package com.vitco.layout; import com.jidesoft.action.CommandMenuBar; import com.jidesoft.action.DockableBar; import com.jidesoft.action.DockableBarFactory; import com.jidesoft.action.DockableBarManager; import com.jidesoft.docking.*; import com.jidesoft.docking.event.DockableFrameAdapter; import com.jidesoft.docking.event.DockableFrameEvent; import com.jidesoft.swing.LayoutPersistence; import; import com.vitco.layout.bars.BarLinkagePrototype; import com.vitco.layout.content.console.ConsoleInterface; import com.vitco.layout.content.shortcut.ShortcutManagerInterface; import com.vitco.layout.frames.FrameLinkagePrototype; import com.vitco.layout.frames.custom.CDockableFrame; import com.vitco.manager.action.ActionManager; import com.vitco.manager.action.ComplexActionManager; import com.vitco.manager.action.types.StateActionPrototype; import com.vitco.manager.error.ErrorHandlerInterface; import; import com.vitco.manager.lang.LangSelectorInterface; import com.vitco.manager.pref.PreferencesInterface; import com.vitco.settings.VitcoSettings; import com.vitco.util.misc.SaveResourceLoader; import com.vitco.util.misc.UrlUtil; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; /* * Manages the creation of the main window. * * Defers dealing with the content of frames and bars to the in config.xml * configured classes. */ public class WindowManager extends ExtendedDockableBarDockableHolder implements WindowManagerInterface { // maps the bars to the linkage class that deals with them private Map<String, BarLinkagePrototype> barLinkageMap; // set the map @Override public final void setBarLinkageMap(Map<String, BarLinkagePrototype> map) { this.barLinkageMap = map; } // var & setter private ErrorHandlerInterface errorHandler; @Override public final void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandlerInterface errorHandler) { this.errorHandler = errorHandler; } // var & setter (can not be interface!!) protected Data data; @Override public final void setData(Data data) { = data; } // var & setter private PreferencesInterface preferences; @Override public final void setPreferences(PreferencesInterface preferences) { this.preferences = preferences; } // maps the frames to the linkage class that deals with them private Map<String, FrameLinkagePrototype> frameLinkageMap; // set the map @Override public final void setFrameLinkageMap(Map<String, FrameLinkagePrototype> map) { this.frameLinkageMap = map; } // to hook the shortcut manager to the frames private ShortcutManagerInterface shortcutManager; @Override public final void setShortcutManager(ShortcutManagerInterface shortcutManager) { this.shortcutManager = shortcutManager; } private ActionManager actionManager; // set the action handler @Override public final void setActionManager(ActionManager actionManager) { this.actionManager = actionManager; } private ComplexActionManager complexActionManager; // set the complex action handler @Override public final void setComplexActionManager(ComplexActionManager complexActionManager) { this.complexActionManager = complexActionManager; } // var & setter protected LangSelectorInterface langSelector; @Override public final void setLangSelector(LangSelectorInterface langSelector) { this.langSelector = langSelector; } // var & setter protected ConsoleInterface console; @Autowired(required=true) public final void setConsole(ConsoleInterface console) { this.console = console; } // reference to this instance final JFrame thisFrame = this; // counts how often the program was started private int start_count = 0; // prepare all frames @Override public final CDockableFrame prepareFrame(final String key) { CDockableFrame frame = null; if (frameLinkageMap.containsKey(key)) { frame = frameLinkageMap.get(key).buildFrame(key, thisFrame); // add help overlay (this is only used if this frame is floated!) JRootPane rootPane = frame.getRootPane(); final FrameHelpOverlay overlay = new FrameHelpOverlay(rootPane, actionManager, complexActionManager, langSelector); // add help button final DockableFrame finalFrame = frame; AbstractAction action = new AbstractAction("help", new SaveResourceLoader("resource/img/icons/frame_help_button_icon.png").asIconImage()) { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { if (finalFrame.isFloated()) { // for this sub-frame (if floated only) overlay.setActive(!overlay.isActive()); } else { // show help for entire window (if docked) actionManager.performWhenActionIsReady("show_help_overlay", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { actionManager.getAction("show_help_overlay").actionPerformed( new ActionEvent(e.getSource(), e.getID(), e.paramString()) ); } }); } } }; frame.setHelpAction(action); action.putValue(AbstractAction.