package; import android.os.SystemClock; import; import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator; import net.osmand.PlatformUtil; import; import; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; /** * Thread for animated dragging. * Defines accelerator to stop dragging screen. */ public class AnimateDraggingMapThread { protected static final Log log = PlatformUtil.getLog(AnimateDraggingMapThread.class); private final static float DRAGGING_ANIMATION_TIME = 1200f; private final static float ZOOM_ANIMATION_TIME = 250f; private final static float ZOOM_MOVE_ANIMATION_TIME = 350f; private final static float MOVE_MOVE_ANIMATION_TIME = 900f; private final static float NAV_ANIMATION_TIME = 1000f; private final static int DEFAULT_SLEEP_TO_REDRAW = 15; private volatile boolean stopped; private volatile Thread currentThread = null; private final OsmandMapTileView tileView; private float targetRotate = -720; private double targetLatitude = 0; private double targetLongitude = 0; private int targetIntZoom = 0; private int targetFloatZoom = 0; private boolean isAnimatingZoom; public AnimateDraggingMapThread(OsmandMapTileView tileView){ this.tileView = tileView; } private void pendingRotateAnimation() { boolean conditionToCountinue = false; if (targetRotate != -720) { do { conditionToCountinue = false; float rotationDiff = MapUtils.unifyRotationDiff(tileView.getRotate(), targetRotate); float absDiff = Math.abs(rotationDiff); if (absDiff > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP_TO_REDRAW); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //do nothing } if (absDiff < 1) { tileView.rotateToAnimate(targetRotate); } else { conditionToCountinue = true; tileView.rotateToAnimate(rotationDiff / 5 + tileView.getRotate()); } } } while (conditionToCountinue && tileView.isMapRotateEnabled()); targetRotate = -720; } } /** * Stop dragging async */ public void stopAnimating(){ stopped = true; } public boolean isAnimating(){ return currentThread != null && !stopped; } /** * Stop dragging sync */ public void stopAnimatingSync(){ // wait until current thread != null stopped = true; while(currentThread != null){ try { currentThread.join(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } public void startThreadAnimating(final Runnable runnable){ stopAnimatingSync(); stopped = false; currentThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { suspendUpdate();; } finally { currentThread = null; resumeUpdate(); } } }, "Animating Thread"); currentThread.start(); } public void startMoving(final double finalLat, final double finalLon, final Pair<Integer, Double> finalZoom, final Float finalRotation, final boolean notifyListener) { stopAnimatingSync(); final RotatedTileBox rb = tileView.getCurrentRotatedTileBox().copy(); double startLat = rb.getLatitude(); double startLon = rb.getLongitude(); final int startZoom = rb.getZoom(); final double startZoomFP = rb.getZoomFloatPart(); final float startRotaton = rb.getRotate(); final int zoom; final double zoomFP; final float rotation; if (finalZoom != null) { zoom = finalZoom.first; zoomFP = finalZoom.second; } else { zoom = startZoom; zoomFP = startZoomFP; } if (finalRotation != null) { rotation = finalRotation; } else { rotation = startRotaton; } final float mMoveX = rb.getPixXFromLatLon(startLat, startLon) - rb.getPixXFromLatLon(finalLat, finalLon); final float mMoveY = rb.getPixYFromLatLon(startLat, startLon) - rb.getPixYFromLatLon(finalLat, finalLon); boolean skipAnimation = !rb.containsLatLon(finalLat, finalLon); if (skipAnimation) { tileView.setLatLonAnimate(finalLat, finalLon, notifyListener); tileView.setFractionalZoom(zoom, 0, notifyListener); tileView.rotateToAnimate(rotation); return; } startThreadAnimating(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setTargetValues(zoom, finalLat, finalLon); boolean animateZoom = finalZoom != null && (zoom != startZoom || startZoomFP != 0); boolean animateRotation = rotation != startRotaton; if (animateZoom) { animatingZoomInThread(startZoom, startZoomFP, zoom, zoomFP, NAV_ANIMATION_TIME, notifyListener); } if (animateRotation) { animatingRotateInThread(rotation, 500f, notifyListener); } if (!stopped){ animatingMoveInThread(mMoveX, mMoveY, NAV_ANIMATION_TIME, notifyListener, null); } } }); } public void startMoving(final double finalLat, final double finalLon, final int endZoom, final boolean