package; import com.transmem.nlp.*; import*; import; //import com.transmem.nlp.LanguageException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; /** * Corpus * * The Corpus class can be instantiated for each session to query the sentence * database for similar sentences and phrases. * The query method accepts a sentence of source language and queries a list of * similar sentences for it and presents the translations. * The corpus is determined by the constructor according to the language argument. * * @author Ted Wen * @update April, 2007 * */ public class Corpus { private static final Logger log_ = Logger.getLogger(Corpus.class.getName()); private String source_; private String target_; private boolean swap_; //if source is ZH, target is EN, tablename is ENZH, then swap is true private String corpusName_; private String indexName_; private ISegmenter segmenter_; private IStemmer stemmer_; private Databases dbs_; private int maxSids_ = 500; //maximum number of example sentences allowed private ArrayList<Long> sids_; private int pageLen_ = 10; //number of sentences per page to return /** * Construct a Corpus instance with a source and target language code. * @param dbs - Databases object * @param langpair - 4-letter language pair like ENZH */ public Corpus(Databases dbs, String langpair) { assert(dbs != null); this.dbs_ = dbs; this.source_ = langpair.substring(0,2); this.target_ = langpair.substring(2); try { this.corpusName_ = queryTablename(langpair); if (this.corpusName_.indexOf(langpair)<0) { this.swap_ = true; this.indexName_ = "T_"+langpair+"x"; } else this.indexName_ = this.corpusName_ + "x"; this.segmenter_ = LanguageManager.createSegmenter(source_); this.stemmer_ = LanguageManager.createStemmer(source_); } catch (LanguageException le) { log_.severe("LanguageManager.createXXX("+source_+") failed: "+le.getMessage()); } } /** * Construct a Corpus instance with a source and target language code. * @param dbs - Databases object * @param source - 2-letter language code like EN, ZH * @param target - 2-letter language code like EN, ZH */ public Corpus(Databases dbs, String source, String target) { assert(dbs != null); this.dbs_ = dbs; this.source_ = source; this.target_ = target; try { this.corpusName_ = queryTablename(source,target); if (this.corpusName_.indexOf(source)>2) { this.swap_ = true; this.indexName_ = "T_"+target+source+"x"; } else this.indexName_ = this.corpusName_ + "x"; this.segmenter_ = LanguageManager.createSegmenter(source); this.stemmer_ = LanguageManager.createStemmer(source); } catch (LanguageException le) { log_.severe("LanguageManager.createXXX("+source+") failed: "+le.getMessage()); } } public int getMaximumSids() { return this.maxSids_; } public void setMaximumSids(int maxsids) { this.maxSids_ = maxsids; } public int getPageLen() { return this.pageLen_; } public void setPageLen(int len) { this.pageLen_ = len; } public String getTableName() { return this.corpusName_; } public String getIndexName() { return this.indexName_; } /** * Query tablename from languages table for given langpair 4 letters. * @param langpair - like ENZH * @return String of table name for the language pair */ protected String queryTablename(String langpair) throws LanguageException { if (this.dbs_ == null) throw new LanguageException("Connection not given"); Connection con = null; try { con = this.dbs_.getConnection(Databases.CATEGORY_CORPUS); Languages lang = new Languages(con); return lang.queryTableName(langpair); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new LanguageException("SQLException occurred while query T_Languages("+langpair+")"); } finally { if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { } } } } /** * Query tablename from languages table for given source and target 2-letter language codes. * @param scode - source language code, 2-letter code for F_SourceCode * @param tcode - 2-letter language code for F_TargetCode * @return String of table name for the language pair */ protected String queryTablename(String scode, String tcode) throws LanguageException { if (this.dbs_ == null) throw new LanguageException("Connection not given"); Connection con = null; try { con = this.dbs_.getConnection(Databases.CATEGORY_CORPUS); Languages lang = new Languages(con); return lang.queryTableNameBySourceTarget(scode, tcode); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new LanguageException("SQLException occurred while query T_Languages("+scode+","+tcode+")"); } finally { if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { } } } } /** * Query example source and target language sentences from the corpus for a given sentence in source language. * The method returns the number of sentences found in the corpus. * About domain: If the specified domain is 00, then every domain is searched, otherwise, only a specified domain. * About permit: If unspecified, only Public sentences are searched, if Group is required, then * the G sentences with owner is in the group are visited first, then union with Public ones; if Owner is required, then * the O sentences with owner is the user are visited first, then public ones. * * @param userid - user's ID * @param group - user's group ID * @param s - sentence in source language * @param domain - industrial domain tag like 'IT', '00' means all domains * @param permit - permit tag like 'P','G','O' * @return number of pages */ public int query(int userid, int group, String s, String domain, String permit) throws LanguageException { if (this.segmenter_ == null || this.stemmer_ == null) { throw new LanguageException("Segmenter and/or Stemmer not created, possibly language pair not supported"); } //1. segment the sentence into words String[] words = segmenter_.segment(s); //2. if