package com.sun.electric.tool.generator.flag.router; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import; import; import; import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.PortProto; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.NodeInst; import com.sun.electric.database.topology.PortInst; import; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.flag.FlagConfig; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.flag.FlagDesign; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.flag.LayoutNetlist; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.flag.Utils; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.flag.scan.Scan; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.AbutRouter; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.LayoutLib; import com.sun.electric.tool.generator.layout.TechType; public class Router { private class PortInfo { public final PortInst portInst; public final double x, y, maxY, minY; public final Channel m2Chan; public Segment m2Seg; public PortInfo(PortInst pi, LayerChannels m2Chans) { portInst = pi; x = pi.getCenter().getX(); y = pi.getCenter().getY(); maxY = y + config.pinHeight; minY = y - config.pinHeight; m2Chan = m2Chans.findChanOverVertInterval(x, minY, maxY); if (m2Chan==null) { prln("no m2 channel for PortInst: "+pi.toString()); prln(m2Chans.toString()); } } public void getM2OnlySeg(double xL, double xR) { if (connectsToM2(portInst)) { m2Seg = m2Chan.allocateBiggestFromTrack(xL-config.trackPitch, x, xR+config.trackPitch, y); if (m2Seg==null) { prln("failed to get segment for m2-only PortInst: center="+y+ "["+(xL-config.trackPitch)+", "+(xR+config.trackPitch)+"]"); prln(m2Chan.toString()); } } } } public static final double DEF_SIZE = LayoutLib.DEF_SIZE; private final FlagConfig config; private final Scan scan; private TechType tech() {return config.techTypeEnum.getTechType();} private void prln(String s) {Utils.prln(s);} private void pr(String s) {;} private void error(boolean cond, String msg) {Utils.error(cond, msg);} private void saveTaskDescription(String s) {Utils.saveTaskDescription(s);} private void clearTaskDescription() {Utils.clearTaskDescription();} private void sortLeftToRight(List<PortInfo> pis) { Collections.sort(pis, new Comparator<PortInfo>() { public int compare(PortInfo p1, PortInfo p2) { double diff = p1.portInst.getCenter().getX() - p2.portInst.getCenter().getX(); return (int) Math.signum(diff); } }); } private void sortBotToTop(List<PortInfo> pis) { Collections.sort(pis, new Comparator<PortInfo>() { public int compare(PortInfo p1, PortInfo p2) { double diff = p1.portInst.getCenter().getY() - p2.portInst.getCenter().getY(); return (int) Math.signum(diff); } }); } private void blockInvisibleM3(Blockage1D m3block, double xLeft) { double pitch = config.m3PwrGndPitch; for (int i=0; i<36; i++) { double x = xLeft + pitch/2 + pitch*i; m3block.block(x-config.m3PwrGndWid/2, x+config.m3PwrGndWid/2); } } private void blockInvisibleM2(LayerChannels m2Chnls, Rectangle2D bounds) { double xCenter = bounds.getCenterX(); double[] yBlocks = new double[] {-44, 228, 476, 716}; for (double y : yBlocks) { Channel m2ch = m2Chnls.findChanOverVertInterval(xCenter, y, y); Segment s = m2ch.allocate(m2ch.getMinTrackEnd()+6, m2ch.getMaxTrackEnd()-6, y, y); // debug prln("Blocking m2: "+s.toString()); } } private void findChannels(LayerChannels m2Chnls, LayerChannels