package; import*; import java.util.*; public class PDFCatalog extends PDFDictionary{ // reference to tree of pages // reference to tree of objects representing the outline private PDFDocument.PDFPages pages; // private PDFOutlineTree outlines; private PDFIndirectReference ref; public PDFCatalog(PDFBody body){ this.ref = body.getIndirectReference(this); put("Type",new PDFObject.PDFName("Catalog")); pages=new PDFDocument.PDFPages(body,null); put("Pages",pages.getReference()); // outlines=new PDFOutlineTree(); // put("Outlines",outlines); } public PDFIndirectReference getReference(){return ref;} public PDFPage getNewPage(){ return pages.getNewPage(); } public void read(PDFScanner s)throws IOException{; } }