package; import android.Manifest; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; import android.hardware.Camera; import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters; import android.hardware.Camera.PictureCallback; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.StatFs; import android.provider.MediaStore; import; import; import; import android.view.Display; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Surface; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.SurfaceHolder.Callback; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.view.View; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.Toast; import net.osmand.AndroidUtils; import net.osmand.IProgress; import net.osmand.IndexConstants; import net.osmand.Location; import net.osmand.PlatformUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import net.osmand.util.GeoPointParserUtil.GeoParsedPoint; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; public class AudioVideoNotesPlugin extends OsmandPlugin { public static final int NOTES_TAB = R.string.notes; public static final String ID = "osmand.audionotes"; public static final String THREEGP_EXTENSION = "3gp"; public static final String MPEG4_EXTENSION = "mp4"; public static final String IMG_EXTENSION = "jpg"; private static final Log log = PlatformUtil.getLog(AudioVideoNotesPlugin.class); public static final int CAMERA_FOR_VIDEO_REQUEST_CODE = 101; public static final int CAMERA_FOR_PHOTO_REQUEST_CODE = 102; public static final int AUDIO_REQUEST_CODE = 103; private static Method mRegisterMediaButtonEventReceiver; private static Method mUnregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver; private OsmandApplication app; private TextInfoWidget recordControl; public final CommonPreference<Boolean> AV_EXTERNAL_RECORDER; public final CommonPreference<Boolean> AV_EXTERNAL_PHOTO_CAM; public final CommonPreference<Boolean> AV_PHOTO_PLAY_SOUND; public static final int VIDEO_OUTPUT_MP4 = 0; public static final int VIDEO_OUTPUT_3GP = 1; public static final int VIDEO_QUALITY_DEFAULT = CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH; // High (highest res) public static final int AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT = MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AAC; // AAC public static final int AUDIO_BITRATE_DEFAULT = 64 * 1024; // 64 kbps public final CommonPreference<Integer> AV_VIDEO_FORMAT; public final CommonPreference<Integer> AV_VIDEO_QUALITY; public final CommonPreference<Integer> AV_AUDIO_FORMAT; public final CommonPreference<Integer> AV_AUDIO_BITRATE; public static final int AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_AUDIO = 0; public static final int AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_VIDEO = 1; public static final int AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_TAKEPICTURE = 2; public static final int AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_CHOOSE = -1; // camera picture size: public static final int AV_PHOTO_SIZE_DEFAULT = -1; public static int cameraPictureSizeDefault = 0; // camera focus type public static final int AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_AUTO = 0; public static final int AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_HIPERFOCAL = 1; public static final int AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_EDOF = 2; public static final int AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_INFINITY = 3; public static final int AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_MACRO = 4; public static final int AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_CONTINUOUS = 5; // photo shot: private static int shotId = 0; private SoundPool sp = null; public static final int FULL_SCEEN_RESULT_DELAY_MS = 3000; public final CommonPreference<Integer> AV_CAMERA_PICTURE_SIZE; public final CommonPreference<Integer> AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_TYPE; public final CommonPreference<Integer> AV_DEFAULT_ACTION; public final OsmandPreference<Boolean> SHOW_RECORDINGS; public static final int CLIP_LENGTH_DEFAULT = 5; public static final int STORAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT = 5; public final CommonPreference<Boolean> AV_RECORDER_SPLIT; public final CommonPreference<Integer> AV_RS_CLIP_LENGTH; public final CommonPreference<Integer> AV_RS_STORAGE_SIZE; private DataTileManager<Recording> recordings = new DataTileManager<AudioVideoNotesPlugin.Recording>(14); private Map<String, Recording> recordingByFileName = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private AudioNotesLayer audioNotesLayer; private MapActivity mapActivity; private static File mediaRecFile; private static MediaRecorder mediaRec; private File lastTakingPhoto; private byte[] photoJpegData; private Timer photoTimer; private Camera cam; private List<Camera.Size> mSupportedPreviewSizes; private int requestedOrientation; private boolean autofocus; private AudioVideoNoteRecordingMenu recordingMenu; private CurrentRecording currentRecording; private boolean recordingDone; private MediaPlayer player; private Recording recordingPlaying; private Timer playerTimer; private final static char SPLIT_DESC = ' '; private double actionLat; private double actionLon; private int runAction = -1; public enum AVActionType { REC_AUDIO, REC_VIDEO, REC_PHOTO } public static class CurrentRecording { private AVActionType type; public CurrentRecording(AVActionType type) { this.type = type; } public AVActionType getType() { return type; } } public static class Recording { public Recording(File f) { this.file = f; } private File file; private double lat; private double lon; private long duration = -1; private boolean available = true; public double getLatitude() { return lat; } public double getLongitude() { return lon; } private void updateInternalDescription() { if (duration == -1) { duration = 0; if (!isPhoto()) { MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); try { mediaPlayer.setDataSource(file.getAbsolutePath()); mediaPlayer.prepare(); duration = mediaPlayer.getDuration(); available = true; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error reading recording " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e); available = false; } } } } public File getFile() { return file; } public boolean setName(String name) { File directory = file.getParentFile(); String fileName = getFileName(); File to = new File(directory, name + SPLIT_DESC + getOtherName(fileName)); if (file.renameTo(to)) { file = to; return true; } return false; } public boolean setLocation(LatLon latLon) { File directory = file.getParentFile(); lat = latLon.getLatitude(); lon = latLon.getLongitude(); File to = getBaseFileName(lat, lon, directory, Algorithms.getFileExtension(file)); if (file.renameTo(to)) { file = to; return true; } return false; } public String getFileName() { return file.getName(); } public String getDescriptionName(String fileName) { int hashInd = fileName.lastIndexOf(SPLIT_DESC); //backward compatibility if (fileName.indexOf('.') - fileName.indexOf('_') > 12 && hashInd < fileName.indexOf('_')) { hashInd = fileName.indexOf('_'); } if (hashInd == -1) { return null; } else { return fileName.substring(0, hashInd); } } public