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "Help"); // tooltip frame.addAdditionalButtonActions(action); // register the shortcuts for this frame shortcutManager.registerFrame(frame); } else { System.err.println("Error: No linkage class defined for frame \"" + key + "\""); } return frame; } // prepare all bars @Override public final CommandMenuBar prepareBar(String key) { CommandMenuBar bar = null; if (barLinkageMap.containsKey(key)) { bar = barLinkageMap.get(key).buildBar(key, thisFrame); } else { System.err.println("Error: No linkage class defined for bar \"" + key + "\""); } return bar; } // constructor public WindowManager() throws HeadlessException { super(VitcoSettings.TITLE_STRING); // save the state on exit of the program // this needs to be done BEFORE the window is closing addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(final WindowEvent e) { // execute closing action actionManager.performWhenActionIsReady("close_program_action", new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { actionManager.getAction("close_program_action").actionPerformed( new ActionEvent(e.getSource(), e.getID(), e.paramString()) ); } }); } }); } // handle cursor (global) @Override public final void setCustomCursor(Cursor cursor) { for (String frameName : getDockingManager().getAllFrames()) { getDockingManager().getFrame(frameName).setCursor(cursor); } for (DockableBar dockableBar : getDockableBarManager().getAllDockableBars()) { dockableBar.setCursor(cursor); } } @PreDestroy @Override public final void finish() { // store the boundary of the program (current window position) preferences.storeObject("program_boundary_rect", this.getBounds()); // store the startcount + 1 preferences.storeInteger("program_start_count", start_count+1); } // handle borderless logic (make floated frames borderless) private void handleBorderLess(final DockingManager dockingManager) { // list of managed floating containers final HashSet<DialogFloatingContainer> containers = new HashSet<DialogFloatingContainer>(); // the last mouse position (used to determine which container(s) need borders) final Point lastMousePos = new Point(0,0); // check if ctrl is currently pressed final boolean[] ctrlDown = new boolean[] {false}; // the container that currently has a border final DialogFloatingContainer[] activeContainer = {null}; // wrapper action to refresh the container borders final AbstractAction refreshBorderAction = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // loop over all managed containers for (DialogFloatingContainer container : containers) { // check if we need to show/hide the border and title boolean showBorder = ctrlDown[0] && container.getBounds().contains(lastMousePos); // nested check for (Component child : container.getContentPane().getComponents()) { if (child instanceof ContainerContainer) { Component[] comps = ((ContainerContainer) child).getComponents(); if (comps.length > 0) { if (comps[0] instanceof FrameContainer) { for (Component comp : ((FrameContainer) comps[0]).getComponents()) { if (comp instanceof DockableFrame) { // show/hide title bar ((DockableFrame) comp).setShowTitleBar(showBorder); // show/hide resize border (different border depending if active or inactive) container.setBorder(showBorder ? VitcoSettings.FLOATING_FRAME_BORDER : BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); } } } } } } } } }; // display the titlebar of frames when frame is docked and hide it when its floated // also handle border color change when active frame changes dockingManager.addDockableFrameListener(new DockableFrameAdapter() { @Override public void dockableFrameDocked(DockableFrameEvent dockableFrameEvent) { dockableFrameEvent.getDockableFrame().setShowTitleBar(true); } @Override public void dockableFrameFloating(DockableFrameEvent dockableFrameEvent) { dockableFrameEvent.getDockableFrame().setShowTitleBar(false); } @Override public void dockableFrameActivated(DockableFrameEvent dockableFrameEvent) { // call this to update the border color if (ctrlDown[0]) { refreshBorderAction.actionPerformed(null); // null the active container activeContainer[0] = null; } } }); // listen to mouse events Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(new AWTEventListener() { @Override public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent event) { if (event.