package; import*; public class GIFLZWOutputStream extends OutputStream{ final static private int MAXCODE = 4096; final static private int PREFIXTABLE = 16; private int[] prefix=new int[MAXCODE]; private int[] suffix=new int[MAXCODE]; private int[][] prefixtab=new int[MAXCODE][PREFIXTABLE]; private int curPrefix, curSuffix; private int dataSize; // 'seed' for decoder, count of first codes private int clearCode; // decoder reset code private int eoiCode; // end of information code private int availCode; // next available code private int codeSize; private GIFBitOutputStream out; public GIFLZWOutputStream(OutputStream os, int ds)throws IOException{ out=new GIFBitOutputStream(os); dataSize=ds; resetTables(); out.write(dataSize); // write data size 'seed' curPrefix=MAXCODE; // set to impossible value out.writeBits(clearCode,codeSize); // write clear code to reset decoder. } private void resetTables(){ codeSize = dataSize+1; clearCode = 1<<dataSize; eoiCode = clearCode+1; // end of image code {static} availCode = clearCode+2; // next available code for(int i=0; i<availCode; i++){ prefix[i]=MAXCODE; suffix[i]=i; // initialize codes } for(int i=0;i<MAXCODE;i++){ for(int j=0;j<PREFIXTABLE;j++){ prefixtab[i][j]=MAXCODE; } } } public void write(byte[] b)throws IOException{ int len=b.length; for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ write(b[i]&0x00FF); } } public void write(byte[] b,int off,int len)throws IOException{ for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ write(b[off+i]&0x00FF); } } public void write(int code)throws IOException{ if(code==clearCode){ // reset variables curPrefix=MAXCODE; // set to impossible value out.writeBits(code,codeSize); // write clear code return; } curSuffix=code; // normal code boolean ptfull =true; boolean foundCode=false; int found =MAXCODE; if(curPrefix<MAXCODE){ int[] pt=prefixtab[curPrefix]; for(int i=0;i<PREFIXTABLE;i++){ // search in curPrefix part of the prefix table found=pt[i]; if(found==MAXCODE){ // code with this prefix does not exist ptfull=false; // but found free entry break; } // else found code with current prefix if(suffix[found]==curSuffix){ // if suffix is correct as well foundCode=true; // we found code break; } } } if((curPrefix==MAXCODE) // prefix does not exist but prefix table full ||(!foundCode && ptfull) // prefix not found or (12 int) prefix table full ){ found=MAXCODE; int i=(curPrefix==MAXCODE)?0:clearCode+2; while(i<availCode){ if((prefix[i]==curPrefix)&&(suffix[i]==curSuffix)){ found=i; break; } i++; } } if(found!=MAXCODE){ curPrefix=found; // found code, remember return; } if(availCode==MAXCODE){ // code table full ? out.writeBits(curPrefix,codeSize); // write last code out.writeBits(clearCode,codeSize); // reset Decoder resetTables(); // reset code tables curPrefix=code; }else{ prefix[availCode]=curPrefix; // write code in table suffix[availCode]=curSuffix; int[] pt=prefixtab[curPrefix]; for(int i=0;i<PREFIXTABLE;i++){ if(pt[i]==MAXCODE){ pt[i]=availCode; break; } } out.writeBits(curPrefix,codeSize); codeSize=getCodeLength(availCode); availCode++; curPrefix=curSuffix; } } private int getCodeLength(int code){ if((code&2048)!=0){ return 12; } else if((code&1024)!=0){ return 11; } else if((code&512)!=0){ return 10; } else if((code&256)!=0){ return 9; } else if((code&128)!=0){ return 8; } else if((code&64)!=0){ return 7; } else if((code&32)!=0){ return 6; } else if((code&16)!=0){ return 5; } else if((code&8)!=0){ return 4; } else { return 3; } } public void flush()throws IOException{ // needs to be called at end of data out.writeBits(curPrefix,codeSize); // write last code out.writeBits(eoiCode,codeSize); // write eoi 'end of image' code out.flush(); } public void close()throws IOException{ flush(); out.close(); } }