package; import java.util.Vector; import*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.lang.ref.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import*; import*; public class jtwain implements TwainConstants{ static private boolean installed; static private Thread nativeThread; // make sure to call DSM_ENTRY only from this native thread! static private TwainSourceManager sourceManager; // applet: this object will live as long as browser window is open static private WeakReference scanner; // applet: set to new object if applet reloads static private Object syncScanner = new Object(); // synchronization object static private native void nstart(); // run native event loop // 32 | 64 bit system static private native int ngetPtrSize(); // 32 or 64 bit system static private int ptrSize = 0; // in byte static int getPtrSize(){ return ptrSize;} // java -> native static private native void ntrigger(Object caller,int cmd); // call cbexecute from native thread // TwainSourceManager -> native static private native TwainSourceManager ngetSourceManager()throws TwainException; // initialize native library static private native int ncallSourceManager(int dg,int dat,int msg,byte[] data)throws TwainException; // TwainSource -> native static native byte[] ngetContainer(byte[] capBuf); // copy container pointed to by TW_CAPABILITY.hContainer into byte buffer static native void nsetContainer(byte[] capbuf, byte[] conbytes); // copy byte buffer into native memory container and setup capability buffer static native void nfreeContainer(byte[] capbuf); // free native container memory static private native int ncallSource(byte[] source,int dg,int dat,int msg,byte[] data)throws TwainException; static private native long ngetCallBackMethod(); // get twain 2.0 callback method static private long ptrCallback = 0; // pointer to twain 2.0 callback method static long getCallBackMethod(){return ptrCallback;} // for twain native transfer mode static private native Object ntransferImage(long imagePtr); // returns BufferedImage object // for twain memory transfer mode static native void nnew(byte[] twImageMemXfer,int size); // allocate native memory block static native int ncopy(byte[] buf,byte[] twImageMemXfer,int size); // copy native memory block into java byte array // static native byte[] ncopy(byte[] twImageMemXfer,int size); // copy native memory block into java byte array static native void ndelete(byte[] twImageMemXfer); // free native memory block static public boolean isInstalled(){return installed;} static int getINT16(byte[] buf,int off){return (buf[off++]&0x00FF)|(buf[off]<<8);} static void setINT16(byte[] buf,int off,int i){buf[off++]=(byte)i;buf[off++]=(byte)(i>>8);} static int getINT32(byte[] buf,int off){return (buf[off++]&0x00FF)|((buf[off++]&0x00FF)<<8)|((buf[off++]&0x00FF)<<16)|(buf[off]<<24);} static void setINT32(byte[] buf,int off,int i){buf[off++]=(byte)i;buf[off++]=(byte)(i>>8);buf[off++]=(byte)(i>>16);buf[off++]=(byte)(i>>24);} static long getINT64(byte[] buf,int off){ return (buf[off++]&0x00FFL) |((buf[off++]&0x00FFL)<< 8)|((buf[off++]&0x00FFL)<<16)|((buf[off++]&0x00FFL)<<24) |((buf[off++]&0x00FFL)<<32)|((buf[off++]&0x00FFL)<<40)|((buf[off++]&0x00FFL)<<48)|((buf[off++]&0x00FFL)<<56); } static void setINT64(byte[] buf,int off,long i){ buf[off++]=(byte) i ;buf[off++]=(byte)(i>> 8);buf[off++]=(byte)(i>>16);buf[off++]=(byte)(i>>24); buf[off++]=(byte)(i>>32);buf[off++]=(byte)(i>>40);buf[off++]=(byte)(i>>48);buf[off++]=(byte)(i>>56); } static long getPtr(byte[] buf,int off){ if(ptrSize==8){return getINT64(buf,off); }else{ return getINT32(buf,off); } } static int setPtr(byte[] buf,int off,long i){ if(ptrSize==8){setINT64(buf,off, i);return 8; }else{ setINT32(buf,off,(int)i);return 4; } } static double getFIX32(byte[] buf,int off){ int whole =((buf[off++]&0x00FF)|(buf[off++]<<8)); int frac =((buf[off++]&0x00FF)|((buf[off]&0x00FF)<<8)); return ((double)whole)+((double)frac)/65536.0; // [1] 4-76 } static void setFIX32(byte[] buf,int off,double d){ int value =(int)(d*65536.0+((d<0)?