package com.vitco.core.container; import com.threed.jpct.*; import; import com.vitco.manager.async.AsyncAction; import com.vitco.settings.DynamicSettings; import com.vitco.settings.VitcoSettings; import com.vitco.util.graphic.G2DUtil; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; /** * Defines the final draw container that draws the rendering of animation and voxels. */ public abstract class DrawContainer extends AbstractDrawContainer { // initialize this container public final void init() { final DrawContainer container = this; // add a border to our view container.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(1, 1, 0, 1, VitcoSettings.DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR)); // register size change of container and change buffer size accordingly container.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { if (container.getWidth() > 0 && container.getHeight() > 0) { asyncActionManager.addAsyncAction(new AsyncAction() { @Override public void performAction() { cleanup(); buffer = null; // so the gc can collect before creation if necessary buffer = new HackedFrameBuffer(container.getWidth(), // increase size by one to prevent black frame container.getHeight() + 1, DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE); container.notifyAboutResize(container.getWidth(), container.getHeight()); container.doNotSkipNextWorldRender(); forceRepaint(); } }); } } }); } // set resolution of this container (refresh buffer) public final void refreshBuffer() { asyncActionManager.addAsyncAction(new AsyncAction() { @Override public void performAction() { int w = buffer.getWidth(), h = buffer.getHeight(); buffer = null; // so the gc can collect before creation if necessary buffer = new HackedFrameBuffer(w, h, DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE); } }); } // cleanup this container public final void cleanup() { buffer.disableRenderer(IRenderer.RENDERER_OPENGL); buffer.dispose(); } // define some basic functions protected abstract void forceRepaint(); protected abstract boolean updateGhostOverlay(); protected abstract SimpleVector[][] getGhostOverlay(); protected abstract void refreshVoxels(boolean b); // --------------------------- // wrapper private void drawFadingLine(Graphics2D ig, SimpleVector[] vectors, int i, int j, Color color, float distance, float[] zRange) { float range1 = (vectors[i].z-zRange[0])/distance; float range2 = (vectors[j].z-zRange[0])/distance; ig.setPaint(new GradientPaint( Math.round(vectors[i].x), Math.round(vectors[i].y), new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), Math.round(55 + range1*150)), Math.round(vectors[j].x), Math.round(vectors[j].y), new Color(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), Math.round(55 + range2*150)), false)); ig.drawLine(Math.round(vectors[i].x), Math.round(vectors[i].y), Math.round(vectors[j].x), Math.round(vectors[j].y)); } // wrapper private void drawLine(Graphics2D g, SimpleVector start, SimpleVector stop, Color color) { final Graphics2D ig = (Graphics2D)g.create(); ig.setColor(color); ig.drawLine(Math.round(start.x), Math.round(start.y), Math.round(stop.x), Math.round(stop.y)); ig.dispose(); } private static final Stroke drawingStroke1 = new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 0, null, 0); private static final Stroke drawingStroke2 = new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 0, new float[]{4}, 0); // wrapper private void drawDashLine(Graphics2D g, SimpleVector start, SimpleVector stop, Color color1, Color color2) { final Graphics2D ig = (Graphics2D)g.create(); ig.setStroke(drawingStroke1); ig.setColor(color1); ig.drawLine(Math.round(start.x), Math.round(start.y), Math.round(stop.x), Math.round(stop.y)); ig.setStroke(drawingStroke2); ig.setColor(color2); ig.drawLine(Math.round(start.x), Math.round(start.y), Math.round(stop.x), Math.round(stop.y)); ig.dispose(); } // helper private boolean drawBoxOutline(float[] center, float[] range, Color color1, Color color2, Graphics2D ig, boolean useFading) { // true if the bounding box was drawn successfully boolean valid = true; // true if the text should be drawn boolean drawText = false; // how the bounding box is drawn depends on the view switch (side) { // draw any boxes for the side views as simple 2D rectangles in the zero layer case 0:case 1:case 2: { SimpleVector[] vectors; if (side == 0) { vectors = new SimpleVector[]{ new SimpleVector(center[0] + range[0], center[1] + range[1], 0), new SimpleVector(center[0] + range[0], center[1] - range[1], 0), new SimpleVector(center[0] - range[0], center[1] - range[1], 0), new SimpleVector(center[0] - range[0], center[1] + range[1], 0) }; } else if (side == 1) { vectors = new SimpleVector[]{ new SimpleVector(center[0] + range[0], 0, center[2] - range[2]), new SimpleVector(center[0] + range[0], 0, center[2] + range[2]), new SimpleVector(center[0] - range[0], 0, center[2] + range[2]), new SimpleVector(center[0] - range[0], 0, center[2] - range[2]) }; } else { vectors = new SimpleVector[]{ new SimpleVector(0, center[1] + range[1], center[2] + range[2]), new SimpleVector(0, center[1] + range[1], center[2] - range[2]), new SimpleVector(0, center[1] - range[1], center[2] - range[2]), new SimpleVector(0, center[1] - range[1], center[2] + range[2]) }; } for (int i = 0; i < vectors.length; i++) { // scale and convert the points vectors[i].scalarMul(VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE); vectors[i] = convert3D2D(vectors[i]); // check that valid if (vectors[i] == null) { valid = false; } } if (valid) { // draw the cube ig.