String getOtherName(String fileName) { String descriptionName = getDescriptionName(fileName); if (descriptionName != null) { return fileName.substring(descriptionName.length() + 1); // SPLIT_DESC } else { return fileName; } } private String formatDateTime(Context ctx, long dateTime) { DateFormat dateFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getMediumDateFormat(ctx); DateFormat timeFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getTimeFormat(ctx); return dateFormat.format(dateTime) + " " + timeFormat.format(dateTime); } public String getName(Context ctx, boolean includingType) { String fileName = file.getName(); String desc = getDescriptionName(fileName); if (desc != null) { return desc; } else if (this.isAudio() || this.isVideo() || this.isPhoto()) { if (includingType) { return getType(ctx) + " " + formatDateTime(ctx, file.lastModified()); } else { return formatDateTime(ctx, file.lastModified()); } } return ""; } public String getType(Context ctx) { if (this.isAudio()) { return ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.shared_string_audio); } else if (this.isVideo()) { return ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.shared_string_video); } else if (this.isPhoto()) { return ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.shared_string_photo); } else { return ""; } } public String getSearchHistoryType() { if (isPhoto()) { return PointDescription.POINT_TYPE_PHOTO_NOTE; } else if (isVideo()) { return PointDescription.POINT_TYPE_VIDEO_NOTE; } else { return PointDescription.POINT_TYPE_PHOTO_NOTE; } } public boolean isPhoto() { return file.getName().endsWith(IMG_EXTENSION); } public boolean isVideo() { return file.getName().endsWith(MPEG4_EXTENSION);// || file.getName().endsWith(THREEGP_EXTENSION); } public boolean isAudio() { return file.getName().endsWith(THREEGP_EXTENSION); } private String convertDegToExifRational(double l) { if (l < 0) { l = -l; } String s = ((int) l) + "/1,"; // degrees l = (l - ((int) l)) * 60.0; s += (int) l + "/1,"; // minutes l = (l - ((int) l)) * 60000.0; s += (int) l + "/1000"; // seconds //"deg rational: " + s); return s; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void updatePhotoInformation(double lat, double lon, Location loc, double rot) throws IOException { try { Class exClass = Class.forName(""); Constructor c = exClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{String.class}); Object exInstance = c.newInstance(file.getAbsolutePath()); Method setAttribute = exClass.getMethod("setAttribute", new Class[]{String.class, String.class}); setAttribute.invoke(exInstance, "GPSLatitude", convertDegToExifRational(lat)); setAttribute.invoke(exInstance, "GPSLatitudeRef", lat > 0 ? "N" : "S"); setAttribute.invoke(exInstance, "GPSLongitude", convertDegToExifRational(lon)); setAttribute.invoke(exInstance, "GPSLongitudeRef", lon > 0 ? "E" : "W"); if (!Double.isNaN(rot)) { setAttribute.invoke(exInstance, "GPSImgDirectionRef", "T"); while (rot < 0) { rot += 360; } while (rot > 360) { rot -= 360; } int abs = (int) (Math.abs(rot) * 100.0); String rotString = abs / 100f + ""; setAttribute.invoke(exInstance, "GPSImgDirection", rotString); } if (loc != null && loc.hasAltitude()) { double alt = loc.getAltitude(); String altString = (int) (Math.abs(alt) * 100.0) + "/100"; setAttribute.invoke(exInstance, "GPSAltitude", altString); setAttribute.invoke(exInstance, "GPSAltitudeRef", alt < 0 ? "1" : "0"); } Method saveAttributes = exClass.getMethod("saveAttributes", new Class[]{}); saveAttributes.invoke(exInstance); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private int getExifOrientation() { int orientation = 0; try { Class exClass = Class.forName(""); Constructor c = exClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{String.class}); Object exInstance = c.newInstance(file.getAbsolutePath()); Method getAttributeInt = exClass.getMethod("getAttributeInt", new Class[]{String.class, Integer.TYPE}); Integer it = (Integer) getAttributeInt.invoke(exInstance, "Orientation", 1); orientation = it; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } return orientation; } public int getBitmapRotation() { int rotation = 0; switch (getExifOrientation()) { case 3: rotation = 180; break; case 6: rotation = 90; break; case 8: rotation = 270; break; } return rotation; } public String getDescription(Context ctx) { String time = AndroidUtils.formatDateTime(ctx, file.lastModified()); if (isPhoto()) { return ctx.getString(R.string.recording_photo_description, "", time).trim(); } updateInternalDescription(); return ctx.getString(R.string.recording_description, "", getDuration(ctx), time) .trim(); } public String getSmallDescription(Context ctx) { String time = AndroidUtils.formatDateTime(ctx, file.lastModified()); if (isPhoto()) { return time; } updateInternalDescription(); return time + " " + getDuration(ctx); } public String getPlainDuration(boolean accessibilityEnabled) { updateInternalDescription(); if (duration > 0) { int d = (int) (duration / 1000); return Algorithms.formatDuration(d, accessibilityEnabled); } else { return ""; } } private String getDuration(Context ctx) { String additional = ""; if (duration > 0) { int d = (int) (duration / 1000); additional += "(" + Algorithms.formatDuration(d, ((OsmandApplication)ctx.getApplicationContext()).accessibilityEnabled()) + ")"; } if (!available) { additional += "[" + ctx.getString(R.string.recording_unavailable) + "]"; } return additional; } } private static void initializeRemoteControlRegistrationMethods() { try { // API 8 if (mRegisterMediaButtonEventReceiver == null) { mRegisterMediaButtonEventReceiver = AudioManager.class.getMethod("registerMediaButtonEventReceiver", new Class[]{ComponentName.class}); } if (mUnregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver == null) { mUnregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver = AudioManager.class.getMethod("unregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver", new Class[]{ComponentName.class}); } /* success, this device will take advantage of better remote */ /* control event handling */ } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { /* failure, still using the legacy behavior, but this app */ /* is future-proof! */ } } @Override public String getId() { return ID; } public AudioVideoNotesPlugin(OsmandApplication app) { = app; OsmandSettings settings = app.getSettings(); ApplicationMode.regWidgetVisibility("audionotes", (ApplicationMode[]) null); AV_EXTERNAL_RECORDER = settings.registerBooleanPreference("av_external_recorder", false).makeGlobal(); AV_EXTERNAL_PHOTO_CAM = settings.registerBooleanPreference("av_external_cam", true).makeGlobal(); AV_VIDEO_FORMAT = settings.registerIntPreference("av_video_format", VIDEO_OUTPUT_MP4).makeGlobal(); AV_VIDEO_QUALITY = settings.registerIntPreference("av_video_quality", VIDEO_QUALITY_DEFAULT).makeGlobal(); AV_AUDIO_FORMAT = settings.registerIntPreference("av_audio_format", AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT).makeGlobal(); AV_AUDIO_BITRATE = settings.registerIntPreference("av_audio_bitrate", AUDIO_BITRATE_DEFAULT).makeGlobal(); AV_DEFAULT_ACTION = settings.registerIntPreference("av_default_action", AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_CHOOSE).makeGlobal(); // camera