package; import*; import; import; import*; public class TwainSource extends TwainIdentity implements TwainConstants,ScannerDevice{ private boolean busy; private int state; private long hWnd; private int showUI = 1; // show DS GUI private int modalUI = 0; // is modeless GUI private int iff = TWFF_BMP; // image file format private TwainITransferFactory transferFactory; private boolean userCancelled; private Semaphore tw20Semaphore = null; // twain 2.0: wait for source to signal new image private boolean tw20HaveImage = false; TwainSource(TwainSourceManager manager,long hwnd,boolean bus){ super(manager); this.hWnd=hwnd; this.busy=bus; this.state=3; this.userCancelled=false; this.transferFactory=new TwainDefaultTransferFactory(); } byte[] getIdentity(){return identity;} public boolean isBusy(){ return busy;} void setBusy(boolean b){ busy=b; jtwain.signalStateChange(this);} public int getState(){ return state;} void setState(int s){ state=s;jtwain.signalStateChange(this);} public void setCancel(boolean c){ userCancelled=c;} public boolean getCancel(){ return userCancelled;} void checkState(int state)throws TwainIOException{ if(this.state==state){return;} throw new TwainIOException(getClass().getName()+".checkState:\n\tSource not in state "+state+" but in state "+this.state+"."); } int getConditionCode()throws TwainIOException{ byte[] status=new byte[4]; // TW_STATUS int rc =jtwain.callSource(identity,DG_CONTROL,DAT_STATUS,MSG_GET,status); if(rc!=TWRC_SUCCESS){ throw new TwainResultException("Cannot retrieve twain source's status.",rc); } return jtwain.getINT16(status,0); } private void checkrc(int rc)throws TwainIOException{ switch(rc){ case TWRC_SUCCESS: return; case TWRC_FAILURE:{ int cc = getConditionCode(); if(cc==TWCC_OPERATIONERROR){ // appl shouldn't bother user }else{ throw TwainFailureException.create(cc); } }break; case TWRC_CHECKSTATUS: throw new TwainResultException.CheckStatus(); case TWRC_CANCEL: throw new TwainResultException.Cancel(); case TWRC_DSEVENT: return; case TWRC_NOTDSEVENT: throw new TwainResultException.NotDSEvent(); case TWRC_XFERDONE: throw new TwainResultException.TransferDone(); case TWRC_ENDOFLIST: throw new TwainResultException.EndOfList(); case TWRC_INFONOTSUPPORTED: throw new TwainResultException.InfoNotSupported(); case TWRC_DATANOTAVAILABLE: throw new TwainResultException.DataNotAvailable(); default: System.err.println(getClass().getName()+".checkrc\n\trc="+rc); throw new TwainResultException("Failed to call source.",rc); } } public void call(int dg,int dat,int msg,byte[] data)throws TwainIOException{ checkrc(jtwain.callSource(identity,dg,dat,msg,data)); } private void setCallbackProcedure()throws TwainIOException{ /* typedef struct { TW_MEMREF CallBackProc; // 0 : 4 or 8 byte ptr to callback procedure TW_UINT32 RefCon; // 4, 8: application reference number TW_INT16 Message; // 8,12: } TW_CALLBACK, FAR * pTW_CALLBACK; // 10,14 */ byte[] callback = new byte[(jtwain.getPtrSize()==4)?10:14]; int off = jtwain.setPtr(callback,0,jtwain.getCallBackMethod()); jtwain.setINT32(callback,off,0); off += 4; jtwain.setINT16(callback,off,0); call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_CALLBACK,MSG_REGISTER_CALLBACK,callback); } void open()throws TwainIOException{ // [1] 7-184 state 3: 3 -> 4; if(isTwain20Source()){ try{ setCallbackProcedure(); }catch(Exception te){ maskTwain20Source(); // if we cannot set callback routine disable it. System.out.println("3\b"+getClass().getName()+".open:\n\tCannot