m3Chnls, List<NodeInst> stages) { Rectangle2D colBounds = Utils.findBounds(stages.get(0).getParent()); Blockage1D m2block = new Blockage1D(); Blockage1D m3block = new Blockage1D(); for (NodeInst ni : stages) { for (Iterator piIt=ni.getPortInsts(); piIt.hasNext();) { PortInst pi = (PortInst); double x = pi.getCenter().getX(); double y = pi.getCenter().getY(); if (Utils.isPwrGnd(pi) || scan.isScan(pi)) { if (connectsToM2(pi)) { // horizontal m2 channel m2block.block(y-config.m2PwrGndWid/2, y+config.m2PwrGndWid/2); } else if (connectsToM3(pi)) { // vertical m3 channel m3block.block(x-config.m3PwrGndWid/2, x+config.m3PwrGndWid/2); } else { error(true, "unexpected metal for port: "+pi.toString()); } } } } blockInvisibleM3(m3block, colBounds.getMinX()); Interval prv = null; for (Interval i : m2block.getBlockages()) { // debug // prln("Interval: "+i.toString()); if (prv!=null) { m2Chnls.add(new Channel(true, colBounds.getMinX(), colBounds.getMaxX(), prv.getMax(), i.getMin(), "metal-2")); } prv = i; } blockInvisibleM2(m2Chnls, colBounds); prv = null; for (Interval i : m3block.getBlockages()) { double prvMax = prv==null ? colBounds.getMinX() : prv.getMax(); m3Chnls.add(new Channel(false, colBounds.getMinY(), colBounds.getMaxY(), prvMax, i.getMin(), "metal-3")); prv = i; } // add channel between last blockage and cell boundary Interval last = prv; m3Chnls.add(new Channel(false, colBounds.getMinY(), colBounds.getMaxY(), last.getMax(), colBounds.getMaxX(), "metal-3")); // print status prln("Found: "+m2Chnls.numChannels()+" metal-2 channels"); prln("Found: "+m3Chnls.numChannels()+" metal-3 channels"); } private void routeTwoOrThreePinNet(ToConnect toConn, LayerChannels m2Chan, LayerChannels m3Chan) { if (toConn.numPortInsts()==2) routeTwoPinNet(toConn, m2Chan, m3Chan); if (toConn.numPortInsts()==3) routeThreePinNet(toConn, m2Chan, m3Chan); } // Single vertical m3 connects to all PortInsts in m2 private void routeThreePinNet(ToConnect toConn, LayerChannels m2Chan, LayerChannels m3Chan) { saveTaskDescription("Connecting three pins: "+toConn); List<PortInst> pis = toConn.getPortInsts(); List<PortInfo> infos = new ArrayList<PortInfo>(); for (PortInst pi : pis) { PortInfo inf = new PortInfo(pi, m2Chan); if (inf.m2Chan==null) return; infos.add(inf); } sortLeftToRight(infos); PortInfo infoL = infos.get(0); PortInfo infoLR = infos.get(1); PortInfo infoR = infos.get(2); sortBotToTop(infos); PortInfo infoB = infos.get(0); PortInfo infoT = infos.get(2); /** For m2-only pins, allocate m2 segment that can connect any * two PortInsts */ for (PortInfo inf : infos) inf.getM2OnlySeg(infoL.x, infoR.x); // share m2 segments if we can connect PortInsts using m2 for (int i=0; i<infos.size(); i++) { PortInfo inf1 = infos.get(i); for (int j=i+1; j<infos.size(); j++) { PortInfo inf2 = infos.get(j); if (inf1.m2Chan==inf2.m2Chan && !(inf1.m2Seg!=null && inf2.m2Seg!=null)) { // connect using m2 if (inf1.m2Seg==null && inf2.m2Seg!=null) { inf2.m2Seg = inf1.m2Seg; } else if (inf1.m2Seg!