picture size: AV_CAMERA_PICTURE_SIZE = settings.registerIntPreference("av_camera_picture_size", AV_PHOTO_SIZE_DEFAULT).makeGlobal(); // camera focus type: AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_TYPE = settings.registerIntPreference("av_camera_focus_type", AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_AUTO).makeGlobal(); // camera sound: AV_PHOTO_PLAY_SOUND = settings.registerBooleanPreference("av_photo_play_sound", true).makeGlobal(); SHOW_RECORDINGS = settings.registerBooleanPreference("show_recordings", true).makeGlobal(); AV_RECORDER_SPLIT = settings.registerBooleanPreference("av_recorder_split", false).makeGlobal(); AV_RS_CLIP_LENGTH = settings.registerIntPreference("av_rs_clip_length", CLIP_LENGTH_DEFAULT).makeGlobal(); AV_RS_STORAGE_SIZE = settings.registerIntPreference("av_rs_storage_size", STORAGE_SIZE_DEFAULT).makeGlobal(); } @Override public String getDescription() { return app.getString(R.string.audionotes_plugin_description); } @Override public String getName() { return app.getString(R.string.audionotes_plugin_name); } @Override public String getHelpFileName() { return "feature_articles/audio-video-notes-plugin.html"; } @Override public boolean init(final OsmandApplication app, Activity activity) { initializeRemoteControlRegistrationMethods(); AudioManager am = (AudioManager) app.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); if (am != null) { registerMediaListener(am); } return true; } @Override public void registerLayers(MapActivity activity) { this.mapActivity = activity; if (audioNotesLayer != null) { activity.getMapView().removeLayer(audioNotesLayer); } audioNotesLayer = new AudioNotesLayer(activity, this); activity.getMapView().addLayer(audioNotesLayer, 3.5f); registerWidget(activity); } public CurrentRecording getCurrentRecording() { return currentRecording; } private void registerMediaListener(AudioManager am) { ComponentName receiver = new ComponentName(app.getPackageName(), MediaRemoteControlReceiver.class.getName()); try { if (mRegisterMediaButtonEventReceiver == null) { return; } mRegisterMediaButtonEventReceiver.invoke(am, receiver); } catch (Exception ite) { log.error(ite.getMessage(), ite); } } private void unregisterMediaListener(AudioManager am) { ComponentName receiver = new ComponentName(app.getPackageName(), MediaRemoteControlReceiver.class.getName()); try { if (mUnregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver == null) { return; } mUnregisterMediaButtonEventReceiver.invoke(am, receiver); } catch (Exception ite) { log.error(ite.getMessage(), ite); } } @Override public void registerLayerContextMenuActions(final OsmandMapTileView mapView, ContextMenuAdapter adapter, final MapActivity mapActivity) { ItemClickListener listener = new ContextMenuAdapter.ItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onContextMenuClick(ArrayAdapter<ContextMenuItem> adapter, int itemId, int pos, boolean isChecked) { if (itemId == R.string.layer_recordings) { SHOW_RECORDINGS.set(!SHOW_RECORDINGS.get()); adapter.getItem(pos).setColorRes(SHOW_RECORDINGS.get() ? R.color.osmand_orange : ContextMenuItem.INVALID_ID); adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); updateLayers(mapView, mapActivity); } return true; } }; adapter.addItem(new ContextMenuItem.ItemBuilder().setTitleId(R.string.layer_recordings, app) .setSelected(SHOW_RECORDINGS.get()) .setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_micro_dark) .setColor(SHOW_RECORDINGS.get() ? R.color.osmand_orange : ContextMenuItem.INVALID_ID) .setPosition(12) .setListener(listener).createItem()); } @Override public void registerMapContextMenuActions(final MapActivity mapActivity, final double latitude, final double longitude, ContextMenuAdapter adapter, Object selectedObj) { if (isRecording()) { return; } adapter.addItem(new ContextMenuItem.ItemBuilder().setTitleId(R.string.recording_context_menu_arecord, app) .setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_micro_dark) .setListener(new ContextMenuAdapter.ItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onContextMenuClick(ArrayAdapter<ContextMenuItem> adapter, int itemId, int pos, boolean isChecked) { recordAudio(latitude, longitude, mapActivity); return true; } }) .createItem()); adapter.addItem(new ContextMenuItem.ItemBuilder().setTitleId(R.string.recording_context_menu_vrecord, app) .setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_video_dark) .setListener(new ItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onContextMenuClick(ArrayAdapter<ContextMenuItem> adapter, int itemId, int pos, boolean isChecked) { recordVideo(latitude, longitude, mapActivity); return true; } }) .createItem()); adapter.addItem(new ContextMenuItem.ItemBuilder().setTitleId(R.string.recording_context_menu_precord, app) .setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_photo_dark) .setListener(new ItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onContextMenuClick(ArrayAdapter<ContextMenuItem> adapter, int itemId, int pos, boolean isChecked) { takePhoto(latitude, longitude, mapActivity, false); return true; } }) .createItem()); } @Override public void updateLayers(OsmandMapTileView mapView, MapActivity activity) { if (isActive()) { if (SHOW_RECORDINGS.get()) { if (audioNotesLayer == null) { registerLayers(activity); } else if (!mapView.getLayers().contains(audioNotesLayer)) { mapView.addLayer(audioNotesLayer, 3.5f); } } else if (audioNotesLayer != null) { mapView.removeLayer(audioNotesLayer); } if (recordControl == null) { registerWidget(activity); } } else { if (audioNotesLayer != null) { mapView.removeLayer(audioNotesLayer); audioNotesLayer = null; } MapInfoLayer mapInfoLayer = activity.getMapLayers().getMapInfoLayer(); if (recordControl != null && mapInfoLayer != null) { mapInfoLayer.removeSideWidget(recordControl); recordControl = null; mapInfoLayer.recreateControls(); } recordControl = null; } } private void registerWidget(MapActivity activity) { MapInfoLayer mapInfoLayer = activity.getMapLayers().getMapInfoLayer(); if (mapInfoLayer != null) { recordControl = new TextInfoWidget(activity); if (mediaRec != null && mediaRecFile != null) { updateRecordControl(activity, mediaRecFile); } else { recordControl.setImageDrawable(activity.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.monitoring_rec_inactive)); setRecordListener(recordControl, activity); } mapInfoLayer.registerSideWidget(recordControl, R.drawable.ic_action_micro_dark, R.string.map_widget_av_notes, "audionotes", false, 32); mapInfoLayer.recreateControls(); } } private void setRecordListener(final TextInfoWidget recordPlaceControl, final MapActivity mapActivity) { recordPlaceControl.setText(app.getString(R.string.shared_string_control_start), ""); updateWidgetIcon(recordPlaceControl); recordPlaceControl.