package; import*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /* Photometric Interpretation 0,1 : F Profile for Facsimile or TIFF class F images required fields bilevel images imageWidth,imageLength,Compression,PhotometricInterpretation, StripOffsets,RowsPerStrip,StripByteCounts, XResolution,YResolution,ResolutionUnit 1] CCITT Group 3 T.4 1-Dimensional MH Modified Huffman 2] CCITT Group 3 T.4 2-Dimensional MR Modified READ (Relative Element Address Designate) 3] CCITT Group 4 T.6 2-Dimensional MMR Modified Modified READ (Relative Element Address Designate) RFC 2306 */ public class TIFFClassFFactory implements TIFFConstants{ static final String cn=""; static public IFD writeImage(ImageOutputStream out,BufferedImage image,int mode,TIFFImageWriteParam param)throws IOException{ // todo: need to supply resolutions and pagenumbers try{ ColorModel cm =image.getColorModel(); if((image.getType()!=BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY)||(cm.getPixelSize()!=1)){ throw new IOException(cn+".writeImage:\n\tPlease convert image to black and white picture [TYPE_BYTE_BINARY,1 bps]"); } int width=image.getWidth(); int height=image.getHeight(); IFD ifd=new IFD(); // entries need to be in tag order ! ifd.add(new DEFactory.NewSubfileTypeDE(2)); // 254 single page of multipage file ifd.add(new DEFactory.ImageWidthDE(width)); // 256 ifd.add(new DEFactory.ImageLengthDE(height)); // 257 DEFactory.BitsPerSampleDE bps=new DEFactory.BitsPerSampleDE(1); bps.setBitsPerSample(0,1); // one bit per sample ifd.add(bps); // 258 switch(mode){ case compT4MH:case compT4MR: ifd.add(new DEFactory.CompressionDE(CCITTFAXT4));break; // 259 case compT6MMR: ifd.add(new DEFactory.CompressionDE(CCITTFAXT6));break; // 259 } ifd.add(new DEFactory.PhotometricInterpretationDE(WhiteIsZero)); // 262 ifd.add(new DEFactory.FillOrderDE(2)); // 266 2 = Least Significant Bit first DEFactory.StripOffsetsDE offsets = new DEFactory.StripOffsetsDE(1); ifd.add(offsets); // 273 ifd.add(new DEFactory.OrientationDE(1)); // 274 0,0 = top/left ifd.add(new DEFactory.SamplesPerPixelDE(1)); // 277 ifd.add(new DEFactory.RowsPerStripDE(height)); // 278 DEFactory.StripByteCountsDE counts=new DEFactory.StripByteCountsDE(1); ifd.add(counts); // 279 if(param==null){ ifd.add(new DEFactory.XResolutionDE(204.0)); // 282 ifd.add(new DEFactory.YResolutionDE(196.0)); // 283 }else{ ifd.add(new DEFactory.XResolutionDE(param.getXResolution())); // 282 ifd.add(new DEFactory.YResolutionDE(param.getYResolution())); // 283 } switch(mode){ case compT4MH: ifd.add(new DEFactory.T4OptionsDE(4));break; // 292 MH; byte aligned EOLs case compT4MR: ifd.add(new DEFactory.T4OptionsDE(5));break; // 292 MR; byte aligned EOLs case compT6MMR:ifd.add(new DEFactory.T6OptionsDE(0));break; // 293 MMR } ifd.add(new DEFactory.ResolutionUnitDE(Inch)); // 296 // ifd.add(new DEFactory.PageNumberDE(pagenumber,totalnumber)); // 297 // Each strip: count run length // encode into MH (modified huffman) codes // save into byte array // write to image file WritableRaster raster=image.getRaster(); DataBufferByte buffer=(DataBufferByte)raster.getDataBuffer(); byte[] imgdata=(byte[])buffer.getData(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ModHuffmanOutputStream mhos; switch(mode){ case compT4MH: mhos = new ModHuffmanOutputStream(baos);break; case compT4MR: mhos = new ModREADOutputStream(baos,width);break; case compT6MMR:mhos = new ModModREADOutputStream(baos,width);break; default: throw new IOException(cn+".writeImage: Internal Error: Unknown compression = "+mode); // Should never get here. } copyout(mhos,imgdata,width,height); byte[] data=baos.toByteArray(); counts.setCount(0,data.length); // update ifd strip counter array offsets.setOffset(0,out.getStreamPosition()); // update ifd image data offset array out.write(data); // write to image stream return ifd; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(cn+".writeImage:\n\t"+e.getMessage()); } } static private void copyout(ModHuffmanOutputStream mhos,byte[] imgdata,int width,int height)throws IOException{ RLEBit1OutputStream rlos = new RLEBit1OutputStream(mhos); int len=width>>3; // eight pixel per byte int end=8-(width&0x07); // how many bits of last byte represent image data int off=0; if(end==8){ // image row ends