(-0.5):0.5)); // [1] 4-78 + fix for negative numbers setINT16(buf,off ,value>>16); // whole setINT16(buf,off+2,value&0x0000FFFF); // frac } static void setString(byte[] buf,int off,String s){ System.arraycopy(s.getBytes(),0,buf,0,s.length()); } static int callSourceManager(int dg,int dat,int msg,byte[] data)throws TwainIOException{ if(Thread.currentThread()!=nativeThread){ throw new TwainIOException("Call twain source manager only from within native thread."); } try{ return ncallSourceManager(dg,dat,msg,data); }catch(TwainException te){ // disaster: source exception in native code installed=false;throw te; // disable jtwain, no calls to twain anymore } } static int callSource(byte[] source,int dg,int dat,int msg,byte[] data)throws TwainIOException{ if(Thread.currentThread()!=nativeThread){ throw new TwainIOException("Call twain source only from within native thread."); } try{ return ncallSource(source,dg,dat,msg,data); }catch(TwainException tioe){ // disaster: source exception in native code installed=false;throw tioe; // disable jtwain, no calls to twain anymore } } static public TwainSourceManager getSourceManager()throws TwainIOException{ try{ // wait until native thread is up and running while((sourceManager==null)&&installed){Thread.currentThread().sleep(100);} }catch(Exception e){} if(!installed){ throw new TwainIOException("Cannot load Twain Source Manager."); } return sourceManager; } static public TwainSource getSource()throws TwainIOException{ return getSourceManager().getSource(); } static private void trigger(Object caller,int cmd){ try{ // wait until native thread is up and running while((sourceManager==null)&&installed){Thread.currentThread().sleep(100);} if(installed){ntrigger(caller,cmd);} }catch(Exception e){} } static public void callSetSource(Object caller){trigger(caller,0);} // caller.setSource(sourceManager.getSource()); static private TwainScanner getScanner(){ return (scanner!=null)?(TwainScanner)scanner.get():null; } static private boolean setScanner(TwainScanner s)throws TwainIOException{ // use of weak reference to TwainScanner object synchronized(syncScanner){ TwainScanner cs = getScanner(); if((cs==null)||!cs.isBusy()){ scanner=new WeakReference<TwainScanner>(s); // allows garbage collection in applets return true; } throw new TwainIOException(jtwain.class.getName()+".setScanner\n\tScanner is still busy."); } } static public void select(TwainScanner sc)throws TwainIOException{ if(setScanner(sc)){ TwainSourceManager sm=getSourceManager(); // jtwain might not be up and running yet sm.getSource().checkState(3); trigger(sc,1); } } // used by TwainScanner static /* public */ void getIdentities(TwainScanner sc, Vector list)throws TwainIOException{ if(setScanner(sc)){ TwainSourceManager sm=getSourceManager(); // jtwain might not be up and running yet sm.getSource().checkState(3); // System.err.println("select: try "+name); Semaphore s = new Semaphore(0,true); // need to wait for native thread to retrieve list of identities Object[] parameter = {list,s}; // need to transport two objects via one parameter to cbexecute trigger(parameter,2); // call cbexecute case 2 try{ s.tryAcquire(3000,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if(list.isEmpty() && (parameter[1]!=null)){ throw new TwainIOException(jtwain.class.getName()+".getIdentities\n\tCould not retrieve device names. Request timed out."); } }catch(InterruptedException ie){ throw new TwainIOException(jtwain.class.getName()+".getIdentities\n\tCould not retrieve device names. Request was interrupted."); } } } static public void select(TwainScanner sc, String name)throws TwainIOException{ if(setScanner(sc)){ TwainSourceManager sm=getSourceManager(); // jtwain might not be up and running yet sm.getSource().checkState(3); // System.err.println("select: try "+name); trigger(name,3); } } static public void acquire(TwainScanner sc)throws TwainIOException{ if(setScanner(sc)){ TwainSourceManager sm=getSourceManager(); // jtwain might not be up and running yet sm.getSource().checkState(3); trigger(sc,4); } } static public void setCancel(TwainScanner sc, boolean c)throws TwainIOException{ getSourceManager().getSource().setCancel(c); } static private Method getMethod(Class clazz,String name,Class[] paramTypes)throws NoSuchMethodException{ if(clazz==null){ throw