package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import net.osmand.Location; import net.osmand.PlatformUtil; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.router.GeneralRouter; import net.osmand.router.GeneralRouter.GeneralRouterProfile; import net.osmand.router.GeneralRouter.RoutingParameter; import net.osmand.router.GeneralRouter.RoutingParameterType; import net.osmand.router.PrecalculatedRouteDirection; import net.osmand.router.RoutePlannerFrontEnd; import net.osmand.router.RoutePlannerFrontEnd.RouteCalculationMode; import net.osmand.router.RouteSegmentResult; import net.osmand.router.RoutingConfiguration; import net.osmand.router.RoutingConfiguration.Builder; import net.osmand.router.RoutingContext; import net.osmand.router.TurnType; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import net.osmand.util.GeoPolylineParserUtil; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import btools.routingapp.IBRouterService; public class RouteProvider { private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = PlatformUtil.getLog(RouteProvider.class); private static final String OSMAND_ROUTER = "OsmAndRouter"; public enum RouteService { OSMAND("OsmAnd (offline)"), YOURS("YOURS"), // ORS("OpenRouteService"), // disable ors due to no public rest service (testing2015 doesn't seem stable) OSRM("OSRM (only car)"), BROUTER("BRouter (offline)"), STRAIGHT("Straight line"); private final String name; private RouteService(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } public boolean isOnline() { return this != OSMAND && this != BROUTER; } boolean isAvailable(OsmandApplication ctx) { if (this == BROUTER) { return ctx.getBRouterService() != null; } return true; } public static RouteService[] getAvailableRouters(OsmandApplication ctx) { List<RouteService> list = new ArrayList<RouteProvider.RouteService>(); for(RouteService r : values()) { if (r.isAvailable(ctx)) { list.add(r); } } return list.toArray(new RouteService[list.size()]); } } public RouteProvider() { } public static class GPXRouteParamsBuilder { boolean calculateOsmAndRoute = false; // parameters private final GPXFile file; private boolean reverse; private boolean leftSide; private boolean passWholeRoute; private boolean calculateOsmAndRouteParts; private boolean useIntermediatePointsRTE; public GPXRouteParamsBuilder(GPXFile file, OsmandSettings settings) { leftSide = settings.DRIVING_REGION.get().leftHandDriving; this.file = file; } public boolean isReverse() { return reverse; } public boolean isCalculateOsmAndRouteParts() { return calculateOsmAndRouteParts; } public void setCalculateOsmAndRouteParts(boolean calculateOsmAndRouteParts) { this.calculateOsmAndRouteParts = calculateOsmAndRouteParts; } public void setUseIntermediatePointsRTE(boolean useIntermediatePointsRTE) { this.useIntermediatePointsRTE = useIntermediatePointsRTE; } public boolean isUseIntermediatePointsRTE() { return useIntermediatePointsRTE; } public boolean isCalculateOsmAndRoute() { return calculateOsmAndRoute; } public void setCalculateOsmAndRoute(boolean calculateOsmAndRoute) { this.calculateOsmAndRoute = calculateOsmAndRoute; } public void setPassWholeRoute(boolean passWholeRoute) { this.passWholeRoute = passWholeRoute; } public boolean isPassWholeRoute() { return passWholeRoute; } public GPXRouteParams build(Location start, OsmandSettings settings) { GPXRouteParams res = new GPXRouteParams(); res.prepareGPXFile(this); // if (passWholeRoute && start != null) { // res.points.add(0, start); // } return res; } public void setReverse(boolean reverse) { this.reverse = reverse; } public GPXFile getFile() { return file; } public List<Location> getPoints() { GPXRouteParams copy = new GPXRouteParams(); copy.prepareGPXFile(this); return copy.getPoints(); } } public static class GPXRouteParams { List<Location> points = new ArrayList<Location>(); List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions; boolean calculateOsmAndRoute; boolean passWholeRoute; boolean calculateOsmAndRouteParts; boolean useIntermediatePointsRTE; private List<LocationPoint> wpt; boolean addMissingTurns = true; public List<Location> getPoints() { return points; } public Location getStartPointForRoute(){ if(!points.isEmpty()){ return points.get(0); } return null; } public Location getEndPointForRoute(){ if(!points.isEmpty()){ return points.get(points.size()); } return null; } public LatLon getLastPoint() { if(!points.isEmpty()){ Location l = points.get(points.size() - 1); LatLon point = new LatLon(l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude()); return point; } return null; } public GPXRouteParams prepareGPXFile(GPXRouteParamsBuilder builder) { GPXFile file = builder.file; boolean reverse = builder.reverse; passWholeRoute = builder.passWholeRoute; calculateOsmAndRouteParts = builder.calculateOsmAndRouteParts; useIntermediatePointsRTE = builder.useIntermediatePointsRTE; builder.calculateOsmAndRoute = false; // Disabled temporary builder.calculateOsmAndRoute; if (!file.points.isEmpty()) { wpt = new ArrayList<LocationPoint>(file.points); } if (file.isCloudmadeRouteFile() || OSMAND_ROUTER.equals( { directions = parseOsmAndGPXRoute(points, file, OSMAND_ROUTER.equals(, builder.leftSide, 10); if (OSMAND_ROUTER.equals( { // For files generated by OSMAND_ROUTER use directions contained unaltered addMissingTurns = false; } if (reverse) { // clear directions all turns should be recalculated directions = null; Collections.reverse(points); addMissingTurns = true; } } else { // first of all check tracks if (!useIntermediatePointsRTE) { for (Track tr : file.tracks) { for (TrkSegment tkSeg : tr.segments) { for (WptPt pt : tkSeg.points) { points.add(createLocation(pt)); } } } } if (points.isEmpty()) { for (Route rte : file.routes) { for (WptPt pt : rte.points) { points.add(createLocation(pt)); } } } if (reverse) { Collections.reverse(points); } } return this; } } private static Location createLocation(WptPt pt){ Location loc = new Location("OsmandRouteProvider"); loc.setLatitude(; loc.setLongitude(pt.lon); loc.setSpeed((float) pt.speed); if(!Double.isNaN(pt.ele)) { loc.setAltitude(pt.ele); } loc.setTime(pt.time); if(!Double.isNaN(pt.hdop)) { loc.setAccuracy((float) pt.hdop); } return loc; } public RouteCalculationResult calculateRouteImpl(RouteCalculationParams params){ long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (params.start != null && params.end != null) { if(log.isInfoEnabled()){"Start finding route from " + params.start + " to " + params.end +" using " + params.type.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } try { RouteCalculationResult res; boolean calcGPXRoute = params.gpxRoute != null && !params.gpxRoute.points.isEmpty(); if(calcGPXRoute && !params.gpxRoute.calculateOsmAndRoute){ res = calculateGpxRoute(params); } else if (params.type == RouteService.OSMAND) { res = findVectorMapsRoute(params, calcGPXRoute); } else if (params.type == RouteService.BROUTER) { res = findBROUTERRoute(params); } else if (params.type == RouteService.YOURS) { res = findYOURSRoute(params); // } else if (params.type == RouteService.ORS) { // res = findORSRoute(params); } else if (params.type == RouteService.OSRM) { res = findOSRMRoute(params); } else if (params.type == RouteService.STRAIGHT){ res = findStraightRoute(params); } else { res = new RouteCalculationResult("Selected route service is not available"); } if(log.isInfoEnabled() ){"Finding route contained " + res.getImmutableAllLocations().size() + " points for " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } return res; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to find route ", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { log.error("Failed to find route ", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (SAXException e) { log.error("Failed to find route ", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (JSONException e) { log.error("Failed to find route ", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } return new RouteCalculationResult(null); } public RouteCalculationResult recalculatePartOfflineRoute(RouteCalculationResult res, RouteCalculationParams params) { RouteCalculationResult rcr = params.previousToRecalculate; List<Location> locs = new ArrayList<Location>(rcr.getRouteLocations()); try { int[] startI = new int[]{0}; int[] endI = new int[]{locs.size()}; locs = findStartAndEndLocationsFromRoute(locs, params.start, params.end, startI, endI); List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions = calcDirections(startI, endI, rcr.getRouteDirections()); insertInitialSegment(params, locs, directions, true); res = new RouteCalculationResult(locs, directions, params, null, true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return res; } private RouteCalculationResult calculateGpxRoute(RouteCalculationParams routeParams) throws IOException { // get the closest point to start and to end GPXRouteParams gpxParams = routeParams.gpxRoute; if(routeParams.gpxRoute.useIntermediatePointsRTE){ return calculateOsmAndRouteWithIntermediatePoints(routeParams, gpxParams.points); } List<Location> gpxRoute ; int[] startI = new int[]{0}; int[] endI = new int[]{gpxParams.points.size()}; if(routeParams.gpxRoute.passWholeRoute) { gpxRoute = gpxParams.points; } else { gpxRoute = findStartAndEndLocationsFromRoute(gpxParams.points, routeParams.start, routeParams.end, startI, endI); } final List<RouteDirectionInfo> inputDirections = gpxParams.directions; List<RouteDirectionInfo> gpxDirections = calcDirections(startI, endI, inputDirections); boolean calculateOsmAndRouteParts = gpxParams.calculateOsmAndRouteParts; insertInitialSegment(routeParams, gpxRoute, gpxDirections, calculateOsmAndRouteParts); insertFinalSegment(routeParams, gpxRoute, gpxDirections, calculateOsmAndRouteParts); for (RouteDirectionInfo info : gpxDirections) { // recalculate info.distance = 0; info.afterLeftTime = 0; } RouteCalculationResult res = new RouteCalculationResult(gpxRoute, gpxDirections, routeParams, gpxParams == null? null: gpxParams.wpt, routeParams.gpxRoute.addMissingTurns); return res; } private RouteCalculationResult calculateOsmAndRouteWithIntermediatePoints(RouteCalculationParams routeParams, final List<Location> intermediates) throws IOException { RouteCalculationParams rp = new RouteCalculationParams(); rp.calculationProgress = routeParams.calculationProgress; rp.ctx = routeParams.ctx; rp.mode = routeParams.mode; rp.start = routeParams.start; rp.end = routeParams.end; rp.leftSide = routeParams.leftSide; rp.type = routeParams.type; =; rp.onlyStartPointChanged = routeParams.onlyStartPointChanged; rp.previousToRecalculate = routeParams.previousToRecalculate; rp.intermediates = new ArrayList<LatLon>(); int closest = 0; double maxDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < intermediates.size(); i++) { Location loc = intermediates.get(i); double dist = MapUtils.getDistance(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude(), rp.start.getLatitude(), rp.start.getLongitude()); if (dist <= maxDist) { closest = i; maxDist = dist; } } for(int i = closest; i< intermediates.size() ; i++ ){ Location w = intermediates.get(i); rp.intermediates.add(new LatLon(w.getLatitude(), w.getLongitude())); } return