set twain 2.0 callback method."); System.err.println(getClass().getName()+".open:\n\tCannot set twain 2.0 callback method."); } } } public TwainCapability[] getCapabilities()throws TwainIOException{ return TwainCapability.getCapabilities(this); } public TwainCapability getCapability(int cap)throws TwainIOException{ // use only in state 4 return new TwainCapability(this,cap); } public TwainCapability getCapability(int cap,int mode)throws TwainIOException{ // use only in state 4 return new TwainCapability(this,cap,mode); } public TwainITransferFactory getTransferFactory() { return transferFactory; } public void setTransferFactory(TwainITransferFactory transferFactory){ if(transferFactory==null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(getClass().getName()+".setTransferFactory\n\tTwain transfer factory cannot be null."); } this.transferFactory = transferFactory; } public void setShowUI(boolean enable){showUI=0;} //i' set this to 0 for a dirty hack public boolean isModalUI(){return (modalUI==0);} public void setCapability(int cap,boolean v)throws ScannerIOException{ TwainCapability tc=getCapability(cap,MSG_GETCURRENT); if(tc.booleanValue()!=v){ tc.setCurrentValue(v); if(getCapability(cap).booleanValue()!=v){ throw new ScannerIOException(getClass().getName()+".setCapability:\n\tCannot set capability "+TwainCapability.getCapName(cap)+" to "+v); } } } public void setCapability(int cap,int v)throws ScannerIOException{ TwainCapability tc=getCapability(cap,MSG_GETCURRENT); if(tc.intValue()!=v){ tc.setCurrentValue(v); if(getCapability(cap).intValue()!=v){ throw new ScannerIOException(getClass().getName()+".setCapability:\n\tCannot set capability "+TwainCapability.getCapName(cap)+" to "+v); } } } public void setCapability(int cap,double v)throws ScannerIOException{ TwainCapability tc=getCapability(cap,MSG_GETCURRENT); if(tc.doubleValue()!=v){ tc.setCurrentValue(v); if(getCapability(cap).doubleValue()!=v){ throw new ScannerIOException(getClass().getName()+".setCapability:\n\tCannot set capability "+TwainCapability.getCapName(cap)+" to "+v); } } } // negotiation options common to Twain & Sane public boolean isUIControllable(){ try{ // TW_ONEVALUE/TW_BOOL if >=1.6 TWAIN compliant return getCapability(CAP_UICONTROLLABLE).booleanValue(); }catch(Exception e){ // if some error assume source does not support ShowUI=false jtwain.signalException(getClass().getName()+".isUIControllable:\n\t"+e);return false; } } public boolean isDeviceOnline(){ // [1] 9-369 CAP_DEVICEONLINE try{ // TW_ONEVALUE/TW_BOOL return getCapability(CAP_DEVICEONLINE).booleanValue(); }catch(Exception e){ // if some error assume source is on jtwain.signalException(getClass().getName()+".isOnline:\n\t"+e);return true; } } public void setShowUserInterface(boolean show)throws ScannerIOException{ setShowUI(show); } public void setShowProgressBar(boolean show)throws ScannerIOException{ setCapability(CAP_INDICATORS,show); // works only if user interface is inactive } public void setResolution(double dpi)throws ScannerIOException{ setCapability(ICAP_UNITS,TWUN_INCHES); // setResolution expects dots per inch setCapability(ICAP_XRESOLUTION,dpi); setCapability(ICAP_YRESOLUTION,dpi); } public void setRegionOfInterest(int x, int y, int w, int h)throws ScannerIOException{ if((x==-1)&&(y==-1)&&(w==-1)&&(h==-1)){ // int version of setRegionOfInterest expects pixels new TwainImageLayout(this).reset(); }else{ setCapability(ICAP_UNITS,TWUN_PIXELS); TwainImageLayout til=new