package; import com.threed.jpct.*; import com.threed.jpct.util.Light; import com.vitco.settings.DynamicSettings; import com.vitco.settings.VitcoSettings; import com.vitco.util.misc.SaveResourceLoader; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Allows access to certain features of JPCT (e.g. textures) */ public final class WorldManager { private final static TextureManager textureManager = TextureManager.getInstance(); // ------------------------------- // Manage efficient textures (they are updated without huge amount of data allocation) // links textures to their effect private static final HashMap<Texture, Effect> effectList = new HashMap<Texture, Effect>(); // an effect implementation to allow for efficient updating private final static class Effect implements ITextureEffect { private Texture texture = null; @Override public void init(Texture texture) { this.texture = texture; } BufferedImage img = null; private void setImage(BufferedImage img) { this.img = img; texture.applyEffect(); } @Override public void apply(int[] dest, int[] source) { int[] pixels = ((DataBufferInt)img.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); System.arraycopy(pixels, 0, dest, 0, pixels.length); int diff = dest.length - pixels.length; System.arraycopy(pixels, pixels.length - diff, dest, pixels.length, diff); // we don't need the reference anymore // this is here in case the setImage call is async (!) this.img = null; } @Override public boolean containsAlpha() { // needs to be true (otherwise there is a color flip happening) return true; } } // load a texture to the world (from image) public static void loadEfficientTexture(String name, BufferedImage image, boolean useAlpha) { // check if we can replace Texture texture = !containsTexture(name) ? null : textureManager.getTexture(name); if (texture == null || texture.getWidth() != image.getWidth() || texture.getHeight() != image.getHeight()) { if (texture != null) { // remove old effectList.remove(texture); } // create texture with effect texture = new Texture(image, useAlpha); Effect effect = new Effect(); texture.setEffect(effect); effectList.put(texture,effect); // load the texture loadTexture(name, texture); } else { Effect effect = effectList.get(texture); effect.setImage(image); } } public static boolean removeEfficientTexture(String name) { if (containsTexture(name)) { effectList.remove(textureManager.getTexture(name)); // remove the texture textureManager.removeTexture(name); return true; } return false; } // ------------------------------ // tiles are images that are placed on sides of voxels public static final HashMap<String, Image> tileList = new HashMap<String, Image>(); // load a tile public static void loadTile(String name, ImageIcon image) { // this cast is necessary since pixel are stored differently in imageIcons tileList.put(name, image.getImage()); } // get a tile public static Image getTile(String name) { return tileList.get(name); } // remove a tile public static boolean removeTile(String name) { return tileList.remove(name) != null; } // ------------------------------ // load a texture to the world (from string) public static void loadTexture(String name, String url, boolean useAlpha) { Image image = new SaveResourceLoader(url).asImage(); loadTexture(name, image, useAlpha); } // load a texture to the world (from image) public static void loadTexture(String name, Image image, boolean useAlpha) { Texture texture = new Texture(image, useAlpha); loadTexture(name, texture); } public static void loadTexture(String name, Texture texture) { if (textureManager.containsTexture(name)) { textureManager.replaceTexture(name, texture); } else { textureManager.addTexture(name, texture); } } public static void loadTexture(String name, ImageIcon image, boolean useAlpha) { // Create a texture from image // this cast is necessary since pixel are stored differently in imageIcons ???? BufferedImage convertedImage = new BufferedImage(image.getIconWidth(), image.getIconHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); convertedImage.getGraphics().drawImage(image.getImage(), 0, 0, null); loadTexture(name, convertedImage, useAlpha); } public static boolean containsTexture(String name) { return textureManager.containsTexture(name); } public static boolean removeTexture(String name) { if (containsTexture(name)) { // remove the texture textureManager.removeTexture(name); return true; } return false; } public static int getTextureId(String name) { return textureManager.getTextureID(name); } // --------------------------- // static