findVectorMapsRoute(rp, false); } private List<RouteDirectionInfo> calcDirections(int[] startI, int[] endI, final List<RouteDirectionInfo> inputDirections) { List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions = new ArrayList<RouteDirectionInfo>(); if (inputDirections != null) { for (RouteDirectionInfo info : inputDirections) { if (info.routePointOffset >= startI[0] && info.routePointOffset < endI[0]) { RouteDirectionInfo ch = new RouteDirectionInfo(info.getAverageSpeed(), info.getTurnType()); ch.routePointOffset = info.routePointOffset - startI[0]; if(info.routeEndPointOffset != 0) { ch.routeEndPointOffset = info.routeEndPointOffset - startI[0]; } ch.setDescriptionRoute(info.getDescriptionRoutePart()); // Issue #2894 if (info.getRef() != null && !"null".equals(info.getRef())) { ch.setRef(info.getRef()); } if (info.getStreetName() != null && !"null".equals(info.getStreetName())) { ch.setStreetName(info.getStreetName()); } if (info.getDestinationName() != null && !"null".equals(info.getDestinationName())) { ch.setDestinationName(info.getDestinationName()); } directions.add(ch); } } } return directions; } private void insertFinalSegment(RouteCalculationParams routeParams, List<Location> points, List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions, boolean calculateOsmAndRouteParts) { if(points.size() > 0) { Location routeEnd = points.get(points.size() - 1); LatLon e = routeEnd == null ? null : new LatLon(routeEnd.getLatitude(), routeEnd.getLongitude()); LatLon finalEnd = routeParams.end; if (finalEnd != null && MapUtils.getDistance(finalEnd, e) > 60) { RouteCalculationResult newRes = null; if (calculateOsmAndRouteParts) { newRes = findOfflineRouteSegment(routeParams, routeEnd, finalEnd); } List<Location> loct; List<RouteDirectionInfo> dt; if (newRes != null && newRes.isCalculated()) { loct = newRes.getImmutableAllLocations(); dt = newRes.getImmutableAllDirections(); } else { loct = new ArrayList<Location>(); Location l = new Location(""); l.setLatitude(finalEnd.getLatitude()); l.setLongitude(finalEnd.getLongitude()); loct.add(l); dt = new ArrayList<RouteDirectionInfo>(); } for (RouteDirectionInfo i : dt) { i.routePointOffset += points.size(); } points.addAll(loct); directions.addAll(dt); } } } public void insertInitialSegment(RouteCalculationParams routeParams, List<Location> points, List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions, boolean calculateOsmAndRouteParts) { Location realStart = routeParams.start; if (realStart != null && points.size() > 0 && realStart.distanceTo(points.get(0)) > 60) { Location trackStart = points.get(0); RouteCalculationResult newRes = null; if (calculateOsmAndRouteParts) { LatLon end = new LatLon(trackStart.getLatitude(), trackStart.getLongitude()); newRes = findOfflineRouteSegment(routeParams, realStart, end); } List<Location> loct; List<RouteDirectionInfo> dt; if (newRes != null && newRes.isCalculated()) { loct = newRes.getImmutableAllLocations(); dt = newRes.getImmutableAllDirections(); } else { loct = new ArrayList<Location>(); loct.add(realStart); dt = new ArrayList<RouteDirectionInfo>(); } points.addAll(0, loct); directions.addAll(0, dt); for (int i = dt.size(); i < directions.size(); i++) { directions.get(i).routePointOffset += loct.size(); } } } private RouteCalculationResult findOfflineRouteSegment(RouteCalculationParams rParams, Location start, LatLon end) { RouteCalculationParams newParams = new RouteCalculationParams(); newParams.start = start; newParams.end = end; newParams.ctx = rParams.ctx; newParams.calculationProgress = rParams.calculationProgress; newParams.mode = rParams.mode; newParams.type = RouteService.OSMAND; newParams.leftSide = rParams.leftSide; RouteCalculationResult newRes = null; try { newRes = findVectorMapsRoute(newParams, false); } catch (IOException e) { } return newRes; } private ArrayList<Location> findStartAndEndLocationsFromRoute(List<Location> route, Location startLoc, LatLon endLoc, int[] startI, int[] endI) { float minDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int start = 0; int end = route.size(); if (startLoc != null) { for (int i = 0; i < route.size(); i++) { float d = route.get(i).distanceTo(startLoc); if (d < minDist) { start = i; minDist = d; } } } else { startLoc = route.get(0); } Location l = new Location("temp"); //$NON-NLS-1$ l.setLatitude(endLoc.getLatitude()); l.setLongitude(endLoc.getLongitude()); minDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // get in reverse order taking into account ways with cycle for (int i = route.size() - 1; i >= start; i--) { float d = route.get(i).distanceTo(l); if (d < minDist) { end = i + 1; // slightly modify to allow last point to be added minDist = d - 40; } } ArrayList<Location> sublist = new ArrayList<Location>(route.subList(start, end)); if(startI != null) { startI[0] = start; } if(endI != null) { endI[0] = end; } return sublist; } protected String getString(Context ctx, int resId){ if(ctx == null){ return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } return ctx.getString(resId); } protected RouteCalculationResult findYOURSRoute(RouteCalculationParams params) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, FactoryConfigurationError, SAXException { List<Location> res = new ArrayList<Location>(); StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(); uri.append(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ uri.append("&flat=").append(params.start.getLatitude()); //$NON-NLS-1$ uri.append("&flon=").append(params.start.getLongitude()); //$NON-NLS-1$ uri.append("&tlat=").append(params.end.getLatitude()); //$NON-NLS-1$ uri.append("&tlon=").append(params.end.getLongitude()); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (params.mode.isDerivedRoutingFrom(ApplicationMode.BICYCLE)) { uri.append("&v=bicycle") ; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (params.mode.isDerivedRoutingFrom(ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN)) { uri.append("&v=foot") ; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if(params.mode.isDerivedRoutingFrom(ApplicationMode.CAR)){ uri.append("&v=motorcar"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { return applicationModeNotSupported(params); } uri.append("&fast=").append( ? "1" : "0").append("&layer=mapnik"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$"URL route " + uri); URLConnection connection = NetworkUtils.getHttpURLConnection(uri.toString()); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", Version.getFullVersion(params.ctx)); DocumentBuilder dom = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = dom.parse(new InputSource(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()))); NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("coordinates"); //$NON-NLS-1$ for(int i=0; i<list.getLength(); i++){ Node item = list.item(i); String str = item.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if(str == null){ continue; } int st = 0; int next = 0; while((next = str.indexOf('\n', st)) != -1){ String coordinate = str.substring(st, next + 1); int s = coordinate.indexOf(','); if (s != -1) { try { double lon = Double.parseDouble(coordinate.substring(0, s)); double lat = Double.parseDouble(coordinate.substring(s + 1)); Location l = new Location("router"); //$NON-NLS-1$ l.setLatitude(lat); l.setLongitude(lon); res.add(l); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } st = next + 1; } } if(list.getLength() == 0){ if(doc.getChildNodes().getLength() == 1){ Node item = doc.getChildNodes().item(0); return new RouteCalculationResult(item.getNodeValue()); } } params.intermediates = null; return new RouteCalculationResult(res, null, params, null, true); } protected RouteCalculationResult findVectorMapsRoute(final RouteCalculationParams params, boolean calcGPXRoute) throws IOException { BinaryMapIndexReader[] files = params.ctx.getResourceManager().getRoutingMapFiles(); RoutePlannerFrontEnd router = new RoutePlannerFrontEnd(false); OsmandSettings settings = params.ctx.getSettings(); router.setUseFastRecalculation(settings.USE_FAST_RECALCULATION.get()); RoutingConfiguration.Builder config = params.ctx.getDefaultRoutingConfig(); GeneralRouter generalRouter = SettingsNavigationActivity.getRouter(config, params.mode); if(generalRouter == null) { return applicationModeNotSupported(params); } RoutingConfiguration cf = initOsmAndRoutingConfig(config, params, settings, generalRouter); if(cf == null){ return applicationModeNotSupported(params); } PrecalculatedRouteDirection precalculated = null; if(calcGPXRoute) { ArrayList<Location> sublist = findStartAndEndLocationsFromRoute(params.gpxRoute.points, params.start, params.end, null, null); LatLon[] latLon = new LatLon[sublist.size()]; for(int k = 0; k < latLon.length; k ++) { latLon[k] = new LatLon(sublist.get(k).getLatitude(), sublist.get(k).getLongitude()); } precalculated =, generalRouter.getMaxDefaultSpeed()); precalculated.setFollowNext(true); //cf.planRoadDirection = 1; } // BUILD context NativeOsmandLibrary lib = settings.SAFE_MODE.get() ? null : NativeOsmandLibrary.getLoadedLibrary(); // check loaded files int leftX = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(params.start.getLongitude()); int rightX = leftX; int bottomY = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(params.start.getLatitude()); int topY = bottomY; if (params.intermediates != null) { for (LatLon l : params.intermediates) { leftX = Math.min(MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(l.getLongitude()), leftX); rightX = Math.max(MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(l.getLongitude()), rightX); bottomY = Math.max(MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(l.getLatitude()), bottomY); topY = Math.min(MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(l.getLatitude()), topY); } } LatLon l = params.end; leftX = Math.min(MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(l.getLongitude()), leftX); rightX = Math.max(MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(l.getLongitude()), rightX); bottomY = Math.max(MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(l.getLatitude()), bottomY); topY = Math.min(MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(l.getLatitude()), topY); params.ctx.getResourceManager().getRenderer().checkInitialized(15, lib, leftX, rightX, bottomY, topY); RoutingContext ctx = router.buildRoutingContext(cf, lib, files, RouteCalculationMode.NORMAL); RoutingContext complexCtx = null; boolean complex = params.mode.isDerivedRoutingFrom(ApplicationMode.CAR) && !settings.DISABLE_COMPLEX_ROUTING.get() && precalculated == null; ctx.leftSideNavigation = params.leftSide; ctx.calculationProgress = params.calculationProgress; if(params.previousToRecalculate != null && params.onlyStartPointChanged) { int currentRoute = params.previousToRecalculate.getCurrentRoute(); List<RouteSegmentResult> originalRoute = params.previousToRecalculate.getOriginalRoute(); if(originalRoute != null && currentRoute < originalRoute.size()) { ctx.previouslyCalculatedRoute = originalRoute.subList(currentRoute, originalRoute.size()); } } if(complex && router.getRecalculationEnd(ctx) != null) { complex = false; } if(complex) { complexCtx = router.buildRoutingContext(cf, lib,files, RouteCalculationMode.COMPLEX); complexCtx.calculationProgress = params.calculationProgress; complexCtx.leftSideNavigation = params.leftSide; complexCtx.previouslyCalculatedRoute = ctx.previouslyCalculatedRoute; } LatLon st = new LatLon(params.start.getLatitude(), params.start.getLongitude()); LatLon en = new LatLon(params.end.getLatitude(), params.end.getLongitude()); List<LatLon> inters = new ArrayList<LatLon>(); if (params.intermediates != null) { inters = new ArrayList<LatLon>(params.intermediates); } return calcOfflineRouteImpl(params, router, ctx, complexCtx, st, en, inters, precalculated); } private RoutingConfiguration initOsmAndRoutingConfig(Builder config, final RouteCalculationParams params, OsmandSettings settings, GeneralRouter generalRouter) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { GeneralRouterProfile p ; if (params.mode.isDerivedRoutingFrom(ApplicationMode.BICYCLE)) { p = GeneralRouterProfile.BICYCLE; } else if (params.mode.isDerivedRoutingFrom(ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN)) { p = GeneralRouterProfile.PEDESTRIAN; } else if(params.mode.isDerivedRoutingFrom(ApplicationMode.CAR)){ p = GeneralRouterProfile.CAR; } else { return null; } Map<String, String> paramsR = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for(Map.Entry<String, RoutingParameter> e : generalRouter.getParameters().entrySet()){ String key = e.getKey(); RoutingParameter pr = e.getValue(); String vl; if(key.equals(GeneralRouter.USE_SHORTEST_WAY)) { Boolean bool = !settings.FAST_ROUTE_MODE.getModeValue(params.mode); vl = bool ? "true" : null; } else if(pr.getType() == RoutingParameterType.BOOLEAN) { CommonPreference<Boolean> pref = settings.getCustomRoutingBooleanProperty(key, pr.getDefaultBoolean()); Boolean bool = pref.getModeValue(params.mode); vl = bool ? "true" : null; } else { vl = settings.getCustomRoutingProperty(key, "").getModeValue(params.mode); } if(vl != null && vl.length() > 0) { paramsR.put(key, vl); } } float mb = (1 << 20); Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); // make visible int memoryLimit = (int) (0.95 * ((rt.maxMemory() - rt.totalMemory()) + rt.freeMemory()) / mb); log.warn("Use " + memoryLimit + " MB Free " + rt.freeMemory() / mb + " of " + rt.totalMemory() / mb + " max " + rt.maxMemory() / mb); RoutingConfiguration cf =, params.start.hasBearing() ? params.start.getBearing() / 180d * Math.PI : null, memoryLimit, paramsR); return cf; } private RouteCalculationResult calcOfflineRouteImpl(final RouteCalculationParams params, RoutePlannerFrontEnd router, RoutingContext ctx, RoutingContext complexCtx, LatLon st, LatLon en, List<LatLon> inters, PrecalculatedRouteDirection precalculated) throws IOException { try { List<RouteSegmentResult> result ; if(complexCtx != null) { try { result = router.searchRoute(complexCtx, st, en, inters, precalculated); // discard ctx and replace with calculated ctx = complexCtx; } catch(final RuntimeException e) { params.ctx.runInUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { params.ctx.showToastMessage(R.string.complex_route_calculation_failed, e.getMessage()); } }); result = router.searchRoute(ctx, st, en, inters); } } else { result = router.searchRoute(ctx, st, en, inters); } if(result == null || result.isEmpty()) { if(ctx.calculationProgress.segmentNotFound == 0) { return new RouteCalculationResult(params.ctx.getString(R.string.starting_point_too_far)); } else if(ctx.calculationProgress.segmentNotFound == inters.size() + 1) { return new RouteCalculationResult(params.ctx.getString(R.string.ending_point_too_far)); } else if(ctx.calculationProgress.segmentNotFound > 0) { return new RouteCalculationResult(params.ctx.getString(R.string.intermediate_point_too_far, "'" + ctx.calculationProgress.segmentNotFound + "'")); } if(ctx.calculationProgress.directSegmentQueueSize == 0) { return new RouteCalculationResult("Route can not be found from start point (" +ctx.calculationProgress.distanceFromBegin/1000f+" km)"); } else if(ctx.calculationProgress.reverseSegmentQueueSize == 0) { return new RouteCalculationResult("Route can not be found from end point (" +ctx.calculationProgress.distanceFromEnd/1000f+" km)"); } if(ctx.calculationProgress.isCancelled) { return interrupted(); } // something really strange better to see that message on the scren return emptyResult(); } else { RouteCalculationResult res = new RouteCalculationResult(result, params.start, params.end, params.intermediates, params.ctx, params.leftSide, ctx.routingTime, params.gpxRoute == null? null: params.gpxRoute.wpt, params.mode); return res; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { return new RouteCalculationResult(e.getMessage() ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return interrupted(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { // ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager)app.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); // ActivityManager.MemoryInfo memoryInfo = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo(); // activityManager.getMemoryInfo(memoryInfo); // int avl = (int) (memoryInfo.availMem / (1 << 20)); int max = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (1 << 20)); int avl = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / (1 << 20)); String s = " (" + avl + " MB available of " + max + ") "; return new RouteCalculationResult("Not enough process memory "+ s); } } private RouteCalculationResult applicationModeNotSupported(RouteCalculationParams params) { return new RouteCalculationResult("Application mode '"+ params.mode.toHumanStringCtx(params.ctx)+ "'is not supported."); } private RouteCalculationResult interrupted() { return new RouteCalculationResult("Route calculation was interrupted"); } private RouteCalculationResult emptyResult() { return new RouteCalculationResult("Empty result"); } private static List<RouteDirectionInfo> parseOsmAndGPXRoute(List<Location> res, GPXFile gpxFile, boolean osmandRouter, boolean leftSide, float defSpeed) { List<RouteDirectionInfo> directions = null; if (!osmandRouter) { for (WptPt pt : gpxFile.points) { res.add(createLocation(pt)); } } else { for (Track tr : gpxFile.tracks) { for (TrkSegment ts : tr.segments) { for (WptPt p : ts.points) { res.add(createLocation(p)); } } } } float[] distanceToEnd = new float[res.size()]; for (int i = res.