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED) { // remember the location lastMousePos.setLocation(MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation()); if (ctrlDown[0]) { // check which container is active for (DialogFloatingContainer container : containers) { if (container.getBounds().contains(lastMousePos)) { if (activeContainer[0] != container) { // a new container is now active, we need to update activeContainer[0] = container; refreshBorderAction.actionPerformed(null); } } } } } } }, AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK); // handle keyboard events (global) KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().addKeyEventDispatcher(new KeyEventDispatcher() { @Override public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(final KeyEvent e) { // listen to ctrl events if (ctrlDown[0] != e.isControlDown()) { ctrlDown[0] = !ctrlDown[0]; // update border state refreshBorderAction.actionPerformed(null); activeContainer[0] = null; } return false; } }); // remove border from all FloatingContainer and store reference for dynamically changing them dockingManager.setFloatingContainerCustomizer(new DockingManager.FloatingContainerCustomizer() { @Override public void customize(FloatingContainer fc) { final DialogFloatingContainer dialogFloatingContainer = ((DialogFloatingContainer) fc); // always make sure this has no border dialogFloatingContainer.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); // register container containers.add(dialogFloatingContainer); } }); // toggle "highlight active frame" setting actionManager.registerAction("toggle_active_frame_highlighted", new StateActionPrototype() { @Override public void action(ActionEvent actionEvent) { CDockableFrame.setActiveFrameHighlighted(!CDockableFrame.isActiveFrameHighlighted()); preferences.storeBoolean("use_highlight_active_frame", CDockableFrame.isActiveFrameHighlighted()); for (String frame : dockingManager.getAllFrames()) { // state "null" is ignored here dockingManager.getFrame(frame).setBorder(null); } } @Override public boolean getStatus() { return CDockableFrame.isActiveFrameHighlighted(); } }); // toggle "floatable frames" actionManager.registerAction("toggle_floatable_frames", new StateActionPrototype() { @Override public void action(ActionEvent actionEvent) { CDockableFrame.setFramesFloatable(!CDockableFrame.isFramesFloatable()); preferences.storeBoolean("enable_frames_floatable", CDockableFrame.isFramesFloatable()); for (String frame : dockingManager.getAllFrames()) { // state "true" is ignored here dockingManager.getFrame(frame).setFloatable(true); } } @Override public boolean getStatus() { return CDockableFrame.isFramesFloatable(); } }); // open link to wiki actionManager.registerAction("open_website", new AbstractAction() { private String wikiUrl = ""; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { UrlUtil.openURL(console, wikiUrl); } }); // remove extra spacing of frames UIManager.getDefaults().put("FrameContainer.contentBorderInsets", new InsetsUIResource(0, 0, 0, 0)); // listen to main frame resize events and make sure the floated frames do not // disappear outside the window area (prevent frames from disappearing) thisFrame.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { Integer xOld = thisFrame.getX(); Integer yOld = thisFrame.getY(); // validate the floated frame position to be contained inside main jframe private void validateFrame(DialogFloatingContainer container) { container.setLocation( Math.max(thisFrame.getX() + 20, Math.min(thisFrame.getX() + thisFrame.getWidth() - container.getWidth() - 20, container.getLocation().x)), Math.max(thisFrame.getY() + 20, Math.min(thisFrame.getY() + thisFrame.getHeight() - container.getHeight() - 20, container.getLocation().y)) ); } @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { // make sure all floating containers are "on main JFrame" for (DialogFloatingContainer container : containers) { validateFrame(container); } } @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { // move all DialogFloatingContainer with this main JFrame int x = thisFrame.getX(); int y = thisFrame.getY(); for (DialogFloatingContainer container : containers) { Point oldPosition = container.getLocation(); container.setLocation(oldPosition.x + (x - xOld), oldPosition.y + (y - yOld)); } xOld = x; yOld = y; } }); } // set the divider size for any ContainerContainerDivider contained in hierarchy private static void setDividerSizeDeep(Container component, int value) { ArrayList<Component> components = new ArrayList<Component>(); components.add(component); while (!components.isEmpty()) { Component com = components.remove(0); if (com instanceof ContainerContainerDivider) { ((ContainerContainerDivider)com).setDividerSize(value); } if (com instanceof Container) { Collections.addAll(components, ((Container) com).getComponents()); } } } /* Focus on MainView unless the FrameHelpOverlay is shown */ private static void tryFocusOnMainView(final FrameHelpOverlay overlay, final DockingManager dockingManager) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!overlay.isActive()) { dockingManager.getFrame("mainView").requestFocus(); } } }); } @PostConstruct @Override public final void init() { if (preferences.contains("use_highlight_active_frame")) { // load active frame highlighted setting CDockableFrame.setActiveFrameHighlighted(preferences.loadBoolean("use_highlight_active_frame")); } if (preferences.contains("enable_frames_floatable")) { // load floatable