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL)); // line size if (useFading) { drawLine(ig, vectors[0], vectors[1], color1); drawLine(ig, vectors[1], vectors[2], color1); drawLine(ig, vectors[2], vectors[3], color1); drawLine(ig, vectors[3], vectors[0], color1); } else { drawDashLine(ig, vectors[0], vectors[1], color1, color2); drawDashLine(ig, vectors[1], vectors[2], color1, color2); drawDashLine(ig, vectors[2], vectors[3], color1, color2); drawDashLine(ig, vectors[3], vectors[0], color1, color2); drawText = true; } } } break; // draw any boxes in 3D default: { // define the points of the voxel SimpleVector[] vectors = new SimpleVector[] { new SimpleVector(center[0] + range[0], center[1] + range[1], center[2] + range[2]), new SimpleVector(center[0] + range[0], center[1] + range[1], center[2] - range[2]), new SimpleVector(center[0] + range[0], center[1] - range[1], center[2] - range[2]), new SimpleVector(center[0] + range[0], center[1] - range[1], center[2] + range[2]), new SimpleVector(center[0] - range[0], center[1] + range[1], center[2] + range[2]), new SimpleVector(center[0] - range[0], center[1] + range[1], center[2] - range[2]), new SimpleVector(center[0] - range[0], center[1] - range[1], center[2] - range[2]), new SimpleVector(center[0] - range[0], center[1] - range[1], center[2] + range[2]) }; for (int i = 0; i < vectors.length; i++) { // scale and convert the points vectors[i].scalarMul(VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE); vectors[i] = convert3D2D(vectors[i]); // check that valid if (vectors[i] == null) { valid = false; } } if (valid) { // calculate the z range float[] zRange = new float[] {vectors[0].z, vectors[0].z}; // min and max z value for (int i = 1; i < 8; i ++) { zRange[0] = Math.min(vectors[i].z, zRange[0]); zRange[1] = Math.max(vectors[i].z, zRange[1]); } float distance = zRange[1] - zRange[0]; // draw the cube ig.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL)); // line size if (useFading) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { drawFadingLine(ig, vectors, i, (i + 1) % 4, color1, distance, zRange); drawFadingLine(ig, vectors, i + 4, (i + 1) % 4 + 4, color1, distance, zRange); drawFadingLine(ig, vectors, i, i + 4, color1, distance, zRange); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { drawDashLine(ig, vectors[i], vectors[(i + 1) % 4], color1, color2); drawDashLine(ig, vectors[i + 4], vectors[(i + 1) % 4 + 4], color1, color2); drawDashLine(ig, vectors[i], vectors[i + 4], color1, color2); } drawText = true; } } } break; } if (drawText) { // duplicate since we are drawing the range drawCoordinates(ig, range[2] * 2, range[1] * 2, range[0] * 2); } return valid; } private void drawCoordinates(Graphics2D ig, float v1, float v2, float v3) { // draw size text ig = (Graphics2D) ig.create(); String str1 = String.valueOf(((int) (v1))); String str2 = String.valueOf(((int) (v2))); String str3 = String.valueOf(((int) (v3))); ig.setFont(ig.getFont().deriveFont(18f).deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); float len1 = (float) ig.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(str1, ig).getWidth(); float len2 = (float) ig.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(str2 + ", " + str1, ig).getWidth(); float len3 = (float) ig.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(str3 + ", " + str2 + ", " + str1, ig).getWidth(); ig.setColor(Color.BLACK); ig.drawString(str1, this.getWidth() - len1 - 14 - 1, 28 - 1); ig.drawString(str1, this.getWidth() - len1 - 14 + 1, 28 - 1); ig.drawString(str1, this.getWidth() - len1 - 14 - 1, 28 + 1); ig.drawString(str1, this.getWidth() - len1 - 14 + 1, 28 + 1); ig.drawString(str2, this.getWidth() - len2 - 14 - 1, 28 - 1); ig.drawString(str2, this.getWidth() - len2 - 14 + 1, 28 - 1); ig.drawString(str2, this.getWidth() - len2 - 14 - 1, 28 + 1); ig.drawString(str2, this.getWidth() - len2 - 14 + 1, 28 + 1); ig.drawString(str3, this.getWidth() - len3 - 14 - 1, 28 - 1); ig.drawString(str3, this.getWidth() - len3 - 14 + 1, 28 - 1); ig.drawString(str3, this.getWidth() - len3 - 14 - 1, 28 + 1); ig.drawString(str3, this.getWidth() - len3 - 14 + 1, 28 + 1); ig.setColor(VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_AXIS_COLOR_Z); ig.drawString(str1, this.getWidth() - len1 - 14, 28); ig.setColor(VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_AXIS_COLOR_Y); ig.drawString(str2, this.getWidth() - len2 - 14, 28); ig.setColor(VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_AXIS_COLOR_X); ig.drawString(str3, this.getWidth() - len3 - 14, 28); ig.dispose(); } // draw overlay for voxels private void drawVoxelOverlay(Graphics2D ig) { // Anti-alias ig.