/* This file is part of VoltDB. * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 VoltDB Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.voltcore.zk; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.IntStream; import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.ZooKeeper; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.voltcore.common.Constants; import org.voltcore.logging.VoltLogger; import org.voltcore.messaging.HostMessenger; import org.voltdb.StartAction; import org.voltdb.probe.MeshProber; import com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Charsets; public class TestStateMachine extends ZKTestBase { private final int NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES = 4; enum stateMachines { SMI1, SMI2 }; private final String stateMachineManagerRoot = "/test/db/States"; VoltLogger log = new VoltLogger("HOST"); SynchronizedStatesManager[] m_stateMachineGroup1 = new SynchronizedStatesManager[NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES]; SynchronizedStatesManager[] m_stateMachineGroup2 = new SynchronizedStatesManager[NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES]; BooleanStateMachine[] m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1 = new BooleanStateMachine[NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES]; BooleanStateMachine[] m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2 = new BooleanStateMachine[NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES]; ByteStateMachine[] m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2 = new ByteStateMachine[NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES]; Boolean[] rawBooleanStates = new Boolean[] {false, true}; ByteBuffer[] bsm_states = new ByteBuffer[] {ByteBuffer.wrap(rawBooleanStates[0].toString().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)), ByteBuffer.wrap(rawBooleanStates[1].toString().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8))}; byte[] rawByteStates = new byte[] {100, 110, 120}; ByteBuffer[] msm_states = new ByteBuffer[] {ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{rawByteStates[0]}), ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{rawByteStates[1]}), ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{rawByteStates[2]})}; final String defaultTaskResult = "FINISHED THE WORK"; private String [] coordinators; private MeshProber criteria; byte getNextByteState(byte oldState) { for (int ii=0; ii<rawByteStates.length; ii++) { if (rawByteStates[ii] == oldState) { return rawByteStates[(ii+1)%rawByteStates.length]; } } fail("The above should always resolve to a transition"); return 0; } public void addStateMachinesFor(int Site) { addStateMachinesFor(Site, false, false, false); } public void addStateMachinesFor(int Site, boolean g1BooleanBroken, boolean g2BooleanBroken, boolean g2ByteBroken) { String siteString = "zkClient" + Integer.toString(Site); try { // Create a SynchronizedStatesManager to manage a single BooleanStateMachine SynchronizedStatesManager ssm1 = new SynchronizedStatesManager(m_messengers.get(Site).getZK(), stateMachineManagerRoot, "ssm1", siteString); m_stateMachineGroup1[Site] = ssm1; BooleanStateMachine bsm1 = g1BooleanBroken ? new BrokenBooleanStateMachine(ssm1, "bool") : new BooleanStateMachine(ssm1, "bool"); m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[Site] = bsm1; // Create a SynchronizedStatesManager to manage both a BooleanStateMachine and ByteStateMachine SynchronizedStatesManager ssm2 = new SynchronizedStatesManager(m_messengers.get(Site).getZK(), stateMachineManagerRoot, "ssm2", siteString, stateMachines.values().length); m_stateMachineGroup2[Site] = ssm2; BooleanStateMachine bsm2 = g2BooleanBroken ? new BrokenBooleanStateMachine(ssm2, "bool") : new BooleanStateMachine(ssm2, "bool"); m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[Site] = bsm2; ByteStateMachine msm2 = g2ByteBroken ? new BrokenByteStateMachine(ssm2, "byte") : new ByteStateMachine(ssm2, "byte"); m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[Site] = msm2; } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) { // Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void removeStateMachinesFor(int Site) { m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[Site] = null; m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[Site] = null; m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[Site] = null; m_stateMachineGroup1[Site] = null; m_stateMachineGroup2[Site] = null; } public void registerGroup1BoolFor(int Site) throws InterruptedException { m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[Site].registerStateMachineWithManager(bsm_states[0]); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { setUpZK(NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES); coordinators = IntStream.range(0, NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES) .mapToObj(i -> ":" + (i+Constants.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_PORT)) .toArray(s -> new String[s]); criteria = MeshProber.builder() .coordinators(coordinators) .startAction(StartAction.PROBE) .hostCount(NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES) .build(); ZooKeeper zk = m_messengers.get(0).getZK(); ZKUtil.addIfMissing(zk, "/test", CreateMode.PERSISTENT, null); ZKUtil.addIfMissing(zk, "/test/db", CreateMode.PERSISTENT, null); ZKUtil.addIfMissing(zk, stateMachineManagerRoot, CreateMode.PERSISTENT, null); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { // Clearing the arrays will deallocate the state machines for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } tearDownZK(); } public void failSite(int site) throws Exception { removeStateMachinesFor(site); m_messengers.get(site).shutdown(); m_messengers.set(site, null); } public void recoverSite(int site) throws Exception { HostMessenger.Config config = new HostMessenger.Config(); config.internalPort += site; config.acceptor = criteria; int clientPort = m_ports.next(); config.zkInterface = "" + clientPort; m_siteIdToZKPort.put(site, clientPort); config.networkThreads = 1; HostMessenger hm = new HostMessenger(config, null); hm.start(); MeshProber.prober(hm).waitForDetermination(); m_messengers.set(site, hm); addStateMachinesFor(site); } class BooleanStateMachine extends SynchronizedStatesManager.StateMachineInstance { volatile boolean initialized = false; boolean makeProposal = false; boolean startTask = false; volatile int proposalsOrTasksCompleted = 0; volatile boolean ourProposalOrTaskFinished = false; boolean acceptProposalOrTask = true; boolean justHoldTheLock = false; boolean ignoreProposal = false; ByteBuffer proposed; volatile boolean state; boolean correlatedTask = true; final String taskString = "DO SOME WORK"; String taskResultString = defaultTaskResult; volatile Map<String, ByteBuffer> correlatedResults; volatile List<ByteBuffer> uncorrelatedResults; boolean notifiedOfReset = false; boolean isDirectVictim; volatile boolean staleTaskRequestProcessed = false; public boolean toBoolean(ByteBuffer buff) { byte[] b = new byte[buff.remaining()]; buff.get(b, 0, b.length); String str = new String(b); return Boolean.valueOf(str); } public ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(boolean b) { String str = Boolean.toString(b); return ByteBuffer.wrap(str.