=null && inf2.m2Seg==null) { inf2.m2Seg = inf1.m2Seg; } else { // both are null // allocate m2 segment that can connect any two PortInsts inf1.m2Seg = inf2.m2Seg = inf1.m2Chan.allocate(infoL.x, infoR.x, inf1.y, inf2.y); if (inf1.m2Seg==null) return; } } } } // In principle we should test to see if all three pins can be connected // in m2 only. Leave this for later. // need m3 channel to connect top and bottom m2 channels Channel c3 = m3Chan.findVertBridge(infoB.m2Chan, infoT.m2Chan, infoL.x, infoR.x); if (c3==null) {prln("no m3 channel"); return;} Segment m3Seg = c3.allocate(infoB.m2Chan.getMinTrackCenter(), infoT.m2Chan.getMaxTrackCenter(), infoL.x, infoR.x); if (m3Seg==null) return; // allocate m2 segments for PortInsts that don't share m2 and // that aren't m2 only. for (PortInfo inf : infos) { if (inf.m2Seg==null) { inf.m2Seg = inf.m2Chan.allocate(infoL.x, infoR.x, infoB.y, infoT.y); if (inf.m2Seg==null) return; } } routeUseM3(infoL.portInst, infoLR.portInst, infoL.m2Seg, infoLR.m2Seg, m3Seg); routeUseM3(infoLR.portInst, infoR.portInst, infoLR.m2Seg, infoR.m2Seg, m3Seg); clearTaskDescription(); } private void routeTwoPinNet(ToConnect toConn, LayerChannels m2Chan, LayerChannels m3Chan) { List<PortInst> pis = toConn.getPortInsts(); saveTaskDescription("Connecting two pins: "+toConn); List<PortInfo> infos = new ArrayList<PortInfo>(); for (PortInst pi : pis) { PortInfo inf = new PortInfo(pi, m2Chan); if (inf.m2Chan==null) return; infos.add(inf); } sortLeftToRight(infos); PortInfo infoL = infos.get(0); PortInfo infoR = infos.get(1); /** For m2 only pins, allocate m2 segment that can connect any * two PortInsts */ for (PortInfo inf : infos) inf.getM2OnlySeg(infoL.x, infoR.x); Segment s3 = null; if (infoL.m2Chan==infoR.m2Chan && !(infoL.m2Seg!=null && infoR.m2Seg!=null)) { // connect using m2 only if (infoL.m2Seg==null && infoR.m2Seg!=null) { infoR.m2Seg = infoL.m2Seg; } else if (infoL.m2Seg!=null && infoR.m2Seg==null) { infoR.m2Seg = infoL.m2Seg; } else if (infoL.m2Seg==null && infoR.m2Seg==null){ infoL.m2Seg = infoR.m2Seg = infoL.m2Chan.allocate(infoL.x, infoR.x, infoL.y, infoR.y); if (infoL.m2Seg==null) return; } } else { // need to use m3 // need m3 channel to connect two m2 channels Channel c3 = m3Chan.findVertBridge(infoL.m2Chan, infoR.m2Chan, infoL.x, infoR.x); if (c3==null) {prln("no m3 channel"); return;} // allocate segments for PortInsts that don't share m2 and that aren't // m2 only. for (PortInfo inf : infos) { if (inf.m2Seg==null) { double minX = Math.min(c3.getMinTrackCenter(), infoL.x); double maxX = Math.max(c3.getMaxTrackCenter(), infoR.x); inf.m2Seg = inf.m2Chan.allocate(minX, maxX, infoL.y, infoR.y); if (inf.m2Seg==null) return; // // debug // if (inf.m2Seg.getTrackCenter()==1102 && Math.abs(inf.m2Seg.min-3585)<100) { // prln("Allocating segment: "+inf.m2Seg); // prln(m2Chan.toString()); // } } } // use more than necessary because using adjacent tracks causes via // spacing violations double minY = Math.min(infoL.m2Seg.getTrackCenter(), infoR.m2Seg.getTrackCenter()); double maxY = Math.max(infoL.m2Seg.getTrackCenter(), infoR.m2Seg.getTrackCenter()); s3 = c3.allocate(minY, maxY, infoL.x, infoR.x); // hack, return the unused portion of both m2Segs that we don't need // I need to do this because of two metal-2-only pins in the same // m3 routing channel. infoL.m2Seg.trim(infoL.x-config.trackPitch, s3.getTrackCenter()+config.trackPitch); infoR.m2Seg.trim(s3.getTrackCenter()-config.trackPitch, infoR.x+config.trackPitch); } // do the actual routing right now. In a two level // scheme we would actually postpone this routeUseM3(infoL.portInst, infoR.portInst, infoL.m2Seg, infoR.m2Seg, s3); clearTaskDescription(); } private void routeUseM3(PortInst pL, PortInst pR, Segment m2L, Segment m2R, Segment m3) { if (m2L==null) {prln("no m2 track for left PortInst");} if (m2R==null) {prln("no m2 track for right PortInst");} if (m3==null) {prln("no m3 track");} if (m2L==null || m2R==null || m3==null) return; //prln(" Route m3: "+m3.toString()); PortInst m2PortA = null; Cell parent = pL.getNodeInst().getParent(); if (connectsToM1(pL)) { // left port connects to m1 NodeInst m1m2a = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech().m1m2(), pL.getCenter().getX(), m2L.getTrackCenter(), DEF_SIZE, DEF_SIZE, 0, parent); // left vertical m1 LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech().m1(), config.signalWid, pL, m1m2a.getOnlyPortInst()); m2PortA = m1m2a.getOnlyPortInst(); } else { // left port connects to m2 m2PortA = pL; } PortInst m2PortB = null; if (connectsToM1(pR)) { // right port connects to m1 NodeInst m1m2b = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech().m1m2(), pR.getCenter().getX(), m2R.getTrackCenter(), DEF_SIZE, DEF_SIZE, 0, parent); LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech().m1(), config.signalWid, m1m2b.getOnlyPortInst(), pR); m2PortB = m1m2b.getOnlyPortInst(); } else { m2PortB = pR; } if (m3!=null) { NodeInst m2m3a = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech().m2m3(), m3.getTrackCenter(), m2L.getTrackCenter(), DEF_SIZE, DEF_SIZE, 0, parent); // left horizontal m2 newM2SignalWire(m2PortA, m2m3a.getOnlyPortInst()); NodeInst m2m3b = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech().m2m3(), m3.getTrackCenter(), m2R.getTrackCenter(), DEF_SIZE, DEF_SIZE, 0, parent); // vertical m3 LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech().m3(), config.signalWid, m2m3a.getOnlyPortInst(), m2m3b.getOnlyPortInst()); // right horizontal m2 newM2SignalWire(m2m3b.getOnlyPortInst(), m2PortB); } else { newM2SignalWire(m2PortA, m2PortB); } } public void newM2SignalWire(PortInst p1, PortInst p2) { PortInst pL, pR; if (p1.getCenter().getX()<p2.getCenter().getX()) { pL=p1; pR=p2; } else { pL=p2; pR=p1; } Cell parent = pL.getNodeInst().getParent(); double y = p1.getCenter().getY(); double yR = p2.getCenter().getY(); error(y!=yR, "M2 must be horizontal"); double xL = pL.getCenter().getX(); double xR = pR.getCenter().getX(); double len = xR-xL; double extend = config.minM2Len - (len + config.signalWid); if (extend > 0) { // round extention to tenths of a lambda double halfExt = Math.ceil(10*extend/2)/10; //prln("halfExt: "+halfExt); // add additional m2 to this wire NodeInst pin1 = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech().m2pin(), xL-halfExt, y, DEF_SIZE, DEF_SIZE, 0, parent); NodeInst pin2 = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech().m2pin(), xR+halfExt, y, DEF_SIZE, DEF_SIZE, 0, parent); LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech().m2(), config.signalWid, pin1.getOnlyPortInst(), pL); LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech().m2(), config.signalWid, pR, pin2.getOnlyPortInst()); } LayoutLib.newArcInst(tech().m2(), config.signalWid, pL, pR); } private boolean connectsToM1(PortProto pp) { return pp.connectsTo(tech().m1()); } private boolean connectsToM1(PortInst pi) { return connectsToM1(pi.getPortProto()); } private boolean connectsToM2(PortProto pp) { return pp.connectsTo(tech().m2()); } public boolean connectsToM2(PortInst pi) { return connectsToM2(pi.getPortProto()); } private boolean connectsToM3(PortProto pp) { return pp.connectsTo(tech().m3()); } public boolean connectsToM3(PortInst pi) { return