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); // draw the select rect if (selectedRect != null) { ig.setColor(Color.WHITE); ig.drawRect(selectedRect.x, selectedRect.y, selectedRect.width, selectedRect.height); } if (highlighted != null && isActive()) { // draw the highlighted voxel coordinates drawCoordinates(ig, highlighted[2], highlighted[1], highlighted[0]); } for (int[][] outlinedRect : outlineBoxed) { float[] center = new float[]{ (outlinedRect[0][0] + outlinedRect[1][0]) / 2f, (outlinedRect[0][1] + outlinedRect[1][1]) / 2f, (outlinedRect[0][2] + outlinedRect[1][2]) / 2f }; float[] range = new float[]{ Math.abs(outlinedRect[0][0] - outlinedRect[1][0]) / 2f + 0.5f, Math.abs(outlinedRect[0][1] - outlinedRect[1][1]) / 2f + 0.5f, Math.abs(outlinedRect[0][2] - outlinedRect[1][2]) / 2f + 0.5f }; drawBoxOutline(center, range, new Color(outlinedRect[2][0]), new Color(outlinedRect[2][1]), ig, false); } // draw the preview voxel int[] voxel = highlighted; // draw selected voxel (ghost / preview voxel) if (voxel != null) { Color previewColor = VitcoSettings.VOXEL_PREVIEW_LINE_COLOR; // // try to find the voxel color // List<Voxel> list = float[] {voxel[0], voxel[1], voxel[2]}, ZEROS); // if (list.size() > 0) { // Voxel voxelObject3D = list.get(0); // if (ColorTools.perceivedBrightness(voxelObject3D.getColor()) < 130) { // previewColor = VitcoSettings.VOXEL_PREVIEW_LINE_COLOR_BRIGHT; // } // } boolean valid = drawBoxOutline(highlightedFloat, defaultVoxel, previewColor, null, ig, true); if (valid) { // draw the highlighted side (grid) if (previewPlane != -1) { // calculate center and some variables int RANGE = 4; float shift = (previewPlane%2 == 0 ? 0.5f : -0.5f); int plane = previewPlane / 2; // the "grid" is set to the zero plane for the side views SimpleVector center = new SimpleVector( side == 2 ? 0 : voxel[0] + (plane == 2 ? shift : 0), side == 1 ? 0 : voxel[1] + (plane == 1 ? shift : 0), side == 0 ? 0 : voxel[2] + (plane == 0 ? shift : 0) ); // calculate the points SimpleVector[] points = new SimpleVector[(RANGE*2 - 1) * 4]; float[] range = new float[]{-RANGE, RANGE + 1}; int c = 0; for (int i = -RANGE + 1; i < RANGE; i++) { for (float j : range) { points[c] = center.calcAdd(new SimpleVector( (plane != 2 ? i - 0.5 : 0), (plane != 1 ? j - 0.5 : 0), (plane == 1 ? j - 0.5 : (plane == 2 ? i - 0.5 : 0)) )); points[c].scalarMul(VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE); points[c] = convert3D2D(points[c]); points[c+1] = center.calcAdd(new SimpleVector( (plane != 2 ? j - 0.5 : 0), (plane != 1 ? i - 0.5 : 0), (plane == 1 ? i - 0.5 : (plane == 2 ? j - 0.5 : 0)) )); points[c+1].scalarMul(VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE); points[c+1] = convert3D2D(points[c+1]); if (points[c] == null || points[c+1] == null) { valid = false; } c+=2; } } if (valid) { // draw the lines float halfLen = points.length/((float)8); Color transColor = new Color(previewColor.getRed(), previewColor.getGreen(), previewColor.getBlue(), 0); for (int i = 0, len = points.length/4; i < len; i++) { float alpha = (halfLen-Math.abs(i-halfLen))/halfLen; Color visColor = new Color( previewColor.getRed(), previewColor.getGreen(), previewColor.getBlue(), Math.min(255,Math.max(0,Math.round(100*alpha)))); ig.setPaint(new GradientPaint( Math.round(points[i*4].x), Math.round(points[i*4].y), transColor, Math.round((points[i*4].x + points[i*4 + 2].x)/2), Math.round((points[i*4].y + points[i*4 + 2].y)/2), visColor, true)); ig.drawLine(Math.round(points[i*4].x), Math.round(points[i*4].y), Math.round(points[i*4 + 2].x), Math.round(points[i*4 + 2].y)); ig.setPaint(new GradientPaint( Math.round(points[i*4 + 1].x), Math.round(points[i*4 + 1].y), transColor, Math.round((points[i*4 + 1].x + points[i*4 + 3].x)/2), Math.round((points[i*4 + 1].y + points[i*4 + 3].y)/2), visColor, true)); ig.drawLine(Math.round(points[i*4 + 1].x), Math.round(points[i*4 + 1].y), Math.round(points[i*4 + 3].x), Math.round(points[i*4 + 3].y)); } } } } } } // draw dynamic overlay on top of the openGL private void drawAnimationOverlay(Graphics2D ig) { // Anti-alias ig.