TwainImageLayout(this); til.get(); // System.out.println(til.toString()); til.setLeft(x);til.setTop(y); // scan from topLeft(x,y) to rightBottom(x+width,y+height) til.setRight(x+w);til.setBottom(y+h); til.set(); } } public void setRegionOfInterest(double x, double y, double w, double h)throws ScannerIOException{ if((x==-1)&&(y==-1)&&(w==-1)&&(h==-1)){ // double version of setRegionOfInterest expects millimeters new TwainImageLayout(this).reset(); }else{ setCapability(ICAP_UNITS,TWUN_CENTIMETERS); TwainImageLayout til=new TwainImageLayout(this); til.get(); // System.out.println(til.toString()); til.setLeft(x/10.0);til.setTop(y/10.0); // scan from topLeft(x,y) to rightBottom(x+width,y+height) til.setRight((x+w)/10.0);til.setBottom((y+h)/10.0); til.set(); } // til.get(); // System.out.println(til.toString()); } public void select(String name)throws ScannerIOException{ checkState(3); TwainSourceManager manager=jtwain.getSourceManager(); try{ TwainIdentity device=new TwainIdentity(manager); device.getFirst(); // get first identity while(true){ // while(not EndOfList Exception thrown) if(device.getProductName().equals(name)){ System.arraycopy(device.identity,0,identity,0,identity.length);break; } device.getNext(); // get next identity } }catch(TwainResultException.EndOfList treeol){ throw new TwainIOException(getClass().getName()+".select(String name)\n\tCannot find twain data source: '"+name+"'"); } } // END: negotiation options common to Twain & Sane // image acquisition void enable()throws TwainIOException{ // state 4 -> 5 checkState(4); jtwain.negotiateCapabilities(this); // still in state 4 tell application to negotiate capabilities and defaults if(getState()<4){return;} // application <=> source negotiation failed => application closed source int xfer=new TwainCapability.XferMech(this).intValue(); // what transfer mode do we use if(xfer==TWSX_NATIVE){ // if native transfer (dib) }else if(xfer==TWSX_FILE){ // if file transfer mode try{ // if source supports different file formats iff=getCapability(ICAP_IMAGEFILEFORMAT).intValue(); // cache file format }catch(Exception e){ // else iff=TWFF_BMP; // use default } } if(isTwain20Source()){ tw20Semaphore = new Semaphore(0,true); tw20HaveImage = false; } byte[] gui=null; try{ gui=new byte[(jtwain.getPtrSize()==4)?8:12]; // TW_USERINTERFACE jtwain.setINT16(gui,0,showUI); // 1: show gui; 0: do not show gui jtwain.setINT16(gui,2,modalUI); jtwain.setPtr(gui,4,hWnd); // set parent window call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_USERINTERFACE,MSG_ENABLEDS,gui); // enable source; pop up gui if ShowGUI=true modalUI=jtwain.getINT16(gui,2); setState(5); }catch(TwainResultException.CheckStatus trecs){ // ShowGUI=false not supported continue with GUI setState(5); // or (twain 2.0 test ds does this the wrong way round;) showUI=(~showUI)&0x01; // ShowGUI=true not supported continue without GUI }catch(TwainResultException.Cancel trec){ disable(); close(); } if(isTwain20Source()){ try{ tw20Semaphore.tryAcquire(5*60000,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // wait for max 5 min tw20Semaphore.release(); // release other threads if(tw20HaveImage==true){ transferImage(); }else{ System.out.println("9\b"+getClass().getName()+".enable:\n\tscan timed out. Close data source."); System.err.println(getClass().getName()+".enable:\n\tscan timed out Close data source."); } }catch(TwainIOException tioe){ System.out.println("9\b"+getClass().getName()+".enable:\n\t"+tioe); System.err.println(getClass().getName()+".enable:\n\t"+tioe); }catch(InterruptedException