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) { distanceToEnd[i] = distanceToEnd[i + 1] + res.get(i).distanceTo(res.get(i + 1)); } Route route = null; if (gpxFile.routes.size() > 0) { route = gpxFile.routes.get(0); } RouteDirectionInfo previous = null; if (route != null && route.points.size() > 0) { directions = new ArrayList<RouteDirectionInfo>(); Iterator<WptPt> iterator = route.points.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()){ WptPt item =; try { String stime = item.getExtensionsToRead().get("time"); int time = 0; if (stime != null) { time = Integer.parseInt(stime); } int offset = Integer.parseInt(item.getExtensionsToRead().get("offset")); //$NON-NLS-1$ if(directions.size() > 0) { RouteDirectionInfo last = directions.get(directions.size() - 1); // update speed using time and idstance last.setAverageSpeed((distanceToEnd[last.routePointOffset] - distanceToEnd[offset])/last.getAverageSpeed()); last.distance = (int) Math.round(distanceToEnd[last.routePointOffset] - distanceToEnd[offset]); } // save time as a speed because we don't know distance of the route segment float avgSpeed = time; if(!iterator.hasNext() && time > 0) { avgSpeed = distanceToEnd[offset] / time; } String stype = item.getExtensionsToRead().get("turn"); //$NON-NLS-1$ TurnType turnType; if (stype != null) { turnType = TurnType.fromString(stype.toUpperCase(), leftSide); } else { turnType = TurnType.straight(); } String sturn = item.getExtensionsToRead().get("turn-angle"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (sturn != null) { turnType.setTurnAngle((float) Double.parseDouble(sturn)); } RouteDirectionInfo dirInfo = new RouteDirectionInfo(avgSpeed, turnType); dirInfo.setDescriptionRoute(item.desc); //$NON-NLS-1$ dirInfo.routePointOffset = offset; // Issue #2894 String sref = item.getExtensionsToRead().get("ref"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (sref != null && !"null".equals(sref)) { dirInfo.setRef(sref); //$NON-NLS-1$ } String sstreetname = item.getExtensionsToRead().get("street-name"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (sstreetname != null && !"null".equals(sstreetname)) { dirInfo.setStreetName(sstreetname); //$NON-NLS-1$ } String sdest = item.getExtensionsToRead().get("dest"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (sdest != null && !"null".equals(sdest)) { dirInfo.setDestinationName(sdest); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (previous != null && TurnType.C != previous.getTurnType().getValue() && !osmandRouter) { // calculate angle if (previous.routePointOffset > 0) { float paz = res.get(previous.routePointOffset - 1).bearingTo(res.get(previous.routePointOffset)); float caz; if (previous.getTurnType().isRoundAbout() && dirInfo.routePointOffset < res.size() - 1) { caz = res.get(dirInfo.routePointOffset).bearingTo(res.get(dirInfo.routePointOffset + 1)); } else { caz = res.get(dirInfo.routePointOffset - 1).bearingTo(res.get(dirInfo.routePointOffset)); } float angle = caz - paz; if (angle < 0) { angle += 360; } else if (angle > 360) { angle -= 360; } // that magic number helps to fix some errors for turn angle += 75; if (previous.getTurnType().getTurnAngle() < 0.5f) { previous.getTurnType().setTurnAngle(angle); } } } directions.add(dirInfo); previous = dirInfo; } catch (NumberFormatException e) {"Exception", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {"Exception", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } if (previous != null && TurnType.C != previous.getTurnType().getValue()) { // calculate angle if (previous.routePointOffset > 0 && previous.routePointOffset < res.size() - 1) { float paz = res.get(previous.routePointOffset - 1).bearingTo(res.get(previous.routePointOffset)); float caz = res.get(previous.routePointOffset).bearingTo(res.get(res.size() - 1)); float angle = caz - paz; if (angle < 0) { angle += 360; } if (previous.getTurnType().getTurnAngle() < 0.5f) { previous.getTurnType().setTurnAngle(angle); } } } return directions; } protected RouteCalculationResult findORSRoute(RouteCalculationParams params) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, FactoryConfigurationError, SAXException { List<Location> res = new ArrayList<Location>(); String rpref = "Fastest"; if (params.mode.isDerivedRoutingFrom(ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN)) { rpref = "Pedestrian"; } else if (params.mode.isDerivedRoutingFrom(ApplicationMode.BICYCLE)) { rpref = "Bicycle"; // } else if (ApplicationMode.LOWTRAFFIC == mode) { // rpref = "BicycleSafety"; // } else if (ApplicationMode.RACEBIKE == mode) { // rpref = "BicycleRacer"; // } else if (ApplicationMode.TOURBIKE == mode) { // rpref = "BicycleRoute"; // } else if (ApplicationMode.MTBIKE == mode) { // rpref = "BicycleMTB"; } else if (params.mode.isDerivedRoutingFrom(ApplicationMode.CAR)) { if (! { rpref = "Shortest"; } } else { return applicationModeNotSupported(params); } StringBuilder