package com.vitco.low.triangulate.tests; import com.vitco.low.triangulate.Grid2TriPolyFast; import com.vitco.low.triangulate.util.Grid2PolyHelper; import org.junit.Test; import org.poly2tri.triangulation.delaunay.DelaunayTriangle; import; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * - Testing Poly2Tri and in particular new conversion "voxel -> polygon" by doing in depth validation of created geometry. * * - Manual testing internal implementation against the external implementation of "voxel -> polygon". * */ public class TestGrid2TriPolyFast extends AbstractTriangulationTest { @Override ArrayList<DelaunayTriangle> triangulate(boolean[][] data) { return Grid2TriPolyFast.triangulate(Grid2PolyHelper.convert(data)); } // do many tests and check against different conditions @Test public void testTriangulation() throws IOException { super.testTriangulation(1, 10000, false, true); } // do a test case @Test public void testTriangulationCase() throws IOException { super.testTriangulationCase("test.png", "out.png", 20, false); } }