package; import android.content.Context; import; import net.osmand.PlatformUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; import; import; import; import; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class FavouritesDbHelper { public interface FavoritesUpdatedListener { void updateFavourites(); } private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = PlatformUtil.getLog(FavouritesDbHelper.class); public static final String FILE_TO_SAVE = "favourites.gpx"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String BACKUP_FOLDER = "backup"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final int BACKUP_CNT = 20; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String FILE_TO_BACKUP = "favourites_bak.gpx"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private List<FavouritePoint> cachedFavoritePoints = new ArrayList<FavouritePoint>(); private List<FavoriteGroup> favoriteGroups = new ArrayList<FavouritesDbHelper.FavoriteGroup>(); private Map<String, FavoriteGroup> flatGroups = new LinkedHashMap<String, FavouritesDbHelper.FavoriteGroup>(); private final OsmandApplication context; protected static final String HIDDEN = "HIDDEN"; private static final String DELIMETER = "__"; public FavouritesDbHelper(OsmandApplication context) { this.context = context; } public static class FavoriteGroup { public String name; public boolean visible = true; public int color; public List<FavouritePoint> points = new ArrayList<FavouritePoint>(); } public void loadFavorites() { flatGroups.clear(); favoriteGroups.clear(); File internalFile = getInternalFile(); if(!internalFile.exists()) { File dbPath = context.getDatabasePath(FAVOURITE_DB_NAME); if(dbPath.exists()) { loadAndCheckDatabasePoints(); saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); } //createDefaultCategories(); } Map<String, FavouritePoint> points = new LinkedHashMap<String, FavouritePoint>(); Map<String, FavouritePoint> extPoints = new LinkedHashMap<String, FavouritePoint>(); loadGPXFile(internalFile, points); loadGPXFile(getExternalFile(), extPoints); boolean changed = merge(extPoints, points); for(FavouritePoint pns : points.values()) { FavoriteGroup group = getOrCreateGroup(pns, 0); group.points.add(pns); } sortAll(); recalculateCachedFavPoints(); if(changed) { saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); } favouritesUpdated(); } private void favouritesUpdated(){ } private boolean merge(Map<String, FavouritePoint> source, Map<String, FavouritePoint> destination) { boolean changed = false; for(String ks : source.keySet()) { if(!destination.containsKey(ks)) { changed = true; destination.put(ks, source.get(ks)); } } return changed; } private File getInternalFile() { return context.getFileStreamPath(FILE_TO_BACKUP); } public void delete(Set<FavoriteGroup> groupsToDelete, Set<FavouritePoint> favoritesSelected) { if (favoritesSelected != null) { for (FavouritePoint p : favoritesSelected) { FavoriteGroup group = flatGroups.get(p.getCategory()); if (group != null) { group.points.remove(p); } cachedFavoritePoints.remove(p); } } if (groupsToDelete != null) { for (FavoriteGroup g : groupsToDelete) { flatGroups.remove(; favoriteGroups.remove(g); cachedFavoritePoints.removeAll(g.points); } } saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); } public boolean deleteFavourite(FavouritePoint p) { return deleteFavourite(p, true); } public boolean deleteFavourite(FavouritePoint p, boolean saveImmediately) { if (p != null) { FavoriteGroup group = flatGroups.get(p.getCategory()); if (group != null) { group.points.remove(p); } cachedFavoritePoints.remove(p); } if (saveImmediately) { saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); } return true; } public boolean addFavourite(FavouritePoint p) { return addFavourite(p, true); } public boolean addFavourite(FavouritePoint p, boolean saveImmediately) { if (p.getName().equals("") && flatGroups.containsKey(p.getCategory())) { return true; } FavoriteGroup group = getOrCreateGroup(p, 0); if (!p.getName().equals("")) { p.setVisible(group.visible); p.setColor(group.color); group.points.add(p); cachedFavoritePoints.add(p); } if (saveImmediately) { sortAll(); saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); } return true; } public static AlertDialog.Builder checkDuplicates(FavouritePoint p, FavouritesDbHelper fdb, Context uiContext) { boolean emoticons = false; String index = ""; int number = 0; String name = checkEmoticons(p.getName()); String category = checkEmoticons(p.getCategory()); p.setCategory(category); String description = null; if (p.getDescription() != null) { description = checkEmoticons(p.getDescription()); } p.setDescription(description); if (name.length() != p.getName().length()) { emoticons = true; } boolean fl = true; while (fl) { fl = false; for (FavouritePoint fp : fdb.getFavouritePoints()) { if (fp.getName().equals(name) && p.getLatitude() != fp.getLatitude() && p.getLongitude() != fp.getLongitude()) { number++; index = " (" + number + ")"; name = p.getName() + index; fl = true; break; } } } if ((index.length() > 0 || emoticons) ) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(uiContext); builder.setTitle(R.string.fav_point_dublicate); if (emoticons) { builder.setMessage(uiContext.getString(R.string.fav_point_emoticons_message, name)); } else { builder.setMessage(uiContext.getString(R.string.fav_point_dublicate_message, name)); } p.setName(name); return builder; } return null; } public static String checkEmoticons(String name){ char[] chars = name.toCharArray(); int index; char ch1; char ch2; index = 0; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); while (index < chars.length) { ch1 = chars[index]; if ((int)ch1 == 0xD83C) { ch2 = chars[index+1]; if ((int)ch2 >= 0xDF00 && (int)ch2 <= 0xDFFF) { index += 2; continue; } } else if ((int)ch1 == 0xD83D) { ch2 = chars[index+1]; if ((int)ch2 >= 0xDC00 && (int)ch2 <= 0xDDFF) { index += 2; continue; } } builder.append(ch1); ++index; } builder.trimToSize(); // remove trailing null characters return builder.toString(); } public boolean editFavouriteName(FavouritePoint p, String newName, String category, String descr) { String oldCategory = p.getCategory(); p.setName(newName); p.setCategory(category); p.setDescription(descr); if (!oldCategory.equals(category)) { FavoriteGroup old = flatGroups.get(oldCategory); if (old != null) { old.points.remove(p); } FavoriteGroup pg = getOrCreateGroup(p, 0); p.setVisible(pg.visible); p.setColor(pg.color); pg.points.add(p); } sortAll(); saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); return true; } public boolean editFavourite(FavouritePoint p, double lat, double lon) { p.setLatitude(lat); p.setLongitude(lon); saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); return true; } public void saveCurrentPointsIntoFile() { try { Map<String, FavouritePoint> deletedInMemory = new LinkedHashMap<String, FavouritePoint>(); loadGPXFile(getInternalFile(), deletedInMemory); for(FavouritePoint fp : cachedFavoritePoints) { deletedInMemory.remove(getKey(fp)); } saveFile(cachedFavoritePoints, getInternalFile()); saveExternalFile(deletedInMemory.keySet()); backup(getBackupFile(), getExternalFile()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void backup(File backupFile, File externalFile) { try { File f = new File(backupFile.getParentFile(), backupFile.getName()); FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(f); fout.write('B'); fout.write('Z'); CBZip2OutputStream out = new CBZip2OutputStream(fout); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(externalFile); Algorithms.streamCopy(fis, out); fis.close(); out.close(); fout.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Backup failed", e); } } public String exportFavorites() { return saveExternalFile(null); } private String saveExternalFile(Set<String> deleted) { Map<String, FavouritePoint> all = new LinkedHashMap<String, FavouritePoint>(); loadGPXFile(getExternalFile(), all); List<FavouritePoint> favoritePoints = new ArrayList<FavouritePoint>(cachedFavoritePoints); if(deleted != null) { for(String key : deleted) { all.remove(key); } } // remove already existing in memory for(FavouritePoint p : favoritePoints) { all.remove(getKey(p)); } // save favoritePoints from memory in order to update existing favoritePoints.addAll(all.values()); return saveFile(favoritePoints, getExternalFile()); } private String getKey(FavouritePoint p) { return p.getName() + DELIMETER + p.getCategory(); } public boolean deleteGroup(FavoriteGroup group) { boolean remove = favoriteGroups.remove(group); if (remove) { flatGroups.remove(; saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); return true; } return false; } public File getExternalFile() { return new File(context.getAppPath(null), FILE_TO_SAVE); } public