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); // store lines and points ArrayList<ExtendedVector[]> objects = new ArrayList<ExtendedVector[]>(); // add lines for (ExtendedVector[] line : data.getLines()) { // line points are set to zero planes for side views line = line.clone(); line[0] = new ExtendedVector(line[0]); line[1] = new ExtendedVector(line[1]); if (side == 2) { line[0].x = 0; line[1].x = 0; } if (side == 1) { line[0].y = 0; line[1].y = 0; } if (side == 0) { line[0].z = 0; line[1].z = 0; } ExtendedVector point2da = convertExt3D2D(line[0]); ExtendedVector point2db = convertExt3D2D(line[1]); if (point2da != null && point2db != null) { ExtendedVector mid = new ExtendedVector(point2da.calcAdd(point2db), 0); mid.scalarMul(DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE_DIVIDEND); objects.add(new ExtendedVector[] {point2da, point2db, mid}); } } // add preview line ExtendedVector[] preview_line = data.getPreviewLine(); boolean connected = preview_line != null && data.areConnected(preview_line[0].id, preview_line[1].id); if (preview_line != null && !connected) { // line points are set to zero planes for side views preview_line = preview_line.clone(); preview_line[0] = new ExtendedVector(preview_line[0]); preview_line[1] = new ExtendedVector(preview_line[1]); if (side == 2) { preview_line[0].x = 0; preview_line[1].x = 0; } if (side == 1) { preview_line[0].y = 0; preview_line[1].y = 0; } if (side == 0) { preview_line[0].z = 0; preview_line[1].z = 0; } ExtendedVector point2da = convertExt3D2D(preview_line[0]); ExtendedVector point2db = convertExt3D2D(preview_line[1]); if (point2da != null && point2db != null) { ExtendedVector mid = new ExtendedVector(point2da.calcAdd(point2db), 0); mid.scalarMul(DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE_DIVIDEND); objects.add(new ExtendedVector[] {point2da, point2db, mid}); } } // add points for (ExtendedVector point : data.getPoints()) { // points are set to zero planes for side views point = new ExtendedVector(point); if (side == 2) { point.x = 0; } if (side == 1) { point.y = 0; } if (side == 0) { point.z = 0; } ExtendedVector point2d = convertExt3D2D(point); if (point2d != null) { objects.add(new ExtendedVector[] {point2d}); } } // sort the data Collections.sort(objects, new Comparator<ExtendedVector[]>() { @Override public int compare(ExtendedVector[] o1, ExtendedVector[] o2) { if (o1.length == 3 && o2.length == 3) { // two lines return (int) Math.signum(o1[2].z - o2[2].z); } else if (o1.length == 1 && o2.length == 1) { // two points return (int) Math.signum(o1[0].z - o2[0].z); } else if (o1.length == 1 && o2.length == 3) { // point and line float diff = o1[0].z - o2[2].z; return Math.abs(diff) < 0.00000001 ? 1 : (int)Math.signum(diff); // point to front if equal } else if (o1.length == 3 && o2.length == 1) { // line and point float diff = o1[2].z - o2[0].z; return Math.abs(diff) < 0.00000001 ? -1 : (int)Math.signum(diff); // point to front if equal } return 0; } }); // draw all points and lines int selected_point = data.getSelectedPoint(); int highlighted_point = data.getHighlightedPoint(); for (ExtendedVector[] object : objects) { if (object.length == 1) { if (object[0].id == selected_point) { // selected G2DUtil.drawPoint(object[0], ig, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_DOT_SEL_INNER_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_DOT_SEL_OUTER_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_CIRCLE_RADIUS, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_CIRCLE_BORDER_SIZE); } else if (object[0].id == highlighted_point) { // highlighted G2DUtil.drawPoint(object[0], ig, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_DOT_HL_INNER_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_DOT_HL_OUTER_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_CIRCLE_RADIUS, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_CIRCLE_BORDER_SIZE); } else { // default G2DUtil.drawPoint(object[0], ig, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_DOT_INNER_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_DOT_OUTER_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_CIRCLE_RADIUS, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_CIRCLE_BORDER_SIZE); } } else { if (preview_line != null && ((object[0].id == preview_line[0].id && object[1].id == preview_line[1].id) || (object[0].id == preview_line[1].id && object[1].id == preview_line[0].id))) { G2DUtil.drawLine(object[0], object[1], ig, connected ? VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_LINE_PREVIEW_REMOVE_COLOR : VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_LINE_PREVIEW_ADD_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_LINE_OUTER_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_LINE_SIZE); } else { G2DUtil.drawLine(object[0], object[1], ig, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_LINE_INNER_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_LINE_OUTER_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_LINE_SIZE); } } } } // wrapper private void drawAxeHalf(SimpleVector unitVector, boolean invert, Graphics2D ig, Color innerColor, Color outerColor, float size, int offsetX, int offsetY ) { G2DUtil.drawLine( new SimpleVector((invert?-1:1)*unitVector.x*15 + offsetX, (invert?-1:1)*unitVector.y*15 + offsetY, 0), new SimpleVector((invert?-1:1)*unitVector.x*3 + offsetX, (invert?