package net.osmand.osm.edit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.osm.MapPoiTypes; import net.osmand.osm.MapRenderingTypes; import net.osmand.osm.edit.Entity.EntityType; import net.osmand.osm.edit.OSMSettings.OSMTagKey; import net.osmand.osm.edit.Relation.RelationMember; import net.osmand.util.Algorithms; public class EntityParser { public static void parseMapObject(MapObject mo, Entity e, Map<String, String> tags) { mo.setId(e.getId()); if(mo instanceof Amenity) { mo.setId((e.getId() << 1) + ((EntityType.valueOf(e) == EntityType.NODE) ? 0 : 1)); } if (mo.getName().length() == 0) { mo.setName(tags.get(OSMTagKey.NAME.getValue())); } if (mo.getEnName(false).length() == 0) { mo.setEnName(tags.get(OSMTagKey.NAME_EN.getValue())); } for (String ts : tags.keySet()) { if (ts.startsWith("name:") && !ts.equals(OSMTagKey.NAME_EN.getValue())) { mo.setName(ts.substring(("name:").length()), tags.get(ts)); } } if (mo.getName().length() == 0) { mo.setName(mo.getEnName(false)); } if (mo.getLocation() == null) { LatLon l = null; if (mo instanceof Building) { l = findOnlyOneEntrance(e); } if (l == null) { l = OsmMapUtils.getCenter(e); } if (l != null) { mo.setLocation(l.getLatitude(), l.getLongitude()); } } if (mo.getName().length() == 0) { setNameFromRef(mo, tags); } } /** * Finds the LatLon of a main entrance point. Main entrance here is the only entrance with value 'main'. If there is * no main entrances, but there is only one entrance of any kind in given building, it is returned. * * @param e building entity * @return main entrance point location or {@code null} if no entrance found or more than one entrance */ private static LatLon findOnlyOneEntrance(Entity e) { if (e instanceof Node) { return e.getLatLon(); } List<Node> nodes = null; if (e instanceof Way) { nodes = ((Way) e).getNodes(); } else if (e instanceof Relation) { nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (RelationMember member : ((Relation) e).getMembers(null)) { if (member.getEntity() instanceof Way) { nodes.addAll(((Way) member.getEntity()).getNodes()); } } } if (nodes != null) { int entrancesCount = 0; Node mainEntrance = null; Node lastEntrance = null; for (Node node : nodes) { String entrance = node.getTag(OSMTagKey.ENTRANCE.getValue()); if (entrance != null && !"no".equals(entrance)) { if ("main".equals(entrance)) { // main entrance should be only one if (mainEntrance != null) { return null; } mainEntrance = node; } entrancesCount++; lastEntrance = node; } } if (mainEntrance != null) { return mainEntrance.getLatLon(); } if (entrancesCount == 1) { return lastEntrance.getLatLon(); } } return null; } private static void setNameFromRef(MapObject mo, Map<String, String> tags) { String ref = tags.get(OSMTagKey.REF.getValue()); if(ref != null){ mo.setName(ref); } } private static void setNameFromOperator(MapObject mo, Map<String, String> tags) { String op = tags.get(OSMTagKey.OPERATOR.getValue()); if (op == null) return; String ref = tags.get(OSMTagKey.REF.getValue()); if (ref != null) op += " [" + ref + "]"; mo.setName(op); } private static String getWebSiteURL(Map<String, String> tagValues, boolean checkWikipedia) { String siteUrl = null; if (checkWikipedia) { siteUrl = tagValues.get(OSMTagKey.WIKIPEDIA.getValue()); if (siteUrl != null) { if (!siteUrl.startsWith("http://")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ int i = siteUrl.indexOf(':'); if (i == -1) { siteUrl = "" + siteUrl; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { siteUrl = "http://" + siteUrl.substring(0, i) + "" + siteUrl.substring(i + 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } } } else { siteUrl = tagValues.get(OSMTagKey.WEBSITE.getValue()); if (siteUrl == null) { siteUrl = tagValues.get(OSMTagKey.URL.getValue()); if (siteUrl == null) { siteUrl = tagValues.get(OSMTagKey.CONTACT_WEBSITE.getValue()); } } if (siteUrl != null && !siteUrl.startsWith("http://") && !siteUrl.startsWith("https://")) { siteUrl = "http://" + siteUrl; } } return siteUrl; } public static List<Amenity> parseAmenities(MapPoiTypes poiTypes, Entity entity, Map<String, String> tags, List<Amenity> amenitiesList) { amenitiesList.clear(); // it could be collection of amenities boolean relation = entity instanceof Relation; boolean purerelation = relation && !"multipolygon".equals(tags.get("type")); Collection<Map<String, String>> it = MapRenderingTypes.splitTagsIntoDifferentObjects(tags); for (Map<String, String> ts : it) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : ts.entrySet()) { Amenity am = poiTypes.parseAmenity(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), purerelation, ts); if (am != null) { parseMapObject(am, entity, ts); String wbs = getWebSiteURL(ts, false); if (wbs != null) { am.setAdditionalInfo("website", wbs); } wbs = getWebSiteURL(ts, true); if (wbs != null) { am.setAdditionalInfo("wikipedia", wbs); } if (checkAmenitiesToAdd(am, amenitiesList) && !"no".equals(am.getSubType())) { amenitiesList.add(am); } } } } return amenitiesList; } private static boolean checkAmenitiesToAdd(Amenity a, List<Amenity> amenitiesList){ // check amenity for duplication for(Amenity b : amenitiesList){ if(b.getType() == a.getType() && Algorithms.objectEquals(a.getSubType(), b.getSubType())){ return false; } } return true; } public static Building parseBuilding(Entity e){ Building b = new Building(); parseMapObject(b, e, e.getTags()); // try to extract postcode String p = e.getTag(OSMTagKey.ADDR_POSTCODE.getValue()); if(p == null) { p = e.getTag(OSMTagKey.POSTAL_CODE.getValue()); } b.setPostcode(p); if(e instanceof Way) { List<Node> nodes = ((Way) e).getNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { Node node = nodes.get(i); if(node != null && "yes".equals(node.getTag(OSMTagKey.ENTRANCE)) && !Algorithms.isEmpty(node.getTag(OSMTagKey.REF))) { b.addEntrance(node.getTag(OSMTagKey.REF), node.getLatLon()); } } } return b; } public static City parseCity(Node el) { return parseCity(el, CityType.valueFromString(el.getTag(OSMTagKey.PLACE.getValue()))); } public static City parseCity(Entity el, CityType t) { if(t == null) { return null; } City c = new City(t); parseMapObject(c, el, el.getTags()); String isin = el.getTag(OSMTagKey.IS_IN.getValue()); isin = isin != null ? isin.toLowerCase() : null; c.setIsin(isin); return c; } public static TransportRoute parserRoute(Relation r, String ref){ TransportRoute rt = new TransportRoute(); parseMapObject(rt, r, r.getTags()); rt.setRef(ref); return rt; } public static TransportStop parseTransportStop(Entity e){ TransportStop st = new TransportStop(); parseMapObject(st, e, e.getTags()); return st; } }