package com.transmem.doc; import; import java.sql.SQLException; /** * Base class for all document file handlers. * * @author Ted Wen * @date May, 2007 */ public abstract class FileParser implements IFileParser { public abstract void parse(String filename, ITextSaver saver) throws IOException,SQLException; /** * Check whether the character in sentence at pos is a stop mark. * Only English full stop and Chinese stop are checked here. * @param sentence - the sentence text * @param c - character at position pos * @param pos - index of c in sentence * @return true if this is a stop of a sentence */ protected boolean isFullStop(String sentence, char c, int pos) { if (c == '.') { int pn = pos-1; while (pn > 0 && sentence.charAt(pn)!=' ') pn--; String s = sentence.substring(pn, pos); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(" Mr") || s.equalsIgnoreCase(" Mrs") || s.equalsIgnoreCase(" Dr") || s.equalsIgnoreCase(" Ms")) return false; int nn = pos+1; while (nn < sentence.length() && Character.isWhitespace(sentence.charAt(nn))) nn++; if (!Character.isLowerCase(sentence.charAt(nn))) return true; return false; } else if (c=='��' || c=='��') { return true; } return false; } protected boolean isFullStop(StringBuffer sb, char[] buf, int i) { return false; } }