connectsToM3(pi.getPortProto()); } private boolean hasM2Pin(ToConnect toConn) { for (PortInst pi : toConn.getPortInsts()) { if (connectsToM2(pi)) return true; } return false; } private boolean hasM3Pin(ToConnect toConn) { for (PortInst pi : toConn.getPortInsts()) { if (connectsToM3(pi)) return true; } return false; } public void connectPwrGnd(List<NodeInst> nodeInsts) { List<ArcProto> vertLayers = new ArrayList<ArcProto>(); vertLayers.add(tech().m3()); NodeInst prev = null; for (NodeInst ni : nodeInsts) { if (prev!=null) { AbutRouter.abutRouteBotTop(prev, ni, 0, vertLayers); } prev = ni; } } public Router(FlagConfig config, Scan scan) { this.config = config; this.scan = scan; } public PortInst raiseToM3(PortInst pi) { if (connectsToM3(pi)) return pi; if (connectsToM2(pi)) { double x = pi.getBounds().getCenterX(); double y = pi.getBounds().getCenterY(); Cell parent = pi.getNodeInst().getParent(); NodeInst via = LayoutLib.newNodeInst(tech().m2m3(), x, y, FlagDesign.DEF_SIZE, FlagDesign.DEF_SIZE, 0, parent); newM2SignalWire(pi, via.getOnlyPortInst()); return via.getOnlyPortInst(); } Utils.error(true, "scan port on other than m2 or m3?"); return null; } /** Find which PortInsts are already connected. Stick connected PortInsts * into a list. Return a list of such lists. */ private List<List<PortInst>> groupConnectedPorts(ToConnect tc) { PortInst firstPi = tc.getPortInsts().get(0); Cell parent = firstPi.getNodeInst().getParent(); Netlist nl = parent.getNetlist(ShortResistors.PARASITIC); Map<Network, List<PortInst>> netToPorts = new HashMap<Network, List<PortInst>>(); for (PortInst pi : tc.getPortInsts()) { Network n = nl.getNetwork(pi); List<PortInst> ports = netToPorts.get(n); if (ports==null) { ports = new ArrayList<PortInst>(); netToPorts.put(n, ports); } ports.add(pi); } List<List<PortInst>> groupedPorts = new ArrayList<List<PortInst>>(); for (Network n : netToPorts.keySet()) { groupedPorts.add(netToPorts.get(n)); } return groupedPorts; } private double manhDist(PortInst pi1, PortInst pi2) { return Math.abs(pi1.getCenter().getX()-pi2.getCenter().getX()) + Math.abs(pi1.getCenter().getY()-pi2.getCenter().getY()); } private static class PortPair { public PortInst p1, p2; public double dist; } private PortPair findClosest(List<PortInst> pl1, List<PortInst> pl2) { PortPair closest = new PortPair(); closest.dist = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (PortInst p1 : pl1) { for (PortInst p2 : pl2) { double d = manhDist(p1, p2); if (d<closest.dist) { closest.dist = d; closest.p1 = p1; closest.p2 = p2; } } } error(closest.dist==Double.MAX_VALUE, "empty port lists?"); return closest; } private static class ClosestClusters { public int ndx1, ndx2; public PortPair pair = new PortPair(); } private ClosestClusters findClosest(List<List<PortInst>> portLists) { ClosestClusters closest = new ClosestClusters(); closest.pair.dist = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i=0; i<portLists.size(); i++) { for (int j=i+1; j<portLists.size(); j++) { PortPair pair = findClosest(portLists.get(i), portLists.get(j)); if (pair.dist<closest.pair.dist) { closest.pair = pair; closest.ndx1 = i; closest.ndx2 = j; } } } return closest; } private void dumpConnPorts(List<List<PortInst>> connPorts) { prln("Clustered port connections:"); for (List<PortInst> ports : connPorts) { pr(" cluster: "); for (PortInst port : ports) pr(port.toString()+" "); prln(""); } } // return true if ok private boolean isSimple(List<List<PortInst>> connPorts) { // if no cluster then nothing to connect // if one cluster then everything already connected if (connPorts.size()==0 || connPorts.size()==1) return true; if (connPorts.size()==2 || connPorts.size()==3) { for (List<PortInst> ports : connPorts) { if (ports.size()!