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); } public BooleanStateMachine(SynchronizedStatesManager ssm, String instanceName) { ssm.super(instanceName, log); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool initialization", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } @Override protected void membershipChanged(Set<String> addedHosts, Set<String> removedHosts) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool membership change", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } @Override protected void setInitialState(ByteBuffer currentAgreedState) { state = toBoolean(currentAgreedState); initialized = true; assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool initial state notification", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } @Override protected void lockRequestCompleted() { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool distributed lock notification", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); if (justHoldTheLock) { justHoldTheLock = false; } else { if (makeProposal) { proposed = toByteBuffer(!state); proposeStateChange(proposed); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool delayed state change request", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } else { assertTrue(startTask); proposed = ByteBuffer.wrap(taskString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); initiateCoordinatedTask(correlatedTask, proposed); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool delayed task request", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } } } @Override protected void stateChangeProposed(ByteBuffer proposedState) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool state change notification", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); if (!ignoreProposal) { requestedStateChangeAcceptable(acceptProposalOrTask); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool state change acceptance", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } if (!acceptProposalOrTask) { acceptProposalOrTask = true; proposalsOrTasksCompleted++; } } @Override protected void proposedStateResolved(boolean ourProposal, ByteBuffer proposedState, boolean success) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool state change resolution", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); assertTrue("Test state inconsistent with state machine", ourProposal == makeProposal); if (success) { state = toBoolean(proposedState); } if (ourProposal) { makeProposal = false; ourProposalOrTaskFinished = true; } acceptProposalOrTask = true; proposalsOrTasksCompleted++; } void switchState() { ourProposalOrTaskFinished = false; makeProposal = true; if (requestLock()) { proposed = toByteBuffer(!state); proposeStateChange(proposed); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool state change request", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } } @Override protected void taskRequested(ByteBuffer taskRequest) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool task notification", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); assertTrue(taskRequest.equals(ByteBuffer.wrap(taskString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)))); if (!ignoreProposal) { ByteBuffer completedResult = ByteBuffer.wrap(taskResultString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); requestedTaskComplete(completedResult); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool task completion", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } } @Override protected void correlatedTaskCompleted(boolean ourTask, ByteBuffer taskRequest, Map<String, ByteBuffer> results) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool correlated task completion", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); assertTrue(taskRequest.equals(ByteBuffer.wrap(taskString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)))); assertTrue(ourTask == startTask); startTask = false; acceptProposalOrTask = true; taskResultString = defaultTaskResult; correlatedResults = results; if (ourTask) { startTask = false; ourTask = false; ourProposalOrTaskFinished = true; } proposalsOrTasksCompleted++; } @Override protected void uncorrelatedTaskCompleted(boolean ourTask, ByteBuffer taskRequest, List<ByteBuffer> results) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool uncorrelated task completion", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); assertTrue(taskRequest.equals(ByteBuffer.wrap(taskString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)))); assertTrue(ourTask == startTask); correlatedTask = true; startTask = false; acceptProposalOrTask = true; taskResultString = defaultTaskResult; uncorrelatedResults = results; if (ourTask) { ourProposalOrTaskFinished = true; startTask = false; ourTask = false; } proposalsOrTasksCompleted++; } void startTask() { ourProposalOrTaskFinished = false; correlatedResults = null; uncorrelatedResults = null; startTask = true; if (requestLock()) { proposed = ByteBuffer.wrap(taskString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); initiateCoordinatedTask(correlatedTask, proposed); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after bool task request", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } } @Override protected void staleTaskRequestNotification(ByteBuffer proposedTask) { } @Override protected String stateToString(ByteBuffer state) { byte[] b = new byte[state.remaining()]; state.get(b, 0, b.length); return new String(b); } @Override protected String taskToString(ByteBuffer task) { byte[] b = new byte[task.remaining()]; task.get(b, 0, b.length); return new String(b); } @Override protected ByteBuffer notifyOfStateMachineReset(boolean isDirectVictim) { this.isDirectVictim = isDirectVictim; staleTaskRequestProcessed = false; makeProposal = false; startTask = false; proposalsOrTasksCompleted = 0; ourProposalOrTaskFinished = false; acceptProposalOrTask = true; justHoldTheLock = false; ignoreProposal = false; correlatedTask = true; notifiedOfReset = true; return bsm_states[0]; // FALSE as reset state } } class BrokenBooleanStateMachine extends BooleanStateMachine { String brokenCallbackName = "DEFAULT"; public BrokenBooleanStateMachine(SynchronizedStatesManager ssm, String