stemmer applies, then find the stems for these tokens String[] stems = new String[words.length]; boolean b = stemmer_.applies(); for (int i=0; i<words.length; i++) { stems[i] = b ? stemmer_.stem(words[i]) : words[i]; } //3. prepare SQL query to get SID //select sid,count(sid) as c from t_enzh where f_word in ('','') group by sid order by c desc String sql = makeQueryStatement(userid, group, indexName_, corpusName_, stems, domain, permit); //4. query on connection"Corpus.query, SQL:"+sql); this.sids_ = new ArrayList<Long>(); Connection con = null; try { con = this.dbs_.getConnection(Databases.CATEGORY_CORPUS); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); int n = 0; //TODO: compute distance to s and rank these sentences accordingly while ( { long sid = rs.getLong(1); this.sids_.add(new Long(sid)); //"SID="+sid+",count="+rs.getInt(2)); if (n++ > this.maxSids_) break; } rs.close(); stmt.close();" SIDs found for this query"); //int pages = n / this.pageLen_; //if (n % this.pageLen_ > 0) pages ++; return n / this.pageLen_; } catch (SQLException se) { throw new LanguageException("SQLException occurred: "+se.getMessage()); } finally { if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { } } } } /** * Make a SQL query statement for this query. It considers both domain and permit. * * @param indexName - table name of the index * @param userid - user's ID * @param group - group ID the user is in * @param indexName - name of index table * @param domain - industrial domain to limit * @param permit - permitted sentences to query * @return SQL string */ protected String makeQueryStatement(int userid, int group, String indexName, String tableName, String[] stems, String domain, String permit) { //select distinct x.f_sid,count(x.f_sid) as c from t_enzhx x,t_enzh a //where x.f_sid=a.f_sid and a.f_permit='P' and a.f_domain='00' and //a.f_owner=1 and f_word in ('javascript','not','java') //group by x.f_sid order by c desc; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("SELECT DISTINCT x.F_SID,COUNT(x.F_SID) AS c FROM "); sb.append(indexName); sb.append(" x,"); sb.append(tableName); sb.append(" a WHERE x.F_SID=a.F_SID"); //check domain, if not 00, apply if (domain != null && !domain.equals("00")) { sb.append(" AND a.F_Domain='"); sb.append(domain); sb.append('\''); } //check permit for 'O', 'G' + 'P' if (permit == null || permit.equals("P")) sb.append(" AND a.F_Permit=0"); else if (permit.equals("O")) { //sb.append(" AND (a.F_Permit='P' OR a.F_Permit='O' AND a.F_Owner="); sb.append(" AND (a.F_Permit=0 OR a.F_Permit=-1 AND a.F_Owner="); sb.append(userid); sb.append(')'); } else //if (permit.equals("G")) { //sb.append(" AND (a.F_Permit='P' OR a.F_Permit='G' AND a.F_Owner IN (SELECT F_UserID FROM T_Users WHERE F_Group="); sb.append(" AND (a.F_Permit=0 OR a.F_Permit="); sb.append(group); sb.append("))"); } sb.append(" AND F_Word IN ("); boolean first = true; for (String w : stems) { if (!first) { sb.append(','); } else { first = false; } sb.append('\''); sb.append(w); sb.append('\''); } sb.append(") GROUP BY x.F_SID ORDER BY c DESC"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Query and return a page of example sentences from queried results. * The query method must have been called before calling this method. * @param which - index of page starting from 0,1,...n * @return array list of Example objects containing source and target sentences */ public ArrayList<Example> getPage(int which) throws LanguageException { ArrayList<Example> exs = new ArrayList<Example>(); if (this.sids_.size() > which) { int n = (which + 1) * this.pageLen_; if (n > this.sids_.size()) n = this.sids_.size(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) exs.add(null); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("SELECT F_SID,"); if (this.swap_) sb.append("F_Target,F_Source FROM"); else sb.append("F_Source,F_Target FROM "); sb.append(this.corpusName_); sb.append(" WHERE F_SID IN ("); int x = which * this.pageLen_; for (int i=x; i<n; i++) { if (i > x) sb.append(','); sb.append(this.sids_.get(i).longValue()); } sb.append(")"); Connection con = null; try {"Corpus.getPage "+which+", SQL="+sb.toString()); con = this.dbs_.getConnection(Databases.CATEGORY_CORPUS); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sb.toString()); while ( { Example e = new Example(rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3)); long sid = rs.getLong(1); //"sid="+sid); int pos = this.sids_.indexOf(new Long(sid)); //"pos="+pos); exs.set(pos, e); //"exs.set("+pos+",e)"); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new LanguageException("SQLException occurred: "+se.getMessage()); } finally { if (con != null) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { } } } } return exs; } /** * Query sentences for a page of SIDs and format them into HTML list. * @param which - page index * @return string of html-tagged examples */ public String getPageAsHtml(int which) throws LanguageException { ArrayList<Example> exs = getPage(which); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int x = which * this.pageLen_ + 1; //prepend the page number as a string sb.append(x); sb.append('/'); sb.append(this.sids_.size()); sb.append('*'); // sb.append("<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"); for (Example e : exs) { if (e != null) { sb.append("<tr><td>"); sb.append(x); sb.append(".</td><td><font color=#C66A00>"); sb.append(e.getSource()); sb.append("</font></td></tr><tr><td valign=\"bottom\"><img src=\"images/b11.gif\" id=\"x"); sb.append(x); sb.append("\"/></td><td id=\"ehx"); sb.append(x); sb.append("\"><font color=#003399>"); sb.append(e.getTarget()); sb.append("</font></td></tr>"); x ++; } } sb.append("</table>"); return sb.toString(); } }