival.get() ? TIME_CONTROL_WIDGET_STATE_ARRIVAL_TIME : TIME_CONTROL_WIDGET_STATE_TIME_TO_GO; } @Override public int[] getMenuTitleIds() { return new int[]{R.string.access_arrival_time, R.string.map_widget_time}; } @Override public int[] getMenuIconIds() { return new int[]{R.drawable.ic_action_time, R.drawable.ic_action_time_to_distance}; } @Override public int[] getMenuItemIds() { return new int[]{TIME_CONTROL_WIDGET_STATE_ARRIVAL_TIME, TIME_CONTROL_WIDGET_STATE_TIME_TO_GO}; } @Override public void changeState(int stateId) { showArrival.set(stateId == TIME_CONTROL_WIDGET_STATE_ARRIVAL_TIME); } } public TextInfoWidget createTimeControl(final MapActivity map){ final RoutingHelper routingHelper = map.getRoutingHelper(); final int time = R.drawable.widget_time_day; final int timeN = R.drawable.widget_time_night; final int timeToGo = R.drawable.widget_time_to_distance_day; final int timeToGoN = R.drawable.widget_time_to_distance_night; final OsmandApplication ctx = map.getMyApplication(); final OsmandPreference<Boolean> showArrival = ctx.getSettings().SHOW_ARRIVAL_TIME_OTHERWISE_EXPECTED_TIME; final TextInfoWidget leftTimeControl = new TextInfoWidget(map) { private long cachedLeftTime = 0; @Override public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { setIcons(showArrival.get() ? time : timeToGo, showArrival.get() ? timeN : timeToGoN); int time = 0; if (routingHelper != null && routingHelper.isRouteCalculated()) { //boolean followingMode = routingHelper.isFollowingMode(); time = routingHelper.getLeftTime(); if (time != 0) { if (/*followingMode && */showArrival.get()) { long toFindTime = time * 1000 + System.currentTimeMillis(); if (Math.abs(toFindTime - cachedLeftTime) > 30000) { cachedLeftTime = toFindTime; setContentTitle(map.getString(R.string.access_arrival_time)); if (DateFormat.is24HourFormat(ctx)) { setText(DateFormat.format("k:mm", toFindTime).toString(), null); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { setText(DateFormat.format("h:mm", toFindTime).toString(), DateFormat.format("aa", toFindTime).toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return true; } } else { if (Math.abs(time - cachedLeftTime) > 30) { cachedLeftTime = time; int hours = time / (60 * 60); int minutes = (time / 60) % 60; setContentTitle(map.getString(R.string.map_widget_time)); setText(String.format("%d:%02d", hours, minutes), null); //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } } } } if (time == 0 && cachedLeftTime != 0) { cachedLeftTime = 0; setText(null, null); return true; } return false; }; }; leftTimeControl.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { showArrival.set(!showArrival.get()); leftTimeControl.setIcons(showArrival.get() ? time : timeToGo, showArrival.get() ? timeN : timeToGoN); map.getMapView().refreshMap(); } }); leftTimeControl.setText(null, null); leftTimeControl.setIcons(showArrival.get() ? time : timeToGo, showArrival.get() ? timeN : timeToGoN); return leftTimeControl; } public TextInfoWidget createPlainTimeControl(final MapActivity map){ final OsmandApplication ctx = map.getMyApplication(); final TextInfoWidget plainTimeControl = new TextInfoWidget(map) { private long cachedLeftTime = 0; @Override public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(time - cachedLeftTime > 5000) { cachedLeftTime = time; if (DateFormat.is24HourFormat(ctx)) { setText(DateFormat.format("k:mm", time).toString(), null); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { setText(DateFormat.format("h:mm", time).toString(), DateFormat.format("aa", time).toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } return false; }; }; plainTimeControl.setText(null, null); plainTimeControl.setIcons(R.drawable.widget_time_day, R.drawable.widget_time_night); return plainTimeControl; } public TextInfoWidget createBatteryControl(final MapActivity map){ final int battery = R.drawable.widget_battery_day; final int batteryN = R.drawable.widget_battery_night; final int batteryCharging = R.drawable.widget_battery_charging_day; final int batteryChargingN = R.drawable.widget_battery_charging_night; final OsmandApplication ctx = map.getMyApplication(); final TextInfoWidget batteryControl = new TextInfoWidget(map) { private long cachedLeftTime = 0; @Override