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { defaultAction(mapActivity); } }); } private void updateWidgetIcon(final TextInfoWidget recordPlaceControl) { recordPlaceControl.setIcons(R.drawable.widget_icon_av_inactive_day, R.drawable.widget_icon_av_inactive_night); if (AV_DEFAULT_ACTION.get() == AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_VIDEO) { recordPlaceControl.setIcons(R.drawable.widget_av_video_day, R.drawable.widget_av_video_night); } else if (AV_DEFAULT_ACTION.get() == AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_TAKEPICTURE) { recordPlaceControl.setIcons(R.drawable.widget_av_photo_day, R.drawable.widget_av_photo_night); } else if (AV_DEFAULT_ACTION.get() == AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_AUDIO) { recordPlaceControl.setIcons(R.drawable.widget_av_audio_day, R.drawable.widget_av_audio_night); } } public void defaultAction(final MapActivity mapActivity) { final Location loc = app.getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation(); // double lat = mapActivity.getMapView().getLatitude(); // double lon = mapActivity.getMapView().getLongitude(); if (loc == null) { Toast.makeText(app, R.string.audionotes_location_not_defined, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; } double lon = loc.getLongitude(); double lat = loc.getLatitude(); int action = AV_DEFAULT_ACTION.get(); if (action == AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_CHOOSE) { chooseDefaultAction(lat, lon, mapActivity); } else { takeAction(mapActivity, lon, lat, action); } } private void chooseDefaultAction(final double lat, final double lon, final MapActivity mapActivity) { AlertDialog.Builder ab = new AlertDialog.Builder(mapActivity); ab.setItems( new String[]{mapActivity.getString(R.string.recording_context_menu_arecord), mapActivity.getString(R.string.recording_context_menu_vrecord), mapActivity.getString(R.string.recording_context_menu_precord),}, new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { int action = which == 0 ? AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_AUDIO : (which == 1 ? AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_VIDEO : AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_TAKEPICTURE); takeAction(mapActivity, lon, lat, action); } });; } private void takeAction(final MapActivity mapActivity, double lon, double lat, int action) { if (action == AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_VIDEO) { recordVideo(lat, lon, mapActivity); } else if (action == AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_TAKEPICTURE) { takePhoto(lat, lon, mapActivity, false); } else if (action == AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_AUDIO) { recordAudio(lat, lon, mapActivity); } } private static File getBaseFileName(double lat, double lon, OsmandApplication app, String ext) { File baseDir = app.getAppPath(IndexConstants.AV_INDEX_DIR); return getBaseFileName(lat, lon, baseDir, ext); } private static File getBaseFileName(double lat, double lon, @NonNull File baseDir, @NonNull String ext) { String basename = MapUtils.createShortLinkString(lat, lon, 15); int k = 1; baseDir.mkdirs(); File fl; do { fl = new File(baseDir, basename + "." + (k++) + "." + ext); } while (fl.exists()); return fl; } public void captureImage(double lat, double lon, final MapActivity mapActivity) { Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); Uri fileUri = Uri.fromFile(getBaseFileName(lat, lon, app, IMG_EXTENSION)); intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri); // set the image file name // start the image capture Intent mapActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, 105); } public void captureVideoExternal(double lat, double lon, final MapActivity mapActivity) { Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE); String ext = MPEG4_EXTENSION; // if (AV_VIDEO_FORMAT.get() == VIDEO_OUTPUT_3GP) { // ext = THREEGP_EXTENSION; // } Uri fileUri = Uri.fromFile(getBaseFileName(lat, lon, app, ext)); intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri); // set the image file name intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY, 1); // set the video image quality to high // start the video capture Intent mapActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, 205); } @Override public void mapActivityScreenOff(MapActivity activity) { stopRecording(activity, false); } @Override public void mapActivityResume(MapActivity activity) { this.mapActivity = activity; ((AudioManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE)).registerMediaButtonEventReceiver( new ComponentName(activity, MediaRemoteControlReceiver.class)); if (runAction != -1) { takeAction(activity, actionLon, actionLat, runAction); runAction = -1; } } @Override public void mapActivityPause(MapActivity activity) { if (isRecording()) { if (currentRecording.getType() == AVActionType.REC_PHOTO) { finishPhotoRecording(false); } else { activity.getContextMenu().close(); if (currentRecording.getType() == AVActionType.REC_VIDEO && AV_RECORDER_SPLIT.get()) { runAction = AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_VIDEO; LatLon latLon = getNextRecordingLocation(); actionLat = latLon.getLatitude(); actionLon = latLon.getLongitude(); } stopRecording(activity, false); } finishRecording(); } this.mapActivity = null; } public MapActivity getMapActivity() { return mapActivity; } public boolean isRecording() { return currentRecording != null; } private void initRecMenu(AVActionType actionType, double lat, double lon) { currentRecording = new CurrentRecording(actionType); if (actionType == AVActionType.REC_PHOTO) { recordingMenu = new AudioVideoNoteRecordingMenuFullScreen(this, lat, lon); } else { recordingMenu = new AudioVideoNoteRecordingMenu(this, lat, lon); } recordingDone = false; lockScreenOrientation(); } public void recordVideo(final double lat, final double lon, final MapActivity mapActivity) { if (AV_EXTERNAL_RECORDER.get()) { captureVideoExternal(lat, lon, mapActivity); } else { if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(mapActivity, Manifest.permission.CAMERA) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED && ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(mapActivity, Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { openCamera(); if (cam != null) { initRecMenu(AVActionType.REC_VIDEO, lat, lon); recordVideoCamera(lat, lon, mapActivity); } } else { actionLat = lat; actionLon = lon; ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(mapActivity, new String[]{Manifest.permission.CAMERA, Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO}, CAMERA_FOR_VIDEO_REQUEST_CODE); } } } public void recordVideoCamera(final double lat, final double lon, final MapActivity mapActivity) { final CamcorderProfile p = CamcorderProfile.get(AV_VIDEO_QUALITY.get()); final Camera.Size mPreviewSize = getPreviewSize(); final SurfaceView view; if (mPreviewSize != null) { view = recordingMenu.prepareSurfaceView(mPreviewSize.width, mPreviewSize.height); } else { view = recordingMenu.prepareSurfaceView(); } view.getHolder().setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS); view.getHolder().addCallback(new Callback() { @Override public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { } @Override public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { MediaRecorder mr = new MediaRecorder(); try { startCamera(mPreviewSize, holder); cam.unlock(); mr.setCamera(cam); } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); closeRecordingMenu(); closeCamera(); finishRecording(); return; } final File f = getBaseFileName(lat, lon, app, MPEG4_EXTENSION); initMediaRecorder(mr, p, f); try { if (AV_RECORDER_SPLIT.get()) { cleanupSpace(); } runMediaRecorder(mapActivity, mr, f); } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); } } @Override public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) { } });; } private void initMediaRecorder(MediaRecorder mr, CamcorderProfile p, File f) { mr.