instanceName) { super(ssm, instanceName); } @Override protected void setInitialState(ByteBuffer currentAgreedState) { if (brokenCallbackName.equals("setInitialState")) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { super.setInitialState(currentAgreedState); } } @Override protected void taskRequested(ByteBuffer taskRequest) { if (brokenCallbackName.equals("taskRequested")) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { super.taskRequested(taskRequest); } } @Override protected void correlatedTaskCompleted(boolean ourTask, ByteBuffer taskRequest, Map<String, ByteBuffer> results) { if (brokenCallbackName.equals("correlatedTaskCompleted")) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { super.correlatedTaskCompleted(ourTask, taskRequest, results); } } @Override protected void uncorrelatedTaskCompleted(boolean ourTask, ByteBuffer taskRequest, List<ByteBuffer> results) { if (brokenCallbackName.equals("uncorrelatedTaskCompleted")) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { super.uncorrelatedTaskCompleted(ourTask, taskRequest, results); } } @Override protected void lockRequestCompleted() { if (brokenCallbackName.equals("lockRequestCompleted")) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { super.lockRequestCompleted(); } } @Override protected void membershipChanged(Set<String> addedHosts, Set<String> removedHosts) { if (brokenCallbackName.equals("membershipChanged")) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { super.membershipChanged(addedHosts, removedHosts); } } @Override protected void stateChangeProposed(ByteBuffer proposedState) { if (brokenCallbackName.equals("stateChangeProposed")) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { super.stateChangeProposed(proposedState); } } @Override protected void staleTaskRequestNotification(ByteBuffer proposedTask) { if (brokenCallbackName.equals("staleTaskRequestNotification")) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { super.staleTaskRequestNotification(proposedTask); staleTaskRequestProcessed = true; } } @Override protected void proposedStateResolved(boolean ourProposal, ByteBuffer proposedState, boolean success) { if (brokenCallbackName.equals("proposedStateResolved")) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { super.proposedStateResolved(ourProposal, proposedState, success); } } } class ByteStateMachine extends SynchronizedStatesManager.StateMachineInstance { volatile boolean initialized = false; boolean makeProposal = false; boolean startTask = false; volatile int proposalsOrTasksCompleted = 0; volatile boolean ourProposalOrTaskFinished = false; boolean acceptProposalOrTask = true; boolean justHoldTheLock = false; boolean ignoreProposal = false; ByteBuffer proposed; volatile byte state; boolean correlatedTask = true; final String taskString = "DO SOME OTHER WORK"; String taskResultString = defaultTaskResult; volatile Map<String, ByteBuffer> correlatedResults; volatile List<ByteBuffer> uncorrelatedResults; boolean notifiedOfReset = false; boolean isDirectVictim; public byte toByte(ByteBuffer buff) { return buff.get(); } public ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(byte b) { byte[] arr = new byte[] {b}; return ByteBuffer.wrap(arr); } public ByteStateMachine(SynchronizedStatesManager ssm, String instanceName) { ssm.super(instanceName, log); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte initialization", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } @Override protected void membershipChanged(Set<String> addedHosts, Set<String> removedHosts) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte membership change", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } @Override protected void setInitialState(ByteBuffer currentAgreedState) { state = toByte(currentAgreedState); initialized = true; assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte initial state notification", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } @Override protected void lockRequestCompleted() { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte distributed lock notification", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); if (justHoldTheLock) { justHoldTheLock = false; } else { if (makeProposal) { proposed = toByteBuffer(getNextByteState(state)); proposeStateChange(proposed); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte delayed state change request", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } else { assertTrue(startTask); proposed = ByteBuffer.wrap(taskString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); initiateCoordinatedTask(correlatedTask, proposed); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte delayed task request", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } } } @Override protected void stateChangeProposed(ByteBuffer proposedState) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte state change notification", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); if (!ignoreProposal) { requestedStateChangeAcceptable(acceptProposalOrTask); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte state change acceptance", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } if (!acceptProposalOrTask) { acceptProposalOrTask = true; proposalsOrTasksCompleted++; } } @Override protected void proposedStateResolved(boolean ourProposal, ByteBuffer proposedState, boolean success) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte state change resolution", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); if (success) { state = toByte(proposedState); } if (ourProposal) { makeProposal = false; ourProposalOrTaskFinished = true; } proposalsOrTasksCompleted++; } void switchState() { ourProposalOrTaskFinished = false; makeProposal = true; if (requestLock()) { proposed = toByteBuffer(getNextByteState(state)); proposeStateChange(proposed); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte state change request", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } } @Override protected void taskRequested(ByteBuffer taskRequest) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte task notification", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); assertTrue(taskRequest.equals(ByteBuffer.wrap(taskString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)))); if (!ignoreProposal) { ByteBuffer completedResult = ByteBuffer.wrap(taskResultString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); requestedTaskComplete(completedResult); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte task completion", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } } @Override protected void correlatedTaskCompleted(boolean ourTask, ByteBuffer taskRequest, Map<String, ByteBuffer> results) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte correlated task completion", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); assertTrue(taskRequest.equals(ByteBuffer.wrap(taskString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)))); assertTrue(ourTask == startTask); assertTrue(!ourTask || correlatedTask); startTask = false; acceptProposalOrTask = true; taskResultString = defaultTaskResult; correlatedResults = results; if (ourTask) { ourTask = false; startTask = false; ourProposalOrTaskFinished = true; } proposalsOrTasksCompleted++; } @Override protected void uncorrelatedTaskCompleted(boolean ourTask, ByteBuffer taskRequest, List<ByteBuffer> results) { assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte uncorrelated task completion", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); assertTrue(taskRequest.equals(ByteBuffer.wrap(taskString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)))); assertTrue(ourTask == startTask); assertFalse(ourTask || correlatedTask); correlatedTask = true; startTask = false; acceptProposalOrTask = true; taskResultString = defaultTaskResult; uncorrelatedResults = results; if (ourTask) { ourTask = false; startTask = false; ourProposalOrTaskFinished = true; } proposalsOrTasksCompleted++; } void startTask() { correlatedResults = null; uncorrelatedResults = null; startTask = true; ourProposalOrTaskFinished = false; if (requestLock()) { proposed = ByteBuffer.wrap(taskString.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); initiateCoordinatedTask(correlatedTask, proposed); assertFalse("State machine local lock held after byte task request", debugIsLocalStateLocked()); } } @Override protected void staleTaskRequestNotification(ByteBuffer proposedTask) { } @Override protected String stateToString(ByteBuffer state) { return Byte.toString(state.get()); } @Override protected String taskToString(ByteBuffer task) { byte[] b = new byte[task.remaining()]; task.get(b, 0, b.length); return new String(b); } @Override protected ByteBuffer notifyOfStateMachineReset(boolean isDirectVictim) { this.isDirectVictim = isDirectVictim; makeProposal = false; startTask = false; proposalsOrTasksCompleted = 0; ourProposalOrTaskFinished = false; acceptProposalOrTask = true; justHoldTheLock = false; ignoreProposal = false; correlatedTask = true; notifiedOfReset = true; return msm_states[0]; // 100 as reset state } } class BrokenByteStateMachine extends ByteStateMachine { String brokenCallbackName = "DEFAULT"; public BrokenByteStateMachine(SynchronizedStatesManager ssm, String instanceName) { super(ssm, instanceName); } @Override protected void stateChangeProposed(ByteBuffer proposedState) { if (brokenCallbackName.equals("stateChangeProposed")) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { super.stateChangeProposed(proposedState); } } } boolean boolProposalOrTaskFinished(BooleanStateMachine[] machines, int expectedCompletions) { for (BooleanStateMachine sm : machines) { if (sm != null) { if (sm.proposalsOrTasksCompleted != expectedCompletions) { return false; } } } return true; } boolean boolsSynchronized(BooleanStateMachine[] machines) { Boolean firstState = null; for (BooleanStateMachine sm : machines) { if (sm != null) { if (firstState == null) { firstState = new Boolean(sm.state); } else if (sm.state != firstState) { return false; } } } return true; } boolean boolsTaskCorrelatedResultsAgree(BooleanStateMachine[] machines, int expectedCompletions) { Map<String, ByteBuffer> firstCorrelatedResult = null; for (BooleanStateMachine sm : machines) { if (sm != null) { if (sm.proposalsOrTasksCompleted != expectedCompletions) return false; if (firstCorrelatedResult == null) { firstCorrelatedResult = sm.correlatedResults; } else if (!firstCorrelatedResult.equals(sm.correlatedResults)) { return false; } } } return firstCorrelatedResult != null; } boolean boolsTaskUncorrelatedResultsAgree(BooleanStateMachine[] machines, int expectedCompletions) { List<ByteBuffer> firstUncorrelatedResult = null; for (BooleanStateMachine sm : machines) { if (sm != null) { if (sm.proposalsOrTasksCompleted != expectedCompletions) return false; if (firstUncorrelatedResult == null) { firstUncorrelatedResult = sm.uncorrelatedResults; } else if (!firstUncorrelatedResult.equals(sm.uncorrelatedResults)) { return false; } } } return firstUncorrelatedResult != null; } boolean boolsInitialized(BooleanStateMachine[] machines) { for (BooleanStateMachine sm : machines) { if (sm != null) { if (!sm.initialized) { return false; } } } return true; } boolean bytesSynchronized(ByteStateMachine[] machines) { Byte firstState = null; for (ByteStateMachine sm : machines) { if (sm != null) { if (firstState == null) { firstState = new Byte(sm.state); } else if (sm.state != firstState) { return false; } } } return true; } boolean byteProposalOrTaskFinished(ByteStateMachine[] machines, int expectedCompletions) { for (ByteStateMachine sm : machines) { if (sm != null) { if (sm.proposalsOrTasksCompleted != expectedCompletions) { return false; } } } return true; } boolean bytesInitialized(ByteStateMachine[] machines) { for (ByteStateMachine sm : machines) { if (sm != null) { if (!sm.initialized) { return false; } } } return true; } @Test public void testSingleNodeStateChange() { log.info("Starting testSuccessfulStateChange"); try { m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1] = null; m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[2] = null; m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[3] = null; registerGroup1BoolFor(0); while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i0.state; i0.switchState(); int ii = 0; for (; ii < 10; ii++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(ii < 10); assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertTrue(i0.state == newVal); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testSuccessfulStateChange() { log.info("Starting testSuccessfulStateChange"); try { for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i0.state; i0.switchState(); int ii = 0; for (; ii < 10; ii++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(ii < 10); assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertTrue(i0.state == newVal); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testSingleRejectedProposal() { log.info("Starting testSingleRejectedProposal"); try { BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } i1.acceptProposalOrTask = false; assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i0.state; i0.switchState(); int ii = 0; for (; ii < 10; ii++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(ii < 10); assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertFalse(i0.state == newVal); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testAllRejectedProposal() { log.info("Starting testAllRejectedProposal"); try { BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; BooleanStateMachine i2 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[2]; BooleanStateMachine i3 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[3]; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } i1.acceptProposalOrTask = false; i2.acceptProposalOrTask = false; i3.acceptProposalOrTask = false; assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i0.state; i0.switchState(); int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertFalse(i0.state == newVal); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testVerifyProposerCantReject() { log.info("Starting testVerifyProposerCantReject"); try { BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } i0.acceptProposalOrTask = false; assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i0.state; i0.switchState(); int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); assertTrue(i0.state == newVal); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testLateJoiner() { log.info("Starting testLateJoiner"); try { BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1] = null; registerGroup1BoolFor(0); registerGroup1BoolFor(2); registerGroup1BoolFor(3); while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i0.state; i0.switchState(); for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(i0.state == newVal); // Initialize last state machine m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1] = i1; registerGroup1BoolFor(1); int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); // make sure it came up assertTrue(boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); // make sure the updated state is consistent assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testAllLateJoiners() { log.info("Starting testAllLateJoiners"); try { BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; BooleanStateMachine i2 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[2]; BooleanStateMachine i3 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[3]; m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0] = null; m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[2] = null; m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[3] = null; registerGroup1BoolFor(1); while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i1.state; i1.switchState(); for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) { if (i1.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(i1.state == newVal); // Initialize last state machine m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0] = i0; m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[2] = i2; m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[3] = i3; registerGroup1BoolFor(0); registerGroup1BoolFor(2); registerGroup1BoolFor(3); int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); // make sure it came up assertTrue(boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); // make sure the updated state is consistent assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertTrue(i0.state == newVal); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testRecoverFromDeadHostHoldingLock() { log.info("Starting testRecoverFromDeadHostHoldingLock"); try { BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(bsm_states[0]); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i0.state; i0.switchState(); int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); assertTrue(i0.state == newVal); i0.requestLock(); // Don't propose anything. Just keep the lock and reset justHoldTheLock when we have the lock i1.justHoldTheLock = true; // i1 should not get the lock because i0 is holding it assertFalse(i1.requestLock()); i0 = null; failSite(0); Thread.sleep(2000); // After i0 fails, i1 should have been notified that it has the lock assertFalse(i1.justHoldTheLock); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testRecoverFromContendingDeadHostRequestingLock() { log.info("Starting testRecoverFromContendingDeadHostRequestingLock"); try { BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; BooleanStateMachine i2 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[2]; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(bsm_states[0]); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i0.state; i0.justHoldTheLock = true; i0.requestLock(); i1.justHoldTheLock = true; // t1 should not get the lock because t0 is holding it assertFalse(i1.requestLock()); i2.switchState(); i1 = null; failSite(1); Thread.sleep(1000); i0.cancelLockRequest(); // After i1 fails and i0 release the lock i2's state change should be applied int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (i2.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); assertTrue(i0.state == newVal); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testRoundRobinStates() { log.info("Starting testRoundRobinStates"); try { ByteStateMachine i0 = m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[0]; ByteStateMachine i1 = m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[1]; ByteStateMachine i2 = m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[2]; ByteStateMachine i3 = m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[3]; // For any site all state machine instances must be registered before it participates with other sites for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(bsm_states[0]); m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(msm_states[0]); } while (!bytesInitialized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(bytesSynchronized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)); i0.switchState(); // will be rawByteStates[1] for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && bytesSynchronized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assert(i0.state == rawByteStates[1]); i1.switchState(); // will be rawByteStates[2] i2.switchState(); // will be rawByteStates[0] i3.switchState(); // will be rawByteStates[1] i0.switchState(); // will be rawByteStates[2] // We should now be back in the original state int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && bytesSynchronized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); assertTrue(i2.state == rawByteStates[2]); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testMultipleStateMachines() { log.info("Starting testMultipleStateMachines"); try { BooleanStateMachine g1i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine g2i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[0]; ByteStateMachine g2j0 = m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[0]; ByteStateMachine g2j1 = m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[1]; // For any site all state machine instances must be registered before it participates with