-1:1)*unitVector.y*3 + offsetY, 0), ig, innerColor, outerColor, size ); } // called for content that only changes when the opengl content changes private void drawLinkedOverlay(final Graphics2D ig) { // Anti-alias ig.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); // draw the bounding box if (drawBoundingBox) { drawBoundingBox(ig, side); } int offsetX = 25; int offsetY = 25; // // this moves the axis (red blue green) to the corner of the bounding box (main view) // if (side == -1) { // // need to convert this vector to static // SimpleVector pos = // convert3D2D(new SimpleVector( // (DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_X - 0.5) * VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE, VitcoSettings.HALF_VOXEL_SIZE, // (DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_Z - 0.5) * VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE)); // if (pos != null) { // offsetX = Math.round(pos.x); // offsetY = Math.round(pos.y); // } // } // draw axis into corner (top left) Matrix matrix = camera.getBack(); ExtendedVector[] vec = new ExtendedVector[]{ new ExtendedVector(1, 0, 0, 0), new ExtendedVector(0, 1, 0, 1), new ExtendedVector(0, 0, 1, 2) }; for (ExtendedVector v : vec) { v.matMul(matrix); } Arrays.sort(vec, new Comparator<ExtendedVector>() { @Override public int compare(ExtendedVector o1, ExtendedVector o2) { return (int) Math.signum(o1.z - o2.z); } }); for (ExtendedVector v : vec) { drawAxeHalf(v, true, ig, ( == 0 ? VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_AXIS_COLOR_X : ( == 1 ? VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_AXIS_COLOR_Y : VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_AXIS_COLOR_Z)), VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_AXIS_OUTER_COLOR, VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_AXIS_LINE_SIZE, offsetX, offsetY ); } // draw center cross if (drawBoundingBox || side != -1) { ig.setColor(VitcoSettings.ANIMATION_CENTER_CROSS_COLOR); ig.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); SimpleVector center = convert3D2D(new SimpleVector(0,0,0)); if (center != null) { ig.drawLine(Math.round(center.x - 5), Math.round(center.y), Math.round(center.x + 5), Math.round(center.y)); ig.drawLine(Math.round(center.x), Math.round(center.y - 5), Math.round(center.x), Math.round(center.y + 5)); } } } // draw so that we can also see the outline of the // box in the front (where the textured grid is hidden) private void drawBoundingBox(Graphics2D gr, int side) { // Anti-alias gr.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); switch (side) { // draw the bounding box for the side views as a simple 2D rectangle in the zero layer case 0: case 1: case 2: { SimpleVector[] vectors; if (side == 0) { vectors = new SimpleVector[] { new SimpleVector(DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_X, 0.5f, 0), new SimpleVector(DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_X, -DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_Y +0.5f, 0), new SimpleVector(-DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_X, -DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_Y +0.5f, 0), new SimpleVector(-DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_X, 0.5f, 0) }; } else if (side == 1) { vectors = new SimpleVector[] { new SimpleVector(DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_X, 0, -DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_Z), new SimpleVector(-DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_X, 0, -DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_Z), new SimpleVector(-DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_X, 0, DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_Z), new SimpleVector(DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_X, 0, DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_Z) }; } else { vectors = new SimpleVector[] { new SimpleVector(0, -DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_Y +0.5f, -DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_Z), new SimpleVector(0, 0.5f, -DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_Z), new SimpleVector(0, 0.5f, DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_Z), new SimpleVector(0, -DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_Y +0.5f, DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_RANGE_Z) }; } boolean valid = true; for (int i = 0; i < vectors.length; i++) { // scale and convert the points if (DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_X%2 == 0) { // necessary if the center voxel is not the true center vectors[i].x -= 0.5f; } if (DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_Z%2 == 0) { // necessary if the center voxel is not the true center vectors[i].z -= 0.5f; } vectors[i].scalarMul(VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE); vectors[i] = convert3D2D(vectors[i]); // check that valid if (vectors[i] == null) { valid = false; } } if (valid) { // draw the rect gr.