request = new StringBuilder(); request.append("").append("start=").append(params.start.getLongitude()).append(',') .append(params.start.getLatitude()).append("&end=").append(params.end.getLongitude()).append(',').append(params.end.getLatitude()) .append("&preference=").append(rpref); // TODO if we would get instructions from the service, we could use this language setting // .append("&language=").append(Locale.getDefault().getLanguage());"URL route " + request); URLConnection connection = NetworkUtils.getHttpURLConnection(request.toString()); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", Version.getFullVersion(params.ctx)); DocumentBuilder dom = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = dom.parse(new InputSource(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()))); NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("xls:RouteGeometry"); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { NodeList poslist = ((Element) list.item(i)).getElementsByTagName("gml:pos"); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int j = 0; j < poslist.getLength(); j++) { String text = poslist.item(j).getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); int s = text.indexOf(' '); try { double lon = Double.parseDouble(text.substring(0, s)); double lat = Double.parseDouble(text.substring(s + 1)); Location l = new Location("router"); //$NON-NLS-1$ l.setLatitude(lat); l.setLongitude(lon); res.add(l); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } } if (list.getLength() == 0) { if (doc.getChildNodes().getLength() == 1) { Node item = doc.getChildNodes().item(0); return new RouteCalculationResult(item.getNodeValue()); } } params.intermediates = null; return new RouteCalculationResult(res, null, params, null, true); } public GPXFile createOsmandRouterGPX(RouteCalculationResult srcRoute, OsmandApplication ctx) { TargetPointsHelper helper = ctx.getTargetPointsHelper(); int currentRoute = srcRoute.currentRoute; List<Location> routeNodes = srcRoute.getImmutableAllLocations(); List<RouteDirectionInfo> directionInfo = srcRoute.getImmutableAllDirections(); int currentDirectionInfo = srcRoute.currentDirectionInfo; GPXFile gpx = new GPXFile(); = OSMAND_ROUTER; Track track = new Track(); gpx.tracks.add(track); TrkSegment trkSegment = new TrkSegment(); track.segments.add(trkSegment); int cRoute = currentRoute; int cDirInfo = currentDirectionInfo; // Save the start point to gpx file's trkpt section unless already contained WptPt startpoint = new WptPt(); TargetPoint sc = helper.getPointToStart(); int routePointOffsetAdjusted = 0; if (sc != null && ((float) sc.getLatitude() != (float) routeNodes.get(cRoute).getLatitude() || (float) sc.getLongitude() != (float) routeNodes.get(cRoute).getLongitude())){ = sc.getLatitude(); startpoint.lon = sc.getLongitude(); trkSegment.points.add(startpoint); if (directionInfo != null && !directionInfo.isEmpty()) { for (RouteDirectionInfo i : directionInfo) { i.routePointOffset++; } } routePointOffsetAdjusted = 1; } for (int i = cRoute; i< routeNodes.size(); i++) { Location loc = routeNodes.get(i); WptPt pt = new WptPt(); = loc.getLatitude(); pt.lon = loc.getLongitude(); if (loc.hasSpeed()) { pt.speed = loc.getSpeed(); } if (loc.hasAltitude()) { pt.ele = loc.getAltitude(); } if (loc.hasAccuracy()) { pt.hdop = loc.getAccuracy(); } trkSegment.points.add(pt); } Route route = new Route(); gpx.routes.add(route); for (int i = cDirInfo; i < directionInfo.size(); i++) { RouteDirectionInfo dirInfo = directionInfo.get(i); if (dirInfo.routePointOffset - routePointOffsetAdjusted >= cRoute) { if (dirInfo.getTurnType() != null && !dirInfo.getTurnType().isSkipToSpeak() && dirInfo.routePointOffset - routePointOffsetAdjusted < routeNodes.size()) { Location loc = routeNodes.get(dirInfo.routePointOffset - routePointOffsetAdjusted); WptPt pt = new WptPt(); = loc.getLatitude(); pt.lon = loc.getLongitude(); // Collect distances and times for subsequent suppressed turns int collectedDistance = 0; int collectedTime = 0; for (int j = i + 1; j < directionInfo.size(); j++) { if (directionInfo.get(j).getTurnType() != null && directionInfo.get(j).getTurnType().isSkipToSpeak()) { collectedDistance += directionInfo.get(j).getDistance(); collectedTime += directionInfo.get(j).getExpectedTime(); } else { break; } } pt.desc = dirInfo.getDescriptionRoute(ctx, collectedDistance + dirInfo.getDistance()); Map<String, String> extensions = pt.getExtensionsToWrite(); extensions.put("time", (collectedTime + dirInfo.getExpectedTime()) + ""); int turnType = dirInfo.getTurnType().getValue(); if (TurnType.C != turnType) { extensions.put("turn", dirInfo.getTurnType().toXmlString()); extensions.put("turn-angle", dirInfo.getTurnType().getTurnAngle() + ""); } extensions.put("offset", (dirInfo.routePointOffset - cRoute) + ""); // Issue #2894 if (dirInfo.getRef() != null && !"null".equals(dirInfo.getRef())) { extensions.put("ref", dirInfo.getRef() + ""); } if (dirInfo.getStreetName() != null && !"null".equals(dirInfo.getStreetName())) { extensions.put("street-name", dirInfo.getStreetName() + ""); } if (dirInfo.getDestinationName() != null && !"null".equals(dirInfo.getDestinationName())) { extensions.put("dest", dirInfo.getDestinationName() + ""); } route.points.add(pt); } } } List<TargetPoint> ps = helper.getIntermediatePointsWithTarget(); for (int k = 0; k < ps.size(); k++) { WptPt pt = new WptPt(); = ps.get(k).getLatitude(); pt.lon = ps.get(k).getLongitude(); if (k < ps.size()) { = ps.get(k).getOnlyName() +""; if (k == ps.size() - 1) { String target = ctx.getString(R.string.destination_point, ""); if ( { = ctx.getString(R.string.destination_point,; } } else { String prefix = (k + 1) +". "; if(Algorithms.isEmpty( { = ctx.getString(R.string.target_point,; } if ( { = prefix +; } } pt.desc =; } gpx.points.add(pt); } return gpx; } private void appendOSRMLoc(StringBuilder uri, LatLon il) { uri.append(";").append(String.valueOf(il.getLongitude())); uri.append(",").append(String.valueOf(il.getLatitude())); } protected RouteCalculationResult findOSRMRoute(RouteCalculationParams params) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, JSONException { //,52.28;4.95,52.28 List<Location> res = new ArrayList<Location>(); StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(); // possibly hide that API key because it is privacy of osmand // A6421860EBB04234AB5EF2D049F2CD8F key is compromised String scheme = ""; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) { scheme = "https"; } else { scheme = "http"; } uri.append(scheme + "://"); //$NON-NLS-1$ uri.append(String.valueOf(params.start.getLongitude())); uri.append(",").append(String.valueOf(params.start.getLatitude())); if(params.intermediates != null && params.intermediates.size() > 0) { for(LatLon il : params.intermediates) { appendOSRMLoc(uri, il); } } appendOSRMLoc(uri, params.end); // to get more waypoints, add overview=full option // uri.append("?overview=full")"URL route " + uri); URLConnection connection = NetworkUtils.getHttpURLConnection(uri.toString()); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", Version.getFullVersion(params.ctx)); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader rs = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); String s; while((s = rs.readLine()) != null) { content.append(s); } JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(content.toString()); try { rs.close(); } catch(IOException e){ } List<LatLon> route = GeoPolylineParserUtil.parse(obj.getJSONArray("routes").getJSONObject(0).getString("geometry"), GeoPolylineParserUtil.PRECISION_5); if (route.isEmpty()) { return new RouteCalculationResult("Route is empty"); } for (LatLon pt : route) { WptPt wpt = new WptPt(); = pt.getLatitude(); wpt.lon = pt.getLongitude(); res.add(createLocation(wpt)); } params.intermediates = null; return new RouteCalculationResult(res, null, params, null, true); } protected RouteCalculationResult findBROUTERRoute(RouteCalculationParams params) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, FactoryConfigurationError, SAXException { int numpoints = 2 + (params.intermediates != null ? params.intermediates.size() : 0); double[] lats = new double[numpoints]; double[] lons = new double[numpoints]; int index = 0; String mode; lats[index] = params.start.getLatitude(); lons[index] = params.start.getLongitude(); index++; if(params.intermediates != null && params.intermediates.size() > 0) { for(LatLon il : params.intermediates) { lats[index] = il.getLatitude(); lons[index] = il.getLongitude(); index++; } } lats[index] = params.end.getLatitude(); lons[index] = params.end.getLongitude(); if (ApplicationMode.PEDESTRIAN == params.mode) { mode = "foot"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (ApplicationMode.BICYCLE == params.mode) { mode = "bicycle"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { mode = "motorcar"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } Bundle bpars = new Bundle(); bpars.putDoubleArray("lats", lats); bpars.putDoubleArray("lons", lons); bpars.putString("fast", ? "1" : "0"); bpars.putString("v", mode); bpars.putString("trackFormat", "gpx"); OsmandApplication ctx = (OsmandApplication) params.ctx; List<Location> res = new ArrayList<Location>(); IBRouterService brouterService = ctx.getBRouterService(); if (brouterService == null) { return new RouteCalculationResult("BRouter service is not available"); } try { String gpxMessage = brouterService.getTrackFromParams(bpars); if (gpxMessage == null) gpxMessage = "no result from brouter"; if (!gpxMessage.startsWith("<")) { return new RouteCalculationResult(gpxMessage); } GPXFile gpxFile = GPXUtilities.loadGPXFile( ctx, new ByteArrayInputStream(gpxMessage.getBytes("UTF-8"))); for (Track track : gpxFile.tracks) { for (TrkSegment ts : track.segments) { for (WptPt p : ts.points) { Location l = new Location("router"); //$NON-NLS-1$ l.setLatitude(; l.setLongitude(p.lon); if (p.ele != Double.NaN) { l.setAltitude(p.ele); } res.add(l); } } } } catch (Exception e) { return new RouteCalculationResult("Exception calling BRouter: " + e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return new RouteCalculationResult(res, null, params, null, true); } private RouteCalculationResult findStraightRoute(RouteCalculationParams params) { double[] lats = new double[] { params.start.getLatitude(), params.end.getLatitude() }; double[] lons = new double[] { params.start.getLongitude(), params.end.getLongitude() }; List<LatLon> intermediates = params.intermediates; List<Location> dots = new ArrayList<Location>(); //writing start location Location location = new Location(String.valueOf("start")); location.setLatitude(lats[0]); location.setLongitude(lons[0]); //adding intermediate dots if they exists if (intermediates != null){ for(int i =0; i<intermediates.size();i++){ location = new Location(String.valueOf(i)); location.setLatitude(intermediates.get(i).getLatitude()); location.setLongitude(intermediates.get(i).getLongitude()); dots.add(location); } } //writing end location location = new Location(String.valueOf("end")); location.setLatitude(lats[1]); location.setLongitude(lons[1]); dots.add(location); return new RouteCalculationResult(dots, null, params, null, true); } }