other sites for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(bsm_states[0]); m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(msm_states[0]); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2)); while (!bytesInitialized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(bytesSynchronized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)); // StateMachine Group 2 is stable. Change some states in Group 2 and start up the Group 1 g2j0.switchState(); // set Group 2 Byte State to rawByteStates[1] g2i0.switchState(); // set Group 2 Bool State to true g2j1.switchState(); // set Group 2 Byte State to rawByteStates[2] for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(bsm_states[0]); } // Make sure group 1 is stable int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1) && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop<10); // Change state of Group1 g1i0.switchState(); // set Group 1 Bool State to true // Now make sure all Group1 and Group2 state changes were successful waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2, 1) && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2) && byteProposalOrTaskFinished(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2, 2) && bytesSynchronized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2) && boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1) && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); // Verify that the group2 state machine instances updated while group 1 was initializing assertTrue(g2i0.state); assertTrue(g2j0.state == rawByteStates[2]); assertTrue(g1i0.state); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testCallbackExceptionCorrectlyResetOtherStateMachines() { log.info("Starting testCallbackExceptionCorrectlyResetOtherStateMachines"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, false, true, false); for (int ii = 1; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine g2i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[0]; g2i0.brokenCallbackName = "stateChangeProposed"; BooleanStateMachine g2i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[1]; ByteStateMachine g2j0 = m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[0]; ByteStateMachine g2j1 = m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[1]; // For any site all state machine instances must be registered before it participates with other sites for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(bsm_states[0]); m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(msm_states[0]); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2)); while (!bytesInitialized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(bytesSynchronized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)); // StateMachine Group 2 is stable. Change some states in Group 2 and start up the Group 1 g2j0.switchState(); // set Group 2 Byte State to rawByteStates[1] g2j1.switchState(); // set Group 2 Byte State to rawByteStates[2] while (!byteProposalOrTaskFinished(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2, 2) || !bytesSynchronized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)) { Thread.sleep(500); } g2i1.switchState(); // set Group 2 Bool State to true, will trigger the reset int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 5; waitLoop++) { if (boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2, 1) && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 should have never stepped into proposedStateResolved because of the reset, so the actual // completion count is 0, hence the timeout, but the state will be correctly switched after the reset assertEquals(5, waitLoop); assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2)); assertTrue(g2i0.state); assertTrue(g2i0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(1, g2i0.getResetCounter()); assertTrue(g2i0.isDirectVictim); // Verify that the group2 byte state machine at site 0 was also reset, and reinitialized with correct state assertTrue(bytesSynchronized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)); assertEquals(rawByteStates[2], g2j0.state); assertTrue(g2j0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(1, g2j0.getResetCounter()); assertFalse(g2j0.isDirectVictim); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testHandleMultipleCallbackExceptionHandlerFromDifferentSMI() { log.info("Starting testHandleMultipleCallbackExceptionHandlerFromDifferentSMI"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, false, true, true); for (int ii = 1; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine g2i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[0]; g2i0.brokenCallbackName = "stateChangeProposed"; BooleanStateMachine g2i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[1]; BrokenByteStateMachine g2j0 = (BrokenByteStateMachine) m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[0]; g2j0.brokenCallbackName = "stateChangeProposed"; ByteStateMachine g2j1 = m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[1]; // For any site all state machine instances must be registered before it participates with other sites for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(bsm_states[0]); m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2[ii].registerStateMachineWithManager(msm_states[0]); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2)); while (!bytesInitialized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(bytesSynchronized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)); g2i1.switchState(); // set Group 2 Bool State to true, will trigger the reset g2j1.switchState(); // set Group 2 Byte State to 110, will also trigger the reset int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 5; waitLoop++) { if (boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2, 1) && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 should have never stepped into proposedStateResolved because of the reset, so the actual // completion count is 0, hence the timeout, but the state will be correctly switched after the reset assertEquals(5, waitLoop); assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup2)); assertTrue(g2i0.state); assertTrue(g2i0.notifiedOfReset); // when the handler for the second exception is executed, reinitialization caused by the first // exception may or may not have completed; if it is completed, the handler will be ignored, hence // only 1 reset, otherwise there will be 2 resets assertTrue(g2i0.getResetCounter() == 1 || g2i0.getResetCounter() == 2); assertTrue(bytesSynchronized(m_byteStateMachinesForGroup2)); assertEquals(rawByteStates[1], g2j0.state); assertTrue(g2j0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(g2i0.getResetCounter(), g2j0.getResetCounter()); // only one of the two state machines will be direct victim at a time, depending on the resets executed assertTrue(g2i0.isDirectVictim ^ g2j0.isDirectVictim); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testFailureDuringProposalStateChange() { log.info("Starting testFailureDuringProposalStateChange"); try { BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } i0.ignoreProposal = true; assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i0.state; i1.switchState(); // Verify that state was not transitioned int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 5; waitLoop++) { if (i1.