public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (time - cachedLeftTime > 1000) { cachedLeftTime = time; Intent batteryIntent = ctx.registerReceiver(null, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED)); int level = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, -1); int scale = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE, -1); int status = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_STATUS, -1); if (level == -1 || scale == -1 || status == -1) { setText("?", null); setIcons(battery, batteryN); } else { boolean charging = ((status == BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_CHARGING) || (status == BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_FULL)); setText(String.format("%d%%", (level * 100) / scale), null ); setIcons(charging ? batteryCharging : battery, charging ? batteryChargingN : batteryN); } } return false; }; }; batteryControl.setText(null, null); batteryControl.setIcons(battery, batteryN); return batteryControl; } public TextInfoWidget createMaxSpeedControl(final MapActivity map) { final RoutingHelper rh = map.getMyApplication().getRoutingHelper(); final OsmAndLocationProvider locationProvider = map.getMyApplication().getLocationProvider(); final MapViewTrackingUtilities trackingUtilities = map.getMapViewTrackingUtilities(); final TextInfoWidget speedControl = new TextInfoWidget(map) { private float cachedSpeed = 0; @Override public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { float mx = 0; if ((rh == null || !rh.isFollowingMode() || rh.isDeviatedFromRoute() || rh.getCurrentGPXRoute() != null) && trackingUtilities.isMapLinkedToLocation()) { RouteDataObject ro = locationProvider.getLastKnownRouteSegment(); if(ro != null) { mx = ro.getMaximumSpeed(ro.bearingVsRouteDirection(locationProvider.getLastKnownLocation())); } } else if (rh != null) { mx = rh.getCurrentMaxSpeed(); } else { mx = 0f; } if (cachedSpeed != mx) { cachedSpeed = mx; if (cachedSpeed == 0) { setText(null, null); } else if(cachedSpeed == RouteDataObject.NONE_MAX_SPEED) { setText(map.getString(R.string.max_speed_none), ""); } else { String ds = OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedSpeed(cachedSpeed, map.getMyApplication()); int ls = ds.lastIndexOf(' '); if (ls == -1) { setText(ds, null); } else { setText(ds.substring(0, ls), ds.substring(ls + 1)); } } return true; } return false; } }; speedControl.setIcons(R.drawable.widget_max_speed_day, R.drawable.widget_max_speed_night); speedControl.setText(null, null); return speedControl; } public TextInfoWidget createSpeedControl(final MapActivity map) { final OsmandApplication app = map.getMyApplication(); final TextInfoWidget speedControl = new TextInfoWidget(map) { private float cachedSpeed = 0; @Override public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { Location loc = app.getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation(); // draw speed if (loc != null && loc.hasSpeed()) { // .1 mps == 0.36 kph float minDelta = .1f; // Update more often at walk/run speeds, since we give higher resolution // and use .02 instead of .03 to account for rounding effects. if (cachedSpeed < 6) { minDelta = .015f; } if (Math.abs(loc.getSpeed() - cachedSpeed) > minDelta) { cachedSpeed = loc.getSpeed(); String ds = OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedSpeed(cachedSpeed, app); int ls = ds.lastIndexOf(' '); if (ls == -1) { setText(ds, null); } else { setText(ds.substring(0, ls), ds.substring(ls + 1)); } return true; } } else if (cachedSpeed != 0) { cachedSpeed = 0; setText(null, null); return true; } return false; } }; speedControl.setIcons(R.drawable.widget_speed_day, R.drawable.widget_speed_night); speedControl.setText(null, null); return speedControl; } public abstract static class DistanceToPointInfoControl extends TextInfoWidget { private final OsmandMapTileView view; private float[] calculations = new float[1]; private int cachedMeters; public DistanceToPointInfoControl(MapActivity ma, int res, int resNight) { super(ma); this.view = ma.getMapView(); if (res != 0 && resNight != 0) { setIcons(res, resNight); } setText(null, null); setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { click(view); } }); } protected void click(final OsmandMapTileView view) { AnimateDraggingMapThread thread = view.getAnimatedDraggingThread(); LatLon pointToNavigate = getPointToNavigate(); if (pointToNavigate != null) { int fZoom = view.getZoom() < 15 ? 