package com.sun.electric.tool.generator.flag; import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell; import com.sun.electric.tool.Job; import com.sun.electric.tool.routing.SeaOfGates; /** I bundle all the data to be passed by the physical design contructors * into a single object because I'd like to be able to add things in the * future without changing existing code that may be stored with the design. */ public class FlagConstructorData { private final Cell layCell, schCell; private final Job job; private SeaOfGates.SeaOfGatesOptions prefs; FlagConstructorData(Cell layCell, Cell schCell, Job job, SeaOfGates.SeaOfGatesOptions prefs) { this.layCell = layCell; this.schCell = schCell; this.job = job; this.prefs = prefs; } // --------------------- public methods ------------------------ public Cell getLayoutCell() {return layCell;} public Cell getSchematicCell() {return schCell;} public Job getJob() {return job;} public SeaOfGates.SeaOfGatesOptions getSOGPrefs() {return prefs;} }