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT); mr.setVideoSource(MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA); giveMediaRecorderHintRotatedScreen(mapActivity, mr); //mr.setPreviewDisplay(holder.getSurface()); mr.setProfile(p); mr.setOutputFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); } private void giveMediaRecorderHintRotatedScreen(final MapActivity mapActivity, final MediaRecorder mr) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 9) { try { Method m = mr.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setOrientationHint", Integer.TYPE); Display display = ((WindowManager) mapActivity.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay(); if (display.getOrientation() == Surface.ROTATION_0) { m.invoke(mr, 90); } else if (display.getOrientation() == Surface.ROTATION_270) { m.invoke(mr, 180); } else if (display.getOrientation() == Surface.ROTATION_180) { m.invoke(mr, 270); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } private void logErr(Exception e) { log.error("Error starting recorder ", e); Toast.makeText(app, app.getString(R.string.recording_error) + " : " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } protected void openCamera() { if (cam != null) { try { cam.release(); cam = null; } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); } } try { cam =; if (mSupportedPreviewSizes == null) { mSupportedPreviewSizes = cam.getParameters().getSupportedPreviewSizes(); } } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); } } protected void closeCamera() { if (cam != null) { try { cam.release(); } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); } cam = null; } } private void lockScreenOrientation() { requestedOrientation = mapActivity.getRequestedOrientation(); mapActivity.setRequestedOrientation(AndroidUiHelper.getScreenOrientation(mapActivity)); } private void restoreScreenOrientation() { mapActivity.setRequestedOrientation(requestedOrientation); } private Camera.Size getPreviewSize() { final CamcorderProfile p = CamcorderProfile.get(AV_VIDEO_QUALITY.get()); final Camera.Size mPreviewSize; if (mSupportedPreviewSizes != null) { int width; int height; if (recordingMenu.isLandscapeLayout()) { width = p.videoFrameWidth; height = p.videoFrameHeight; } else { height = p.videoFrameWidth; width = p.videoFrameHeight; } mPreviewSize = getOptimalPreviewSize(mSupportedPreviewSizes, width, height); } else { mPreviewSize = null; } return mPreviewSize; } protected void startCamera(Camera.Size mPreviewSize, SurfaceHolder holder) throws IOException { Parameters parameters = cam.getParameters(); // camera focus type List<String> sfm = parameters.getSupportedFocusModes(); if (sfm.contains("continuous-video")) { parameters.setFocusMode("continuous-video"); } int cameraOrientation = getCamOrientation(mapActivity, Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK); cam.setDisplayOrientation(cameraOrientation); parameters.set("rotation", cameraOrientation); if (mPreviewSize != null) { parameters.setPreviewSize(mPreviewSize.width, mPreviewSize.height); } cam.setParameters(parameters); if (holder != null) { cam.setPreviewDisplay(holder); } cam.startPreview(); } protected void stopCamera() { try { if (cam != null) { cam.cancelAutoFocus(); cam.stopPreview(); cam.setPreviewDisplay(null); } } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); } finally { closeCamera(); } } private boolean stopCameraRecording(boolean restart) { boolean res = true; if (mediaRec != null) { mediaRec.stop(); AVActionType type = currentRecording.type; indexFile(true, mediaRecFile); mediaRec.release(); mediaRec = null; mediaRecFile = null; if (restart) { try { cam.lock(); if (AV_RECORDER_SPLIT.get()) { cleanupSpace(); } currentRecording = new CurrentRecording(type); MediaRecorder mr = new MediaRecorder(); LatLon latLon = getNextRecordingLocation(); final File f = getBaseFileName(latLon.getLatitude(), latLon.getLongitude(), app, MPEG4_EXTENSION); cam.unlock(); mr.setCamera(cam); initMediaRecorder(mr, CamcorderProfile.get(AV_VIDEO_QUALITY.get()), f); mr.prepare(); mr.start(); mediaRec = mr; mediaRecFile = f; } catch (Exception e) { Toast.makeText(app, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); e.printStackTrace(); res = false; } } } return res; } public void recordAudio(double lat, double lon, final MapActivity mapActivity) { if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(mapActivity, Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { initRecMenu(AVActionType.REC_AUDIO, lat, lon); MediaRecorder mr = new MediaRecorder(); final File f = getBaseFileName(lat, lon, app, THREEGP_EXTENSION); mr.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); mr.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); mr.setAudioEncoder(AV_AUDIO_FORMAT.get()); mr.setAudioEncodingBitRate(AV_AUDIO_BITRATE.get()); mr.setOutputFile(f.getAbsolutePath()); try { runMediaRecorder(mapActivity, mr, f); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error starting audio recorder ", e); Toast.makeText(app, app.getString(R.string.recording_error) + " : " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } else { actionLat = lat; actionLon = lon; ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(mapActivity, new String[]{Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO}, AUDIO_REQUEST_CODE); } } public void takePhoto(final double lat, final double lon, final MapActivity mapActivity, final boolean forceInternal) { if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(mapActivity, Manifest.permission.CAMERA) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { if (!AV_EXTERNAL_PHOTO_CAM.get() || forceInternal) { takePhotoInternalOrExternal(lat, lon, mapActivity); } else { takePhotoExternal(lat, lon, mapActivity); } } else { actionLat = lat; actionLon = lon; ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(mapActivity, new String[]{Manifest.permission.CAMERA}, CAMERA_FOR_PHOTO_REQUEST_CODE); } } private void takePhotoInternalOrExternal(double lat, double lon, MapActivity mapActivity) { openCamera(); if (cam != null) { initRecMenu(AVActionType.REC_PHOTO, lat, lon); takePhotoWithCamera(lat, lon, mapActivity); } else { takePhotoExternal(lat, lon, mapActivity); } } private void takePhotoWithCamera(final double lat, final double lon, final MapActivity mapActivity) { try { lastTakingPhoto = getBaseFileName(lat, lon, app, IMG_EXTENSION); final Camera.Size mPreviewSize; Parameters parameters = cam.getParameters(); List<Camera.Size> psps = parameters.getSupportedPictureSizes(); int camPicSizeIndex = AV_CAMERA_PICTURE_SIZE.get(); // camera picture size log.debug("takePhotoWithCamera() index=" + camPicSizeIndex); if (camPicSizeIndex == AV_PHOTO_SIZE_DEFAULT) { camPicSizeIndex = cameraPictureSizeDefault; log.debug("takePhotoWithCamera() Default value of picture size. Set index to cameraPictureSizeDefault. Now index=" + camPicSizeIndex); } final Camera.Size selectedCamPicSize = psps.get(camPicSizeIndex); if (mSupportedPreviewSizes != null) { int width = selectedCamPicSize.width; int height = selectedCamPicSize.height; mPreviewSize = getOptimalPreviewSize(mSupportedPreviewSizes, width, height); } else { mPreviewSize = null; } final SurfaceView view; if (mPreviewSize != null) { view = recordingMenu.prepareSurfaceView(mPreviewSize.width, mPreviewSize.height); } else { view = recordingMenu.prepareSurfaceView(); } view.getHolder().setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS); view.getHolder().addCallback(new Callback() { @Override public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { } @Override public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { try { // load sound befor shot if (AV_PHOTO_PLAY_SOUND.get()) { if (sp == null) sp = new SoundPool(5, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0); if (shotId == 0) { try { AssetFileDescriptor assetFileDescriptor = app.getAssets().openFd("sounds/camera_click.ogg"); shotId = sp.load(assetFileDescriptor, 1); assetFileDescriptor.