package net.osmand.osm.edit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import; import net.osmand.osm.edit.Relation.RelationMember; import net.osmand.util.MapAlgorithms; import net.osmand.util.MapUtils; public class OsmMapUtils { public static double getDistance(Node e1, Node e2) { return MapUtils.getDistance(e1.getLatitude(), e1.getLongitude(), e2.getLatitude(), e2.getLongitude()); } public static double getDistance(Node e1, double latitude, double longitude) { return MapUtils.getDistance(e1.getLatitude(), e1.getLongitude(), latitude, longitude); } public static double getDistance(Node e1, LatLon point) { return MapUtils.getDistance(e1.getLatitude(), e1.getLongitude(), point.getLatitude(), point.getLongitude()); } public static LatLon getCenter(Entity e) { if (e instanceof Node) { return ((Node) e).getLatLon(); } else if (e instanceof Way) { return getWeightCenterForWay(((Way) e)); } else if (e instanceof Relation) { List<LatLon> list = new ArrayList<LatLon>(); for (RelationMember fe : ((Relation) e).getMembers()) { LatLon c = null; // skip relations to avoid circular dependencies if (!(fe.getEntity() instanceof Relation) && fe.getEntity() != null) { c = getCenter(fe.getEntity()); } if (c != null) { list.add(c); } } return getWeightCenter(list); } return null; } public static LatLon getWeightCenter(Collection<LatLon> nodes) { if (nodes.isEmpty()) { return null; } double longitude = 0; double latitude = 0; for (LatLon n : nodes) { longitude += n.getLongitude(); latitude += n.getLatitude(); } return new LatLon(latitude / nodes.size(), longitude / nodes.size()); } public static LatLon getWeightCenterForNodes(Collection<Node> nodes ) { if (nodes.isEmpty()) { return null; } double longitude = 0; double latitude = 0; int count = 0; for (Node n : nodes) { if (n != null) { count++; longitude += n.getLongitude(); latitude += n.getLatitude(); } } if (count == 0) { return null; } return new LatLon(latitude / count, longitude / count); } public static LatLon getWeightCenterForWay(Way w) { Collection<Node> nodes = w.getNodes(); if (nodes.isEmpty()) { return null; } boolean area = w.getFirstNodeId() == w.getLastNodeId(); LatLon ll = area ? getMathWeightCenterForNodes(nodes) : getWeightCenterForNodes(nodes); if(ll == null) { return null; } double flat = ll.getLatitude(); double flon = ll.getLongitude(); if(!area || !MapAlgorithms.containsPoint(nodes, ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude())) { double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (Node n : nodes) { if (n != null) { double d = MapUtils.getDistance(n.getLatitude(), n.getLongitude(), ll.getLatitude(), ll.getLongitude()); if(d < minDistance) { flat = n.getLatitude(); flon = n.getLongitude(); minDistance = d; } } } } return new LatLon(flat, flon); } public static LatLon getMathWeightCenterForNodes(Collection<Node> nodes) { if (nodes.isEmpty()) { return null; } double longitude = 0; double latitude = 0; double sumDist = 0; Node prev = null; for (Node n : nodes) { if (n != null) { if (prev == null) { prev = n; } else { double dist = getDistance(prev, n); sumDist += dist; longitude += (prev.getLongitude() + n.getLongitude()) * dist / 2; latitude += (n.getLatitude() + n.getLatitude()) * dist / 2; prev = n; } } } if (sumDist == 0) { if (prev == null) { return null; } return prev.getLatLon(); } return new LatLon(latitude / sumDist, longitude / sumDist); } public static void sortListOfEntities(List<? extends Entity> list, final double lat, final double lon) { Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Entity>() { @Override public int compare(Entity o1, Entity o2) { return, lat, lon), MapUtils.getDistance(o2.getLatLon(), lat, lon)); } }); } public static void addIdsToList(Collection<? extends Entity> source, List<Long> ids) { for (Entity e : source) { ids.add(e.getId()); } } public static boolean ccw(Node A, Node B, Node C) { return (C.getLatitude()-A.getLatitude()) * (B.getLongitude()-A.getLongitude()) > (B.getLatitude()-A.getLatitude()) * (C.getLongitude()-A.getLongitude()); } // Return true if line segments AB and CD intersect public static boolean intersect2Segments(Node A, Node B, Node C, Node D) { return ccw(A, C, D) != ccw(B, C, D) && ccw(A, B, C) != ccw(A, B, D); } public static boolean[] simplifyDouglasPeucker(List<Node> n, int zoom, int epsilon, List<Node> result, boolean avoidNooses) { if (zoom > 31) { zoom = 31; } boolean[] kept = new boolean[n.size()]; int first = 0; int nsize = n.size(); while (first < nsize) { if (n.get(first) != null) { break; } first++; } int last = nsize - 1; while (last >= 0) { if (n.get(last) != null) { break; } last--; } if (last - first < 1) { return kept; } // check for possible cycle boolean checkCycle = true; boolean cycle = false; while (checkCycle && last > first) { checkCycle = false; double x1 = MapUtils.getTileNumberX(zoom, n.get(first).getLongitude()); double y1 = MapUtils.getTileNumberY(zoom, n.get(first).getLatitude()); double x2 = MapUtils.getTileNumberX(zoom, n.get(last).getLongitude()); double y2 = MapUtils.getTileNumberY(zoom, n.get(last).getLatitude()); if (Math.abs(x1 - x2) + Math.abs(y1 - y2) < 0.001) { last--; cycle = true; checkCycle = true; } } if (last - first < 1) { return kept; } simplifyDouglasPeucker(n, zoom, epsilon, kept, first, last, avoidNooses); result.add(n.get(first)); for (int i = 0; i < kept.length; i++) { if(kept[i]) { result.add(n.get(i)); } } if (cycle) { result.add(n.get(first)); } kept[first] = true; return kept; } private static void simplifyDouglasPeucker(List<Node> n, int zoom, int epsilon, boolean[] kept, int start, int end, boolean avoidNooses) { double dmax = -1; int index = -1; for (int i = start + 1; i <= end - 1; i++) { if (n.get(i) == null) { continue; } double d = orthogonalDistance(zoom, n.get(start), n.get(end), n.get(i));// calculate distance from line if (d > dmax) { dmax = d; index = i; } } boolean nooseFound = false; if(avoidNooses && index >= 0) { Node st = n.get(start); Node e = n.get(end); for(int i = 0; i < n.size() - 1; i++) { if(i == start - 1) { i = end; continue; } Node np = n.get(i); Node np2 = n.get(i + 1); if(np == null || np2 == null) { continue; } if (OsmMapUtils.intersect2Segments(st, e, np, np2)) { nooseFound = true; break; } } } if (dmax >= epsilon || nooseFound ) { simplifyDouglasPeucker(n, zoom, epsilon, kept, start, index, avoidNooses); simplifyDouglasPeucker(n, zoom, epsilon, kept, index, end, avoidNooses); } else { kept[end] = true; } } private static double orthogonalDistance(int zoom, Node nodeLineStart, Node nodeLineEnd, Node node) { LatLon p = MapUtils.getProjection(node.getLatitude(), node.getLongitude(), nodeLineStart.getLatitude(), nodeLineStart.getLongitude(), nodeLineEnd.getLatitude(), nodeLineEnd.getLongitude()); double x1 = MapUtils.getTileNumberX(zoom, p.getLongitude()); double y1 = MapUtils.getTileNumberY(zoom, p.getLatitude()); double x2 = MapUtils.getTileNumberX(zoom, node.getLongitude()); double y2 = MapUtils.getTileNumberY(zoom, node.getLatitude()); double C = x2 - x1; double D = y2 - y1; return Math.sqrt(C * C + D * D); } public static boolean isClockwiseWay(Way w) { return isClockwiseWay(Collections.singletonList(w)); } public static boolean isClockwiseWay(List<Way> ways) { if (ways.isEmpty()) { return true; } LatLon latLon = ways.get(0).getLatLon(); double lat = latLon.getLatitude(); double lon = 180; double firstLon = -360; boolean firstDirectionUp = false; double previousLon = -360; double clockwiseSum = 0; Node prev = null; boolean firstWay = true; for (Way w : ways) { List<Node> ns = w.getNodes(); int startInd = 0; int nssize = ns.size(); if (firstWay && nssize > 0) { prev = ns.get(0); startInd = 1; firstWay = false; } for (int i = startInd; i < nssize; i++) { Node next = ns.get(i); double rlon = ray_intersect_lon(prev, next, lat, lon); if (rlon != -360d) { boolean skipSameSide = (prev.getLatitude() <= lat) == (next.getLatitude() <= lat); if (skipSameSide) { continue; } boolean directionUp = prev.getLatitude() <= lat; if (firstLon == -360) { firstDirectionUp = directionUp; firstLon = rlon; } else { boolean clockwise = (!directionUp) == (previousLon < rlon); if (clockwise) { clockwiseSum += Math.abs(previousLon - rlon); } else { clockwiseSum -= Math.abs(previousLon - rlon); } } previousLon = rlon; } prev = next; } } if (firstLon != -360) { boolean clockwise = (!firstDirectionUp) == (previousLon < firstLon); if (clockwise) { clockwiseSum += Math.abs(previousLon - firstLon); } else { clockwiseSum -= Math.abs(previousLon - firstLon); } } return clockwiseSum >= 0; } // try to intersect from left to right public static double ray_intersect_lon(Node node, Node node2, double latitude, double longitude) { // a node below Node a = node.getLatitude() < node2.getLatitude() ? node : node2; // b node above Node b = a == node2 ? node : node2; if (latitude == a.getLatitude() || latitude == b.getLatitude()) { latitude += 0.00000001d; } if (latitude < a.getLatitude() || latitude > b.getLatitude()) { return -360d; } else { if (longitude < Math.min(a.getLongitude(), b.getLongitude())) { return -360d; } else { if (a.getLongitude() == b.getLongitude() && longitude == a.getLongitude()) { // the node on the boundary !!! return longitude; } // that tested on all cases (left/right) double lon = b.getLongitude() - (b.getLatitude() - latitude) * (b.getLongitude() - a.getLongitude()) / (b.getLatitude() - a.getLatitude()); if (lon <= longitude) { return lon; } else { return -360d; } } } } /** * Get the area in pixels * @param nodes * @return */ public static double polygonAreaPixels(List<Node> nodes, int zoom) { double area = 0.; double mult = 1 / MapUtils.getPowZoom((double)Math.max(31 - (zoom + 8), 0)); int j = nodes.size() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { Node x = nodes.get(i); Node y = nodes.get(j); if(x != null && y != null) { area += (MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(y.getLongitude()) + (double)MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(x.getLongitude()))* (MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(y.getLatitude()) - (double)MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(x.getLatitude())); } j = i; } return Math.abs(area) * mult * mult * .5; } /** * Get the area (in m²) of a closed way, represented as a list of nodes * * @param nodes * the list of nodes * @return the area of it */ public static double getArea(List<Node> nodes) { // x = longitude // y = latitude // calculate the reference point (lower left corner of the bbox) // start with an arbitrary value, bigger than any lat or lon double refX = 500, refY = 500; for (Node n : nodes) { if (n.getLatitude() < refY) refY = n.getLatitude(); if (n.getLongitude() < refX) refX = n.getLongitude(); } List<Double> xVal = new ArrayList<Double>(); List<Double> yVal = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (Node n : nodes) { // distance from bottom line to x coordinate of node double xDist = MapUtils.getDistance(refY, refX, refY, n.getLongitude()); // distance from left line to y coordinate of node double yDist = MapUtils.getDistance(refY, refX, n.getLatitude(), refX); xVal.add(xDist); yVal.add(yDist); } double area = 0; for (int i = 1; i < xVal.size(); i++) { area += xVal.get(i - 1) * yVal.get(i) - xVal.get(i) * yVal.get(i - 1); } return Math.abs(area) / 2; } }