=1) { prln("Can't handle pre-connected PortInsts"); dumpConnPorts(connPorts); return false; } } return true; } prln("Can't handle Nets that connect more than three PortInsts:"); dumpConnPorts(connPorts); return false; } private List<ToConnect> reduceToTwoOrThreePin(List<ToConnect> toConns) { List<ToConnect> twoOrThreePin = new ArrayList<ToConnect>(); for (ToConnect tc : toConns) { // Skip Exported net that touches no stage PortInsts if (tc.numPortInsts()==0) continue; // Some PortInsts on a ToConnect may already be connected in // schematic by abut router or by scan chain stitcher List<List<PortInst>> connPorts = groupConnectedPorts(tc); if (connPorts.size()==2) connPorts = makeTwoClusterSimple(connPorts); // make sure this routing problem is simple if (!isSimple(connPorts)) continue; if (connPorts.size()==2 || connPorts.size()==3) { ToConnect tcX = new ToConnect(); for (List<PortInst> ports : connPorts) { error(ports.size()!=1, "We only allow one port per cluster"); tcX.addPortInst(ports.get(0)); } twoOrThreePin.add(tcX); } } return twoOrThreePin; } /** Special case. If a net has exactly two clusters, it only needs one connection * between two PortInsts. Return those two PortInsts. */ private List<List<PortInst>> makeTwoClusterSimple(List<List<PortInst>> portLists) { error(portLists.size()!=2, "only handle 2 clusters"); ClosestClusters cc = findClosest(portLists); List<List<PortInst>> pls = new ArrayList<List<PortInst>>(); List<PortInst> pl = new ArrayList<PortInst>(); pl.add(cc.pair.p1); pls.add(pl); pl = new ArrayList<PortInst>(); pl.add(cc.pair.p2); pls.add(pl); return pls; } private void getM3PwrGndExports(Map<Double, PortInst> pwr, Map<Double, PortInst> gnd, NodeInst ni, double y) { for (Iterator piIt=ni.getPortInsts(); piIt.hasNext();) { PortInst pi = (PortInst); if (pi.getCenter().getY()!=y) continue; if (!connectsToM3(pi)) continue; double x = pi.getCenter().getX(); if (Utils.isPwr(pi)) pwr.put(x, pi); else if (Utils.isGnd(pi)) gnd.put(x, pi); } } private void route(List<ToConnect> toConns, LayerChannels m2Chan, LayerChannels m3Chan) { // Connect m3 pins using vertical m3 // for (ToConnect toConn : toConns) { // if (hasM3Pin(toConn)) connect2PinM3(toConn); // } // We must route nets with m2 pins first because m2 pins allow us no // choice of m2 track. for (ToConnect toConn : toConns) { if (hasM2Pin(toConn)) routeTwoOrThreePinNet(toConn, m2Chan, m3Chan); } for (ToConnect toConn : toConns) { if (!hasM2Pin(toConn) && !hasM3Pin(toConn)) routeTwoOrThreePinNet(toConn, m2Chan, m3Chan); } } public void routeSignals(List<ToConnect> toConns, LayoutNetlist layNets) { List<NodeInst> layInsts = layNets.getLayoutInstancesSortedBySchematicPosition(); if (layInsts.size()==0) return; List<ToConnect> twoOrThreePins = reduceToTwoOrThreePin(toConns); LayerChannels m2chan = new LayerChannels(); LayerChannels m3chan = new LayerChannels(); findChannels(m2chan, m3chan, layInsts); // // debug // prln("Metal 2 channels"); // prln(m2chan.toString()); // // prln("Metal 3 channels"); // prln(m3chan.toString()); route(twoOrThreePins, m2chan, m3chan); } }