frames setting CDockableFrame.setFramesFloatable(preferences.loadBoolean("enable_frames_floatable")); } if (preferences.contains("program_boundary_rect")) { // load the boundary of the program (current window position) this.setBounds((Rectangle)preferences.loadObject("program_boundary_rect")); } // default close action this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); // set the icon this.setIconImage( new SaveResourceLoader("resource/img/icons/application/paintbucket.png").asImage() ); final DockingManager dockingManager = getDockingManager(); try { DockableBarManager dockableBarManager = getDockableBarManager(); LayoutPersistence layoutPersistence = getLayoutPersistence(); // handles all the logic to make floating frames borderless handleBorderLess(dockingManager); // init loading //////////////// DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document document = builder.parse( new SaveResourceLoader("resource/layout/TopLayout.ilayout").asInputStream() ); // prepare dockableBarManager.beginLoadLayoutData(); dockingManager.beginLoadLayoutData(); // add menu bars dockableBarManager.setDockableBarFactory(new DockableBarFactory() { public DockableBar create(String key) { return prepareBar(key); } }); // add dock-able frames dockingManager.setDockableFrameFactory(new DockableFrameFactory() { public DockableFrame create(String key) { return prepareFrame(key); } }); // finish adding dockableBarManager.loadInitialLayout(document); dockingManager.loadInitialLayout(document); //////////////////// // register the shortcut action names shortcutManager.registerGlobalShortcutActions(); // load the global hotkeys shortcutManager.registerShortcuts(thisFrame, dockingManager); // try to load the saved layout layoutPersistence.beginLoadLayoutData(); byte[] layoutData = (byte[]) preferences.loadObject("custom_raw_layout_data"); layoutPersistence.setUsePref(false); if(layoutData != null) { layoutPersistence.setLayoutRawData(layoutData); } else { layoutPersistence.loadLayoutData(); } this.toFront(); // allow frames to fill empty space dockingManager.getWorkspace().setAcceptDockableFrame(true); dockingManager.setEasyTabDock(true); //dockingManager.setUseGlassPaneEnabled(false); // set the grid snap size, e.g. when dragging dockingManager.setSnapGridSize(5); // set the draggable size between frames setDividerSizeDeep(dockingManager.getDockedFrameContainer(), 2); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { errorHandler.handle(e); // should not happen } catch (SAXException e) { errorHandler.handle(e); // should not happen } catch (IOException e) { errorHandler.handle(e); // should not happen } // register help overlay for entire window JRootPane rootPane = thisFrame.getRootPane(); final FrameHelpOverlay overlay = new FrameHelpOverlay(rootPane, actionManager, complexActionManager, langSelector); overlay.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { // focus on main view again when the focus is lost, ensures that frame specific shortcuts work initially tryFocusOnMainView(overlay, getDockingManager()); } }); actionManager.registerAction("show_help_overlay", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // toggle visibility of the glass "help" pane overlay.setActive(!overlay.isActive()); } }); // display help overlay on first three start if (preferences.contains("program_start_count")) { start_count = preferences.loadInteger("program_start_count"); } if (start_count < 3) { overlay.setActive(true); } // focus main frame, ensures that frame specific shortcuts work initially tryFocusOnMainView(overlay, dockingManager); actionManager.registerAction("swap_mainView_with_xyView", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleFrameSwap("mainView", "xyView"); } }); actionManager.registerAction("swap_mainView_with_xzView", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleFrameSwap("mainView", "xzView"); } }); actionManager.registerAction("swap_mainView_with_yzView", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleFrameSwap("mainView", "yzView"); } }); actionManager.registerAction("swap_xyView_with_mainView", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleFrameSwap("xyView", "mainView"); } }); actionManager.registerAction("swap_xzView_with_mainView", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleFrameSwap("xzView", "mainView"); } }); actionManager.registerAction("swap_yzView_with_mainView", new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleFrameSwap("yzView", "mainView"); } }); } // handle swap of frames (second frame is activated) private void handleFrameSwap(String frame1, String frame2) { DockingManager dm = getDockingManager(); dm.addFrame(new DockableFrame("__dummy")); dm.moveFrame("__dummy", frame1); dm.moveFrame(frame1, frame2); dm.moveFrame(frame2, "__dummy"); dm.removeFrame("__dummy"); dm.activateFrame(frame2); } }