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop == 5); assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertFalse(i1.state); // Fail i0 i0 = null; failSite(0); waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (i1.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); assertTrue(i1.state == newVal); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testFailureDuringProposedTask() { log.info("Starting testFailureDuringProposedTask"); try { BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } i0.ignoreProposal = true; assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); i1.startTask(); // Verify that state was not transitioned int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 5; waitLoop++) { if (i1.ourProposalOrTaskFinished || i1.correlatedResults != null) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop == 5); assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); // Fail i0 i0 = null; failSite(0); waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (i1.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolsTaskCorrelatedResultsAgree(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testSuccessfulUncorrelatedWithStateChangeTask() { log.info("Starting testSuccessfulUncorrelatedWithStateChangeTask"); try { for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); i0.correlatedTask = false; i0.startTask(); // after task add a usually contending state change i1.switchState(); boolean taskAndSwitchCompleted = false; int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (i1.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 2) && boolsTaskUncorrelatedResultsAgree(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 2)) { taskAndSwitchCompleted = true; break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); assertTrue(taskAndSwitchCompleted); assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertTrue(i0.state); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testSuccessfulCorrelatedTask() { log.info("Starting testSuccessfulCorrelatedTask"); try { for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); i0.correlatedTask = true; i0.startTask(); boolean taskCompleted = false; int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolsTaskCorrelatedResultsAgree(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1)) { taskCompleted = true; break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); assertTrue(taskCompleted); assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testSingleTaskWithOneUniqueResult() { log.info("Starting testSingleTaskWithOneUniqueResult"); try { BooleanStateMachine i0 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } i1.acceptProposalOrTask = false; assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); boolean newVal = !i0.state; i0.switchState(); int waitLoop = 0; for (; waitLoop < 10; waitLoop++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(waitLoop < 10); assertFalse(i0.state == newVal); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testResetIfExceptionInSetInitialState() { log.info("Starting testResetIfExceptionInSetInitialState"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, true, false, false); for (int ii = 1; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; i0.brokenCallbackName = "setInitialState"; assertEquals(0, i0.getResetCounter()); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } int ii = 0; for (; ii < 5; ii++) { if (boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 should have never been initialized successfully assertEquals(5, ii); // i0 should have reached the reset limit assertTrue(i0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(6, i0.getResetCounter()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testResetIfExceptionInTaskRequested() { log.info("Starting testResetIfExceptionInTaskRequested"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, true, false, false); for (int ii = 1; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; i0.brokenCallbackName = "taskRequested"; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertEquals(0, i0.getResetCounter()); // let i1 start a task so that i0 will be notified via taskRequested() i1.startTask(); i0.switchState(); int ii = 0; for (; ii < 5; ii++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 2)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 should have never incremented the completion count because it will be reset upon i1's task request assertEquals(5, ii); // i0's switch should fail because it won't have got the lock before being reset // i0's state should have been reinitialized to false with consensus assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertFalse(i0.state); assertTrue(i0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(1, i0.getResetCounter()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testResetIfExceptionInCorrelatedTaskCompleted() { log.info("Starting testResetIfExceptionInCorrelatedTaskCompleted"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, true, false, false); for (int ii = 1; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; i0.brokenCallbackName = "correlatedTaskCompleted"; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertEquals(0, i0.getResetCounter()); // let i1 start a correlated task so that i0 will be notified via correlatedTaskCompleted() i1.startTask(); int ii = 0; for (; ii < 5; ii++) { if (boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 should have never incremented the completion count because it will be reset upon i1's task completion notification assertEquals(5, ii); // i0's switch should fail and state should have been reinitialized to false with consensus assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertFalse(i0.state); assertTrue(i0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(1, i0.getResetCounter()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testResetIfExceptionInUncorrelatedTaskCompleted() { log.info("Starting testResetIfExceptionInUncorrelatedTaskCompleted"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, true, false, false); for (int ii = 1; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; i0.brokenCallbackName = "uncorrelatedTaskCompleted"; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertEquals(0, i0.getResetCounter()); // let i1 start a correlated task so that i0 will be notified via uncorrelatedTaskCompleted() i1.correlatedTask = false; i1.startTask(); int ii = 0; for (; ii < 5; ii++) { if (boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 should have never incremented the completion count because it will be reset upon i1's task completion notification assertEquals(5, ii); // i0's switch should fail and state should have been reinitialized to false with consensus assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertFalse(i0.state); assertTrue(i0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(1, i0.getResetCounter()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testResetIfExceptionInLockRequestCompleted() { log.info("Starting testResetIfExceptionInLockRequestCompleted"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, true, false, false); for (int ii = 1; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; i0.brokenCallbackName = "lockRequestCompleted"; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertEquals(0, i0.getResetCounter()); // let i1 grab the lock first, so that i0 will be notified with lock via lockRequestCompleted() i1.startTask(); i0.switchState(); int ii = 0; for (; ii < 5; ii++) { if (i0.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 2)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 should have never incremented the completion count because it will never get the lock (broken callback) assertEquals(5, ii); // i0's switch should fail and state should have been reinitialized to false with consensus assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertFalse(i0.state); assertTrue(i0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(1, i0.getResetCounter()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testResetIfExceptionInMembershipChanged() { log.info("Starting testResetIfExceptionInMembershipChanged"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, true, false, false); for (int ii = 1; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; assertEquals(0, i0.getResetCounter()); i0.brokenCallbackName = "membershipChanged"; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { // introduce some interval between member nodes being created in ZK // so there will be several membership change notifications, hence several resets for i0 Thread.sleep(500); registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 will be reset whenever it is notified of membership changes (broken callback). // After all other members have been initialized, i0 can be initialized to false with consensus // properly (as there is no further membership change) assertFalse(i0.state); assertTrue(i0.notifiedOfReset); assertTrue(i0.getResetCounter() > 0); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testResetIfExceptionInStateChangeProposed() { log.info("Starting testResetIfExceptionInStateChangeProposed"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, true, false, false); for (int ii = 1; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; i0.brokenCallbackName = "stateChangeProposed"; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertEquals(0, i0.getResetCounter()); i1.switchState(); int ii = 0; for (; ii < 5; ii++) { if (i1.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 should have never stepped into proposedStateResolved because of the reset, so the actual // completion count is 0, hence the timeout assertEquals(5, ii); // i1's switch should succeed because the old i0 is removed from members and the new i0 responded with NULL result, // state should have been reset and reinitialized to true with consensus assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertTrue(i0.state); assertTrue(i0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(1, i0.getResetCounter()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testResetIfExceptionInStaleTaskRequestNotification() { log.info("Starting testResetIfExceptionInStaleTaskRequestNotification"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, true, false, false); addStateMachinesFor(1); try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; i0.brokenCallbackName = "staleTaskRequestNotification"; assertEquals(0, i0.getResetCounter()); registerGroup1BoolFor(1); i1.startTask(); // the task will be seen as a stale task when i0 is initializing registerGroup1BoolFor(0); while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); int ii = 0; for (; ii < 5; ii++) { // stale task request will never be processed because of the broken callback if (i0.staleTaskRequestProcessed) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 will always fail to initialize because of the stale task left by i1, hence the timeout assertEquals(5, ii); // state will remain false and the default reset limit 5 will be reached assertFalse(i0.state); assertTrue(i0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(6, i0.getResetCounter()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } @Test public void testResetIfExceptionInProposedStateResolved() { log.info("Starting testResetIfExceptionInProposedStateResolved"); for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { removeStateMachinesFor(ii); } addStateMachinesFor(0, true, false, false); for (int ii = 1; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { addStateMachinesFor(ii); } try { BrokenBooleanStateMachine i0 = (BrokenBooleanStateMachine) m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[0]; BooleanStateMachine i1 = m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1[1]; i0.brokenCallbackName = "proposedStateResolved"; for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_AGREEMENT_SITES; ii++) { registerGroup1BoolFor(ii); } while (!boolsInitialized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)) { Thread.sleep(500); } assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertEquals(0, i0.getResetCounter()); // any instance can propose the change, here we use i1 i1.switchState(); int ii = 0; for (; ii < 5; ii++) { if (i1.ourProposalOrTaskFinished && boolProposalOrTaskFinished(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1, 1)) { break; } Thread.sleep(500); } // i0 should have never incremented the completion count because proposedStateResolved() // is broken, hence the timeout assertEquals(5, ii); // switch should succeed and state should have been reinitialized to true with consensus assertTrue(boolsSynchronized(m_booleanStateMachinesForGroup1)); assertTrue(i0.state); assertTrue(i0.notifiedOfReset); assertEquals(1, i0.getResetCounter()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { fail("Exception occurred during test."); } } }