at byte boundary for(int y=0;y<height;y++){ rlos.setStartCodeWord(0x0001); // white run first; White is Zero: 1s in image => 0s in compressed data mhos.writeEOL(); // T.6: we don't write EOL code, we just set up buffers here rlos.write(imgdata,off,len); rlos.flush(); off+=len; } }else{ for(int y=0;y<height;y++){ rlos.setStartCodeWord(0x0001); // white run first; White is Zero: 1s in image => 0s in compressed data mhos.writeEOL(); // T.6: we don't write EOL code, we just set up buffers here rlos.write(imgdata,off,len); rlos.writeBits(imgdata[off+len],7,end); // write end of line pixel rlos.flush(); off+=len+1; } } if(mhos instanceof ModModREADOutputStream){ // T.6: write EOFB after every strip ((ModModREADOutputStream)mhos).writeEOFB(); } rlos.close(); } static public BufferedImage readImage(ImageInputStream in,IFD ifd)throws IOException{ BufferedImage image=null; try{ int width =ifd.getWidth(); int height =ifd.getHeight(); image=new BufferedImage(width,height,BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY); WritableRaster raster=image.getRaster(); DataBufferByte buffer=(DataBufferByte)raster.getDataBuffer(); byte[] imgdata=(byte[])buffer.getData(); long[] offsets =ifd.getStripOffsets(); long[] counts =ifd.getStripByteCounts(); int h=0,off=0; for(int i=0;i<offsets.length;i++){ /* For each strip: get chunk of data MH || MR || MMR code [swap bits] evaluate runlength convert into runs copy to image buffer */[i]); byte[] data=new byte[(int)counts[i]];; ByteArrayInputStream bais=new ByteArrayInputStream(data); ModHuffmanInputStream mhis; if(ifd.getFillOrder()==LowColHighBit){ // baseline tiff default mhis=getDecoder(new BitSwapInputStream(bais),ifd); }else{ // fax devices usually code low pixel col low bit positions mhis=getDecoder(bais,ifd); } off=copyin(imgdata,off,mhis,width,ifd.getPhotometricInterpretation()!=WhiteIsZero); } return image; }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(cn+".readImage:\n\t"+e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return image; } } static private ModHuffmanInputStream getDecoder(InputStream is,IFD ifd)throws IOException{ switch(ifd.getCompression()){ case CCITTFAXT4: int t4o=ifd.getT4Options(); /* System.out.println("Tiff Class F T.4"); System.out.println(((t4o&0x00000001)==0)?"1-dim (MH)":"2-dim (MR)"); System.out.println(((t4o&0x00000002)==0)?"Compressed":"Uncompressed mode (not allowed in rfc 2306)"); System.out.println(((t4o&0x00000004)==0)?"non-byte-aligned":"byte-aligned"); */ if((t4o&0x00000001)==0){ return new ModHuffmanInputStream(is); }else{ return new ModREADInputStream(is,ifd.getWidth()); } case CCITTFAXT6: int t6o=ifd.getT6Options(); // Assume: T6Options == 0 => compressed MMR coding /* System.out.println("Tiff Class F T.6"); System.out.println(((t6o&0x00000001)==0)?"2-Dimensional (MMR)":"Unknown Compression Mode"); System.out.println(((t6o&0x00000002)==0)?"Compressed":"Uncompressed mode (not allowed in rfc 2306)"); */ return new ModModREADInputStream(is,ifd.getWidth()); } throw new IOException(cn+".getCoder: Internal Error: Unknown compression."); // Should never get here. } static private int copyin(byte[] imgdata,int off,ModHuffmanInputStream is,int width,boolean invert)throws IOException{ RLEBitInputStream rlis=new RLEBitInputStream(is); rlis.setInvert(invert); if((width&0x0007)==0){ byte[] buf=new byte[width>>3];int len=0; while(true){ rlis.resetToStartCodeWord(); // start next line with white is.readEOL(); // set settings for a new line try{; // read one image line if(len==-1){break;} // end of page System.arraycopy(buf,0,imgdata,off,len); // copy line to image buffer }catch(ModHuffmanInputStream.ModHuffmanCodingException mhce){ System.out.println(cn+".copyin:\n\t"+mhce); } off+=len; } }else{ byte[] buf=new byte[(width+7)>>3];int len=0,ecw=8-(width&0x0007),bits; while(true){ rlis.resetToStartCodeWord(); // start next line with white is.readEOL(); // set settings for a new line try{,0,buf.length-1); // read one image line if(len==-1){break;} // end of page bits=rlis.readBits(7,ecw); buf[len]=(byte)bits; System.arraycopy(buf,0,imgdata,off,len+1); // copy line to image buffer }catch(ModHuffmanInputStream.ModHuffmanCodingException mhce){ System.out.println(cn+".copyin:\n\t"+mhce); } off+=len+1; } } return off; } }