package; import*; import; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; public class SimpleSpeechSend{ private final int BUFSIZE = 512; protected int appid=-1; private InputStream in=null; private Semaphore blocker=new Semaphore(7,true); // buffer blocker private DataB3Req[] dataB3Reqs=new DataB3Req[8]; // Cache for DataB3Reqs. private byte[][] buffers=new byte[8][BUFSIZE]; private int handle=0; // write message id public SimpleSpeechSend()throws IOException{ jcapi.checkInstalled(); appid=jcapi.register(1,7,BUFSIZE); } private void put(MsgOut msg)throws IOException{ jcapi.putMessage(appid,msg.getBytes()); } public void connect(String remote)throws IOException{// the number you want to call int CIP_SPEECH=1; // simple speech int lineid=1; // for simplicity assume first controller is free String local=""; // put your own number here put(new ConnectReq( appid,lineid,CIP_SPEECH, remote,local,"","", new SpeechProtocol(), StructOut.empty, StructOut.empty, StructOut.empty, StructOut.empty )); } public void close()throws IOException{ jcapi.release(appid); // force CapiWaitForMessage to return } private void send(final int lineid){ new Thread(){ public void run(){ System.err.println("START SENDING"); try{ int len; while(([handle]))!=-1){ System.err.println("write["+handle+"]="+len+" bytes"); System.err.println("write data [blocked]"); blocker.acquire(); System.err.println("write data [released block]"); DataB3Req req=new DataB3Req(appid,lineid,handle,0,buffers[handle],len); dataB3Reqs[handle]=req; put(req); handle=(handle+1)%8; } put(new DisconnectB3Req(appid,lineid)); // active disconnect }catch(Exception e){ System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } }.start(); } protected void handleMessage(MsgIn msg)throws IOException{ // System.err.println(msg); if(msg instanceof ConnectActiveInd){ // remote picked up put(new ConnectActiveResp(msg.appid,msg.lineid)); put(new ConnectB3Req(appid,msg.lineid)); // request logical line }else if(msg instanceof ConnectB3ActiveInd){ // Connected System.err.println("CONNECTED"); put(new ConnectB3ActiveResp(msg.appid,msg.lineid)); send(msg.lineid); // start sender thread }else if(msg instanceof DataB3Conf){ int handle=((DataB3Conf)msg).getHandle(); // capi tells us that it is done with that buffer. dataB3Reqs[handle].release(); // release native pointer System.err.println("blocker [released block]"); blocker.release(); }else if(msg instanceof DisconnectB3Ind){ // disconnect logical line put(new DisconnectB3Resp(msg.appid,msg.lineid)); put(new DisconnectReq(appid,msg.lineid)); // active disconnect }else if(msg instanceof DisconnectInd){ // disconnected physical line put(new DisconnectResp(msg.appid,msg.lineid)); throw new IOException("Normal Disconnect"); // end main loop :) }else if(msg instanceof DataB3Ind){ put(new DataB3Resp(msg.appid,msg.lineid,((DataB3Ind)msg).getHandle())); }else{ System.err.println(msg); } } byte[] buf=null; // reusable buffer public void send(InputStream in){; try{ while(true){ jcapi.waitForMessage(appid); // block until message arrives buf=jcapi.getMessage(appid,buf); MsgIn msg=MsgIn.create(buf); // create java message handleMessage(msg); } }catch(IOException ioe){ System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); ioe.printStackTrace(); } try{ close(); }catch(IOException ioe){ System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); } } public static void main(String[] argv){ try{ String no="**20"; if(argv.length>0){no=argv[0];} String file="uk/co/mmscomputing/device/capi/samples/capture.raw"; if(argv.length>1){file=argv[1];} System.err.println("Try to send raw isdn sound file "+file+" to "+no); SimpleSpeechSend s=new SimpleSpeechSend(); s.connect(no); s.send(new FileInputStream(file)); }catch(IOException ioe){ System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); } } }