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("cannot get shotId for sounds/camera_click.ogg"); } } } Parameters parameters = cam.getParameters(); parameters.setPictureSize(selectedCamPicSize.width, selectedCamPicSize.height); log.debug("takePhotoWithCamera() set Picture size: width=" + selectedCamPicSize.width + " height=" + selectedCamPicSize.height); // camera focus type autofocus = true; parameters.removeGpsData(); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { parameters.setGpsLatitude(lat); parameters.setGpsLongitude(lon); } switch (AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_TYPE.get()) { case AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_HIPERFOCAL: parameters.setFocusMode(Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_FIXED); autofocus = false;"Osmand:AudioNotes set camera FOCUS_MODE_FIXED"); break; case AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_EDOF: parameters.setFocusMode(Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_EDOF); autofocus = false;"Osmand:AudioNotes set camera FOCUS_MODE_EDOF"); break; case AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_INFINITY: parameters.setFocusMode(Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY); autofocus = false;"Osmand:AudioNotes set camera FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY"); break; case AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_MACRO: parameters.setFocusMode(Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_MACRO);"Osmand:AudioNotes set camera FOCUS_MODE_MACRO"); break; case AV_CAMERA_FOCUS_CONTINUOUS: parameters.setFocusMode(Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE);"Osmand:AudioNotes set camera FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE"); break; default: parameters.setFocusMode(Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO);"Osmand:AudioNotes set camera FOCUS_MODE_AUTO"); break; } if (parameters.getSupportedWhiteBalance() != null && parameters.getSupportedWhiteBalance().contains(Parameters.WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO)) { parameters.setWhiteBalance(Parameters.WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO); } if (parameters.getSupportedFlashModes() != null && parameters.getSupportedFlashModes().contains(Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO)) { //parameters.setFlashMode(Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO); } int cameraOrientation = getCamOrientation(mapActivity, Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK); cam.setDisplayOrientation(cameraOrientation); parameters.set("rotation", cameraOrientation); if (mPreviewSize != null) { parameters.setPreviewSize(mPreviewSize.width, mPreviewSize.height); } cam.setParameters(parameters); cam.setPreviewDisplay(holder); cam.startPreview(); internalShoot(); } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); closeRecordingMenu(); closeCamera(); finishRecording(); e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) { } });; } catch (RuntimeException e) { logErr(e); closeCamera(); } } private void internalShoot() { getMapActivity().getMyApplication().runInUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!autofocus) { cam.takePicture(null, null, new JpegPhotoHandler()); } else { cam.autoFocus(new Camera.AutoFocusCallback() { @Override public void onAutoFocus(boolean success, Camera camera) { try { cam.takePicture(null, null, new JpegPhotoHandler()); } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); closeRecordingMenu(); closeCamera(); finishRecording(); e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } } }, 200); } private Camera.Size getOptimalPreviewSize(List<Camera.Size> sizes, int w, int h) { final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE = 0.1; double targetRatio; if (w > h) { targetRatio = (double) w / h; } else { targetRatio = (double) h / w; } if (sizes == null) return null; Camera.Size optimalSize = null; double minDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (Camera.Size size : sizes) { double ratio = (double) size.width / size.height; if (Math.abs(ratio - targetRatio) > ASPECT_TOLERANCE) continue; if (Math.abs(size.height - h) < minDiff) { optimalSize = size; minDiff = Math.abs(size.height - h); } } if (optimalSize == null) { minDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (Camera.Size size : sizes) { if (Math.abs(size.height - h) < minDiff) { optimalSize = size; minDiff = Math.abs(size.height - h); } } } return optimalSize; } private static int getCamOrientation(MapActivity mapActivity, int cameraId) { android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo info = new android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo(); android.hardware.Camera.getCameraInfo(cameraId, info); int rotation = mapActivity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay() .getRotation(); int degrees = 0; switch (rotation) { case Surface.ROTATION_0: degrees = 0; break; case Surface.ROTATION_90: degrees = 90; break; case Surface.ROTATION_180: degrees = 180; break; case Surface.ROTATION_270: degrees = 270; break; } int result; if (info.facing == Camera.CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT) { result = (info.orientation + degrees) % 360; result = (360 - result) % 360; // compensate the mirror } else { // back-facing result = (info.orientation - degrees + 360) % 360; } return result; } public void shoot() { if (!recordingDone) { recordingDone = true; if (cam != null && lastTakingPhoto != null) { try { cam.takePicture(null, null, new JpegPhotoHandler()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { closeRecordingMenu(); closeCamera(); finishRecording(); } } } } public void takePhotoExternal(double lat, double lon, final MapActivity mapActivity) { Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); final File f = getBaseFileName(lat, lon, app, IMG_EXTENSION); lastTakingPhoto = f; takePictureIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.fromFile(f)); try { mapActivity.startActivityForResult(takePictureIntent, 205); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error taking a picture ", e); Toast.makeText(app, app.getString(R.string.recording_error) + " : " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } private void