ie){ System.out.println("9\b"+getClass().getName()+".enable:\n\tscan interrupted"); System.err.println(getClass().getName()+".enable:\n\tscan interrupted"); } } } private void transfer(TwainITransfer tt)throws TwainIOException{ // 5 -> 6 try{ byte[] pendingXfers=new byte[6]; // TW_PENDINGXFERS do{ setState(6); // [2] 4-31 jtwain.setINT16(pendingXfers,0,-1); // pendingXfer.Count = -1 => application can deal with multiple images try{ tt.setCancel(userCancelled); tt.initiate(); }catch(TwainResultException.TransferDone tretd){ // state 7: memory allocated setState(7); tt.finish(); call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_PENDINGXFERS,MSG_ENDXFER,pendingXfers); // tell source we are done with image if(jtwain.getINT16(pendingXfers,0)==0){ // state 6: if pendingXfers!=0 setState(5); // state 5: if pendingXfers==0 } }catch(TwainUserCancelException tuce){ // state 6: cancel via setCancel(true) call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_PENDINGXFERS,MSG_RESET,pendingXfers); // tell source to cancel pending images setState(5); }catch(TwainResultException.Cancel trec){ // state 7: cancel via source gui tt.cancel(); call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_PENDINGXFERS,MSG_ENDXFER,pendingXfers); // state 6: tell source we are done with image if(jtwain.getINT16(pendingXfers,0) > 0){ call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_PENDINGXFERS,MSG_RESET,pendingXfers); // tell source to cancel pending images } setState(5); }catch(TwainFailureException tfe){ // state 6/7: no memory allocated jtwain.signalException(getClass().getName()+".transfer:\n\t"+tfe); call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_PENDINGXFERS,MSG_ENDXFER,pendingXfers); // tell source we are done with image if(jtwain.getINT16(pendingXfers,0) > 0){ call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_PENDINGXFERS,MSG_RESET,pendingXfers); // tell source to cancel pending images } setState(5); }finally{ tt.cleanup(); } }while(jtwain.getINT16(pendingXfers,0)!=0); // ADF scanner: pendingXfers = -1 if not known }finally{ if(userCancelled||(showUI==0)){ // User cannot close source userCancelled=false; disable(); // hence close here close(); } } } void transferImage()throws TwainIOException{ switch(getXferMech()){ case TWSX_NATIVE: transfer(transferFactory.createNativeTransfer(this)); break; case TWSX_FILE: transfer(transferFactory.createFileTransfer(this)); break; case TWSX_MEMORY: transfer(transferFactory.createMemoryTransfer(this)); break; default: // shouldn't be here System.out.println(getClass().getName()+".transferImage:\n\tDo not support this transfer mode: "+getXferMech()); System.err.println(getClass().getName()+".transferImage:\n\tDo not support this transfer mode: "+getXferMech()); break; } } void disable()throws TwainIOException{ // state 5 -> 4 if(state<5){return;} byte[] gui=new byte[(jtwain.getPtrSize()==4)?8:12]; // TW_USERINTERFACE jtwain.setINT16(gui,0,-1); // TWON_DONTCARE8 jtwain.setINT16(gui,2,0); jtwain.setPtr(gui,4,hWnd); // set parent window call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_USERINTERFACE,MSG_DISABLEDS,gui); setState(4); } public void close()throws TwainIOException{ // state 4 -> 3 if(state!