15 : view.getZoom(); thread.startMoving(pointToNavigate.getLatitude(), pointToNavigate.getLongitude(), fZoom, true); } } @Override public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { int d = getDistance(); if (distChanged(cachedMeters, d)) { cachedMeters = d; if (cachedMeters <= 20) { cachedMeters = 0; setText(null, null); } else { String ds = OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(cachedMeters, view.getApplication()); int ls = ds.lastIndexOf(' '); if (ls == -1) { setText(ds, null); } else { setText(ds.substring(0, ls), ds.substring(ls + 1)); } } return true; } return false; } public abstract LatLon getPointToNavigate(); public int getDistance() { int d = 0; LatLon l = getPointToNavigate(); if (l != null) { Location.distanceBetween(view.getLatitude(), view.getLongitude(), l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude(), calculations); d = (int) calculations[0]; } return d; } } public TextInfoWidget createDistanceControl(final MapActivity map) { DistanceToPointInfoControl distanceControl = new DistanceToPointInfoControl(map,R.drawable.widget_target_day, R.drawable.widget_target_night) { @Override public LatLon getPointToNavigate() { TargetPoint p = map.getPointToNavigate(); return p == null ? null : p.point; } @Override public int getDistance() { if (map.getRoutingHelper().isRouteCalculated()) { return map.getRoutingHelper().getLeftDistance(); } return super.getDistance(); } }; return distanceControl; } public TextInfoWidget createIntermediateDistanceControl(final MapActivity map) { final TargetPointsHelper targets = map.getMyApplication().getTargetPointsHelper(); DistanceToPointInfoControl distanceControl = new DistanceToPointInfoControl(map, R.drawable.widget_intermediate_day, R.drawable.widget_intermediate_night) { @Override protected void click(OsmandMapTileView view) { if(targets.getIntermediatePoints().size() > 1) { map.getMapActions().openIntermediatePointsDialog(); } else {; } } @Override public LatLon getPointToNavigate() { TargetPoint p = targets.getFirstIntermediatePoint(); return p == null ? null : p.point; } @Override public int getDistance() { if (getPointToNavigate() != null && map.getRoutingHelper().isRouteCalculated()) { return map.getRoutingHelper().getLeftDistanceNextIntermediate(); } return super.getDistance(); } }; return distanceControl; } public static class BearingWidgetState extends WidgetState { public static final int BEARING_WIDGET_STATE_RELATIVE_BEARING =; public static final int BEARING_WIDGET_STATE_MAGNETIC_BEARING =; private final OsmandPreference<Boolean> showRelativeBearing; public BearingWidgetState(OsmandApplication ctx) { super(ctx); showRelativeBearing = ctx.getSettings().SHOW_RELATIVE_BEARING_OTHERWISE_REGULAR_BEARING; } @Override public int getMenuTitleId() { return showRelativeBearing.get() ? R.string.map_widget_bearing : R.string.map_widget_magnetic_bearing; } @Override public int getMenuIconId() { return showRelativeBearing.get() ? R.drawable.ic_action_relative_bearing : R.drawable.ic_action_bearing; } @Override public int getMenuItemId() { return showRelativeBearing.get() ? BEARING_WIDGET_STATE_RELATIVE_BEARING : BEARING_WIDGET_STATE_MAGNETIC_BEARING; } @Override public int[] getMenuTitleIds() { return new int[]{R.string.map_widget_magnetic_bearing, R.string.map_widget_bearing}; } @Override public int[] getMenuIconIds() { return new int[]{R.drawable.ic_action_bearing, R.drawable.ic_action_relative_bearing}; } @Override public int[] getMenuItemIds() { return new int[]{BEARING_WIDGET_STATE_MAGNETIC_BEARING, BEARING_WIDGET_STATE_RELATIVE_BEARING}; } @Override public void changeState(int stateId) { showRelativeBearing.set(stateId == BEARING_WIDGET_STATE_RELATIVE_BEARING); } } public TextInfoWidget createBearingControl(final MapActivity map) { final int bearingResId = R.drawable.widget_bearing_day; final int bearingNightResId = R.drawable.widget_bearing_night; final int relativeBearingResId = R.drawable.widget_relative_bearing_day; final int relativeBearingNightResId = R.drawable.widget_relative_bearing_night; final