/* This file is part of VoltDB. * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 VoltDB Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.voltdb; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.eclipse.jetty.continuation.Continuation; import org.eclipse.jetty.continuation.ContinuationListener; import org.eclipse.jetty.continuation.ContinuationSupport; import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeader; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.B64Code; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSContext; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSManager; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSName; import org.ietf.jgss.Oid; import org.voltcore.logging.Level; import org.voltcore.logging.VoltLogger; import org.voltcore.utils.EstTime; import org.voltcore.utils.RateLimitedLogger; import org.voltdb.AuthSystem.AuthUser; import org.voltdb.VoltDB.Configuration; import org.voltdb.client.ClientAuthScheme; import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse; import org.voltdb.client.ProcedureCallback; import org.voltdb.security.AuthenticationRequest; import org.voltdb.utils.Base64; import org.voltdb.utils.Encoder; import com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Supplier; import com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Suppliers; import com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Throwables; public class HTTPClientInterface { public static final String QUERY_TIMEOUT_PARAM = "Querytimeout"; public static final String JSONP = "jsonp"; public static final Pattern JSONP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z0-9_$]*$"); private static final VoltLogger m_log = new VoltLogger("HOST"); private static final RateLimitedLogger m_rate_limited_log = new RateLimitedLogger(10 * 1000, m_log, Level.WARN); static final int CACHE_TARGET_SIZE = 10; public static final String PARAM_USERNAME = "User"; public static final String PARAM_PASSWORD = "Password"; public static final String PARAM_HASHEDPASSWORD = "Hashedpassword"; public static final String PARAM_ADMIN = "admin"; int m_timeout = 0; final boolean m_spnegoEnabled; final String m_servicePrincipal; final String m_timeoutResponse; private final Supplier<InternalConnectionHandler> m_invocationHandler = Suppliers.memoize(new Supplier<InternalConnectionHandler>() { @Override public InternalConnectionHandler get() { ClientInterface ci = VoltDB.instance().getClientInterface(); if (ci == null || !ci.isAcceptingConnections()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Client interface is not ready to be used or has been closed."); } return ci.getInternalConnectionHandler(); } }); public final static int MAX_QUERY_PARAM_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2MB public final static int MAX_FORM_KEYS = 512; public void setTimeout(int seconds) { m_timeout = seconds * 1000; } class JSONProcCallback implements ProcedureCallback, ContinuationListener { final AtomicBoolean m_complete = new AtomicBoolean(false); final Continuation m_continuation; final String m_jsonp; public JSONProcCallback(Continuation continuation, String jsonp) { assert continuation != null : "given continuation is null"; m_continuation = continuation; m_continuation.addContinuationListener(this); m_jsonp = jsonp; } @Override public void clientCallback(ClientResponse clientResponse) throws Exception { if (!m_complete.compareAndSet(false, true)) { if (clientResponse.getStatus() != ClientResponse.RESPONSE_UNKNOWN) { m_rate_limited_log.log( EstTime.currentTimeMillis(), Level.WARN, null, "Procedure response arrived for a request that was timed out by jetty" ); } return; } ClientResponseImpl rimpl = (ClientResponseImpl) clientResponse; String msg = rimpl.toJSONString(); // handle jsonp pattern // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON#The_Basic_Idea:_Retrieving_JSON_via_Script_Tags msg = asJsonp(m_jsonp, msg); m_continuation.setAttribute("result", msg); try { m_continuation.resume(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Thrown when we shut down the server via the JSON/HTTP (web studio) API // Essentially we're closing everything down from underneath the HTTP request. m_log.warn("JSON request cannot be completed. The server is shutting down. " + e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void onComplete(Continuation continuation) { if(!m_complete.get()) { m_complete.compareAndSet(false, true); } } @Override public void onTimeout(Continuation continuation) { if (m_complete.compareAndSet(false, true)) { m_continuation.setAttribute("result", m_timeoutResponse); m_continuation.resume(); } } } public HTTPClientInterface() { final ClientResponseImpl r = new ClientResponseImpl(ClientResponse.