File getBackupFile() { File fld = new File(context.getAppPath(null), BACKUP_FOLDER); if(!fld.exists()) { fld.mkdirs(); } int back = 1; String backPrefix = "" + back; File firstModified = null; long firstModifiedMin = System.currentTimeMillis(); while(back <= BACKUP_CNT) { backPrefix = "" + back; if(back < 10) { backPrefix = "0"+backPrefix; } File bak = new File(fld, "favourites_bak_" + backPrefix +".gpx.bz2"); if (!bak.exists()) { return bak; } else if (bak.lastModified() < firstModifiedMin) { firstModified = bak; firstModifiedMin = bak.lastModified(); } back ++; } return firstModified; } public String saveFile(List<FavouritePoint> favoritePoints, File f) { GPXFile gpx = asGpxFile(favoritePoints); return GPXUtilities.writeGpxFile(f, gpx, context); } public GPXFile asGpxFile() { return asGpxFile(cachedFavoritePoints); } private GPXFile asGpxFile(List<FavouritePoint> favoritePoints) { GPXFile gpx = new GPXFile(); for (FavouritePoint p : favoritePoints) { WptPt pt = new WptPt(); = p.getLatitude(); pt.lon = p.getLongitude(); if(!p.isVisible()) { pt.getExtensionsToWrite().put(HIDDEN, "true"); } if(p.getColor() != 0) { pt.setColor(p.getColor()); } = p.getName(); pt.desc = p.getDescription(); if (p.getCategory().length() > 0) pt.category = p.getCategory(); if (p.getOriginObjectName().length() > 0) { pt.comment = p.getOriginObjectName(); } gpx.points.add(pt); } return gpx; } public void addEmptyCategory(String name) { FavoriteGroup group = new FavoriteGroup(); = name; favoriteGroups.add(group); flatGroups.put(name, group); } public void addEmptyCategory(String name, int color) { FavoriteGroup group = new FavoriteGroup(); = name; group.color = color; favoriteGroups.add(group); flatGroups.put(name, group); } public List<FavouritePoint> getFavouritePoints() { return cachedFavoritePoints; } public List<FavouritePoint> getVisibleFavouritePoints() { List<FavouritePoint> fp = new ArrayList<>(); for(FavouritePoint p : cachedFavoritePoints) { if(p.isVisible()) { fp.add(p); } } return fp; } public List<FavoriteGroup> getFavoriteGroups() { return favoriteGroups; } public boolean groupExists(String name) { String nameLowercase = name.toLowerCase(); for (String groupName : flatGroups.keySet()) { if (groupName.toLowerCase().equals(nameLowercase)) { return true; } } return false; } public FavoriteGroup getGroup(FavouritePoint p) { if (flatGroups.containsKey(p.getCategory())) { return flatGroups.get(p.getCategory()); } else { return null; } } public FavoriteGroup getGroup(String name) { if (flatGroups.containsKey(name)) { return flatGroups.get(name); } else { return null; } } private FavouritePoint findFavoriteByAllProperties(String category, String name, double lat, double lon){ if (flatGroups.containsKey(category)) { FavoriteGroup fg = flatGroups.get(category); for (FavouritePoint fv : fg.points) { if (name.equals(fv.getName()) && (lat == fv.getLatitude()) && (lon == fv.getLongitude())) { return fv; } } } return null; } public void recalculateCachedFavPoints(){ ArrayList<FavouritePoint> temp = new ArrayList<FavouritePoint>(); for(FavoriteGroup f : favoriteGroups){ temp.addAll(f.points); } cachedFavoritePoints = temp; } public void sortAll() { final Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(); collator.setStrength(Collator.SECONDARY); Collections.sort(favoriteGroups, new Comparator<FavoriteGroup>() { @Override public int compare(FavoriteGroup lhs, FavoriteGroup rhs) { return,; } }); Comparator<FavouritePoint> favoritesComparator = getComparator(); for (FavoriteGroup g : favoriteGroups) { Collections.sort(g.points, favoritesComparator); } if (cachedFavoritePoints != null) { Collections.sort(cachedFavoritePoints, favoritesComparator); } } public static Comparator<FavouritePoint> getComparator() { final Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(); collator.setStrength(Collator.SECONDARY); Comparator<FavouritePoint> favoritesComparator = new Comparator<FavouritePoint>() { @Override public int compare(FavouritePoint o1, FavouritePoint o2) { String s1 = o1.getName(); String s2 = o2.getName(); int i1 = Algorithms.extractIntegerNumber(s1); int i2 = Algorithms.extractIntegerNumber(s2); String ot1 = Algorithms.extractIntegerPrefix(s1); String ot2 = Algorithms.extractIntegerPrefix(s2); // Next 6 lines needed for correct comparison of names with and without digits if (ot1.length() == 0) { ot1 = s1; } if (ot2.length() == 