notifyListener) { startMoving(finalLat, finalLon, endZoom, notifyListener, null); } public void startMoving(final double finalLat, final double finalLon, final int endZoom, final boolean notifyListener, final Runnable finishAminationCallback) { stopAnimatingSync(); final RotatedTileBox rb = tileView.getCurrentRotatedTileBox().copy(); double startLat = rb.getLatitude(); double startLon = rb.getLongitude(); float rotate = rb.getRotate(); final int startZoom = rb.getZoom(); final double startZoomFP = rb.getZoomFloatPart(); boolean skipAnimation = false; float mStX = rb.getPixXFromLatLon(startLat, startLon) - rb.getPixXFromLatLon(finalLat, finalLon); float mStY = rb.getPixYFromLatLon(startLat, startLon) - rb.getPixYFromLatLon(finalLat, finalLon); while (Math.abs(mStX) + Math.abs(mStY) > 1200) { rb.setZoom(rb.getZoom() - 1); if(rb.getZoom() <= 4){ skipAnimation = true; } mStX = rb.getPixXFromLatLon(startLat, startLon) - rb.getPixXFromLatLon(finalLat, finalLon); mStY = rb.getPixYFromLatLon(startLat, startLon) - rb.getPixYFromLatLon(finalLat, finalLon); } final int moveZoom = rb.getZoom(); // check if animation needed skipAnimation = skipAnimation || (Math.abs(moveZoom - startZoom) >= 3 || Math.abs(endZoom - moveZoom) > 3); if (skipAnimation) { tileView.setLatLonAnimate(finalLat, finalLon, notifyListener); tileView.setFractionalZoom(endZoom, 0, notifyListener); return; } final float mMoveX = rb.getPixXFromLatLon(startLat, startLon) - rb.getPixXFromLatLon(finalLat, finalLon); final float mMoveY = rb.getPixYFromLatLon(startLat, startLon) - rb.getPixYFromLatLon(finalLat, finalLon); final float animationTime = Math.max(450, (Math.abs(mStX) + Math.abs(mStY)) / 1200f * MOVE_MOVE_ANIMATION_TIME); startThreadAnimating(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setTargetValues(endZoom, finalLat, finalLon); if(moveZoom != startZoom){ animatingZoomInThread(startZoom, startZoomFP, moveZoom, startZoomFP,ZOOM_MOVE_ANIMATION_TIME, notifyListener); } if(!stopped){ animatingMoveInThread(mMoveX, mMoveY, animationTime, notifyListener, finishAminationCallback); } if(!stopped){ tileView.setLatLonAnimate(finalLat, finalLon, notifyListener); } if (!stopped && (moveZoom != endZoom || startZoomFP != 0)) { animatingZoomInThread(moveZoom, startZoomFP, endZoom, 0, ZOOM_MOVE_ANIMATION_TIME, notifyListener); } tileView.setFractionalZoom(endZoom, 0, notifyListener); pendingRotateAnimation(); } }); } private void animatingRotateInThread(float rotate, float animationTime, boolean notify){ AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator interpolator = new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator(); float startRotate = tileView.getRotate(); float rotationDiff = MapUtils.unifyRotationDiff(startRotate, rotate); if (tileView.isMapRotateEnabled() && Math.abs(rotationDiff) > 1) { long timeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); float normalizedTime; while (!stopped) { normalizedTime = (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - timeMillis) / animationTime; if (normalizedTime > 1f) { tileView.rotateToAnimate(rotate); break; } float interpolation = interpolator.getInterpolation(normalizedTime); tileView.rotateToAnimate(rotationDiff * interpolation + startRotate); try { Thread.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP_TO_REDRAW); } catch (InterruptedException e) { stopped = true; } } } else { tileView.rotateToAnimate(rotate); } } private void animatingMoveInThread(float moveX, float moveY, float animationTime, boolean notify, final Runnable finishAnimationCallback){ AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator interpolator = new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator(); float cX = 0; float cY = 0; long timeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); float normalizedTime = 0f; while (!stopped){ normalizedTime = (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - timeMillis) / animationTime; if (normalizedTime > 1f) { break; } float interpolation = interpolator.getInterpolation(normalizedTime); float nX = interpolation * moveX; float nY = interpolation * moveY; tileView.dragToAnimate(cX, cY, nX, nY, notify); cX = nX; cY = nY; try { Thread.