package net.osmand.access; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.Vibrator; import; import net.osmand.Location; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class NavigationInfo implements OsmAndCompassListener, OsmAndLocationListener { private static final float FULL_CIRCLE = 360.0f; private class RelativeDirection { private static final int UNKNOWN = -1; private final int[] direction = {R.string.front, R.string.front_right, R.string.right, R.string.back_right, R.string.back, R.string.back_left, R.string.left, R.string.front_left}; private RelativeDirectionStyle style; private int value; public RelativeDirection() { style = settings.DIRECTION_STYLE.get(); clear(); } // The argument must be not null as well as the currentLocation // and currentLocation must have bearing. public RelativeDirection(final Location point) { style = settings.DIRECTION_STYLE.get(); value = directionTo(point, currentLocation.getBearing()); } // The first argument must be not null as well as the currentLocation. public RelativeDirection(final Location point, float heading) { style = settings.DIRECTION_STYLE.get(); value = directionTo(point, heading); } public void clear() { value = UNKNOWN; } // The first argument must be not null as well as the currentLocation. public boolean update(final Location point, float heading) { boolean result = false; final RelativeDirectionStyle newStyle = settings.DIRECTION_STYLE.get(); if (style != newStyle) { style = newStyle; result = true; } final int newValue = directionTo(point, heading); if (value != newValue) { value = newValue; result = true; } return result; } // The argument must be not null as well as the currentLocation // and currentLocation must have bearing. public boolean update(final Location point) { return update(point, currentLocation.getBearing()); } public String getString() { if (value < 0) // unknown direction return null; if (style == RelativeDirectionStyle.CLOCKWISE) { String result = NavigationInfo.this.getString(R.string.towards); result += " " + ((value != 0) ? value : 12); //$NON-NLS-1$ result += " " + NavigationInfo.this.getString(R.string.oclock); //$NON-NLS-1$ return result; } else { return NavigationInfo.this.getString(direction[value]); } } public Integer getInclination() { if (value < 0) // unknown direction return null; final int nSectors = (style == RelativeDirectionStyle.CLOCKWISE) ? 12 : direction.length; final int halfRound = nSectors / 2; if (value == halfRound) // opposite direction return null; if (value > halfRound) return value - nSectors; return value; } protected int getValue() { return value; } // The first argument must be not null as well as the currentLocation. private int directionTo(final Location point, float heading) { final float bearing = currentLocation.bearingTo(point) - heading; final int nSectors = (style == RelativeDirectionStyle.CLOCKWISE) ? 12 : direction.length; int sector = Math.round(Math.abs(bearing) * (float) nSectors / FULL_CIRCLE) % nSectors; if ((bearing < 0) && (sector != 0)) sector = nSectors - sector; return sector; } } private final int[] cardinal = {R.string.north, R.string.north_north_east, R.string.north_east, R.string.east_north_east, R.string.east, R.string.east_south_east, R.string.south_east, R.string.south_south_east, R.string.south, R.string.south_south_west, R.string.south_west, R.string.west_south_west, R.string.west, R.string.west_north_west, R.string.north_west, R.string.north_north_west}; private final long HAPTIC_INCLINATION_LEFT[] = { 0, 60 }; private final long HAPTIC_INCLINATION_RIGHT[] = { 0, 20, 80, 20 }; private final OsmandApplication app; private final OsmandSettings settings; private Location currentLocation; private RelativeDirection lastDirection; private long lastNotificationTime; private volatile boolean autoAnnounce; private volatile boolean targetDirectionFlag; public NavigationInfo(OsmandApplication app) { = app; settings = app.getSettings(); currentLocation = null; lastDirection = new RelativeDirection(); lastNotificationTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); autoAnnounce = false; targetDirectionFlag = false; } private String getString(int id) { return app.getString(id); } // The argument must be not null as well as the currentLocation private String distanceString(final Location point) { return OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(currentLocation.distanceTo(point), app); } // The argument must be not null as well as the currentLocation private String absoluteDirectionString(float bearing) { int direction = Math.round(Math.abs(bearing) * (float) cardinal.length / FULL_CIRCLE) % cardinal.length; if ((bearing < 0) && (direction != 0)) direction = cardinal.length - direction; return getString(cardinal[direction]); } // Get distance and direction string for specified point public synchronized String getDirectionString(final LatLon apoint, Float heading) { if ((currentLocation != null) && (apoint != null)) { Location point = new Location(""); point.setLatitude(apoint.getLatitude()); point.setLongitude(apoint.getLongitude()); RelativeDirection direction = null; String result = distanceString(point); result += " "; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (currentLocation.hasBearing() && !MapViewTrackingUtilities.isSmallSpeedForCompass(currentLocation)) direction = new RelativeDirection(point); else if (heading != null) direction = new RelativeDirection(point, heading); if (direction != null) { // relative direction result += direction.getString(); } else { // absolute direction result += getString(R.string.towards) + " "; //$NON-NLS-1$ result += absoluteDirectionString(currentLocation.bearingTo(point)); } return result; } return