OsmandApplication ctx = map.getMyApplication(); final OsmandPreference<Boolean> showRelativeBearing = ctx.getSettings().SHOW_RELATIVE_BEARING_OTHERWISE_REGULAR_BEARING; final TextInfoWidget bearingControl = new TextInfoWidget(map) { private int cachedDegrees; private float MIN_SPEED_FOR_HEADING = 1f; public LatLon getPointToNavigate() { TargetPoint p = map.getPointToNavigate(); return p == null ? null : p.point; } @Override public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { boolean relative = showRelativeBearing.get(); boolean modeChanged = setIcons(relative ? relativeBearingResId : bearingResId, relative ? relativeBearingNightResId : bearingNightResId); setContentTitle(relative ? R.string.map_widget_bearing : R.string.map_widget_magnetic_bearing); int b = getBearing(relative); if (degreesChanged(cachedDegrees, b) || modeChanged) { cachedDegrees = b; if (b != -1000) { setText(String.valueOf(b) + "°" + (relative ? "" : " M"), null); } else { setText(null, null); } return true; } return false; } public int getBearing(boolean relative) { int d = -1000; Location myLocation = getOsmandApplication().getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation(); LatLon l = getPointToNavigate(); if (l == null) { List<MapMarker> markers = getOsmandApplication().getMapMarkersHelper().getMapMarkers(); if (markers.size() > 0) { l = markers.get(0).point; } } if (myLocation != null && l != null) { Location dest = new Location(""); dest.setLatitude(l.getLatitude()); dest.setLongitude(l.getLongitude()); dest.setBearing(myLocation.bearingTo(dest)); GeomagneticField destGf = new GeomagneticField((float) dest.getLatitude(), (float) dest.getLongitude(), (float) dest.getAltitude(), System.currentTimeMillis()); float bearingToDest = dest.getBearing() - destGf.getDeclination(); if (relative) { float b = -1000; Float heading = getOsmandApplication().getLocationProvider().getHeading(); if ((myLocation.getSpeed() < MIN_SPEED_FOR_HEADING || !myLocation.hasBearing()) && heading != null) { b = heading; } else if (myLocation.hasBearing()) { GeomagneticField myLocGf = new GeomagneticField((float) myLocation.getLatitude(), (float) myLocation.getLongitude(), (float) myLocation.getAltitude(), System.currentTimeMillis()); b = myLocation.getBearing() - myLocGf.getDeclination(); } if (b > -1000) { bearingToDest -= b; if (bearingToDest > 180f) { bearingToDest -= 360f; } else if (bearingToDest < -180f) { bearingToDest += 360f; } d = (int) bearingToDest; } } else { d = (int) bearingToDest; } } return d; } }; bearingControl.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { showRelativeBearing.set(!showRelativeBearing.get()); map.refreshMap(); } }); bearingControl.setText(null, null); bearingControl.setIcons(!showRelativeBearing.get() ? bearingResId : relativeBearingResId, !showRelativeBearing.get() ? bearingNightResId : relativeBearingNightResId); return bearingControl; } private static Path getPathFromTurnType(List<Path> paths, int laneType, Path defaultType, float coef, boolean mini) { if(laneType == 0) { return defaultType; } while (paths.size() <= laneType) { paths.add(null); } Path p = paths.get(laneType); if (p != null) { return p; } p = new Path(); Matrix pathTransform = new Matrix(); pathTransform.postScale(coef, coef ); TurnType tp = TurnType.valueOf(laneType, false); TurnPathHelper.calcTurnPath(p, null, tp, pathTransform, null, mini); paths.set(laneType, p); return p; } public static class LanesControl { private MapViewTrackingUtilities trackingUtilities; private OsmAndLocationProvider locationProvider; private RoutingHelper rh; private OsmandSettings settings; private ImageView lanesView; private TextView lanesText; private TextView lanesShadowText; private OsmandApplication app; private int dist; private LanesDrawable lanesDrawable; private View centerInfo; private View progress; private int shadowRadius; public LanesControl(final MapActivity map, final OsmandMapTileView view) { lanesView = (ImageView) map.findViewById(; lanesText = (TextView) map.findViewById(; lanesShadowText = (TextView) map.findViewById(; centerInfo = (View) map.findViewById(; progress = (View) map.findViewById(; lanesDrawable = new LanesDrawable(map, map.getMapView().getScaleCoefficient()); lanesView.setImageDrawable(lanesDrawable); trackingUtilities = map.getMapViewTrackingUtilities(); locationProvider = map.getMyApplication().getLocationProvider(); settings = map.getMyApplication().getSettings(); rh = map.getMyApplication().getRoutingHelper(); app = map.getMyApplication(); } public void updateTextSize(boolean isNight, int textColor, int textShadowColor, boolean textBold, int shadowRadius) { this.shadowRadius = shadowRadius; TextInfoWidget.updateTextColor(lanesText, lanesShadowText, textColor, textShadowColor, textBold, shadowRadius); } public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { boolean visible = false; int locimminent = -1; int[] loclanes = null; int dist = 0; // TurnType primary = null; if ((rh == null || !rh.isFollowingMode() || rh.isDeviatedFromRoute() || rh.getCurrentGPXRoute() != null) && trackingUtilities.isMapLinkedToLocation() && settings.SHOW_LANES.get()) { RouteDataObject ro = locationProvider.getLastKnownRouteSegment(); Location lp = locationProvider.getLastKnownLocation(); if(ro != null) { float degree = lp == null || !lp.hasBearing() ? 0 : lp.getBearing(); loclanes = RouteResultPreparation.parseTurnLanes(ro, degree / 180 * Math.PI); if(loclanes == null) { loclanes = RouteResultPreparation.parseLanes(ro, degree / 180 * Math.PI); } } } else if (rh != null && rh.isRouteCalculated() ) { if (rh.isFollowingMode() && settings.SHOW_LANES.get()) { NextDirectionInfo r = rh.getNextRouteDirectionInfo(new NextDirectionInfo(), false); if(r != null && r.directionInfo != null && r.directionInfo.getTurnType() != null) { loclanes = r.directionInfo.getTurnType().getLanes(); // primary = r.directionInfo.getTurnType(); locimminent = r.imminent; // Do not show too far if ((r.distanceTo > 800 && r.directionInfo.getTurnType().isSkipToSpeak()) || r.distanceTo > 1200) { loclanes = null; } dist = r.distanceTo; } } else { int di = MapRouteInfoMenu.getDirectionInfo(); if (di >= 0 && MapRouteInfoMenu.isVisible() && di < rh.getRouteDirections().size()) { RouteDirectionInfo next = rh.getRouteDirections().get(di); if (next != null) { loclanes = next.getTurnType().getLanes(); // primary = next.getTurnType(); } } else { loclanes = null; } } } visible = loclanes != null && loclanes.length > 0; if (visible) { if (!Arrays.equals(lanesDrawable.lanes, loclanes) || (locimminent == 0) != lanesDrawable.imminent) { lanesDrawable.imminent = locimminent == 0; lanesDrawable.lanes = loclanes; lanesDrawable.updateBounds(); lanesView.setImageDrawable(null); lanesView.setImageDrawable(lanesDrawable); lanesView.requestLayout(); lanesView.invalidate(); } if (distChanged(dist, this.dist)) { this.dist = dist; if(dist == 0) { lanesShadowText.setText(""); lanesText.setText(""); } else { lanesShadowText.setText(OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(dist, app)); lanesText.setText(OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(dist, app)); } lanesShadowText.invalidate(); lanesText.invalidate(); } } updateVisibility(lanesShadowText, visible && shadowRadius > 0); updateVisibility(lanesText, visible); updateVisibility(lanesView, visible); updateVisibility(centerInfo, visible || progress.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE); return true; } } private static class LanesDrawable extends Drawable { int[] lanes = null; boolean imminent = false; private Context ctx; private ArrayList<Path> paths = new ArrayList<Path>(); private Map<TurnPathHelper.TurnResource, Bitmap> bitmapCache = new HashMap<TurnPathHelper.TurnResource, Bitmap>(); private Paint paintBlack; private Path laneStraight; private final Bitmap laneStraightBitmap; private Paint paintRouteDirection; private Paint paintSecondTurn; private float scaleCoefficient; private int height; private int width; private static final float miniCoeff = 2f; private final boolean leftSide; public LanesDrawable(MapActivity ctx, float scaleCoefficent) { this.ctx = ctx; OsmandSettings settings = ctx.getMyApplication().getSettings(); leftSide = settings.DRIVING_REGION.get().leftHandDriving; this.scaleCoefficient = scaleCoefficent; laneStraight = getPathFromTurnType(paths, TurnType.C, null, scaleCoefficient / miniCoeff, true); laneStraightBitmap = TurnPathHelper.getBitmapFromTurnType(ctx.getResources(), bitmapCache, TurnType.C, 0, 0, TurnPathHelper.FIRST_TURN, scaleCoefficient / miniCoeff, leftSide); paintBlack = new Paint(); paintBlack.