package com.vitco.layout.content.console; import com.jidesoft.action.CommandMenuBar; import com.threed.jpct.Texture; import com.threed.jpct.TextureManager; import com.vitco.Main; import; import; import com.vitco.export.generic.ExportWorld; import com.vitco.layout.content.JCustomScrollPane; import com.vitco.layout.content.ViewPrototype; import com.vitco.layout.frames.FrameLinkagePrototype; import com.vitco.low.hull.HullManagerExt; import com.vitco.manager.action.types.StateActionPrototype; import com.vitco.manager.async.AsyncAction; import com.vitco.manager.async.AsyncActionManager; import com.vitco.manager.thread.LifeTimeThread; import com.vitco.manager.thread.ThreadManagerInterface; import com.vitco.settings.VitcoSettings; import com.vitco.util.misc.DateTools; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.Element; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Displays console content and buttons to user. */ public class ConsoleView extends ViewPrototype implements ConsoleViewInterface { // var & setter protected Data data; @Autowired(required=true) public final void setData(Data data) { = data; } // var & setter protected AsyncActionManager asyncActionManager; @Autowired(required=true) public final void setAsyncActionManager(AsyncActionManager asyncActionManager) { this.asyncActionManager = asyncActionManager; } private ThreadManagerInterface threadManager; // set the action handler @Autowired public final void setThreadManager(ThreadManagerInterface threadManager) { this.threadManager = threadManager; } @Override public JComponent buildConsole(final FrameLinkagePrototype frame) { // panel that holds everything final JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // the console final JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(); // set layout textArea.setForeground(VitcoSettings.DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR); textArea.setBackground(VitcoSettings.DEFAULT_BG_COLOR); // load the previous console data final ArrayList<String> consoleData = console.getConsoleData(); for (String line : consoleData) { textArea.append(line); } textArea.setEditable(false); // hide the caret // to be able to handle auto show, auto scroll and // tmp disable scroll for this textarea class ScrollPane extends JCustomScrollPane { public boolean autoScroll = true; // true iff auto scrolling is enabled public boolean autoShow = true; // true iff auto showing is enabled public boolean tempScrollStop = false; // true iff user scrolls (disable auto scroll!) public ScrollPane(JComponent component) { super(component); } } final ScrollPane scrollPane = new ScrollPane(textArea); scrollPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(1,0,1,1,VitcoSettings.DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR)); // load the stored preferences for this if (preferences.contains("console_auto_scroll_status")) { scrollPane.autoScroll = preferences.loadBoolean("console_auto_scroll_status"); } if (preferences.contains("console_auto_show_status")) { scrollPane.autoShow = preferences.loadBoolean("console_auto_show_status"); } // only scroll when the user is not scrolling scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { scrollPane.tempScrollStop = true; } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { scrollPane.tempScrollStop = false; } }); // handle console events console.addConsoleListener(new ConsoleListener() { @Override public void lineAdded(String line) { // show if necessary if (scrollPane.autoShow && (!frame.isVisible() || // not visible (frame.isAutohide() && !frame.isAutohideShowing()))) { // visible but not showing (side) frame.setVisible(true); // show the console whenever text is added panel.repaint(); } // add line textArea.append(line); // make sure there are not too many lines in the textarea while (textArea.getLineCount() - 1 > Console.LINE_BUFFER_COUNT) { try { // remove first line Element root = textArea.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement(); Element first = root.getElement(0); textArea.getDocument().remove(first.getStartOffset(), first.getEndOffset()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { errorHandler.handle(e); } } // scroll to bottom if wanted SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!scrollPane.tempScrollStop && scrollPane.autoScroll) { // when the text changes, scroll down scrollPane.validate(); scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().getMaximum()); } } }); } }); final JTextField inputField = new JTextField(); // produce error actionManager.registerAction("create_error_for_debug", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { errorHandler.handle(new Exception("Debug Exception")); } }); // study the complexity of the currently visible polygon actionManager.registerAction("study_object_complexity", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { asyncActionManager.addAsyncAction(new AsyncAction() { @Override public void performAction() { console.addLine("Computing \"Reduced Triangle Count\"..."); ExportWorld exportWorld = new ExportWorld(data.getVisibleLayerVoxel()); int[] countInfo = exportWorld.analyzeTriCount(ExportWorld.ALGORITHM_GREEDY); console.addLine("Naive Greedy Meshing: " + countInfo[0] + " triangles (" + countInfo[1] + " before) in " + countInfo[2] + "ms"); countInfo = exportWorld.analyzeTriCount(ExportWorld.ALGORITHM_GREEDY_OPTIMAL); console.addLine("Optimal Greedy Meshing: " + countInfo[0] + " triangles (" + countInfo[1] + " before) in " + countInfo[2] + "ms"); countInfo = exportWorld.analyzeTriCount(ExportWorld.ALGORITHM_MONO); console.addLine("Monotone Meshing: " + countInfo[0] + " triangles (" + countInfo[1] + " before) in " + countInfo[2] + "ms"); countInfo = exportWorld.analyzeTriCount(ExportWorld.ALGORITHM_MONO_SAVE); console.addLine("Monotone Meshing (Save in 2D): " + countInfo[0] + " triangles (" + countInfo[1] + " before) in " + countInfo[2] + "ms"); countInfo = exportWorld.analyzeTriCount(ExportWorld.ALGORITHM_POLY2TRI); console.addLine("Poly2Tri Meshing (Without mesh fixing): " + countInfo[0] + " triangles (" + countInfo[1] + " before) in " + countInfo[2] + "ms"); } }); } }); // check for deadlock actionManager.registerAction("check_for_deadlock_toggle", new AbstractAction() { private boolean active = false; private LifeTimeThread thread; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { active = !active; if (active) { thread = new LifeTimeThread() { @Override public void loop() throws InterruptedException { // -- check for deadlocks ThreadMXBean bean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); // Returns null if no threads are deadlocked. long[] threadIds = bean.findDeadlockedThreads(); if (threadIds != null) { // retrieve up to 100 lines of stack trace ThreadInfo[] infos = bean.getThreadInfo(threadIds, 100); // print the deadlock information to file String path = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(); try { String appJarLocation = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8"); File appJar = new File(appJarLocation); String absolutePath = appJar.getAbsolutePath(); String filePath = absolutePath. substring(0, absolutePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filePath + "errorlog.txt", true),"UTF-8"))); out.println("==================="); out.println("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss")); out.println("-------------------"); out.println("Deadlock"); if (Main.isDebugMode()) { System.err.println("Deadlock"); } for (ThreadInfo info : infos) { out.println(info.toString()); // Log or store stack trace information. for (StackTraceElement ele : info.getStackTrace()) { out.println(":: " + ele.toString()); } out.println("-------------------"); if (Main.isDebugMode()) { System.err.println(info.toString()); // Log or store stack trace information. for (StackTraceElement ele : info.getStackTrace()) { System.err.println(":: " + ele.toString()); } System.err.println("======"); } } out.println(); out.close(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { // If this fails, the program is not reporting. if (Main.isDebugMode()) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (IOException ex) { // If this fails, the program is not reporting. if (Main.isDebugMode()) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // prevent further printing thread.stopThread(); } Thread.sleep(5000); } }; threadManager.manage(thread); console.addLine("Deadlock checking is activated."); } else { threadManager.remove(thread); console.addLine("Deadlock checking is deactivated."); } } }); // start/stop test mode (rapid adding/removing of voxel) actionManager.registerAction("toggle_rapid_voxel_testing",new AbstractAction() { private boolean active = false; private final Random rand = new Random(); private LifeTimeThread thread; private final int size = 9; private final int perTick = 1; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { active = !active; if (active) { thread = new LifeTimeThread() { private void toggle() { int[] pos = new int[] {rand.nextInt(size) - size/2, rand.nextInt(size) - size/2, rand.nextInt(size) - size/2}; Voxel voxel = data.searchVoxel(pos, false); if (voxel == null) { data.addVoxel(new Color(rand.nextInt()), null, pos); } else { data.removeVoxel(; } } @Override public void loop() throws InterruptedException { asyncActionManager.addAsyncAction(new AsyncAction() { @Override public void performAction() { for (int i = 0; i < perTick; i++) { toggle(); } } }); synchronized (this) { thread.wait(50); } } }; threadManager.manage(thread); console.addLine("Test activated."); } else { threadManager.remove(thread); console.addLine("Test deactivated."); } } }); // holds all console actions final HashMap<String, String> consoleAction = new HashMap<String, String>(); // needs to be all lower case consoleAction.put("/clear", "console_action_clear"); consoleAction.put("/debug exception", "create_error_for_debug"); consoleAction.put("/study", "study_object_complexity"); consoleAction.put("/check update", "force_update_check"); consoleAction.put("/test voxel", "toggle_rapid_voxel_testing"); consoleAction.put("/test camera", "toggle_rapid_camera_testing"); consoleAction.put("/texture", "texture_debug_information"); consoleAction.put("/shader", "toggle_shader_enabled"); consoleAction.put("/check deadlock", "check_for_deadlock_toggle"); consoleAction.put("/study holes", "study_holes_print_info"); consoleAction.put("/help", "display_console_commands"); actionManager.registerAction("display_console_commands", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { console.addLine("Available Commands:"); for (String action : consoleAction.keySet()) { console.addLine(" " + action); } console.addLine("-------------------"); } }); // check current content for holes and print info actionManager.registerAction("study_holes_print_info", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { HullManagerExt<Integer> hullManager = new HullManagerExt<Integer>(); for (Voxel voxel : data.getVisibleLayerVoxel()) { hullManager.update(voxel.posId, null); } boolean interiorFound = hullManager.computeExterior(); if (interiorFound) { console.addLine("Holes were detected."); console.addLine("Voxel faces with holes: " + (hullManager.getHull(0).length + hullManager.getHull(1).length + hullManager.getHull(2).length + hullManager.getHull(3).length + hullManager.getHull(4).length + hullManager.getHull(5).length)); console.addLine("Voxel faces without holes: " + (hullManager.getExteriorHull(0).length + hullManager.getExteriorHull(1).length + hullManager.getExteriorHull(2).length + hullManager.getExteriorHull(3).length + hullManager.getExteriorHull(4).length + hullManager.getExteriorHull(5).length)); } else { console.addLine("No holes were detected."); } } }); // display the currently loaded textures actionManager.registerAction("texture_debug_information", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { asyncActionManager.addAsyncAction(new AsyncAction() { @Override public void performAction() { TextureManager manager = TextureManager.getInstance(); console.addLine("Loaded Texture Information (" + manager.getTextureCount() + "):"); HashMap<Point, Integer> amounts = new HashMap<Point, Integer>(); HashMap<Point, Long> sizes = new HashMap<Point, Long>(); for (Enumeration names = manager.getNames(); names.hasMoreElements();) { String name = names.nextElement().toString(); Texture texture = manager.getTexture(name); Point dim = new Point(texture.getWidth(), texture.getHeight()); Integer count = amounts.get(dim); // must not be inline (null pointer exception) if (count == null) { count = 0; } amounts.put(dim, count + 1); Long memUsage = sizes.get(dim); if (memUsage == null) { memUsage = 0L; } memUsage += texture.getMemoryUsage(); sizes.put(dim, memUsage); } long sizeSum = 0; for (Map.Entry<Point, Integer> entry : amounts.entrySet()) { int count = entry.getValue(); Point dim = entry.getKey(); long size = sizes.get(dim); console.addLine("[" + dim.x + "," + dim.y + "]: " + count + " @ " + String.format("%,.1f", size / 1024.0) + " KB"); sizeSum += size; } console.addLine("Total Memory Usage: " + String.format("%,.1f", sizeSum / 1048576.0) + " MB"); } }); } }); // register all console actions (so debug know that they are used) for (String action : consoleAction.values()) { actionManager.registerActionIsUsed(action); } // set textarea colors inputField.setBackground(VitcoSettings.DEFAULT_DARK_BG_COLOR); inputField.setBorder( BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(0,0,1,1,VitcoSettings.DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR), BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(3,3,3,3) ) ); inputField.setForeground(VitcoSettings.SOFT_WHITE); inputField.setCaretColor(VitcoSettings.SOFT_WHITE); inputField.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { // holds previous console commands String tmpCommand = null; final ArrayList<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>(); int pos = 0; @Override public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) { super.keyPressed(e); switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case 10: String command = inputField.getText().toLowerCase().trim(); final String action = consoleAction.get(command); if (action != null) { console.addLine(command); // notify about execution commands.remove(command); // delete older position commands.add(command); // add to the end tmpCommand = null; // reset the tmp command if (commands.size() > 10) { // keep the history to 10 commands.remove(0); } pos = commands.size(); // latest position inputField.setText(""); // remove command actionManager.getAction(action).actionPerformed( // execute command new ActionEvent(e.getSource(), e.hashCode(), e.toString()) ); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: // previous command if (tmpCommand == null) { tmpCommand = inputField.getText().toLowerCase().trim(); } if (commands.size() > 0 && pos > 0) { inputField.setText(commands.get(pos-1)); pos--; } break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: // next command if (pos + 1 < commands.size()) { inputField.setText(commands.get(pos + 1)); pos++; } else if (tmpCommand != null) { inputField.setText(tmpCommand); tmpCommand = null; pos++; } break; default: break; } } }); final JPanel consolePanel = new JPanel(); consolePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); consolePanel.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); consolePanel.add(inputField, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // the console itself is in the middle panel.add(consolePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); // create menu bar to the left CommandMenuBar menuPanel = new CommandMenuBar(); menuPanel.setOrientation(1); // top down orientation menuGenerator.buildMenuFromXML(menuPanel, "com/vitco/layout/content/console/toolbar.xml"); panel.add(menuPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); // register toggle actions (auto show / auto scroll) StateActionPrototype toggleAutoShow = new StateActionPrototype() { @Override public boolean getStatus() { return scrollPane.autoShow; } @Override public void action(ActionEvent e) { scrollPane.autoShow = !scrollPane.autoShow; preferences.storeBoolean("console_auto_show_status", scrollPane.autoShow); // store in pref console.addLine( "Console Auto Show is " + (scrollPane.autoShow ? "enabled." : "disabled.") ); } }; StateActionPrototype toggleAutoScroll = new StateActionPrototype() { @Override public boolean getStatus() { return scrollPane.autoScroll; } @Override public void action(ActionEvent e) { scrollPane.autoScroll = !scrollPane.autoScroll; preferences.storeBoolean("console_auto_scroll_status", scrollPane.autoScroll); // store in pref console.addLine( "Console Auto Scroll is " + (scrollPane.autoScroll ? "enabled." : "disabled.") ); } }; actionManager.registerAction("console_toggle_auto_show", toggleAutoShow); actionManager.registerAction("console_toggle_auto_scroll", toggleAutoScroll); // register clear action AbstractAction clearConsole = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { console.clear(); // the console textArea.setText(""); // what we display } }; actionManager.registerAction("console_action_clear", clearConsole); return panel; } }