new NoSuchMethodException();} try{ return clazz.getDeclaredMethod(name,paramTypes); }catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme){ return getMethod(clazz.getSuperclass(),name,paramTypes); } } static private void cbexecute(Object obj,int cmd){ // callback function cpp -> java; in windows thread; TwainSource source; try{ switch(cmd){ case 0: // an object wants access to current twain source Class clazz =obj.getClass(); try{ // introspection source=sourceManager.getSource(); Method method=getMethod(clazz,"setSource",new Class[]{TwainSource.class}); method.invoke(obj,new Object[]{source}); // caller.setSource(source); }catch(Throwable e){e.printStackTrace();} // cannot find method: programming error break; case 1: // select sourceManager.selectSource(); // System.out.println(sourceManager.getSource()); break; case 2: // getIdentities Object[] parameter = (Object[])obj; // parameter list from getIdentities Vector<TwainIdentity> list = (Vector<TwainIdentity>)parameter[0]; Semaphore s = (Semaphore)parameter[1]; sourceManager.getIdentities(list); parameter[1] = null; s.release(); break; case 3: // select name String name = (String)obj; // System.out.println("cbexecute: try "+name); sourceManager.selectSource(name); // System.err.println(sourceManager.getSource()); break; case 4: // acquire source=sourceManager.openSource(); try{ source.enable(); }finally{ source.close(); } break; } }catch(Throwable e){ signalException(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } static private int cbhandleGetMessage(long msg){ // callback function cpp -> java; windows thread; try{ return sourceManager.getSource().handleGetMessage(msg); }catch(Throwable e){ signalException(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return TWRC_NOTDSEVENT; } } // callback function cpp -> java; twain 2.0; static private int cbmethod20(byte[] corigin,byte[] cdest,int DG,int DAT,int MSG,long dataptr){ try{ TwainIdentity origin = new TwainIdentity(sourceManager,corigin); // this should always be the twain data source // System.out.println(origin.toString()); // TwainIdentity dest = new TwainIdentity(sourceManager,cdest); // this should always be the twain data source manager // System.out.println(dest.toString()); TwainSource source = sourceManager.getSource(); if(origin.getId()!=source.getId()){ // we are only waiting for callbacks from our datasource, so validate the originator return TWRC_FAILURE; } return source.callback(DG,DAT,MSG,dataptr); }catch(Throwable e){ signalException(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return TWRC_FAILURE; } } static void signalStateChange(TwainSource source){ TwainScanner scanner=getScanner(); if(scanner!=null){ scanner.setState(source); } } static void signalException(String msg){ TwainScanner scanner=getScanner(); if(scanner!=null){ scanner.signalException(msg); } } static void negotiateCapabilities(TwainSource source){ TwainScanner scanner=getScanner(); if(scanner!=null){ scanner.negotiateCapabilities(source); } } static void transferNativeImage(long dibHandle){ BufferedImage image=(BufferedImage)ntransferImage(dibHandle); if(image!=null){ TwainScanner scanner=getScanner(); if(scanner!=null){ scanner.setImage(image); } } } static void transferFileImage(File file){ if(file!=null){ TwainScanner scanner=getScanner(); if(scanner!=null){ scanner.setImage(file); } } } static void transferMemoryBuffer(TwainTransfer.MemoryTransfer.Info info){ TwainScanner scanner=getScanner(); if(scanner!=null){ scanner.setImageBuffer(info); } } static{ // win : load library 'jtwain.dll' // installed = JarLib.load(jtwain.class,"jtwain"); installed = TwainNativeLoadStrategySingleton.getInstance().getNativeLoadStrategy().load( jtwain.class,"jtwain"); if(installed){ ptrSize = ngetPtrSize(); ptrCallback = ngetCallBackMethod(); nativeThread=new Thread(){ public void run(){ try{ sourceManager=ngetSourceManager(); if(sourceManager!=null){ nstart(); } }catch(Throwable e){ System.err.println("\t\n"+e.getMessage()); System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } installed=false; } }; nativeThread.setDaemon(true); nativeThread.start(); } } } // [1] Twain Spec 1.9 // [2] Twain Spec 2.0