constructor static { // load texture for bounding box WorldManager.loadTexture( "__grid__", new SaveResourceLoader("resource/tex/bounding_box_512.png").asImage(), false ); } // add a light-source public static Light addLight(World world, SimpleVector position, float strength) { Light light = new Light(world); light.setDiscardDistance(-1); light.setIntensity(strength, strength, strength); light.setPosition(position); return light; } // add a box to the world public static int addBox(World world, SimpleVector pos, float size, Color color) { Object3D box = Primitives.getCube(size); box.setAdditionalColor(color); box.setEnvmapped(Object3D.ENVMAP_ENABLED); box.setShadingMode(Object3D.SHADING_FAKED_FLAT); box.setCollisionMode(Object3D.COLLISION_CHECK_OTHERS); box.setOrigin(pos); box.rotateY((float) Math.PI / 4); // align correctly; world.addObject(box); return box.getID(); } // add a plane to the world // default rotation is parallel to xz-plane public static int addPlane (World world, SimpleVector pos, SimpleVector rotation, Float size, Color color, Integer alpha) { // add the world plane (ground) Object3D plane = Primitives.getPlane(1, size); plane.setCulling(false); //show from both sides plane.setTransparency(alpha); plane.setAdditionalColor(color); plane.setOrigin(pos); plane.rotateX(rotation.x + (float)Math.PI/2); plane.rotateY(rotation.y); plane.rotateZ(rotation.z); world.addObject(plane); return plane.getID(); } // get the grid plane (the result depends on the current settings!) public static Object3D getGridPlane() { // create object (container) Object3D box=new Object3D(12); // add triangles SimpleVector upperLeftFront=new SimpleVector(-1,-1,-1); SimpleVector upperRightFront=new SimpleVector(1,-1,-1); SimpleVector lowerLeftFront=new SimpleVector(-1,1,-1); SimpleVector lowerRightFront=new SimpleVector(1,1,-1); SimpleVector upperLeftBack = new SimpleVector( -1, -1, 1); SimpleVector upperRightBack = new SimpleVector(1, -1, 1); SimpleVector lowerLeftBack = new SimpleVector( -1, 1, 1); SimpleVector lowerRightBack = new SimpleVector(1, 1, 1); // scale for (SimpleVector vec : new SimpleVector[] { upperLeftFront, upperRightFront, lowerLeftFront, lowerRightFront, upperLeftBack, upperRightBack, lowerLeftBack, lowerRightBack }) { vec.x *= DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_WORLD_SIZE_X /2; vec.y *= DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_WORLD_SIZE_Y /2; vec.z *= DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_WORLD_SIZE_Z /2; } float uvX = DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_X/16f; float uvY = DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_Y/16f; float uvZ = DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_Z/16f; // Front box.addTriangle(upperLeftFront, uvX, uvY, lowerLeftFront, uvX, 0, upperRightFront, 0, uvY); // xy box.addTriangle(upperRightFront, 0, uvY, lowerLeftFront, uvX, 0, lowerRightFront, 0, 0); // Back box.addTriangle(upperLeftBack, uvX, uvY, upperRightBack, 0, uvY, lowerLeftBack, uvX, 0); box.addTriangle(upperRightBack, 0, uvY, lowerRightBack, 0, 0, lowerLeftBack, uvX, 0); // Upper box.addTriangle(upperLeftBack, uvX, uvZ, upperLeftFront, uvX, 0, upperRightBack, 0, uvZ); // xz box.addTriangle(upperRightBack, 0, uvZ, upperLeftFront, uvX, 0, upperRightFront, 0, 0); // Lower box.addTriangle(lowerLeftBack, uvX, uvZ, lowerRightBack, 0, uvZ, lowerLeftFront, uvX, 0); box.addTriangle(lowerRightBack, 0, uvZ, lowerRightFront, 0, 0, lowerLeftFront, uvX, 0); // Left box.addTriangle(upperLeftBack, uvY, uvZ, lowerLeftBack, 0, uvZ, upperLeftFront, uvY, 0); // yz box.addTriangle(lowerLeftBack, 0, uvZ, lowerLeftFront, 0, 0, upperLeftFront, uvY, 0); // Right box.addTriangle(upperRightBack, uvY, uvZ, upperRightFront, uvY, 0, lowerRightBack, 0, uvZ); box.addTriangle(lowerRightBack, 0, uvZ, upperRightFront, uvY, 0, lowerRightFront, 0, 0); // set texture box.setAdditionalColor(Color.WHITE); box.setTransparency(0); box.setTexture("__grid__"); // scale and place correctly box.setOrigin(new SimpleVector( DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_X%2 == 0 ? -0.5f * VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE : 0, -DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_WORLD_SIZE_Y /2 + VitcoSettings.VOXEL_GROUND_DISTANCE, DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_Z%2 == 0 ? -0.5f * VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE : 0 )); // make the "inside" visible box.invertCulling(true);; return box; } }