null; } // Get current travelling speed and direction public synchronized String getSpeedString() { if ((currentLocation != null) && currentLocation.hasSpeed()) { String result = OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedSpeed(currentLocation.getSpeed(), app); if (currentLocation.hasBearing()) result += " " + absoluteDirectionString(currentLocation.getBearing()); //$NON-NLS-1$ return result; } return null; } // Get positioning accuracy and provider information if available public synchronized String getAccuracyString() { String result = null; if (currentLocation != null) { String provider = currentLocation.getProvider(); if (currentLocation.hasAccuracy()) result = getString(R.string.accuracy) + " " + OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(currentLocation.getAccuracy(), app); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (result != null) result += " (" + provider + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ else result = provider; } return result; } // Get altitude information string public synchronized String getAltitudeString() { if ((currentLocation != null) && currentLocation.hasAltitude()) return getString(R.string.altitude) + " " + OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance((float) currentLocation.getAltitude(), app); //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; } @Override public synchronized void updateLocation(Location location) { currentLocation = location; if (autoAnnounce && app.accessibilityEnabled()) { final TargetPoint point = app.getTargetPointsHelper().getPointToNavigate(); if (point != null) { if ((currentLocation != null) && currentLocation.hasBearing() && !MapViewTrackingUtilities.isSmallSpeedForCompass(currentLocation)) { final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if ((now - lastNotificationTime) >= settings.ACCESSIBILITY_AUTOANNOUNCE_PERIOD.get()) { Location destination = new Location("map"); //$NON-NLS-1$ destination.setLatitude(point.getLatitude()); destination.setLongitude(point.getLongitude()); if (lastDirection.update(destination) || !settings.ACCESSIBILITY_SMART_AUTOANNOUNCE.get()) { final String notification = distanceString(destination) + " " + lastDirection.getString(); //$NON-NLS-1$ lastNotificationTime = now; app.runInUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { app.showToastMessage(notification); } }); } } } else { lastDirection.clear(); } } } } public synchronized void updateTargetDirection(final Location point, float heading) { if ((currentLocation != null) && (point != null)) { RelativeDirection direction = new RelativeDirection(point, heading); Integer inclination = direction.getInclination(); if (targetDirectionFlag && ((inclination == null) || (inclination != 0))) { targetDirectionFlag = false; if (settings.DIRECTION_AUDIO_FEEDBACK.get()) { AccessibilityPlugin accessibilityPlugin = OsmandPlugin.getEnabledPlugin(AccessibilityPlugin.class); if (accessibilityPlugin != null) { if (inclination == null) { accessibilityPlugin.playSoundIcon(AccessibilityPlugin.DIRECTION_NOTIFICATION); } else if (inclination > 0) { accessibilityPlugin.playSoundIcon(AccessibilityPlugin.INCLINATION_LEFT); } else { accessibilityPlugin.playSoundIcon(AccessibilityPlugin.INCLINATION_RIGHT); } } } if (settings.DIRECTION_HAPTIC_FEEDBACK.get()) { Vibrator haptic = (Vibrator)app.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE); if ((haptic != null) && haptic.hasVibrator()) { if (inclination == null) { haptic.vibrate(200); } else if (inclination > 0) { haptic.vibrate(HAPTIC_INCLINATION_LEFT, -1); } else { haptic.vibrate(HAPTIC_INCLINATION_RIGHT, -1); } } } } else if ((!targetDirectionFlag) && (direction.getValue() == 0)) { targetDirectionFlag = true; } } } public synchronized void updateTargetDirection(final LatLon point, float heading) { if (point != null) { Location destination = new Location("map"); //$NON-NLS-1$ destination.setLatitude(point.getLatitude()); destination.setLongitude(point.getLongitude()); updateTargetDirection(destination, heading); } } @Override public synchronized void updateCompassValue(float heading) { RoutingHelper router = app.getRoutingHelper(); if (router.isFollowingMode() && router.isRouteCalculated()) { synchronized (router) { NextDirectionInfo nextDirection = router.getNextRouteDirectionInfo(new NextDirectionInfo(), true); if (nextDirection != null) { updateTargetDirection(router.getLocationFromRouteDirection(nextDirection.directionInfo), heading); } } } else { TargetPoint target = app.getTargetPointsHelper().getPointToNavigate(); updateTargetDirection((target != null) ? target.point : null, heading); } } // Show all available info public void show(final TargetPoint point, Float heading, Context ctx) { final List<String> attributes = new ArrayList<String>(); String item; item = getDirectionString(point == null ? null : point.point, heading); if (item != null) attributes.add(item); item = getSpeedString(); if (item != null) attributes.add(item); item = getAccuracyString(); if (item != null) attributes.add(item); item = getAltitudeString(); if (item != null) attributes.add(item); if (attributes.isEmpty()) attributes.add(getString(R.string.no_info)); AlertDialog.Builder info = new AlertDialog.Builder(ctx); if (point != null) info.setPositiveButton(autoAnnounce ? R.string.auto_announce_off : R.string.auto_announce_on, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { autoAnnounce = !autoAnnounce; dialog.cancel(); } }); info.setNegativeButton(R.string.shared_string_close, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.cancel(); } }); info.setItems(attributes.toArray(new String[attributes.size()]), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { } });; } }