package com.transmem.action; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Action class for updating the translation of a sentence after editing. * This action is invoked by Ajax engine, so it should return differently. * * @version 0.1 * @author Ted Wen * @date Jan. 2007 */ public class UpdateTranslation extends BaseAction { private Logger log_ = Logger.getLogger(UpdateTranslation.class.getName()); public UpdateTranslation() { super(); } /** * Accept user's translation for the current sentence. * * <p class="doc"> * <ul> * <li>Request parameters * <ul> * <li><b>index</b> - which sentence of the paragraph, starting from 0.</li> * <li><b>trans</b> - string of the translation.</li> * </ul> * </li> * <li>Session attributes * <ul> * <li><b>user</b> - Users object created after login or register.</li> * <li><b>sentences</b> - ArrayList<Sentences>, created and saved by TranslateAction.</li> * </ul> * </li> * <li>Response page * <ul> * <li> - not used as a whole web page but for Ajax response</li> * </ul> * </li> * </ul> * </p> * * @param param - HttpServletRequest object * @param response - HttpServletResponse object */ public void execute(ServletParams param) throws ServletException, IOException { log_.entering("UpdateTranslate","execute"); Session session = param.getSession(); Users usr = session.getUser(); if (usr == null) { param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_NOT_LOGIN); return; } ArrayList<Sentences> sentences = session.getSentenceList(); if (sentences == null) { param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_NULL_ATTRIBUTE); return; } int index = 0; try { index = Integer.parseInt(param.getParameter("index")); if (index < 0 || index >= sentences.size()) { param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_INDEX_OUTOF_BOUNDS); return; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_INDEX_OUTOF_BOUNDS); return; } String trans = param.getParameter("trans"); if (trans == null || trans.equals("")) { param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_NULL_PARAM); return; } Sentences sent = sentences.get(index); sent.setTranslation(trans); Connection conn = null; try { conn = getConnection(param,Databases.CATEGORY_USER,true); try { //"About to update this sentence:"+sent.getSentence()+"("+sent.getTranslation()+")"); sent.update(conn); //"Update sentence finished"); //calculate progress of the article int aid = sent.getArticle(); //"sent.getArticle() returned: "+aid); Sentences snew = new Sentences(conn); int total = snew.countByArticle(aid); //"sent.countByArticle('"+aid+"') returned "+total); if (total > 0) { int done = snew.countTranslationsByArticle(aid); float val = 100.0f * (float)done / (float)total; //"updateArticleProgress("+aid+","+val+")"); snew.updateArticleProgress(aid,val); //update in-session progress updateSession(session, val, conn); } setNextPage(null); //Ajax return will be ignored //setNextPage(PageLinks.CONFIRM_PAGE); } catch (SQLException e) { log_.severe("UpdateTranslation.execute(): SQLException when update sentences"); param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_UPDATE_SENTENCE); } } catch (SQLException x) { log_.severe("UpdateTranslation.execute(): SQLException when getConnection(USER)"); param.sendError(MessageCode.ERR_DB_CONNECT); } finally { if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) {} } } /** * Update the article progress in session as well. * @param session - current HttpSession * @param progress - value to set */ protected void updateSession(Session session, float progress, Connection conn) throws SQLException { Articles article = session.getSelectedArticle(); if (article != null) { article.setProgress(progress); //update project's total progress as well Projects project = session.getSelectedProject(); ArrayList<Articles> articles = session.getArticleList(); float x = 0; for (Articles a : articles) { x += a.getProgress(); } float avg = x / (float)articles.size(); project.setProgress(avg); project.update(conn); } else { log_.severe("article not selected while updateSession()"); } } }