package com.vitco.export; import; import; import com.vitco.layout.content.console.ConsoleInterface; import com.vitco.util.components.progressbar.ProgressDialog; import com.vitco.util.file.FileOut; import com.vitco.util.graphic.GraphicTools; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Exporter for *.pnx voxel format */ public class PnxExporter extends AbstractExporter { // constructor public PnxExporter(File exportTo, Data data, ProgressDialog dialog, ConsoleInterface console) throws IOException { super(exportTo, data, dialog, console); } // write the file @Override protected boolean writeFile() throws IOException { // for progress display setActivity("Exporting to file...", false); // write dimension information int[] overallSize = getSize(); fileOut.writeIntRev(overallSize[0]); fileOut.writeIntRev(overallSize[1]); fileOut.writeIntRev(overallSize[2]); Integer[] layers = data.getLayers(); // write amount of layers fileOut.writeIntRev(layers.length); // data cache ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); FileOut fileOutBuffer = new FileOut(baos); // holds unique images HashMap<String, BufferedImage> images = new HashMap<String, BufferedImage>(); ArrayList<String> imageOrder = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int layerId : layers) { // write layer name String layerName = data.getLayerName(layerId); fileOutBuffer.writeIntRev(layerName.length()); fileOutBuffer.writeUTF8String(layerName); // write visible flag fileOutBuffer.writeByte((byte) (data.getLayerVisible(layerId)?1:0)); // write locked flag (not implemented yet) fileOutBuffer.writeByte((byte) 1); // get min and max of layer int[] min = new int[] {Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE}; int[] max = new int[] {Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE}; int[] size = new int[] {0, 0, 0}; boolean hasVoxel = false; for (Voxel voxel : data.getLayerVoxels(layerId)) { min[0] = Math.min(voxel.x, min[0]); min[1] = Math.min(voxel.y, min[1]); min[2] = Math.min(voxel.z, min[2]); max[0] = Math.max(voxel.x, max[0]); max[1] = Math.max(voxel.y, max[1]); max[2] = Math.max(voxel.z, max[2]); hasVoxel = true; } if (hasVoxel) { size = new int[]{max[0] - min[0] + 1, max[1] - min[1] + 1, max[2] - min[2] + 1}; } // write size fileOutBuffer.writeIntRev(size[0]); fileOutBuffer.writeIntRev(size[1]); fileOutBuffer.writeIntRev(size[2]); // write minimum fileOutBuffer.writeIntRev(min[0]); fileOutBuffer.writeIntRev(min[1]); fileOutBuffer.writeIntRev(min[2]); // write image for layer for (int x = max[0]; x > min[0] - 1; x--) { BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(size[1], size[2], BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); for (Voxel voxel : data.getVoxelsYZ(x, layerId)) { Color color = voxel.getColor(); img.setRGB(voxel.y - min[1], voxel.z - min[2], color.getRGB()); } // hash and store if necessary String md5 = GraphicTools.getHash(img); if (!images.containsKey(md5)) { images.put(md5, img); imageOrder.add(md5); } fileOutBuffer.writeIntRev(imageOrder.indexOf(md5)); } } // write images int count = imageOrder.size(); int currentCount = 0; fileOut.writeIntRev(count); for (String md5 : imageOrder) { setProgress((currentCount / (float) count) * 100); fileOut.writeImageCompressed(images.get(md5)); currentCount++; } // write data cache fileOut.writeBytes(baos.toByteArray()); // success return true; } }