cleanupSpace() { File[] files = app.getAppPath(IndexConstants.AV_INDEX_DIR).listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { return filename.endsWith("." + MPEG4_EXTENSION); } }); if (files != null) { double usedSpace = 0; for (File f : files) { usedSpace += f.length(); } usedSpace /= (1 << 30); // gigabytes final CamcorderProfile p = CamcorderProfile.get(AV_VIDEO_QUALITY.get()); double bitrate = (((p.videoBitRate + p.audioBitRate) / 8f) * 60f) / (1 << 30); // gigabytes per minute double clipSpace = bitrate * AV_RS_CLIP_LENGTH.get(); double storageSize = AV_RS_STORAGE_SIZE.get(); double availableSpace = storageSize; File dir = app.getAppPath("").getParentFile(); if (dir.canRead()) { StatFs fs = new StatFs(dir.getAbsolutePath()); availableSpace = (double) (fs.getAvailableBlocks()) * fs.getBlockSize() / (1 << 30) - clipSpace; } if (usedSpace + clipSpace > storageSize || clipSpace > availableSpace) { Arrays.sort(files, new Comparator<File>() { @Override public int compare(File lhs, File rhs) { return lhs.lastModified() < rhs.lastModified() ? -1 : (lhs.lastModified() == rhs.lastModified() ? 0 : 1); } }); boolean wasAnyDeleted = false; ArrayList<File> arr = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(files)); while (arr.size() > 0 && (usedSpace + clipSpace > storageSize || clipSpace > availableSpace)) { File f = arr.remove(0); double length = ((double) f.length()) / (1 << 30); Recording r = recordingByFileName.get(f.getName()); if (r != null) { deleteRecording(r, false); wasAnyDeleted = true; usedSpace -= length; availableSpace += length; } else if (f.delete()) { usedSpace -= length; availableSpace += length; } } if (wasAnyDeleted) { app.runInUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mapActivity.refreshMap(); } }, 20); } } } } private void runMediaRecorder(final MapActivity mapActivity, MediaRecorder mr, final File f) throws IOException { mr.prepare(); mr.start(); mediaRec = mr; mediaRecFile = f;; updateRecordControl(mapActivity, f); } private void updateRecordControl(final MapActivity mapActivity, final File f) { recordControl.setText(app.getString(R.string.shared_string_control_stop), ""); recordControl.setIcons(R.drawable.widget_icon_av_active, R.drawable.widget_icon_av_active); final MapInfoLayer mil = mapActivity.getMapLayers().getMapInfoLayer(); if (!recordControl.isVisible()) { recordControl.setExplicitlyVisible(true); mil.recreateControls(); mapActivity.getMapView().refreshMap(true); } recordControl.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { stopRecording(mapActivity, false); } }); } public void stopRecording(final MapActivity mapActivity, boolean restart) { if (!recordingDone) { if (!restart || !stopCameraRecording(true)) { recordingDone = true; if (!recordControl.isVisible()) { recordControl.setExplicitlyVisible(false); mapActivity.getMapLayers().getMapInfoLayer().recreateControls(); } stopCameraRecording(false); if (recordControl != null) { setRecordListener(recordControl, mapActivity); } SHOW_RECORDINGS.set(true); mapActivity.getMapView().refreshMap(); updateWidgetIcon(recordControl); closeRecordingMenu(); } } } private LatLon getNextRecordingLocation() { double lat = mapActivity.getMapLocation().getLatitude(); double lon = mapActivity.getMapLocation().getLongitude(); Location loc = app.getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation(); if (loc != null) { lat = loc.getLatitude(); lon = loc.getLongitude(); } return new LatLon(lat, lon); } private void updateContextMenu(Recording rec) { if (mapActivity != null && rec != null) { MapContextMenu menu = mapActivity.getContextMenu(); LatLon(, rec.lon), audioNotesLayer.getObjectName(rec), rec); if (app.getRoutingHelper().isFollowingMode()) { menu.hideWithTimeout(3000); } } } private void finishRecording() { currentRecording = null; } @Override public void addMyPlacesTab(FavoritesActivity favoritesActivity, List<TabItem> mTabs, Intent intent) { if (getAllRecordings().size() > 0) { mTabs.add(favoritesActivity.getTabIndicator(NOTES_TAB, NotesFragment.class)); if (intent != null && "AUDIO".equals(intent.getStringExtra("TAB"))) { app.getSettings().FAVORITES_TAB.set(NOTES_TAB); } } } public boolean indexSingleFile(File f) { boolean oldFileExist = recordingByFileName.containsKey(f.getName()); if (oldFileExist) { return false; } Recording r = new Recording(f); String fileName = f.getName(); String otherName = r.getOtherName(fileName); int i = otherName.indexOf('.'); if (i > 0) { otherName = otherName.substring(0, i); } r.file = f; GeoParsedPoint geo = MapUtils.decodeShortLinkString(otherName); = geo.getLatitude(); r.lon = geo.getLongitude(); Float heading = app.getLocationProvider().getHeading(); Location loc = app.getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation(); if (lastTakingPhoto != null && lastTakingPhoto.getName().equals(f.getName())) { float rot = heading != null ? heading : 0; try { r.updatePhotoInformation(, r.lon, loc, rot == 0 ? Double.NaN : rot); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error updating EXIF information " + e.getMessage(), e); } lastTakingPhoto = null; } recordings.registerObject(, r.lon, r); Map<String, Recording> newMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(recordingByFileName); newMap.put(f.getName(), r); recordingByFileName = newMap; if (isRecording()) { AVActionType type = currentRecording.type; finishRecording(); if (!AV_RECORDER_SPLIT.get() || type != AVActionType.REC_VIDEO) { final Recording recordingForMenu = r; app.runInUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateContextMenu(recordingForMenu); } }, 200); } } return true; } @Override public void disable(OsmandApplication app) { AudioManager am = (AudioManager) app.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); if (am != null) { unregisterMediaListener(am); } } @Override public List<String> indexingFiles(IProgress progress) { return indexingFiles(progress, true, false); } public List<String> indexingFiles(IProgress progress, boolean reIndexAndKeepOld, boolean registerNew) { File avPath = app.getAppPath(IndexConstants.AV_INDEX_DIR); if (avPath.canRead()) { if (!reIndexAndKeepOld) { recordings.clear(); recordingByFileName = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } File[] files = avPath.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File f : files) { indexFile(registerNew, f); } } } return null; } private void indexFile(boolean registerInGPX, File f) { if (f.getName().endsWith(THREEGP_EXTENSION) || f.getName().endsWith(MPEG4_EXTENSION) || f.getName().endsWith(IMG_EXTENSION)) { boolean newFileIndexed = indexSingleFile(f); if (newFileIndexed && registerInGPX) { Recording rec = recordingByFileName.get(f.getName()); if (rec != null && (app.getSettings().SAVE_TRACK_TO_GPX.get() || app.getSettings().SAVE_GLOBAL_TRACK_TO_GPX.get()) && OsmandPlugin.getEnabledPlugin(OsmandMonitoringPlugin.class) != null) { String name = f.getName(); SavingTrackHelper savingTrackHelper = app.getSavingTrackHelper(); savingTrackHelper.insertPointData(, rec.lon, System.currentTimeMillis(), null, name, null, 0); } } } } public DataTileManager<Recording> getRecordings() { return recordings; } private void checkRecordings() { Iterator<Recording> it = recordingByFileName.