0) { ot2 = s2; } int res =, ot2); if (res == 0) { res = i1 - i2; } if (res == 0) { res =, s2); } return res; } }; return favoritesComparator; } private boolean loadGPXFile(File file, Map<String, FavouritePoint> points) { if(!file.exists()) { return false; } GPXFile res = GPXUtilities.loadGPXFile(context, file); if (res.warning != null) { return false; } for (WptPt p : res.points) { int c; String name =; String categoryName = p.category != null ? p.category : ""; if (name == null) { name = ""; } // old way to store the category, in name. if ("".equals(categoryName.trim()) && (c = name.lastIndexOf('_')) != -1) { categoryName = name.substring(c + 1); name = name.substring(0, c); } FavouritePoint fp = new FavouritePoint(, p.lon, name, categoryName); fp.setDescription(p.desc); if (p.comment != null) { fp.setOriginObjectName(p.comment); } fp.setColor(p.getColor(0)); fp.setVisible(!p.getExtensionsToRead().containsKey(HIDDEN)); points.put(getKey(fp), fp); } return true; } public void editFavouriteGroup(FavoriteGroup group, String newName, int color, boolean visible) { if(color != 0 && group.color != color) { FavoriteGroup gr = flatGroups.get(; group.color = color; for(FavouritePoint p : gr.points) { p.setColor(color); } } if(group.visible != visible) { FavoriteGroup gr = flatGroups.get(; group.visible = visible; for(FavouritePoint p : gr.points) { p.setVisible(visible); } } if (! { FavoriteGroup gr = flatGroups.remove(; = newName; FavoriteGroup renamedGroup = flatGroups.get(; boolean existing = renamedGroup != null; if(renamedGroup == null) { renamedGroup = gr; flatGroups.put(, gr); } else { favoriteGroups.remove(gr); } for(FavouritePoint p : gr.points) { p.setCategory(newName); if(existing) { renamedGroup.points.add(p); } } } saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); } protected void createDefaultCategories() { addEmptyCategory(context.getString(R.string.favorite_home_category)); addEmptyCategory(context.getString(R.string.favorite_friends_category)); addEmptyCategory(context.getString(R.string.favorite_places_category)); addEmptyCategory(context.getString(R.string.shared_string_others)); } private FavoriteGroup getOrCreateGroup(FavouritePoint p, int defColor) { if (flatGroups.containsKey(p.getCategory())) { return flatGroups.get(p.getCategory()); } FavoriteGroup group = new FavoriteGroup(); = p.getCategory(); group.visible = p.isVisible(); group.color = p.getColor(); flatGroups.put(, group); favoriteGroups.add(group); if (group.color == 0) { group.color = defColor; } return group; } /// Deprecated sqlite db private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2; public static final String FAVOURITE_DB_NAME = "favourite"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String FAVOURITE_TABLE_NAME = "favourite"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String FAVOURITE_COL_NAME = "name"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String FAVOURITE_COL_CATEGORY = "category"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String FAVOURITE_COL_LAT = "latitude"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String FAVOURITE_COL_LON = "longitude"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String FAVOURITE_TABLE_CREATE = "CREATE TABLE " + FAVOURITE_TABLE_NAME + " (" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ FAVOURITE_COL_NAME + " TEXT, " + FAVOURITE_COL_CATEGORY + " TEXT, " + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ FAVOURITE_COL_LAT + " double, " + FAVOURITE_COL_LON + " double);"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ private SQLiteConnection conn; private SQLiteConnection openConnection(boolean readonly) { conn = context.getSQLiteAPI().getOrCreateDatabase(FAVOURITE_DB_NAME, readonly); if (conn.getVersion() == 0 || DATABASE_VERSION != conn.getVersion()) { if (readonly) { conn.close(); conn = context.getSQLiteAPI().getOrCreateDatabase(FAVOURITE_DB_NAME, readonly); } if (conn.getVersion() == 0) { onCreate(conn); } else { onUpgrade(conn, conn.getVersion(), DATABASE_VERSION); } conn.setVersion(DATABASE_VERSION); } return conn; } public void onCreate(SQLiteConnection db) { db.execSQL(FAVOURITE_TABLE_CREATE); } public void onUpgrade(SQLiteConnection db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { if(oldVersion == 1){ db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + FAVOURITE_TABLE_NAME + " ADD " + FAVOURITE_COL_CATEGORY + " text"); db.execSQL("UPDATE " + FAVOURITE_TABLE_NAME + " SET category = ?", new Object[] { "" }); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } private void loadAndCheckDatabasePoints(){ if (favoriteGroups == null) { SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(true); if (db != null) { try { SQLiteCursor query = db .rawQuery( "SELECT " + FAVOURITE_COL_NAME + ", " + FAVOURITE_COL_CATEGORY + ", " + FAVOURITE_COL_LAT + "," + FAVOURITE_COL_LON + " FROM " + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ FAVOURITE_TABLE_NAME, null); cachedFavoritePoints.clear(); if (query.moveToFirst()) { do { String name = query.getString(0); String cat = query.getString(1); FavouritePoint p = new FavouritePoint(); p.setName(name); p.setCategory(cat); FavoriteGroup group = getOrCreateGroup(p, 0); if (!name.equals("")) { p.setLatitude(query.getDouble(2)); p.setLongitude(query.getDouble(3)); group.points.add(p); } } while (query.moveToNext()); } query.close(); } finally { db.close(); } sortAll(); } recalculateCachedFavPoints(); } } public boolean deleteFavouriteDB(FavouritePoint p) { SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(false); if (db != null) { try { db.execSQL( "DELETE FROM " + FAVOURITE_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE category = ? AND " + whereNameLatLon(), new Object[] { p.getCategory(), p.getName(), p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude() }); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ FavouritePoint fp = findFavoriteByAllProperties(p.getCategory(), p.getName(), p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude()); if (fp != null) { FavoriteGroup group = flatGroups.get(p.getCategory()); if(group != null) { group.points.remove(fp); } cachedFavoritePoints.remove(fp); } saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); } finally{ db.close(); } return true; } return false; } public boolean addFavouriteDB(FavouritePoint p) { if(p.getName().equals("") && flatGroups.containsKey(p.getCategory())){ return true; } SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(false); if (db != null) { try { db.execSQL( "INSERT INTO " + FAVOURITE_TABLE_NAME + " (" + FAVOURITE_COL_NAME + ", " + FAVOURITE_COL_CATEGORY + ", " + FAVOURITE_COL_LAT + ", " + FAVOURITE_COL_LON + ")" + " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", new Object[] { p.getName(), p.getCategory(), p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude() }); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ FavoriteGroup group = getOrCreateGroup(p, 0); if (!p.getName().equals("")) { p.setVisible(group.visible); p.setColor(group.color); group.points.add(p); cachedFavoritePoints.add(p); } saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); } finally { db.close(); } return true; } return false; } public boolean editFavouriteNameDB(FavouritePoint p, String newName, String category) { SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(false); if (db != null) { try { String oldCategory = p.getCategory(); db.execSQL( "UPDATE " + FAVOURITE_TABLE_NAME + " SET " + FAVOURITE_COL_NAME + " = ?, " + FAVOURITE_COL_CATEGORY + "= ? WHERE " + whereNameLatLon(), new Object[] { newName, category, p.getName(), p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude() }); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ p.setName(newName); p.setCategory(category); if (!oldCategory.equals(category)) { FavoriteGroup old = flatGroups.get(oldCategory); if (old != null) { old.points.remove(p); } FavoriteGroup pg = getOrCreateGroup(p, 0); p.setVisible(pg.visible); p.setColor(pg.color); pg.points.add(p); } sortAll(); } finally { db.close(); } return true; } return false; } public boolean editFavouriteDB(FavouritePoint p, double lat, double lon) { SQLiteConnection db = openConnection(false); if (db != null) { try { db.execSQL( "UPDATE " + FAVOURITE_TABLE_NAME + " SET latitude = ?, longitude = ? WHERE " + whereNameLatLon(), new Object[] { lat, lon, p.getName(), p.getLatitude(), p.getLongitude() }); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ p.setLatitude(lat); p.setLongitude(lon); saveCurrentPointsIntoFile(); } finally { db.close(); } return true; } return false; } private String whereNameLatLon() { String singleFavourite = " " + FAVOURITE_COL_NAME + "= ? AND " + FAVOURITE_COL_LAT + " = ? AND " + FAVOURITE_COL_LON + " = ?"; return singleFavourite; } }