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP_TO_REDRAW); } catch (InterruptedException e) { stopped = true; } } if (finishAnimationCallback != null) { tileView.getApplication().runInUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }); } } private void animatingZoomInThread(int zoomStart, double zoomFloatStart, int zoomEnd, double zoomFloatEnd, float animationTime, boolean notifyListener){ try { isAnimatingZoom = true; // could be 0 ]-0.5,0.5], -1 ]-1,0], 1 ]0, 1] int threshold = ((int)(zoomFloatEnd * 2)); double beginZoom = zoomStart + zoomFloatStart; double endZoom = zoomEnd + zoomFloatEnd; double curZoom = beginZoom; animationTime *= Math.abs(endZoom - beginZoom); // AccelerateInterpolator interpolator = new AccelerateInterpolator(1); LinearInterpolator interpolator = new LinearInterpolator(); long timeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); float normalizedTime = 0f; while (!stopped) { normalizedTime = (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - timeMillis) / animationTime; if (normalizedTime > 1f) { break; } float interpolation = interpolator.getInterpolation(normalizedTime); curZoom = interpolation * (endZoom - beginZoom) + beginZoom; int baseZoom = (int) Math.round(curZoom - 0.5 * threshold); double zaAnimate = curZoom - baseZoom; tileView.zoomToAnimate(baseZoom, zaAnimate, notifyListener); try { Thread.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP_TO_REDRAW); } catch (InterruptedException e) { stopped = true; } } tileView.setFractionalZoom(zoomEnd, zoomFloatEnd, notifyListener); } finally { isAnimatingZoom = false; } } public boolean isAnimatingZoom() { return isAnimatingZoom; } public void startZooming(final int zoomEnd, final double zoomPart, final boolean notifyListener){ final float animationTime = ZOOM_ANIMATION_TIME; startThreadAnimating(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { RotatedTileBox tb = tileView.getCurrentRotatedTileBox(); setTargetValues(zoomEnd, tileView.getLatitude(), tileView.getLongitude()); animatingZoomInThread(tb.getZoom(), tb.getZoomFloatPart(), zoomEnd, zoomPart, animationTime, notifyListener); pendingRotateAnimation(); } }); //$NON-NLS-1$ } public void startDragging(final float velocityX, final float velocityY, float startX, float startY, final float endX, final float endY, final boolean notifyListener){ final float animationTime = DRAGGING_ANIMATION_TIME; clearTargetValues(); startThreadAnimating(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { float curX = endX; float curY = endY; DecelerateInterpolator interpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator(1); long timeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); float normalizedTime = 0f; float prevNormalizedTime = 0f; while(!stopped){ normalizedTime = (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - timeMillis) / animationTime; if(normalizedTime >= 1f){ break; } float interpolation = interpolator.getInterpolation(normalizedTime); float newX = velocityX * (1 - interpolation) * (normalizedTime - prevNormalizedTime) + curX; float newY = velocityY * (1 - interpolation) * (normalizedTime - prevNormalizedTime) + curY; tileView.dragToAnimate(curX, curY, newX, newY, notifyListener); curX = newX; curY = newY; prevNormalizedTime = normalizedTime; try { Thread.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP_TO_REDRAW); } catch (InterruptedException e) { stopped = true; } } pendingRotateAnimation(); } }); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private void clearTargetValues(){ targetIntZoom = 0; } private void suspendUpdate() { final MapRendererView mapRenderer = tileView.getMapRenderer(); if (mapRenderer != null) { mapRenderer.suspendSymbolsUpdate(); } } private void resumeUpdate() { final MapRendererView mapRenderer = tileView.getMapRenderer(); if (mapRenderer != null) { mapRenderer.resumeSymbolsUpdate(); } } private void setTargetValues(int zoom, double lat, double lon){ targetIntZoom = zoom; targetLatitude = lat; targetLongitude = lon; } public void startRotate(final float rotate) { if (!isAnimating()) { clearTargetValues(); // stopped = false; // do we need to kill and recreate the thread? wait would be enough as now it // also handles the rotation? startThreadAnimating(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { targetRotate = rotate; pendingRotateAnimation(); } }); } else { this.targetRotate = rotate; } } public int getTargetIntZoom() { return targetIntZoom; } public double getTargetLatitude() { return targetLatitude; } public double getTargetLongitude() { return targetLongitude; } }