package; import*; import*; public class FaxSender { int timeout; String faxheader; public FaxSender(){ timeout = 60000; // timeout in milliseconds (including speed negotiation) faxheader = "my fax header"; } public void send(String remoteno,String faxfile)throws IOException{ InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(faxfile); CapiSystem capi = CapiSystem.getSystem(); // use capi system try{ // try to connect CapiChannel channel = capi.getCaller().faxconnect(remoteno,timeout,faxheader); System.err.println("START SENDING file "+faxfile); try{ OutputStream out = channel.getOutputStream(); channel.getInputStream().close(); // waste input data channel.writeToOutput(fin); }finally{ channel.close(); // initiate disconnect } System.err.println("STOPPED SENDING file "+faxfile); }finally{ capi.close(); // release capi resources } fin.close(); } public static void main(String[] args){ System.err.println("\nSTART FaxSender\n"); try{ String no="**30"; if(args.length>0){no=args[0];} // phone number first String file="uk/co/mmscomputing/device/capi/samples/testfax.sff"; if(args.length>1){file=args[1];} // file to send FaxSender sender=new FaxSender(); sender.send(no,file); }catch(Exception e){ System.err.println(e); } System.err.println("\nFINISHED FaxSender\n"); } }