package; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import*; import*; // The default service centre here is : BT-Text service centre (1709400X) // The 1470 is BT's way to ensure the signalling of the calling number even // if it is a number that is usually not displayed. // The calling number is needed for billing purposes!!! // The default service centre here is : BT-Text service centre (080058752X) // The BT-Text subaddress X is 9 by default. public class ConfigPanel extends JPanel{ private Properties properties; public ConfigPanel(Properties properties){ super(new BorderLayout());; JPanel cp=new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,2)); String pn=getClass().getPackage().getName(); new UtilTextField(cp,properties,pn+".sendingservicecentre","147017094009","Sending SMS Centre Number",20); // new UtilTextField(cp,properties,pn+".sendingservicecentre_subadddress","9","Sending SMS Client Sub Address [0..9]",1); new UtilTextField(cp,properties,pn+".receivingservicecentre","08005875290","Receiving SMS Centre Number",20); // new UtilTextField(cp,properties,pn+".receivingservicecentre_subadddress","0","Receiving SMS Client Sub Address [0..9]",1); new UtilTextField(cp,properties,pn+".t10","3","T10",3); add(cp,BorderLayout.NORTH); } }