package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; public abstract class MenuTitleController { protected int leftIconId; protected Drawable leftIcon; protected String nameStr = ""; protected String typeStr = ""; protected String commonTypeStr = ""; protected Drawable secondLineTypeIcon; protected String streetStr = ""; private AddressLookupRequest addressLookupRequest; protected String searchAddressStr; protected String addressNotFoundStr; public abstract MapActivity getMapActivity(); public abstract LatLon getLatLon(); public abstract PointDescription getPointDescription(); public abstract Object getObject(); public abstract MenuController getMenuController(); public String getTitleStr() { if (displayStreetNameInTitle() && searchingAddress()) { return searchAddressStr; } else { return nameStr; } } public boolean searchingAddress() { return addressLookupRequest != null; } public void cancelSearchAddress() { if (addressLookupRequest != null) { getMapActivity().getMyApplication().getGeocodingLookupService().cancel(addressLookupRequest); addressLookupRequest = null; onSearchAddressDone(); } } public boolean displayStreetNameInTitle() { MenuController menuController = getMenuController(); return menuController != null && menuController.displayStreetNameInTitle(); } // Has title which does not equal to "Looking up address" and "No address determined" public boolean hasValidTitle() { String title = getTitleStr(); return !addressNotFoundStr.equals(title) && !searchAddressStr.equals(title); } public int getLeftIconId() { return leftIconId; } public Drawable getLeftIcon() { return leftIcon; } public Drawable getTypeIcon() { return secondLineTypeIcon; } public String getTypeStr() { MenuController menuController = getMenuController(); if (menuController != null && menuController.needTypeStr()) { return typeStr; } else { return ""; } } public String getStreetStr() { if (needStreetName()) { if (searchingAddress()) { return searchAddressStr; } else { return streetStr; } } else { return ""; } } protected void initTitle() { searchAddressStr = PointDescription.getSearchAddressStr(getMapActivity()); addressNotFoundStr = PointDescription.getAddressNotFoundStr(getMapActivity()); if (searchingAddress()) { cancelSearchAddress(); } acquireIcons(); acquireNameAndType(); if (needStreetName()) { acquireStreetName(); } } protected boolean needStreetName() { MenuController menuController = getMenuController(); boolean res = getObject() != null || Algorithms.isEmpty(getPointDescription().getName()); if (res && menuController != null) { res = menuController.needStreetName(); } return res; } protected void acquireIcons() { MenuController menuController = getMenuController(); leftIconId = 0; leftIcon = null; secondLineTypeIcon = null; if (menuController != null) { leftIconId = menuController.getLeftIconId(); leftIcon = menuController.getLeftIcon(); secondLineTypeIcon = menuController.getSecondLineTypeIcon(); } } protected void acquireNameAndType() { nameStr = ""; typeStr = ""; commonTypeStr = ""; streetStr = ""; MenuController menuController = getMenuController(); if (menuController != null) { nameStr = menuController.getNameStr(); typeStr = menuController.getTypeStr(); commonTypeStr = menuController.getCommonTypeStr(); } if (Algorithms.isEmpty(nameStr)) { nameStr = typeStr; typeStr = commonTypeStr; } else if (Algorithms.isEmpty(typeStr)) { typeStr = commonTypeStr; } } protected void acquireStreetName() { addressLookupRequest = new AddressLookupRequest(getLatLon(), new GeocodingLookupService.OnAddressLookupResult() { @Override public void geocodingDone(String address) { if (addressLookupRequest != null) { addressLookupRequest = null; if (Algorithms.isEmpty(address)) { streetStr = PointDescription.getAddressNotFoundStr(getMapActivity()); } else { streetStr = address; } if (displayStreetNameInTitle()) { nameStr = streetStr; getPointDescription().setName(nameStr); } onSearchAddressDone(); } } }, new GeocodingLookupService.OnAddressLookupProgress() { @Override public void geocodingInProgress() { // animate three dots } }); getMapActivity().getMyApplication().getGeocodingLookupService().lookupAddress(addressLookupRequest); } protected void onSearchAddressDone() { } }