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Recording r =; if (!r.file.exists()) { it.remove(); recordings.unregisterObject(, r.lon, r); } } } public void deleteRecording(Recording r, boolean updateUI) { recordings.unregisterObject(, r.lon, r); Map<String, Recording> newMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(recordingByFileName); newMap.remove(r.file.getName()); recordingByFileName = newMap; Algorithms.removeAllFiles(r.file); if (mapActivity != null && updateUI) { if (mapActivity.getContextMenu().getObject() == r) { mapActivity.getContextMenu().close(); } mapActivity.getMapView().refreshMap(); } } @Override public Class<? extends Activity> getSettingsActivity() { return SettingsAudioVideoActivity.class; } @Override public void onMapActivityExternalResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == 205 || requestCode == 105) { indexingFiles(null, true, true); } } public boolean onMapActivityKeyEvent(KeyEvent key) { if (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA == key.getKeyCode()) { defaultAction(mapActivity); return true; } return false; } public Collection<Recording> getAllRecordings() { return recordingByFileName.values(); } protected Recording[] getRecordingsSorted() { checkRecordings(); Collection<Recording> allObjects = getAllRecordings(); Recording[] res = allObjects.toArray(new Recording[allObjects.size()]); Arrays.sort(res, new Comparator<Recording>() { @Override public int compare(Recording object1, Recording object2) { long l1 = object1.file.lastModified(); long l2 = object2.file.lastModified(); return l1 < l2 ? 1 : -1; } }); return res; } public boolean isPlaying() { try { return player != null && player.isPlaying(); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public boolean isPlaying(Recording r) { return isPlaying() && recordingPlaying == r; } public int getPlayingPosition() { if (isPlaying()) { return player.getCurrentPosition(); } else if (player != null) { return player.getDuration(); } else { return -1; } } public void stopPlaying() { if (isPlaying()) { try { player.stop(); } finally { player.release(); player = null; updateContextMenu(); } } } private void updateContextMenu() { app.runInUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getMapActivity().getContextMenu().updateMenuUI(); } }); } private void closeRecordingMenu() { if (mapActivity != null) { mapActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (recordingMenu != null) { recordingMenu.hide(); recordingMenu = null; } restoreScreenOrientation(); } }); } } public void playRecording(final Context ctx, final Recording r) { if (r.isVideo()) { Intent vint = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); vint.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(r.file), "video/*"); vint.setFlags(0x10000000); try { ctx.startActivity(vint); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; } else if (r.isPhoto()) { Intent vint = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); vint.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(r.file), "image/*"); vint.setFlags(0x10000000); ctx.startActivity(vint); return; } if (isPlaying()) { stopPlaying(); } recordingPlaying = r; player = new MediaPlayer(); try { player.setDataSource(r.file.getAbsolutePath()); player.setOnPreparedListener(new OnPreparedListener() { @Override public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) { try { player.start(); if (playerTimer != null) { playerTimer.cancel(); } playerTimer = new Timer(); playerTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { updateContextMenu(); if (!isPlaying()) { cancel(); playerTimer = null; } } }, 10, 1000); } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); } } }); player.setOnCompletionListener(new MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() { @Override public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) { recordingPlaying = null; } }); player.prepareAsync(); } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); } } @Override public boolean mapActivityKeyUp(MapActivity mapActivity, int keyCode) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA) { defaultAction(mapActivity); return true; } return false; } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.M) @Override public void handleRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) { runAction = -1; if (requestCode == CAMERA_FOR_VIDEO_REQUEST_CODE) { if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED && grantResults[1] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { runAction = AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_VIDEO; } else { app.showToastMessage(R.string.no_camera_permission); } } else if (requestCode == CAMERA_FOR_PHOTO_REQUEST_CODE) { if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { runAction = AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_TAKEPICTURE; } else { app.showToastMessage(R.string.no_camera_permission); } } else if (requestCode == AUDIO_REQUEST_CODE) { if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { runAction = AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_AUDIO; } else { app.showToastMessage(R.string.no_microphone_permission); } } /* MapActivity mapActivity = getMapActivity(); if (mapActivity != null && !mapActivity.isDestroyed()) { takeAction(mapActivity, actionLon, actionLat, runAction); runAction = -1; } */ } public class JpegPhotoHandler implements PictureCallback { public JpegPhotoHandler() { } @Override public void onPictureTaken(final byte[] data, Camera camera) { photoJpegData = data; if (AV_PHOTO_PLAY_SOUND.get()) { if (sp != null && shotId != 0) {, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0, 0, 1); } } if (recordingMenu != null) { recordingMenu.showFinalPhoto(data, FULL_SCEEN_RESULT_DELAY_MS); } startPhotoTimer(); } } private void startPhotoTimer() { if (photoTimer != null) { cancelPhotoTimer(); } photoTimer = new Timer(); photoTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { finishPhotoRecording(false); } }, FULL_SCEEN_RESULT_DELAY_MS); } private void cancelPhotoTimer() { if (photoTimer != null) { photoTimer.cancel(); photoTimer = null; } } public synchronized void shootAgain() { cancelPhotoTimer(); photoJpegData = null; if (cam != null) { try { cam.cancelAutoFocus(); cam.stopPreview(); if (recordingMenu != null) { recordingMenu.hideFinalPhoto(); } cam.startPreview(); internalShoot(); } catch (Exception e) { logErr(e); closeRecordingMenu(); closeCamera(); finishRecording(); e.printStackTrace(); } } } public synchronized void finishPhotoRecording(boolean cancel) { cancelPhotoTimer(); if (photoJpegData != null && photoJpegData.length > 0 && lastTakingPhoto != null) { try { if (!cancel) { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(lastTakingPhoto); fos.write(photoJpegData); fos.close(); indexFile(true, lastTakingPhoto); } } catch (Exception error) { logErr(error); } finally { photoJpegData = null; closeRecordingMenu(); if (!cancel) { finishRecording(); } } } else if (cancel) { closeRecordingMenu(); } } @Override public int getLogoResourceId() { return R.drawable.ic_action_micro_dark; } @Override public int getAssetResourceName() { return R.drawable.audio_video_notes; } @Override public DashFragmentData getCardFragment() { return DashAudioVideoNotesFragment.FRAGMENT_DATA; } }