package; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import*; public class FaxCallSffSaver extends FaxCallSaver{ public FaxCallSffSaver(){} public void run(String local,String remote,InputStream pin,OutputStream pout){ // called by a FaxAnswerer in own thread // expect 'in' to be a sff data stream FileOutputStream fout=null; try{ filename = createFilePath(local,remote,"sff"); File file = new File(filename); fout = new FileOutputStream(file); String fn = filename.toLowerCase(); int maxilc; try{ maxilc = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(faxMaxIllegalLineCodingsID,"-1")); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("3\b"+getClass().getName()+".run\n\tCould not set 'illegal line coding' limit.\n\t"+e); maxilc = -1; } if(fn.endsWith(".tif")||fn.endsWith(".tiff")){ // want to save as TIFF writeTiff(pin,fout,maxilc); // drop line after 'maxilc' illegal line codings }else if(maxilc>=0){ // write as .sff file writeSff(pin,fout,maxilc); // drop line after 'maxilc' illegal line codings }else{ // just write .sff file write(pin,fout); } }catch(SFFInputStream.IllegalLineCodingException ilce){ System.out.println("5\b"+getClass().getName()+".run\n\tDisconnect call.\n\t"+ilce); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("9\b"+getClass().getName()+".run\n\tDisconnected call.\n\t"+e); e.printStackTrace(); } try{pin.close();pout.close();if(fout!=null){fout.close();} }catch(Exception ioe){System.out.println(getClass().getName()+".run:\n\t"+ioe);} } protected void writeSff(InputStream cin,OutputStream fout,int maxilc)throws IOException{ SFFInputStream in = new SFFInputStream(cin); // decode sff stream first to get illegal line coding errors SFFOutputStream out = new SFFOutputStream(fout); // encode to sff stream again in.setMaxAllowedIllegalLineCodings(maxilc); // after receiving 'maxilc' illegal line coding errors throw exception while(in.hasImage()){ // out.writePageHeader(in.getWidth()); byte[] buf=new byte[256];int len; while(/*!in.isEndOfPage()&&*/(!=-1){ // read huffman codes out.write(buf,0,len); // write huffman codes } out.writePageEnd(); } out.writeDocumentEnd(); } public void writeTiff(InputStream cin,OutputStream fout,int maxilc)throws IOException{ SFFInputStream in = new SFFInputStream(cin); // decode sff stream TIFFClassFOutputStream out = new TIFFClassFMHOutputStream(fout); // encode tiff stream in.setMaxAllowedIllegalLineCodings(maxilc); while(in.hasImage()){ out.writePageHeader(in.getWidth()); byte[] buf=new byte[256];int len; while(/*!in.isEndOfPage()&&*/(!=-1){ // read huffman codes out.write(buf,0,len); // write huffman codes } out.writePageEnd(); } out.writeDocumentEnd(); } }