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, new VoltTable[0], "Request Timeout"); m_timeoutResponse = r.toJSONString(); m_servicePrincipal = getAuthSystem().getServicePrincipal(); m_spnegoEnabled = m_servicePrincipal != null && !m_servicePrincipal.isEmpty(); } public void stop() { } public final static String asJsonp(String jsonp, String msg) { if (jsonp == null) return msg; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(jsonp.length() + msg.length() + 8); return sb.append(jsonp).append("( ").append(msg).append(" )").toString(); } private final static void simpleJsonResponse(String jsonp, String message, HttpServletResponse rsp, int code) { ClientResponseImpl rimpl = new ClientResponseImpl( ClientResponse.UNEXPECTED_FAILURE, new VoltTable[0], message); String msg = rimpl.toJSONString(); msg = asJsonp(jsonp, msg); rsp.setStatus(code); try { rsp.getWriter().print(msg); rsp.getWriter().flush(); } catch (IOException ignoreThisAsBrowserMustHaveClosed) { } } private final static void badRequest(String jsonp, String message, HttpServletResponse rsp) { simpleJsonResponse(jsonp, message, rsp, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); } private final static void unauthorized(String jsonp, String message, HttpServletResponse rsp) { simpleJsonResponse(jsonp, message, rsp, HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); } private final static void ok(String jsonp, String message, HttpServletResponse rsp) { simpleJsonResponse(jsonp, message, rsp, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } public static boolean validateJSONP(String jsonp, Request request, HttpServletResponse response) { if (jsonp != null && !JSONP_PATTERN.matcher(jsonp).matches()) { badRequest(null, "Invalid jsonp callback function name", response); request.setHandled(true); return false; } return true; } public void process(Request request, HttpServletResponse response) { AuthenticationResult authResult = null; boolean suspended = false; String jsonp = request.getHeader(JSONP); if (!validateJSONP(jsonp, request, response)) { return; } String authHeader = request.getHeader(HttpHeader.AUTHORIZATION.asString()); if (m_spnegoEnabled && (authHeader == null || !authHeader.startsWith(HttpHeader.NEGOTIATE.asString()))) { m_log.debug("SpengoAuthenticator: sending challenge"); response.setHeader(HttpHeader.WWW_AUTHENTICATE.asString(), HttpHeader.NEGOTIATE.asString()); unauthorized(jsonp, "must initiate SPNEGO negotiation", response); request.setHandled(true); return; } final Continuation continuation = ContinuationSupport.getContinuation(request); String result = (String)continuation.getAttribute("result"); if (result != null) { try { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.getWriter().print(result); request.setHandled(true); } catch (IllegalStateException | IOException e){ // Thrown when we shut down the server via the JSON/HTTP (web studio) API // Essentially we're closing everything down from underneath the HTTP request. m_log.warn("JSON failed to send response: ", e); } return; } //Check if this is resumed request. if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(continuation.getAttribute("SQLSUBMITTED"))) { try { continuation.suspend(response); } catch (IllegalStateException e){ // Thrown when we shut down the server via the JSON/HTTP (web studio) API // Essentially we're closing everything down from underneath the HTTP request. m_log.warn("JSON request completion exception in process: ", e); } return; } if (m_timeout > 0 && continuation.isInitial()) { continuation.setTimeout(m_timeout); } try { if (request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) { int queryParamSize = request.getContentLength(); if (queryParamSize > MAX_QUERY_PARAM_SIZE) { ok(jsonp, "Query string too large: " + String.valueOf(request.getContentLength()), response); request.setHandled(true); return; } if (queryParamSize == 0) { ok(jsonp, "Received