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL)); // line size drawLine(gr, vectors[0], vectors[1], VitcoSettings.BOUNDING_BOX_COLOR); drawLine(gr, vectors[1], vectors[2], VitcoSettings.BOUNDING_BOX_COLOR); drawLine(gr, vectors[2], vectors[3], VitcoSettings.BOUNDING_BOX_COLOR); drawLine(gr, vectors[3], vectors[0], VitcoSettings.BOUNDING_BOX_COLOR); } } break; // draw the bounding box in 3D view default: { // get an instance that we can modify SimpleVector[] vectors = new SimpleVector[14]; boolean valid = true; for (int i = 0; i < vectors.length; i++) { // scale and convert the points vectors[i] = getVectorsStatic(i); vectors[i].y += 0.5f / DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_Y; vectors[i].x *= DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_WORLD_SIZE_X; vectors[i].y *= DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_WORLD_SIZE_Y; vectors[i].z *= DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_WORLD_SIZE_Z; if (DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_X%2 == 0) { // necessary if the center voxel is not the true center vectors[i].x -= 0.5f * VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE; } if (DynamicSettings.VOXEL_PLANE_SIZE_Z%2 == 0) { // necessary if the center voxel is not the true center vectors[i].z -= 0.5f * VitcoSettings.VOXEL_SIZE; } vectors[i] = convert3D2D(vectors[i]); // check that valid if (vectors[i] == null) { valid = false; } } if (valid) { // calculate the z range float[] zRange = new float[]{vectors[0].z, vectors[0].z}; // min and max z value for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { zRange[0] = Math.min(vectors[i].z, zRange[0]); zRange[1] = Math.max(vectors[i].z, zRange[1]); } float distance = zRange[1] - zRange[0]; // draw the cube gr.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL)); // line size for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { drawFadingLine(gr, vectors, i, (i + 1) % 4, VitcoSettings.BOUNDING_BOX_COLOR, distance, zRange); drawFadingLine(gr, vectors, i + 4, (i + 1) % 4 + 4, VitcoSettings.BOUNDING_BOX_COLOR, distance, zRange); drawFadingLine(gr, vectors, i, i + 4, VitcoSettings.BOUNDING_BOX_COLOR, distance, zRange); } // draw center dots for bounding box gr.setColor(Color.WHITE); gr.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL)); // line size for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { gr.drawLine(Math.round(vectors[8+i].x), Math.round(vectors[8+i].y), Math.round(vectors[8+i].x), Math.round(vectors[8+i].y)); } } } break; } } // --------------------------- // constructor public DrawContainer(int side) { super(side); // initialize the drawing buffer notifyAboutResize(100, 100); } // handle the resize of this container and // update all variables accordingly public void notifyAboutResize(int width, int height) { toDraw = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics gr = toDraw.getGraphics(); gr.setColor(bgColor); gr.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); gr.dispose(); // the overlay overlayBuffer = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); // draw the lines overlayBufferGraphics = (Graphics2D)overlayBuffer.getGraphics(); // Anti-alias overlayBufferGraphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); // bg color to clear overlayBufferGraphics.setBackground(new Color(0,0,0,0)); // set color overlayBufferGraphics.setColor(VitcoSettings.GHOST_VOXEL_OVERLAY_LINE_COLOR); overlayBufferGraphics.setStroke( new BasicStroke(1f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 0, new float[]{4,5}, 2)); hasResized = true; } // enable shader for this container private boolean enableShade = false; public void enableShader(boolean state) { enableShade = state; } // expose the z buffer of this container public final int[] getZBuffer() { return buffer.getZBuffer(); } // exposes the pixel array public final int[] getPixels() { return buffer.getPixels(); } // get the image currently rendered in high quality public final BufferedImage getImage() { Config.useFramebufferWithAlpha = true; HackedFrameBuffer fb = new HackedFrameBuffer(getWidth()*2, getHeight()*2, FrameBuffer.SAMPLINGMODE_NORMAL); Config.useFramebufferWithAlpha = false; fb.clear(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); world.renderScene(fb); world.draw(fb); fb.update(); int w = fb.getWidth() * 2; int[] zBuffer = fb.getZBuffer(); //requires hacked framebuffer int[] pixels = fb.getPixels(); // fix t-junction anomalies for (int c = w + 1; c < zBuffer.length - w - 1; c++) { int x = zBuffer[c] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x5 = zBuffer[c-w] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x3 = zBuffer[c+w] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x1 = zBuffer[c-1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x7 = zBuffer[c+1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x2 = zBuffer[c-w - 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x8 = zBuffer[c-w + 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x0 = zBuffer[c+w - 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x6 = zBuffer[c+w + 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (Math.abs(x1 - x7) < 100000 && Math.abs(x1 - x) > 100000) { pixels[c] = pixels[c-1]; } else if (Math.abs(x5 - x3) < 100000 && Math.abs(x5 - x) > 100000) { pixels[c] = pixels[c-w]; } else if (Math.abs(x0 - x8) < 100000 && Math.abs(x0 - x) > 100000) { pixels[c] = pixels[c+w-1]; } else if (Math.abs(x2 - x6) < 100000 && Math.abs(x2 - x) > 100000) { pixels[c] = pixels[c-w-1]; } } BufferedImage largeResult = new BufferedImage(fb.getWidth(), fb.