=4){return;} // [1] 7-176 state 4: 4 -> 3 call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_IDENTITY,MSG_CLOSEDS,identity); // close session busy=false; setState(3); } int callback(int dg,int dat,int msg,long data)throws TwainIOException{ switch(msg){ // always messages from source case MSG_XFERREADY: // state 5 -> 6 tw20HaveImage = true; tw20Semaphore.release(); break; case MSG_CLOSEDSOK: // Do not use DG_CONTROL/DAT_USERINTERFACE/MSG_ENABLEDSUIONLY, // hence shouldn't get this event case MSG_CLOSEDSREQ: // source wants us to close it System.err.println("MSG_CLOSEDSOK,MSG_CLOSEDSREQ in callback routine"); tw20HaveImage = false; tw20Semaphore.release(); break; case MSG_DEVICEEVENT: // Do not allow this event, hence don't get this event case MSG_NULL: // Event fully processed by source break; default: System.err.println("9\b"+getClass().getName()+".callback:\n\tUnknown message in Twain 2.0 callback routine"); return TWRC_FAILURE; } return TWRC_SUCCESS; } int handleGetMessage(long msgPtr)throws TwainIOException{ // callback functions cpp -> java; windows thread; if(state<5){return TWRC_NOTDSEVENT;} try{ byte[] event=new byte[(jtwain.getPtrSize()==4)?6:10]; // TW_EVENT int off = jtwain.setPtr(event,0,msgPtr); // twEvent.pEvent=(TW_MEMREF)&msg; jtwain.setINT16(event,off,0); // twEvent.TWMessage=MSG_NULL; call(DG_CONTROL,DAT_EVENT,MSG_PROCESSEVENT,event); // [1] 7 - 162 int message=jtwain.getINT16(event,off); // if event was handled by source switch(message){ // any messages from source case MSG_XFERREADY: // state 5 -> 6 transferImage(); // source has an image for us break; case MSG_CLOSEDSOK: // Do not use DG_CONTROL/DAT_USERINTERFACE/MSG_ENABLEDSUIONLY, // hence shouldn't get this event case MSG_CLOSEDSREQ: // source wants us to close it disable(); close(); break; case MSG_DEVICEEVENT: // Do not allow this event, hence don't get this event case MSG_NULL: // Event fully processed by source default: } return TWRC_DSEVENT; }catch(TwainResultException.NotDSEvent trendse){ // if event was not handled by source return TWRC_NOTDSEVENT; } } public int getXferMech()throws TwainIOException{ return new TwainCapability.XferMech(this).intValue(); } public void setXferMech(int mech){ try{ switch(mech){ case TWSX_NATIVE: case TWSX_FILE: case TWSX_MEMORY: break; default: mech=TWSX_NATIVE; break; } TwainCapability tc; tc=getCapability(ICAP_XFERMECH,MSG_GETCURRENT); // some sources cannot use enumerations to set capabilities, if(tc.intValue()!=mech){ // hence use MSG_GETCURRENT => TW_ONEVALUE/TW_UINT16 tc.setCurrentValue(mech); if(getCapability(ICAP_XFERMECH).intValue()!=mech){ jtwain.signalException(getClass().getName()+".setXferMech:\n\tCannot change transfer mechanism to mode="+mech); } } }catch(TwainIOException e){ // Shouldn't happen must be supported by all sources. jtwain.signalException(getClass().getName()+".setXferMech:\n\t"+e); } } int getImageFileFormat(){return iff;} public void setImageFileFormat(int iff){ try{ TwainCapability tc; switch(iff){ case TWFF_TIFF: case TWFF_BMP: case TWFF_JFIF: case TWFF_TIFFMULTI: case TWFF_PNG: break; default: iff=TWFF_BMP; // (must be supported by all windows sources) break; } tc=getCapability(ICAP_IMAGEFILEFORMAT,MSG_GETCURRENT);// TW_ONEVALUE/TW_UINT16 if(tc.intValue()!=iff){ tc.setCurrentValue(iff); if(getCapability(ICAP_IMAGEFILEFORMAT).intValue()!=iff){ jtwain.signalException(getClass().getName()+".setImageFileFormat:\n\tCannot change file format to format="+iff); } } }catch(Exception e){ jtwain.signalException(getClass().getName()+".setImageFileFormat:\n\t"+e); } } // public TwainFileSystem getFileSystem(){return new TwainFileSystem(this);} } // [1] Twain Spec 1.9 // [2] Twain Spec 2.0