POST with no parameters in the body.", response); request.setHandled(true); return; } } if (jsonp == null) { jsonp = request.getParameter(JSONP); if (!validateJSONP(jsonp, request, response)) { return; } } String procName = request.getParameter("Procedure"); String params = request.getParameter("Parameters"); String timeoutStr = request.getParameter(QUERY_TIMEOUT_PARAM); // null procs are bad news if (procName == null) { badRequest(jsonp, "Procedure parameter is missing", response); request.setHandled(true); return; } int queryTimeout = -1; if (timeoutStr != null) { try { queryTimeout = Integer.parseInt(timeoutStr); if (queryTimeout <= 0) { throw new NumberFormatException("negative query timeout"); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { badRequest(jsonp, "invalid query timeout: " + timeoutStr, response); request.setHandled(true); return; } } authResult = authenticate(request); if (!authResult.isAuthenticated()) { unauthorized(jsonp, authResult.m_message, response); request.setHandled(true); return; } continuation.suspend(response); suspended = true; JSONProcCallback cb = new JSONProcCallback(continuation, jsonp); boolean success; if (params != null) { ParameterSet paramSet = null; try { paramSet = ParameterSet.fromJSONString(params); } // if decoding params has a fail, then fail catch (Exception e) { badRequest(jsonp, "failed to parse invocation parameters", response); request.setHandled(true); continuation.complete(); return; } // if the paramset has content, but decodes to null, fail if (paramSet == null) { badRequest(jsonp, "failed to decode invocation parameters", response); request.setHandled(true); continuation.complete(); return; } success = callProcedure(authResult, queryTimeout, cb, procName, paramSet.toArray()); } else { success = callProcedure(authResult, queryTimeout, cb, procName); } if (!success) { ok(jsonp, "Server is not accepting work at this time.", response); request.setHandled(true); continuation.complete(); return; } if (jsonp != null) { request.setAttribute("jsonp", jsonp); } continuation.setAttribute("SQLSUBMITTED", Boolean.TRUE); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e); m_rate_limited_log.log(EstTime.currentTimeMillis(), Level.WARN, e, "JSON interface exception"); ok(jsonp, msg, response); if (suspended) { continuation.complete(); } request.setHandled(true); } } public boolean callProcedure(final AuthenticationResult ar, int timeout, ProcedureCallback cb, String procName, Object...args) { return m_invocationHandler.get().callProcedure(ar.m_authUser, ar.m_adminMode, timeout, cb, procName, args); } public boolean callProcedure(final AuthUser user, boolean adminMode, int timeout, ProcedureCallback cb, String procName, Object...args) { return m_invocationHandler.get().callProcedure(user, adminMode, timeout, cb, procName, args); } Configuration getVoltDBConfig() { return VoltDB.instance().getConfig(); } private AuthenticationResult getAuthenticationResult(Request request) { boolean adminMode = false; String username = null; String hashedPassword = null; String password = null; String token = null; //Check authorization header String auth = request.getHeader(HttpHeader.AUTHORIZATION.asString()); boolean validAuthHeader = false; if (auth != null) { String schemeAndHandle[] = auth.split(" "); if (auth.startsWith(HttpHeader.NEGOTIATE.asString())) { token = (auth.length() >= 10 ? auth.substring(10) : ""); validAuthHeader = true; } else if (schemeAndHandle.length == 2) { if (schemeAndHandle[0].equalsIgnoreCase("hashed")) { String up[] = schemeAndHandle[1].split(":"); if (up.length == 2) { username = up[0]; hashedPassword = up[1]; validAuthHeader = true; } } else if (schemeAndHandle[0].equalsIgnoreCase("basic")) { String unpw = new String(Base64.decode(schemeAndHandle[1])); String up[] = unpw.split(":"); if (up.length == 2) { username = up[0]; password = up[1]; validAuthHeader = true; } } } } if (!validAuthHeader) { username = request.getParameter(PARAM_USERNAME); hashedPassword = request.getParameter(PARAM_HASHEDPASSWORD); password = request.getParameter(PARAM_PASSWORD); } String admin = request.getParameter(PARAM_ADMIN); adminMode = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(admin); // The SHA-1 hash of the password byte[] hashedPasswordBytes = null; if (password != null) { try { // Create a MessageDigest every time because MessageDigest is not thread safe (ENG-5438) MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(ClientAuthScheme.getDigestScheme(ClientAuthScheme.HASH_SHA256)); hashedPasswordBytes = md.digest(password.