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); fb.display(largeResult.getGraphics()); // resize BufferedImage result = new BufferedImage(largeResult.getWidth()/2, largeResult.getHeight()/2, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g2d = result.createGraphics(); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2d.drawImage(largeResult, 0, 0, largeResult.getWidth()/2, largeResult.getHeight()/2, null); g2d.dispose(); return result; } // get the image currently rendered in high quality public final BufferedImage getDepthImage() { HackedFrameBuffer fb = new HackedFrameBuffer(getWidth(), getHeight(), FrameBuffer.SAMPLINGMODE_OGSS); fb.clear(); world.renderScene(fb); world.draw(fb); fb.update(); BufferedImage largeResult = new BufferedImage(fb.getWidth()*2, fb.getHeight()*2, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); int w = fb.getWidth() * 2; int[] zBuffer = fb.getZBuffer(); //requires hacked framebuffer // compute mean int count = 0; long mean = 0; for (int aZBuffer : zBuffer) { if (aZBuffer != -2147483647) { mean += aZBuffer; count++; } } mean /= count; // compute std deviation long sum = 0; for (int aZBuffer : zBuffer) { if (aZBuffer != -2147483647) { sum += Math.pow(aZBuffer - mean, 2); } } double stdDev = Math.sqrt(sum/(double)count); // compute min and max for non outliers int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE, max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int aZBuffer : zBuffer) { if (Math.abs(aZBuffer - mean) < 4*stdDev) { min = Math.min(min, aZBuffer); max = Math.max(max, aZBuffer); } } int range = max - min; // fix t-junction anomalies for (int c = w + 1; c < zBuffer.length - w - 1; c++) { int x = zBuffer[c] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x5 = zBuffer[c-w] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x3 = zBuffer[c+w] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x1 = zBuffer[c-1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x7 = zBuffer[c+1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x2 = zBuffer[c-w - 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x8 = zBuffer[c-w + 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x0 = zBuffer[c+w - 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x6 = zBuffer[c+w + 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (Math.abs(x1 - x7) < 100000 && Math.abs(x1 - x) > 100000) { zBuffer[c] = zBuffer[c-1]; } else if (Math.abs(x5 - x3) < 100000 && Math.abs(x5 - x) > 100000) { zBuffer[c] = zBuffer[c-w]; } else if (Math.abs(x0 - x8) < 100000 && Math.abs(x0 - x) > 100000) { zBuffer[c] = zBuffer[c+w-1]; } else if (Math.abs(x2 - x6) < 100000 && Math.abs(x2 - x) > 100000) { zBuffer[c] = zBuffer[c-w-1]; } } // compute values for (int c = 0; c < zBuffer.length; c++) { if (zBuffer[c] != -2147483647) { int val = (int) Math.min(255,Math.max(0, ((zBuffer[c] - min) ) / (range/255f) )); //if (c%w < largeResult.getWidth() && c/w < largeResult.getHeight()) largeResult.setRGB((c % w), (c / w), new Color(val, val, val, 255).getRGB()); } } // resize BufferedImage result = new BufferedImage(largeResult.getWidth()/2, largeResult.getHeight()/2, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g2d = result.createGraphics(); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g2d.drawImage(largeResult, 0, 0, largeResult.getWidth()/2, largeResult.getHeight()/2, null); g2d.dispose(); return result; } // draw shader private void drawShader() { // draw depth outline (software "shader") // idea: int w = buffer.getWidth() * DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE_MULTIPLICAND; int factor = w * DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE_MULTIPLICAND * DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE_MULTIPLICAND; int[] zBuffer = buffer.getZBuffer(); //requires hacked framebuffer @SuppressWarnings("MismatchedReadAndWriteOfArray") int[] pixels = buffer.getPixels(); for (int c = w*2 + 2; c < zBuffer.length - w*2 - 2; c++) { int x = zBuffer[c] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (x != 0) { int x5 = zBuffer[c-w] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x3 = zBuffer[c+w] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x1 = zBuffer[c-1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x7 = zBuffer[c+1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x2 = zBuffer[c-w - 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x8 = zBuffer[c-w + 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x0 = zBuffer[c+w - 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x6 = zBuffer[c+w + 1] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; // move one more outwards int x5t = zBuffer[c-2*w] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x3t = zBuffer[c+2*w] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x1t = zBuffer[c-2] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x7t = zBuffer[c+2] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x2t = zBuffer[c-2*w - 2] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x8t = zBuffer[c-2*w + 2] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x0t = zBuffer[c+2*w - 2] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int x6t = zBuffer[c+2*w + 2] + Integer.MAX_VALUE; int p1 = Math.abs(x1 - x7)/10; int p2 = Math.abs(x5 - x3)/10; int p3 = Math.abs(x0 - x8)/10; int p4 = Math.abs(x2 - x6)/10; int val = (Math.abs(x7 - x7t) < p1 && Math.abs(x1 - x1t) < p1 ? 1 : 0) + (Math.abs(x5 - x5t) < p2 && Math.abs(x3 - x3t) < p2 ? 1 : 0) + (Math.abs(x0 - x0t) < p3 && Math.abs(x8 - x8t) < p3 ? 1 : 0) + (Math.abs(x2 - x2t) < p4 && Math.abs(x6 - x6t) < p4 ? 1 : 0); if (val == 2 || val == 3) { pixels[(c/factor)*w + (c/DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE_MULTIPLICAND)%w] = 0; c += DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE_MULTIPLICAND -1; } else { int xP = x + 100; int xM = x - 100; int s = ((x1t > xP && x7 > xP) || (x1t < xM && x7t < xM) ? 1 : 0) + ((x5t > xP && x3 > xP) || (x5t < xM && x3t < xM) ? 1 : 0) + ((x2t > xP && x6 > xP) || (x2t < xM && x6t < xM) ? 1 : 0) + ((x0t > xP && x8 > xP) || (x0t < xM && x8t < xM) ? 1 : 0); if (s == 2 || s == 3) { pixels[(c/factor)*w + (c/DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE_MULTIPLICAND)%w] = 0; c += DynamicSettings.SAMPLING_MODE_MULTIPLICAND -1; } } } } } // render the content of this container public final void render() { if (skipNextWorldRender && !doNotSkipNextWorldRender) { skipNextWorldRender = false; } else { if (doNotSkipNextWorldRender) { doNotSkipNextWorldRender = false; skipNextWorldRender = false; } buffer.clear(bgColor); if (drawWorld && world != null) { refreshVoxels(false); world.renderScene(buffer); if (useWireFrame) { world.drawWireframe(buffer, VitcoSettings.WIREFRAME_COLOR); } else { world.draw(buffer); if (drawSelectedVoxels) { // only draw selected voxels if enables selectedVoxelsWorld.drawAsShiftedWireframe(buffer, VitcoSettings.SELECTED_VOXEL_WIREFRAME_COLOR, VitcoSettings.SELECTED_VOXEL_WIREFRAME_COLOR_SHIFTED); } } } buffer.update(); if (drawOverlay && camera != null) { // overlay part 1 drawLinkedOverlay((Graphics2D) buffer.getGraphics()); // refreshes with OpenGL } // draw the shader if enabled if (enableShade) { drawShader(); } } Graphics2D gr = (Graphics2D) toDraw.getGraphics(); buffer.display(gr); // draw the under/overlay (voxels in parallel planes) if (drawGhostOverlay) { drawGhostOverlay(gr, cameraChanged, hasResized); } if (drawOverlay && drawAnimationOverlay && data != null) { // overlay part 2 drawAnimationOverlay(gr); // refreshes with animation data } if (drawOverlay && drawVoxelOverlay) { drawVoxelOverlay(gr); } gr.dispose(); // // debug // if (Main.isDebugMode()) { // gr.drawString(String.valueOf(world.getVisibilityList().getSize()), buffer.getWidth() - 40, 20); // } cameraChanged = false; // camera is current for this redraw hasResized = false; // no resize pending } // handle the redrawing of this component // Note1: this MUSTN'T have any call to synchronized // Note2: this method should be super fast to execute, // otherwise we might have many pending repaint events // in the queue! @Override protected final void paintComponent(Graphics g1) { if (toDraw != null) { g1.drawImage(toDraw, 0, 0, null); } else { g1.setColor(bgColor); g1.fillRect(0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); } this.setRepainting(false); if (needRepainting) { needRepainting = false; this.resetSkipRenderFlags(); if (skipNextWorldRenderBuffer) { this.skipNextWorldRender(); } if (doNotSkipNextWorldRenderBuffer) { this.doNotSkipNextWorldRender(); } forceRepaint(); } } // draw some ghosting lines (the voxel outline) private void drawGhostOverlay(Graphics2D g1, boolean cameraChanged, boolean hasResized) { boolean updated = updateGhostOverlay(); if (updated || cameraChanged || hasResized) { // clear the previous drawings overlayBufferGraphics.clearRect(0,0,overlayBuffer.getWidth(),overlayBuffer.getHeight()); // draw for (SimpleVector[] line : getGhostOverlay()) { SimpleVector p1 = convert3D2D(line[0]); SimpleVector p2 = convert3D2D(line[1]); overlayBufferGraphics.drawLine(Math.round(p1.x), Math.round(p1.y), Math.round(p2.x), Math.round(p2.y)); } } g1.drawImage(overlayBuffer, 0, 0, null); } }