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paintBlack.setColor(Color.BLACK); paintBlack.setAntiAlias(true); paintBlack.setStrokeWidth(2.5f); paintRouteDirection = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); paintRouteDirection.setStyle(Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); paintRouteDirection.setColor(ctx.getResources().getColor(R.color.nav_arrow)); paintSecondTurn = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); paintSecondTurn.setStyle(Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); paintSecondTurn.setColor(ctx.getResources().getColor(R.color.nav_arrow_distant)); } public void updateBounds() { int w = (int) (72 * scaleCoefficient / miniCoeff); int cnt = lanes != null ? lanes.length : 0 ; width = w * cnt; height = w; } @Override public int getIntrinsicHeight() { return height; } @Override public int getIntrinsicWidth() { return width; } @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { float w = 72 * scaleCoefficient / miniCoeff; Bitmap src = Bitmap.createBitmap(canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); // setup canvas for painting Canvas srcCanvas = new Canvas(src); // setup default color srcCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); //to change color immediately when needed if (lanes != null && lanes.length > 0) {; // canvas.translate((int) (16 * scaleCoefficient), 0); for (int i = 0; i < lanes.length; i++) { if ((lanes[i] & 1) == 1) { paintRouteDirection.setColor(imminent ? ctx.getResources().getColor(R.color.nav_arrow_imminent) : ctx.getResources().getColor(R.color.nav_arrow)); } else { paintRouteDirection.setColor(ctx.getResources().getColor(R.color.nav_arrow_distant)); } int turnType = TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(lanes[i]); int secondTurnType = TurnType.getSecondaryTurn(lanes[i]); int thirdTurnType = TurnType.getTertiaryTurn(lanes[i]); float coef = scaleCoefficient / miniCoeff; if(thirdTurnType > 0){ Bitmap bSecond = null; bSecond = TurnPathHelper.getBitmapFromTurnType(ctx.getResources(), bitmapCache, turnType, secondTurnType, thirdTurnType, TurnPathHelper.THIRD_TURN, coef, leftSide); if (bSecond != null){ paintSecondTurn.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(paintSecondTurn.getColor(), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP)); srcCanvas.drawBitmap(bSecond, 0f, 0f, paintSecondTurn); } } if(secondTurnType > 0){ Bitmap bSecond = null; bSecond = TurnPathHelper.getBitmapFromTurnType(ctx.getResources(), bitmapCache, turnType, secondTurnType, thirdTurnType, TurnPathHelper.SECOND_TURN, coef, leftSide); if (bSecond != null){ paintSecondTurn.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(paintSecondTurn.getColor(), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP)); srcCanvas.drawBitmap(bSecond, 0f, 0f, paintSecondTurn); } } Bitmap b = TurnPathHelper.getBitmapFromTurnType(ctx.getResources(), bitmapCache, turnType, secondTurnType, thirdTurnType, TurnPathHelper.FIRST_TURN, coef, leftSide); if(b != null) { paintRouteDirection.setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(paintRouteDirection.getColor(), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP)); srcCanvas.drawBitmap(b, 0f, 0f, paintRouteDirection); srcCanvas.translate(w, 0); } } srcCanvas.restore(); } // create a blur paint for capturing alpha Paint ptBlur = new Paint(); float density = ctx.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; ptBlur.setMaskFilter(new BlurMaskFilter(1.66f * density, Blur.OUTER)); int[] offsetXY = new int[2]; // capture alpha into a bitmap Bitmap bmAlpha = src.extractAlpha(ptBlur, offsetXY); // create a color paint Paint ptAlphaColor = new Paint(); ptAlphaColor.setColor(0xFF000000); // paint color for captured alpha region (bitmap) canvas.drawBitmap(bmAlpha, offsetXY[0], offsetXY[1], ptAlphaColor); // free memory bmAlpha.recycle(); // paint the image source canvas.drawBitmap(src, 0, 0, null); } //@Override public void drawOld(Canvas canvas) { float w = 72 * scaleCoefficient / miniCoeff; //to change color immediately when needed if (lanes != null && lanes.length > 0) {; // canvas.translate((int) (16 * scaleCoefficient), 0); for (int i = 0; i < lanes.length; i++) { int turnType; if ((lanes[i] & 1) == 1) { paintRouteDirection.setColor(imminent ? ctx.getResources().getColor(R.color.nav_arrow_imminent) : ctx.getResources().getColor(R.color.nav_arrow)); turnType = TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(lanes[i]); } else { paintRouteDirection.setColor(ctx.getResources().getColor(R.color.nav_arrow_distant)); turnType = TurnType.getPrimaryTurn(lanes[i]); } Path p = getPathFromTurnType(paths, turnType, laneStraight, scaleCoefficient / miniCoeff, true); canvas.drawPath(p, paintBlack); canvas.drawPath(p, paintRouteDirection); canvas.translate(w, 0); } canvas.restore(); } } @Override public void setAlpha(int alpha) { } @Override public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) { } @Override public int getOpacity() { return 0; } } public LanesControl createLanesControl(final MapActivity map, final OsmandMapTileView view) { return new LanesControl(map, view); } public static class RulerWidget { private View layout; private ImageView icon; private TextView text; private TextView textShadow; private MapActivity ma; private String cacheRulerText; private int maxWidth; private int cacheRulerZoom; private double cacheRulerTileX; private double cacheRulerTileY; private boolean orientationPortrait; public RulerWidget(final OsmandApplication app, MapActivity ma) { = ma; layout = ma.findViewById(; icon = (ImageView) ma.findViewById(; text = (TextView) ma.findViewById(; textShadow = (TextView) ma.findViewById(; maxWidth = ma.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.map_ruler_width); orientationPortrait = AndroidUiHelper.isOrientationPortrait(ma); } public void updateTextSize(boolean isNight, int textColor, int textShadowColor, int shadowRadius) { TextInfoWidget.updateTextColor(text, textShadow, textColor, textShadowColor, false, shadowRadius); icon.setBackgroundResource(isNight ? R.drawable.ruler_night : R.drawable.ruler); } public boolean updateInfo(RotatedTileBox tb, DrawSettings nightMode) { boolean visible = true; OsmandMapTileView view = ma.getMapView(); // update cache if (view.isZooming()) { visible = false; } else if (!orientationPortrait && ma.getRoutingHelper().isRoutePlanningMode()) { visible = false; } else if ((tb.getZoom() != cacheRulerZoom || Math.abs(tb.getCenterTileX() - cacheRulerTileX) > 1 || Math .abs(tb.getCenterTileY() - cacheRulerTileY) > 1) && tb.getPixWidth() > 0 && maxWidth > 0) { cacheRulerZoom = tb.getZoom(); cacheRulerTileX = tb.getCenterTileX(); cacheRulerTileY = tb.getCenterTileY(); final double dist = tb.getDistance(0, tb.getPixHeight() / 2, tb.getPixWidth(), tb.getPixHeight() / 2); double pixDensity = tb.getPixWidth() / dist; double roundedDist = OsmAndFormatter.calculateRoundedDist(maxWidth / pixDensity, view.getApplication()); int cacheRulerDistPix = (int) (pixDensity * roundedDist); cacheRulerText = OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance((float) roundedDist, view.getApplication(), false); textShadow.setText(cacheRulerText); text.setText(cacheRulerText); ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = layout.getLayoutParams(); lp.width = cacheRulerDistPix; layout.setLayoutParams(lp); layout.requestLayout(); } updateVisibility(layout, visible); return true; } public void setVisibility(boolean visibility) { layout.setVisibility(visibility ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } } public static class AlarmWidget { private View layout; private ImageView icon; private TextView text; private OsmandSettings settings; private RoutingHelper rh; private MapViewTrackingUtilities trackingUtilities; private OsmAndLocationProvider locationProvider; private WaypointHelper wh; private int imgId; private String textString; public AlarmWidget(final OsmandApplication app, MapActivity ma) { layout = ma.findViewById(; icon = (ImageView) ma.findViewById(; text = (TextView) ma.findViewById(; settings = app.getSettings(); rh = ma.getRoutingHelper(); trackingUtilities = ma.getMapViewTrackingUtilities(); locationProvider = app.getLocationProvider(); wh = app.getWaypointHelper(); } public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) { boolean trafficWarnings = settings.SHOW_TRAFFIC_WARNINGS.get(); boolean cams = settings.SHOW_CAMERAS.get(); boolean peds = settings.SHOW_PEDESTRIAN.get(); boolean visible = false; if ((rh.isFollowingMode() || trackingUtilities.isMapLinkedToLocation()) && (trafficWarnings || cams)) { AlarmInfo alarm; if(rh.isFollowingMode() && !rh.isDeviatedFromRoute() && rh.getCurrentGPXRoute() == null) { alarm = wh.getMostImportantAlarm(settings.METRIC_SYSTEM.get(), cams); } else { RouteDataObject ro = locationProvider.getLastKnownRouteSegment(); Location loc = locationProvider.getLastKnownLocation(); if(ro != null && loc != null) { alarm = wh.calculateMostImportantAlarm(ro, loc, settings.METRIC_SYSTEM.get(), cams); } else { alarm = null; } } if(alarm != null) { int locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_limit; String text = ""; if(alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.SPEED_LIMIT) { if(settings.DRIVING_REGION.get().americanSigns){ locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_speed_limit_us; //else case is done by drawing red ring } text = alarm.getIntValue() +""; } else if(alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.SPEED_CAMERA) { locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_speed_camera; } else if(alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.BORDER_CONTROL) { locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_border_control; } else if(alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.HAZARD) { if(settings.DRIVING_REGION.get().americanSigns){ locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_hazard_us; } else { locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_hazard; } } else if(alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.TOLL_BOOTH) { //image done by drawing red ring text = "$"; } else if(alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.TRAFFIC_CALMING) { if(settings.DRIVING_REGION.get().americanSigns){ locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_traffic_calming_us; } else { locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_traffic_calming; } } else if(alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.STOP) { locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_stop; } else if(alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.RAILWAY) { if(settings.DRIVING_REGION.get().americanSigns){ locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_railways_us; } else { locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_railways; } } else if(alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.PEDESTRIAN) { if(settings.DRIVING_REGION.get().americanSigns){ locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_pedestrian_us; } else { locimgId = R.drawable.warnings_pedestrian; } } else { text = null; } visible = (text != null && text.length() > 0) || (locimgId != 0); if (visible) { if (alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.SPEED_CAMERA) { visible = cams; } else if (alarm.getType() == AlarmInfoType.PEDESTRIAN) { visible = peds; } else { visible = trafficWarnings; } } if(visible) { if(locimgId != imgId) { imgId = locimgId; icon.setImageResource(locimgId); } if (!Algorithms.objectEquals(text, this.textString)) { textString = text; this.text.setText(this.textString); } } } } updateVisibility(layout, visible); return true; } public void setVisibility(boolean visibility) { layout.setVisibility(visibility ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } } public static boolean distChanged(int oldDist, int dist){ if (oldDist != 0 && Math.abs(oldDist - dist) < 10) { return false; } return true; } public static boolean degreesChanged(int oldDegrees, int degrees){ return Math.abs(oldDegrees - degrees) >= 1; } public AlarmWidget createAlarmInfoControl(OsmandApplication app, MapActivity map) { return new AlarmWidget(app, map); } public RulerWidget createRulerControl(OsmandApplication app, MapActivity map) { return new RulerWidget(app, map); } protected static boolean updateVisibility(View view, boolean visible) { if (visible != (view.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE)) { if (visible) { view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { view.setVisibility(View.GONE); } view.invalidate(); return true; } return false; } }