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } catch (Exception e) { return new AuthenticationResult(false, null, adminMode, username, "JVM doesn't support SHA-256 hashing. Please use a supported JVM" + e); } } // note that HTTP Var "Hashedpassword" has a higher priority // Hashedassword must be a 40-byte hex-encoded SHA-1 hash (20 bytes unencoded) // OR // Hashedassword must be a 64-byte hex-encoded SHA-256 hash (32 bytes unencoded) if (hashedPassword != null) { if (hashedPassword.length() != 40 && hashedPassword.length() != 64) { return new AuthenticationResult(false, null, adminMode, username, "Hashedpassword must be a 40-byte hex-encoded SHA-1 hash (20 bytes unencoded). " + "or 64-byte hex-encoded SHA-256 hash (32 bytes unencoded)"); } try { hashedPasswordBytes = Encoder.hexDecode(hashedPassword); } catch (Exception e) { return new AuthenticationResult(false, null, adminMode, username, "Hashedpassword must be a 40-byte hex-encoded SHA-1 hash (20 bytes unencoded). " + "or 64-byte hex-encoded SHA-256 hash (32 bytes unencoded)"); } } assert((hashedPasswordBytes == null) || (hashedPasswordBytes.length == 20) || (hashedPasswordBytes.length == 32)); String fromAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); if (fromAddress == null) fromAddress = "NULL"; if (m_spnegoEnabled) { final String principal = spnegoLogin(token); AuthenticationRequest authReq = getAuthSystem().new SpnegoPassthroughRequest(principal); if (!authReq.authenticate(ClientAuthScheme.SPNEGO, fromAddress)) { return new AuthenticationResult( false, null, adminMode, principal, "User " + principal + " from " + fromAddress + " failed to authenticate" ); } return new AuthenticationResult(true, ClientAuthScheme.SPNEGO, adminMode, principal, ""); } else { AuthenticationRequest authReq = getAuthSystem().new HashAuthenticationRequest(username, hashedPasswordBytes); ClientAuthScheme scheme = hashedPasswordBytes != null ? ClientAuthScheme.getByUnencodedLength(hashedPasswordBytes.length) : ClientAuthScheme.HASH_SHA256; if (!authReq.authenticate(scheme, fromAddress)) { return new AuthenticationResult( false, null, adminMode, username, "User " + username + " from " + fromAddress + " failed to authenticate" ); } return new AuthenticationResult(true, scheme, adminMode, username, ""); } } private String spnegoLogin(String encodedToken) { byte[] token = B64Code.decode(encodedToken); try { if (encodedToken == null || encodedToken.isEmpty()) { return null; } final Oid spnegoOid = new Oid(""); GSSManager manager = GSSManager.getInstance(); GSSName name = manager.createName(m_servicePrincipal, null); GSSContext ctx = manager.createContext( name.canonicalize(spnegoOid), spnegoOid, null, GSSContext.INDEFINITE_LIFETIME ); if (ctx == null) { m_rate_limited_log.log( EstTime.currentTimeMillis(), Level.ERROR, null, "Failed to establish security context for SPNEGO authentication" ); return null; } while (!ctx.isEstablished()) { token = ctx.acceptSecContext(token, 0, token.length); } if (ctx.isEstablished()) { if (ctx.getSrcName() == null) { m_rate_limited_log.log( EstTime.currentTimeMillis(), Level.ERROR, null, "Failed to read source name from established SPNEGO security context" ); return null; } String user = ctx.getSrcName().toString(); if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug("established SPNEGO security context for " + user); } return user; } return null; } catch (GSSException e) { m_rate_limited_log.log(EstTime.currentTimeMillis(), Level.ERROR, e, "failed SPNEGO authentication"); return null; } } AuthSystem getAuthSystem() { return VoltDB.instance().getCatalogContext().authSystem; } //Remember to call releaseClient if you authenticate which will close admin clients and refcount-- others. public AuthenticationResult authenticate(Request request) { AuthenticationResult authResult = getAuthenticationResult(request); if (!authResult.isAuthenticated()) { m_rate_limited_log.log("JSON interface exception: " + authResult.m_message, EstTime.currentTimeMillis()); } return authResult; } public void notifyOfCatalogUpdate() { // NOOP } }