package com.transmem.action; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Blob; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import com.transmem.doc.ITextSaver; import com.transmem.doc.IFileParser; import com.transmem.doc.FileParserFactory; /** * Action class for uploading an article. * * @version 0.1 * @author Ted Wen * @date Jan. 2007 */ public class AddArticleAction extends BaseAction { private Logger log_ = Logger.getLogger(AddArticleAction.class.getName()); public AddArticleAction() { super(); } public void execute(ServletParams param) throws ServletException, IOException { log_.entering("AddArticleAction","execute"); Session session = param.getSession(); String filename = param.getFilePathName("articleFile"); //filename cannot get from param.getParameter //"articleFile is "+filename); String fileFormat = getFileFormat(filename); if (fileFormat==null || fileFormat.equals("")) { log_.severe("fileFormat is ''"); param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT); return; } Users usr = session.getUser(); if (usr == null) { param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_NOT_LOGIN); return; } Projects project = session.getSelectedProject(); if (project == null) { log_.severe("session.getAttribute('projectid') returned null"); param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_NO_PROJECT); return; } int projectid = project.getProjectID(); Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(param,Databases.CATEGORY_USER,true); if (conn == null) { log_.severe("getConnection(USER,true) return null"); } conn.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (SQLException x) { log_.severe("SQLException when getConnection(USER)"+x.toString()); param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_DB_CONNECT); return; } try { Roles roles = new Roles(conn, usr.getRole()); int numarts = project.getArticles(); if (numarts >= roles.getLevel()) { param.sendError("Too many articles for this project"); return; }"Preparing to save article"); //TODO: It may be better to separate add article item and upload article int articleid = (int)getSequenceLong(conn, "S_Articles"); //"getSequenceLong(S_Articles) return "+articleid); String title = param.getParameter("title"); String langPair = param.getParameter("langPair");"title and langPair are "+title+","+langPair); Articles article = new Articles(conn); article.setArticleID(articleid); article.setProject(projectid); article.setTitle(title); article.setLangPair(langPair); article.setTranslator(usr.getUserID()); article.setFileFormat(fileFormat); //save the whole file as a Blob object in Articles table //TODO: or store the filename into the table, it will be used for output generation //saveArticleBlob(uploadedFilename, article); article.insert();"article inserted, now parse and save sentences"); //parse uploaded text and save paras and sentens in tables parseAndSaveArticle(filename, articleid, conn); //update article's number of sentences article.updateSentences(article.getArticleID()); //update number of articles in project project.clearUpdates(); project.setArticles(++numarts); project.update(conn); //commit updates conn.commit(); //reload articles for the project ArrayList<Articles> articles = article.queryByProject(projectid); //and replace session attribute 'articles' session.setArticleList(articles); if (numarts >= roles.getLevel()) { session.setEnoughArticles(); } else { session.removeEnoughArticles(); } setNextPage(PageLinks.ARTICLE_PAGE);"inserted and reload "+articles.size()+" articles"); } catch (SQLException x) { //any error occurs, rollback all operations, let user retry submission try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { log_.severe("rollback failed in AddArticleAction.execute"); } log_.severe("AddArticleAction.execute(): SQLException when insert article:"+x); param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_INSERT_ARTICLE); } finally { if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) {} } } /** * Parse the text in the uploaded file and save the result into paragraphs and sentences tables. * @param filename - file path and name of the uploaded file */ protected void parseAndSaveArticle(String filename, int articleid, Connection conn) throws IOException, SQLException { IFileParser parser = FileParserFactory.createFileParser(filename); //"FileParserFactory.createFileParser("+filename+") return "+parser); ITextSaver saver = new ArticleSaver(conn, articleid); //"Saver ready, will parse the text"); parser.parse(filename, saver);"Parse success"); } /** * Save the uploaded file into the Articles database table as a BLOB field. * @param filename - file path and name of the uploaded file * @param article - Articles object to store the blob */ protected void saveArticleBlob(String filename, Articles article) throws IOException,SQLException { /* Blob blob = new Blob(); OutputStream os = null; FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(filename); os = blob.setBinaryStream(1); byte[] buf = new byte[512]; while (true) { int n =; if (n <= 0) break; os.write(buf, 0, n); } article.setFile(blob); } catch (SQLException se) { log_.warning("SQLException while setBinaryStream and write to it."); throw new SQLException(se.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { log_.warning("File "+filename+" cannot be opened"); throw new IOException(ioe.getMessage()); } finally { if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } if (os != null) { try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } */ } protected String getFileFormat(String filename) { String fileformat = ""; if (filename.length() < 4) { return ""; } fileformat = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('.')+1).toUpperCase(); if (fileformat.equalsIgnoreCase("html")) { fileformat = "HTM"; } else if (fileformat.length() != 3) { return ""; } return fileformat; } }